Simpsoneiden jaksolista

Jaksolistan yll�pit�j�:
Jouni Paakkinen

Alkuper�inen "Episode QuickList":
M. Kurth, B. Petersen & J. Paakkinen

T�m� jaksolista on tiivistetty "pikaversio" varsinaisesta suomenkielisest� jakso-oppaasta.

Jaksolista on jaoteltu kausiin USAn esityskausien mukaisesti, mutta jokaisen kauden kohdalla jaksot on j�rjestetty Suomen esitysj�rjestyst� noudattaen. Huomaa, ett� koska esimerkiksi t�ss� listassa 6. kauden kohdalta l�ytyv� jakso 1F17 on esitetty Suomessa 5. kauden jaksojen seassa, lista kokonaisuudessaan ei etene t�ysin kronologisesti.

Jokaisesta jaksosta on mainittu tuotantokoodi, alkuper�inen nimi sek� k��nn�snimi. Varsinaisesta jakso-oppaasta l�ytyy em. tietojen lis�ksi mm. lyhyt juonikuvaus ja esitysp�iv�m��r�(t) Suomessa.

Jaksoja, joiden kohdalla ei ole k��nn�snime�, ei ole esitetty Suomessa. Joidenkin jaksojen k��nn�snimet on kuitenkin listattu jo ennen Suomen ensiesityst�.

  1. kausi (1989-1990) - 13 jaksoa

7G01   Some Enchanted Evening
7G02   Bart the Genius
        Nuori nero  
7G03   Homer's Odyssey
7G04   There's No Disgrace Like Home
7G05   Bart the General
7G06   Moaning Lisa
        Lisan blues
7G07   The Tell-Tale Head
        Sankarin p�� 
7G08   Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire
7G09   Call of the Simpsons
        Kev�tretki/Ruostunut romukasa *
7G10   Homer's Night Out
        Vakoilukamera/Harha-askel *
7G11   Life in the Fast Lane (aka Jacques To Be Wild)
        Sulhanen/T�yskaato *
7G12   Krusty Gets Busted
        Komedian kuningas
7G13   The Crepes of Wrath
        Vaihto-oppilas/T��lt� tullaan, Eurooppa! *

  2. kausi (1990-1991) - 22 jaksoa

7F01   Two Cars in Every Garage, Three Eyes on Every Fish
        Kolmisilm�inen kala
7F02   Simpson and Delilah
7F03   Bart Gets An F
7F04   Treehouse of Horror
7F05   Dancin' Homer
        Tanssiva maskotti
7F06   Bart the Daredevil
        Huimap�� rullalaudalla
7F07   Bart vs. Thanksgiving
        Kadun kasvatti
7F08   Dead Putting Society
7F09   Itchy & Scratchy & Marge
7F10   Bart Gets Hit By A Car
7F11   One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish
        Ennen kuolemaa
7F14   Bart's Dog Gets An F
        Riivatun rakki
7F15   Principal Charming
        Kunnon mies
7F16   Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
7F17   Old Money
        Isois�n perint�
7F18   Brush with Greatness
        Sis�inen kauneus
7F20   War of the Simpsons
7F19   Lisa's Substitute
        Miehen malli
7F21   Three Men and a Comic Book
        Radioaktiivinen mies
7F22   Blood Feud
7F12   The Way We Was
        Kultainen nuoruus
7F13   Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment
        Pelastakaa sielumme

  3. kausi (1991-1992) - 24 jaksoa

7F23   When Flanders Failed
        Yst�v� h�d�ss� **
7F24   Stark Raving Dad
        Mies vaaleanpunaisessa paidassa
8F01   Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington
        Totuus ja oikeus
8F02   Treehouse of Horror II
8F03   Bart the Murderer
8F04   Homer Defined
        Voimalan sankari
8F05   Like Father, Like Clown
        Teit' is�in astumaan
8F06   Lisa's Pony
        Lisan ratsu
8F07   Saturdays of Thunder
        Hyv� is�
8F08   Flaming Moe's
        Homerin tuliliemi
8F09   Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk
        Voimala kaupan
8F10   I Married Marge
        Ensimm�iset vuodet
8F11   Radio Bart
        H�t�huuto  kaivosta
8F12   Lisa the Greek
        Lisan sunnuntait
8F13   Homer At The Bat
8F14   Homer Alone
        Super�iti lomalla
8F15   Separate Vocations
        Kaksi uraa
8F16   Bart the Lover
8F17   Dog of Death
        Koira kuoleman partaalla
8F19   Colonel Homer
        Eversti Homer
8F20   Black Widower
        Musta leski
8F21   Otto Show
        Oton seikkailut
8F22   Bart's Friend Falls in Love
        Kuin Romeo ja Julia
8F23   Brother Can You Spare Two Dimes?
        Velipuolen paluu

  4. kausi (1992-1993) - 22 jaksoa

8F18   A Streetcar Named Marge
8F24   Kamp Krusty
        Kymmenen plus
9F01   Homer the Heretic
        Kerettil�inen keskuudessamme
9F02   Lisa the Beauty Queen
9F03   Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie
9F04   Treehouse of Horror III
        Kauhuja kerrassaan
9F05   Marge Gets a Job
        Susi ihmiselle susi
9F06   New Kid on the Block
9F07   Mr. Plow
        Yst�v� h�d�ss� **
9F08   Lisa's First Word
        Lisan ensimm�inen sana
9F09   Homer's Triple Bypass
        Pumppu pett��
9F10   Marge vs. the Monorail
        Joko s�teilee
9F11   Selma's Choice
        Selman valinta
9F12   Brother from the Same Planet
9F14   Duffless
        Oluetta, ole oluetta
9F13   I Love Lisa
        Rakastan Lisaa
9F15   Last Exit to Springfield
        Lisan hammastuet/Lisan hampaat *
9F17   So It's Come To This: A Simpsons Clip Show 
        Silli� ja kuravett�
9F16   The Front
9F18   Whacking Day
9F19   Krusty Gets Kancelled
        Gabbo vai Krusty
9F20   Marge In Chains
        Telkien takana

  5. kausi (1993-1994) - 22 jaksoa

9F21   Homer's Barbershop Quartet
        Homerin kvartetti
9F22   Cape Feare: Not Affiliated with the Film "Cape Fear"
        Cape Fear 
1F01   Rosebud
        Kansalainen Burns
1F02   Homer Goes to College
        Opiskelija Homer Simpson
1F04   Treehouse of Horror IV
        Kauhujen talo, osa IV
1F03   Marge on the Lam
        Margen pakomatka
1F05   Bart's Inner Child
        Kohta ei huvita en�� mik��n 
1F06   Boy Scoutz N the Hood
        Partiopojat hukkateill�
1F07   The Last Temptation of Homer
        Homerin viimeiset kiusaukset
1F08   $pringfield (or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized
1F09   Homer the Vigilante
1F10   Homer and Apu
        Homer ja Apu
1F11   Bart Gets Famous
        Bartista tulee suosittu
1F12   Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy
        Lisa Leijonamieli
1F13   Deep Space Homer
        Homer, seuraava astronautti
1F14   Homer Loves Flanders
        Homerin paras yst�v�
1F15   Bart Gets an Elephant
        Bart saa elefantin
1F16   Burns' Heir
        Burnsin perillinen
1F18   Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song
        Ik�v� rehtoria
1F19   The Boy Who Knew Too Much
        Poika joka tiesi liikaa
1F20   Secrets of a Successful Marriage
        Onnistuneen avioliiton salaisuudet
1F21   Lady Bouvier's Lover
        Lady Bouvierin rakastaja

  6. kausi (1994-1995) - 25 jaksoa

1F17   Lisa's Rival
        Lisan kilpailija
1F22   Bart of Darkness
        Bartin takaikkuna
2F01   Itchy & Scratchy Land
        V�kivallan kolkko kutsu
2F02   Sideshow Bob Roberts
        Kuolleet sielut

2F03   Treehouse of Horror V
        Kauhujen talo, osa V
2F04   Bart's Girlfriend
        Mik� tytt�
2F05   Lisa on Ice
        Lisan liukkaat
2F06   Homer: Bad Man
        Lastenvahti ja peto
2F07   Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy
        Papan ihmel��ke
2F08   Fear of Flying
2F09   Homer the Great
        Homer, valittu
2F10   And Maggie Makes Three
        Kolmas lapsi
2F11   Bart's Comet
        Bartin komeetta
2F12   Homie the Clown
        Pelle Homer
2F13   Bart vs. Australia
        Bart ja Australia 
2F14   Homer vs. Patty & Selma
        Homer, Patty ja Selma
2F15   Lisa's Wedding
        Lisan h��t
2F18   Two Dozen and One Greyhounds
        Kaksikymment�viisi pentua
2F19   The PTA Disbands
        Pennin venytt�j�
2F21   The Springfield Connection
        Hyv� poliisi, huonot housut
2F22   Lemon of Troy 
        Vanha sitruunapuu
2F16   Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part One)
        Kuka ampui johtajan? (osa 1/2)
2F31   A Star is Burns
        Nelj�t hautajaiset ja yhdet h��t
2F32   'Round Springfield
        Taivaalliset jamit
2F33   Another Simpsons Clip Show

  7. kausi (1995-1996) - 25 jaksoa

2F17   Radioactive Man
2F20   Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part Two)
        Kuka ampui johtajan? (osa 2/2)
3F01   Home Sweet Home-Diddily-Dum-Doodily
3F02   Bart Sells His Soul
        Bart myy sielunsa
3F03   Lisa the Vegetarian
3F04   Treehouse of Horror VI
        Kauhujen talo, osa VI
3F05   King-Size Homer
3F06   Mother Simpson
        Homerin �iti
3F07   Marge Be Not Proud
        Bartin lankeemus
3F08   Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming
        Bobin poksahdus
3F09   Two Bad Neighbors
        Kurjat naapurit
3F10   Team Homer
        Homerin joukkue
3F11   Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield
        Parempi ihminen
3F12   Bart the Fink
3F13   Lisa the Iconoclast
        Lisa, kuvainraastaja
3F14   Homer the Smithers
        Turpiin ja onnea
3F16   The Day the Violence Died
        V�kivaltaa, v�kivaltaa
3F15   A Fish Called Selma
        Kala nimelt� Selma
3F17   Bart on the Road
        Tien p��ll�
3F18   22 Short Films About Springfield
        22 tarinaa
3F20   Much Apu About Nothing
        Muukalaiset kuriin
3F19   Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the
       Flying Hellfish"
3F21   Homerpalooza
3F22   Summer of 4 Ft. 2
        Lisan uusi min�
3F31   The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular
        Menneit� muistellen

  8. kausi (1996-1997) - 25 jaksoa

3F23   You Only Move Twice
        Muutat vain kahdesti
3F24   El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer  (aka The Mysterious Voyage of 
        Homerin trippi
4F01   Lisa's Date with Density
        Lisa ja Nelson
4F02   Treehouse of Horror VII
        Kauhujen talo, osa VII
4F03   The Homer They Fall
        Luontainen kyky
4F04   A Milhouse Divided
        Milhouse, avioeron uhri
4F05   Burns, Baby Burns
        Larry on siepattu
4F06   Bart After Dark
        Noidan talo
4F07   Hurricane Neddy
        Barbaran py�rteiss�
4F08   The Twisted World of Marge Simpson
        Rikolliset rinkelit
4F10   Mountain of Madness
        Lunta tupaan
4F11   Homer's Phobia
        Homerin fobia
4F12   The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show
        Urani koirana
4F13   My Sister, My Sitter
        Kauhukakara ja lapsenvahti
4F14   The Brother from Another Series
        Mallivanki vapaalla
3G01   The Springfield Files
        Perjantai-illan aave
3G03   Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious
        Apua taivaalta
4F15   Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment
        Homer, olutparoni
4F09   Grade School Confidential
        Bart, luottohenkil�
4F16   The Canine Mutiny
        Postia Bartille
4F17   The Old Man and the Lisa
        Vanha kettu
4F18   In Marge We Trust
        Margeen me luotamme
4F19   Homer's Enemy
4F20   The Simpsons Spinoff Showcase
        Simpsoneiden sivuraiteilla
4F21   The Secret War of Lisa Simpson
        Lisan oma sota

  9. kausi (1997-1998) - 25 jaksoa

4F22   The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson
         H�t� ei lue lakia
4F23   The Principal and the Pauper
         Rehtorin kahdet kasvot
3G02   Lisa's Sax
         Saksofonin tarina
5F02   Treehouse of Horror VIII
         Kauhujen talo, osa VIII
5F01   The Cartridge Family
         Mies ja pyssy
5F03   Bart Star
         Valmentajan poika
5F04   The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons
         Kaksi rva Nahasapeemapetilonia
5F05   Lisa the Skeptic
5F06   Realty Bites
         Kaksi totuutta 
5F07   Miracle on Evergreen Terrace
5F24   All Singing, All Dancing
         Simpsonin laulava perhe
5F11   Das Bus
5F08   Bart Carny
         Ty�ni on huvini
5F23   The Joy of Sect
         Homer hurmahenki
5F10   The Last Temptation of Krust
         Koomikon paluu
5F12   Dumbbell Indemnity
         Rikos ja rakkaus
5F13   This Little Wiggy
         Avain onneen
4F24   Lisa the Simpson
         Perim� pelottaa
3G04   Simpson Tide
         Maailman merille
5F14   The Trouble with Trillions
         Biljoonan dollarin seteli
5F15   Girly Edition
         Perheen ankkurit
5F09   Trash of the Titans
         Homer ja roskakuskit
5F16   King of the Hill
         Kukkulan kunkku
5F17   Lost Our Lisa
         Miss� Lisa?
5F18   Natural Born Kissers
         Marge, elet��n vaarallisesti!

  10. kausi (1998-1999) - 23 jaksoa

5F20   Lard of the Dance
5F21   The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace 
         Luova mieli
5F22   Bart the Mother 
AABF01 Treehouse of Horror IX 
         Kauhujen talo, osa IX
AABF02 D'oh-in' in the Wind 
         Woodstockin muistot
5F19   When You Dish Upon A Star 
         T�htien loisteessa
AABF03 Lisa Gets an A 
AABF04 Homer Simpson in: "Kidney Trouble" 
AABF05 Mayored to the Mob 
         Gangsterien armoilla
AABF06 Viva Ned Flanders 
         Ned Flandersin uusi el�m�
AABF07 Wild Barts Can't Be Broken 
AABF08 Sunday, Cruddy Sunday 
         Kirottu sunnuntai
AABF09 Homer to the Max 
         Homerista Max
AABF11 I'm With Cupid 
AABF10 Marge Simpson in: Screaming Yellow Honkers 
         Ulvovat kilometrit
AABF12 Make Room for Lisa 
         Oma huone
AABF13 Maximum Homerdrive 
AABF14 Simpsons Bible Stories 
         Raamatun tarinoita
AABF15 Mom and Pop Art 
AABF16 The Old Man and The "C" Student 
         Vanhus ja poika
AABF17 Monty Can't Buy Me Love 
         Ei voi ostaa rakkautta
AABF18 They Saved Lisa's Brain 
         Lisan aivot
AABF20 Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo
�        P�iv� Tokiossa

   11. kausi (1999-2000) - 22 jaksoa

AABF23 Beyond Blunderdome
         Mr. Simpson menee Hollywoodiin   
AABF22 Brother's Little Helper
         Veljen pikku apuri      
AABF21 Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner
         Ruokapalsta/Ruokakriitikko *
BABF01 Treehouse of Horror X
         Kauhujen talo, osa 10
AABF19 E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)
         Maalla on mukavaa
BABF02 Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder
BABF03 Eight Misbehavin' 
         Suuri kahdeksikko
BABF05 Take My Wife Sleaze 
BABF07 Grift of the Magi
BABF04 Little Big Mom 
         Pikku em�nt�
BABF06 Faith Off 
         Uskolla terveeksi
BABF08 The Mansion Family
         Kartanon herrat
BABF09 Saddlesore Galactica
         Raivoisa ratsu
BABF10 Alone Again, Natura-Diddily
         Autoilun uhri
BABF11 Missionary Impossible
BABF12 Pygmoelian
BABF13 Bart to the Future
BABF14 Days of Wine and D'oh'ses
         Raittiuden p�iv�t
BABF16 Kill the Alligator and Run
BABF15 Last Tap Dance in Springfield
         Stepataan pois
BABF18 It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge
         J�rke� vailla/Hiipiv� hulluus *
BABF19 Behind the Laughter
         Naurun takana

   12. kausi (2000-2001) - 21 jaksoa

BABF21 Treehouse of Horror XI
         Kauhujen talo, osa 11
BABF20 A Tale of Two Springfields
         Kaksi kaupunkia
BABF17 Insane Clown Poppy
         Klovni menett�� j�rkens�
CABF01 Lisa the Tree Hugger
CABF04 Homer vs. Dignity
         Perheen kunnia
CABF02 The Computer Wore Menace Shoes
         Homerin kotisivu
CABF03 The Great Money Caper
         Helppoa rahaa
CABF06 Skinner's Sense of Snow
         Lumen taju
         �lyn j�ttil�inen
CABF05 Pokey Mom
         Vankilan enkeli         
CABF08 Worst Episode Ever
         Kaikkein huonoin jakso
CABF07 Tennis the Menace
CABF10 Day of the Jackanapes
         Bobin kosto
CABF12 New Kids on the Blecch
         New Kids on the Blecch
CABF09 Hungry, Hungry Homer
CABF11 Bye Bye Nerdie
         Uusi tytt�
CABF13 Simpson Safari
CABF14 Trilogy of Error
         Kolme seikkailua
CABF15 I'm Goin' to Praiseland
         Herran ylistys
CABF16 Children of a Lesser Clod
         Hyl�tyt lapset
CABF17 Simpsons Tall Tales
         Hupaisat Simpson-tarinat

   13. kausi (2001-2002) - 22 jaksoa

CABF19 Treehouse Of Horror XII 
         Kauhujen talo 12
CABF22 The Parent Rap 
CABF20 Homer the Moe
CABF18 A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love
CABF21 The Blunder Years
         Kipe� lapsuus
DABF02 She of Little Faith 
         Pikku Buddha
DABF01 Brawl in the Family
DABF03 Sweets and Sour Marge
         Makeaa mahan t�ydelt� 
DABF05 Jaws Wired Shut
         Leuat lukossa
DABF04 Half-Decent Proposal 
         Ei aivan sopimaton tarjous
DABF06 The Bart Wants What it Wants 
         Mit� Bart tahtoo?
DABF07 The Lastest Gun in the West
         Viimeinen l�nnensankari 
DABF09 The Old Man and the Key 
         Isois�n treffit
DABF08 Tales from the Public Domain 
         Tuttuja tarinoita
DABF10 Blame it on Lisa 
         Perhe Riossa
DABF11 Weekend at Burnsie's
DABF12 Gump Roast
         Er�s el�m�ntarina
DABF13 I Am Furious Yellow
DABF14 The Sweetest Apu 
         Ihana Apu
DABF15 Little Girl in the Big Ten 
         Pikku lukiolainen
DABF16 The Frying Game 
DABF17 Poppa's Got a Brand New Badge 
         Is�n poliisitoimi

   14. kausi (2002-2003) - 22 jaksoa

DABF19 Treehouse of Horror XIII 
         Kauhujen talo 13
DABF22 How I Spent My Strummer Vacation
DABF20 Bart vs. Lisa vs. 3rd Grade  
DABF18 Large Marge 
         Margen rinnat
DABF21 Helter Shelter 
EABF01 The Great Louse Detective
         Suuri etsiv�
EABF02 Special Edna 
         Se Edna
EABF03 The Dad Who Knew Too Little 
         Is�, joka tiesi liian v�h�n
EABF04 The Strong Arms of the Ma
         �iti V�kev�
EABF06 Pray Anything
         Rukouksen voima 
EABF05 Barting Over
EABF07 I'm Spelling as Fast as I Can 
EABF08 A Star is Born-Again 
         T�hti on syntynyt taas
EABF09 Mr. Spritz Goes to Washington 
         Mr. Spritz menee Washingtoniin
EABF10 C.E.D'oh.
         P��johtaja Homer
EABF11 'Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky
         T�htien tarkkailija
EABF12 Three Gays of the Condo
         Kolme miest� ja Homer
EABF13 Dude, Where's My Ranch? 
         L�nnen mailla
EABF14 Old Yeller-Belly
         Koira joka petti
EABF15 Brake My Wife, Please 
         Jarrut p��lle
EABF16 The Bart of War
         Bart sotapolulla
EABF17 Moe Baby Blues 
         Moe lapsenvahtina

   15. kausi (2003-2004)- 22 jaksoa

EABF21 Treehouse of Horror XIV
         Kauhujen talo 14
EABF18 My Mother the Carjacker 
         �itini salaisuudet
EABF20 The President Wore Pearls
         Lisa, puheenjohtaja
EABF22 The Regina Monologues
EABF19 The Fat and the Furriest
FABF01 Today, I Am a Clown
FABF02 'Tis the Fifteenth Season
         Homer-sed�n parannus
FABF03 Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays 
         Lapsettomien kapina
FABF04 I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot
FABF05 Diatribe of a Mad Housewife
         Kotirouvan tunnustukset
FABF06 Margical History Tour
         Margen historiantunti
FABF07 Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore 
         Milhouse ei asu en�� t��ll�
FABF09 Smart and Smarter
         V�lkky ja v�lkympi
FABF08 The Ziff Who Came to Dinner
         Ex� sy� p�yd�ss�si  
FABF10 Co-Dependent's Day
         Homerin riippuvuus
FABF11 The Wandering Juvie 
FABF12 My Big Fat Geek Wedding
         Pelkoa ja inhoa alttarilla 
FABF14 Catch 'em if You Can
         Ottakaa kiinni jos saatte
FABF15 Simple Simpson
         Homer ja sikatehdas
FABF13 The Way We Weren't
         Menneisyyden ilot
FABF17 Bart-Mangled Banner
         Julkea takapuoli
FABF18 Fraudcast News

   16. kausi (2004-2005) - 21 jaksoa

FABF23 Treehouse of Horror XV
         Kauhujen talo 15
FABF20 All's Fair in Oven War
         Kauhea kokkisota
FABF19 Sleeping with the Enemy
         Vihollinen vuoteessani
FABF22 She Used to Be My Girl
         Tytt�ni mun
FABF21 Fat Man and Little Boy
         Bisnesmies Bart
FABF16 Midnight Rx 
GABF01 Mommie Beerest
         Margen baari
GABF02 Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass 
         Vedenpaisumus stadionilla
GABF03 Pranksta Rap
         Kielletyt leikit
GABF04 There's Something About Marrying
         Menn��n naimisiin
GABF05 On a Clear Day I Can't See My Sister
GABF06 Goo Goo Gai Pan
GABF07 Mobile Homer
         Avioel�m�n onnea
GABF08 The Seven-Beer Snitch
GABF12 Future-Drama
         Kurkistus tulevaisuuteen
GABF10 Don't Fear the Roofer
         H�d�ss� yst�v� tunnetaan 
GABF11 The Heartbroke Kid
GABF13 A Star is Torn
GABF14 Thank God, It's Doomsday
         Viimeinen tuomio
GABF15 Home Away From Homer
         Naapurin tyt�t
GABF09 The Father, the Son, and the Holy Guest Star
         Is�, poika ja pyh� henki

   17. kausi (2005-2006) - 22 jaksoa

GABF18 The Bonfire of the Manatees
         Pelastakaa manaatit
GABF16 The Girl Who Slept Too Little
         Naapurissa kummittelee
GABF19 Milhouse of Sand and Fog
GABF17 Treehouse of Horror XVI
         Kauhujen talo 16
GABF20 Marge's Son Poisoning
GABF21 See Homer Run
         ��nest� Homeria
GABF22 The Last of the Red Hat Mamas
         Italiaa aloittelijoille
HABF02 The Italian Bob
         Kosto on suloinen
HABF03 Homer's Paternity Coot
         Is�� etsim�ss�
HABF04 We're On the Road to D'ohwhere
         Lannistumaton Bart
HABF05 My Fair Laddy
         Herrasmies Willie
HABF06 The Seemingly Never-Ending Story
         Loppumaton tarina
HABF07 Bart Has Two Mommies
         Bartin kaksi �iti�
HABF08 Homer Simpson, This is Your Wife
         Vaimot vaihtoon
HABF09 Million Dollar Abie
         Miljoonan taalan Abe
HABF01 Simpsons Christmas Stories
HABF10 Kiss Kiss, Bang Bangalore
HABF11 The Wettest Stories Ever Told
         Maailman m�rimm�t tarinat
HABF12 Girls Just Want to Have Sums
         Tyt�t tahtoo laskea
HABF13 Regarding Margie
         Margen muistinmenetys
HABF14 The Monkey Suit
         Ei me olla apinoita!
HABF16 Homer and Marge Turn a Couple Play
         Margen ja Homerin parisuhdeneuvot

   18. kausi (2006-2007) - 22 jaksoa

HABF15 The Mook, the Chef, the Wife, and Her Homer
         Mafian maailma
HABF18 Jazzy and the Pussycats
         Jazzia ja hyv�ntekev�isyytt�
HABF20 Please Homer Don't Hammer 'Em
         Marge miesten hommissa
HABF17 Treehouse of Horror XVII 
         Kauhujen talo 17
HABF21 G.I. D'oh 
         Homer armeijan leiviss�
HABF19 Moe'n'a Lisa
         Moe ja Lisa 
HABF22 Ice Cream of Margie (with the Light Blue Hair)
         Tikusta asiaa
JABF02 The Haw-hawed Couple
         Koviksen kaveri 
JABF01 Kill Gil, Volumes 1 & 2
         Kill Gil, vol I & II 
JABF03 The Wife Aquatic
JABF05 Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Three Times
         Kosto on suloista
JABF04 Little Big Girl 
JABF07 Springfield Up 
JABF09 Yokel Chords
         Kotiopettajatar Lisa 
JABF08 Rome-old and Juli-eh
         Omituinen romanssi 
JABF06 Homerazzi 
JABF10 Marge Gamer
         Pelin py�rteiss�
JABF11 The Boys of Bummer
JABF13 Crook and Ladder
         Riippuvuutta ja roihuja
JABF12 Stop or My Dog Will Shoot
JABF14 24 Minutes 
         24 minuuttia
JABF15 You Kent Always Say What You Want
         Ulalla uutisista

    19. kausi (2007-2008) - 20 jaksoa

JABF20 He Loves to Fly and He D'ohs
         Rakkaudesta lent�miseen 
JABF18 The Homer of Seville 
         Laulunlahjoilla siunattu sankari 
JABF21 Midnight Towboy
         Maitojahdista uusiin mahdollisuuksiin
JABF19 I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
JABF16 Treehouse of Horror XVIII
         Kauhujen talo 18
JABF22 Little Orphan Millie 
         Pojasta mieheksi
JABF17 Husbands and Knives
         Menestyst� ja miehisyytt�
KABF01 Funeral for a Fiend
         Kuolettava mainoskikka
KABF02 Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind
KABF03 E. Pluribus Wiggum
         Kuningasidea ��nestykseen
KABF04 That '90s Show
         Paluu ys�riaikaan
KABF05 Love, Springfieldian Style
         Rakkautta Springfieldin tyyliin 
KABF06 The Debarted
KABF07 Dial 'N' for Nerder
         Rys�n p��ll�
KABF08 Smoke on the Daughter
         Passiivista p�ssyttely�
KABF09 Papa Don't Leech
         Itku is�n ik�v�st� 
KABF10 Apocalypse Cow
KABF11 Any Given Sundance
         Valkokankaan viisikko
KABF12 Mona Leaves-a
         �ideist� parhain 
KABF13 All About Lisa
         Kaikki Lisasta 

    20. kausi (2008-2009) - 21 jaksoa

KABF17 Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapes
         Pikkutuhmaa pullanpaistoa
KABF15 Lost Verizon 
         Yhteys katkolla
KABF14 Double, Double, Boy in Trouble
         Kauhukakaran kaksoisolento 
KABF16 Treehouse of Horror XIX
         Kauhujen talo 19
KABF18 Dangerous Curves
         Menneiden muistelua
KABF19 Homer and Lisa Exchange Cross Words 
         Sikin sokin sanoissa
KABF20 Mypods and Boomsticks
KABF21 The Burns and the Bees
         Hermostusta ja herhil�isi�
KABF22 Lisa the Drama Queen
         Liisa ihmemaassa
LABF01 Take My Life, Please
         Silm� silm�st�
LABF02 How the Test Was Won
         Voittajan on helppo hymyill�
LABF03 No Loan Again, Naturally
         Vuokrais�nt� aidan takaa
LABF04 Gone Maggie Gone
         Kuopus kateissa
LABF11 In the Name of the Grandfather
         Is�n kanssa illanvietossa
LABF05 Wedding for Disaster
         Salaper�inen sulhanen
LABF06 Eeny Teeny Maya Moe
         Roihua rakkausrintamalla
LABF07 The Good, the Sad and the Drugly
         Alla kauniin kuoren
LABF08 Father Knows Worst
         Is�n k�dest�
LABF10 Waverly Hills 9-0-2-1-D'oh
         Waverly Hills 90210
LABF09 Four Great Women and a Manicure
         T�ydelliset naiset
LABF12 Coming to Homerica
         Rajansa kaikella

    21. kausi (2009-2010) - 23 jaksoa

LABF13 Homer the Whopper
         Valkokankaiden valloittaja
LABF15 Bart Gets a "Z"
         Ura katkolla
LABF16 The Great Wife Hope
         Keh�n kuningatar
LABF14 Treehouse of Horror XX
         Kauhujen talo 20
LABF17 The Devil Wears Nada
         Liitto repeilee
LABF18 Pranks and Greens
         H�irikk� nro 1
LABF19 Rednecks and Broomsticks
         Viheli�s wiccatapaus
MABF01 O Brother, Where Bart Thou?
         Voi veljet!
MABF02 Thursdays with Abie
         Kaikki is�ni tarinat
LABF20 Once Upon a Time in Springfield
         Hassu haikeana
MABF03 Million Dollar Maybe
         Tukuittain tuuria
MABF05 Boy Meets Curl
         Kurvailua curling-kent�ll�
MABF06 The Color Yellow
         Simpsonien sukujuuret
MABF04 Postcards from the Wedge
         L�ksyjen laiminly�nti�
MABF07 Stealing First Base
         Ihastusta ilmassa
MABF10 The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed
MABF08 American History X-cellent
         Vallan kahvassa
MABF09 Chief of Hearts
         Kahden kopla
MABF14 The Squirt and the Whale
         Tuulen viem��
MABF12 To Surveil With Love
         Isoveli valvoo
MABF13 Moe Letter Blues
         Vaimoista parhain
MABF11 The Bob Next Door
MABF15 Judge Me Tender
         Tuomion hetket

    22. kausi (2010-2011) - 22 jaksoa

MABF21 Elementary School Musical
MABF17 Loan-a Lisa
MABF16 Treehouse of Horror XXI
MABF20 Lisa Simpson, This Isn't Your Life
NABF01 The Fool Monty
NABF02 How Munched is that Birdie in the Window?
MABF22 The Fight Before Christmas
MABF19 Donnie Fatso
NABF03 Moms I'd Like to Forget
NABF04 Flaming Moe
NABF05 Homer the Father
NABF06 The Blue and The Gray
NABF07 Angry Dad: The Movie 
NABF08 The Scorpion's Tale
NABF09 A Midsummer's Nice Dream
NABF10 Love is a Many Strangled Thing
NABF11 The Great Simpsina
NABF12 The Real Housewives of Fat Tony
NABF13 Homer Scissorhands
NABF14 500 Keys
NABF15 The Ned-liest Catch

*   Jaksolla eri k��nn�snimi ensiesityksess� ja uusinnassa.
**  Sama k��nn�snimi kahdella eri jaksolla.

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Last updated on July 20, 2011 by Jouni Paakkinen (