Treehouse of Horror XI Written by Rob Lazebnick ("G-G-Ghost D-D-Dad") John Frink & Don Payne ("Scary Tales Can Come True") Carolyn Omine ("Night of the Dolphin") Directed by Matt "Groening" Nastuk ============================================================================== Production code: BABF21 Original Airdate on FOX: 1-Nov-2000 Capsule revision B (27-Dec-03) ============================================================================== > "TV Guide" Synopsis ============================================================================== [TV Guide listing] (pg. 63) Under the feature "The Web Page" we find the following recommendation (or should we say advertisement?): "Hey dude, don't have a cow. Have a chat with Nancy Cartwright (the voice of Bart Simpson) at TV Guide Online, November 3, 7 P.M./ET. {bg} [TV Guide Close-up] Behold the horrors that spring forth in the 11th annual Halloween trilogy. For starters, Homer is "Shoved By An Angel" as St. Peter send him back to Earth to perform a good deed before entering Heaven. As you might expect, there's an encounter with Satan. "Scary Tales Can Come True" for Bart and Lisa after Homer grimly banishes them to a Brothers Grimm forest, where they narrowly miss the three bears, and decide to trust a witch in a gingerbread house. In the finale, Springfield plunges into the "Night Of The Dolphin" after Lisa frees a dolphin from the Marine Park, only to learn that it's plotting a revolt on humans. {mr2} [TV Guide advertisement] The 11th Annual Simpsons' Halloween Special! Celebrating ten scary years of spine-chilling, flesh-crawling zombie-flying terror! All-New! Special Night!" Illustration shows cemetery scene with Zombie Bart walking with an eye hanging out, Zombie Homer with his arm severed, and the shadow of Witch Marge riding a broomstick shown against a full moon. {bg} ============================================================================== > Title sequence ============================================================================== Couch: Special Halloween opening, where the Simpsons appear as the family from "The Munsters." See the "Quote and Scene Summary" section for more details. ============================================================================== > Did You Notice... ============================================================================== Wilson Banswell: ... Willy has died four times in the Halloween episodes? Don Del Grande: ... in the "Munsters" opening, Bart carried a giant slingshot instead of Eddie's bat? ... and Lisa had a book on "Copyright Law"? ... and Bart switched places with Grandpa (based on how they appear in "The Munsters")? ... St. Peter must have also missed the time Homer helped rebuild Flanders' house, or stood up for Flanders in church? ... Homer knew who Jesus was? ... this is the second time Homer has met the Devil (possibly the third, if they met after the end of "Simpsons Bible Stories")? ... peasant Lisa could read, something you don't really expect from poor people of the time and place depicted? ... Alf Clausen's credit was not "Music Decomposed By" this time? Ben Fonter: ... in the opening Marge handed a 6-Pack off to Homer? ... Homer is a Taurus? ... Dr. Hibbert now makes house calls for his dead patients? ... there is a pawn shop across from the courthouse? ... St. Peter has all the time in the world to sit and wait for Homer? He even plays cards to pass the time. ... Homer the oaf has the ability to make a perfect cone out of a piece of paper? ... dead Lisa has 5, Count them 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 FINGERS! -- or is this a goof? ... the knocker on the house is a Bear's Head? ... Goldilocks has gone through the fairy tale to the part of sleeping in the bed, yet the porridge is untouched? ... after scalping Rapunzel, there is a noticeable quantity of blood on the scalp at the end of her hair? ... this is the second time a character with the voice of Agnes dies tonight? ... the Pumpkin house rots during this mini-episode? ... you can hear the ocean from Springfield Town Hall? Blake Heston: ... Freddy Quimby appears (look for him when the crowd stands after Snorky's speech)? ... Snorky sounds like Principal Skinner? Darrel Jones: ... for once, eating their vegetables actually DID kill someone? ... the "killer Italian" is actually Luigi the chef? Joe Klemm: ... the Happy Little Elf doll on one of Suzanne's (the witch's) shelves? Jeph Oughton: ... that even in ghost form Homer can be bullied by a kid, or Satan? ... the dolphins could walk simply by hopping? ... they outnumbered the people of Springfield? Dave Sibley: ... as Homer fell out of the sky, the legible part of the Town Hall said "JUSTICE FOR MOST?" ============================================================================== > Voice Credits ============================================================================== - Starring - Dan Blackulaneta (Abe, Homer, St. Peter, Satan, Quimby, Willie, Mel, Krusty, Kodos) - Ghoulie Kavner (Marge) - Nancy Bartfright (Bart, Boy Scout, Nelson, Baby, Goldilocks [?]) - Eleanor Roosevelt (Lisa) - Ernie Boo-nick (Carl, Chief Wiggum, Attendant, Frink, Troll, Moe, Apu, Comic Book Guy) - Harry "I want to own every media in the world" Shearer (Lenny, Hibbert, George, Announcer, Cap'n McAllister, Brockman, Snorky, Kang) - Also Starring - Terroress MacNeille (Agnes Skinner, Woman with baby, Rapunzel, Witch, Woman) - The_Dwarf From "Don't Look Now" (John Wayne [?]) ============================================================================== > Movie (and other) references ============================================================================== + "The Munsters" (TV series) - opening scene a parody of this show, with OFF as the cast members - "Ghost Dad" (TV series) - title a parody {dj} - father dies, comes back to his family as ghost + "Battleship Potemkin" (movie) {ah} - baby carriage rolls down stairs during a gun battle + U. S. Supreme Court inscription {sp} - Springfield's court slogan, "... and justice for most" spoofs the one on the real Supreme Court [Will Dwayer says the Supreme Court slogan is "Equal Justice Under the Law" -- Ed.] + "Freakazoid" (TV series) {jk} - Frink A Zoid - "The Untouchables" (movie) {ah} - another possible inspiration for the baby-carriage scene - Peter Peter, Pumpkin Eater (fairy tale) {jk} - family living in a pumpkin shell - "Grimm's Fairy Tales" (book) {jk} - plot(s) of second story - specifically "Rapunzel," "Hansel and Gretel," and "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" {ddg} - Treasure Troll Dolls {jk} - Moe Troll looks similar - "Sesame Street" (TV series) {cj} - handsome prince asks Rapunzel to let down her hair, and she does. It all lands on the ground and the princess ends up bald, just like the scene with Homer + "Brady Bunch" (TV series) - Jan gets the last name of her imaginary boyfriend by looking at a glass, and adding "George" (cf. the witch and the cauldron) + "Sugar Walls" (song) {ma} - Homer unwittingly mentions the title of this Sheena Easton hit as he eats through the literal sugar walls of the gingerbread house - "Day of the Dolphin" (movie) {ddg} - movie about dolphins trained to kill people + "Free Willy" (movie) - Snorky's escape scene similar to signature scene from this movie - "Orca" (movie) {ac} - feature about killer whales (cf. killer dolphins) + "Jaws" (movie) - Lenny's death scene similar to one in this movie - Sleepy Hollow (movie) {mh} - Willie gets impaled by a dolphin flying through the window similar to the death of Baltus Van Tassal in the movie. - "The Omen" (series of movies) {db} - Willie's death is an amalgam of several deaths in the "Omen" films + Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" (movie} - scene of dolphins perched ominously on the utility wires recalls this movie - "Raging Bull" (movie) {sw} - when the Comic Book Guy is getting bashed in the head/neck with the car door, it's reminiscent of the scene with Joe Pesci - "The Grifters" (movie) {ac} - someone beaten with a sack of oranges ============================================================================== > Previous episode references ============================================================================== - [9F04], [5F02] Halloween Special with a story set in the past? {gb} - [9F09] Homer's ghost floating from his body {jo} - [9F14] A dolphin slams Snake repeatedly in a car door, like Homer slams Barney in this ep {jk2} - [1F01] "Free Willy" is parodied {jk2} - [1F04] Homer goes to Hell {mh} - [1F04] Flanders briefly transforms into the devil we see here {jk2} - [1F11] Homer reads his horoscope {bh} - [1F19], [5F09] Freddy Quimby appears {bh} - [1F19] "Free Willy" escape scene spoofed {sb} - [3F06] the devil in this episode looks like the devil mascot from "Attack of the 50ft Eyesores" {gb} - [4F18] Homer's head resembling a fish {jo} - [4F20] The word "ghost" is stuttered {jk2} - [4F20] Moe is desperately lonely {jo} - [5F15] The witch in the fairy tales skit looked and sounded like the crazy cat lady that threw cats at Lisa {kh} - [AABF20] Homer's fish head is similar to the fish in the factory {wb} - [AABF23] Dolphins appear {bh} ============================================================================== > Freeze frame fun ============================================================================== - Special Halloween credits {ddg} ["Note some aren't particularly scary" -- {ddg}] [Opening credits] Created by RAT GROENING Developed by MAIMS HELL BROOKS BAT GROIN INJURY SAM "SAYONARA" SIMON Co-Executive Producers IAN MAXTONE-BOO! EARTH VS. RON HAUGE Co-Executive Producers DAN GREANEY FRANK-ENSTEIN DRAC-MULA GRAVE ROBBING LAZEBNIK Supervising Producers GHOULIE HACKER LARINA JEAN ADAMSON Producers LARRRRRRY DOYYYYYYYLE TOMB MARTIN SCARE-OLYN OL'MEANIE Producers FRINK-A-ZOID, DON OF THE DEAD PAYNE Producers MIKE "HOW MURRAY SAVED CHRISTMAS" REISS TERRIFYING TIM LONG Producers TOM GHOUL MILL AXE PROSS DECADENT DAVE MIRKIN Consultant TRIPLE ADMIRAL JOHN SWARTZWELDER Supervising Director CHIMP REARDON Produced by RICHARD GRRRRRAYNIS KYLE BARNES Produced by DENISE LA SORCERE Produced by RICHARD SUNSHINE SAKAI Directed by MATT "GROENING" NASTUK [Writing credits] "G-G-GHOST D-D-DAD" Written by Rob Lazebnick "SCARY TALES CAN COME TRUE" written by John Frink & Don Payne "NIGHT OF THE DOLPHIN" written by Carolyn Omine [Closing credits] Starring DAN BLACKULANETA GHOULIE KAVNER NANCY BARTFRIGHT ELEANOR ROOSEVELT ERNIE BOO-NICK and HARRY "I WANT TO OWN EVERY MEDIA IN THE WORLD" SHEARER Also Starring TERRORESS MACNEILLE THE DWARF FROM "DON'T LOOK NOW" Animation Producers "MURDEROUS" MIKE WOLF LAURIE BOO-NICKI Animation Executive Producers JOHN "THE MOLE" HYDE JON VEIN JOHN "BOGEY MAN" BUSH Associate Producer DOMI "BLACKULA" BRO FELICIA "LE FRANK" NALIVANSKY Theme by DANNY ELFBONES Music by SHEER TERROR CLAWS-SON Casting by BONITA PIETILA: RE-RELEASED IN DVD, THIS TIME WITH EVEN MORE SCARY PARTS Editors BRITT BRIDGE DEVILISH DON BARROZO LYCANTHROPIC LEE HARTING Post Production Supervisor DUKE DIGGLER Post Production Coordinator HACKING KAUF Dialogue Sound Editors BOBBY "THE SCARY MOOK" MACKSTON TERRY HALLO-GREENE NORMAN "BATES" MACLEOD Music Massacre MADE LESS RICH BLOB CREATURE Sound Effects Editor TRAVIS "THE ALIEN ANIMAL BREEDER" POWERS Re-Recording Mixers RUSSELL "THE MUSCLE" SMITH BILL FRANKENFREESH Creative Consultant BRAT GROENING Executive Creative Consultant MAIMS HELL BROOKS ["The Internet Movie Database credits Adelina Pioerio as the dwarf in the 1973 film 'Don't Look Now'" -- {ddg}] ============================================================================== > Animation, continuity, and other goofs ============================================================================== * When Homer shook the newspaper, it should have flown apart into the individual pieces. {ds} = When homer gets his paper cut, the bandage is gone by the time he sticks his hand out his car. They should have shown it in the snake scene on his left hand! (they showed the Band-Aid on his head!) {ah3} = The levers that St. Peters uses appears out of nowhere. {bf} * If people could touch Homer, then the Squishee he was drinking should not have fallen through his body. {ddg} = The candle to burn Homer's paper hat seems to be missing as he sits down. {ah3} = Bart's button area is near his navel in one shot, then moves farther from the navel in the next shot. {jk} = In the scene where the crowd is rushing towards the dolphin tank, Prof. Frink is at first wearing a green sweater-vest, but in the next scene 3 seconds later, he is wearing a white lab coat. {bf} * The Moon is full on at least 2 consecutive nights? I know that ain't right. {bf} ============================================================================== > Reviews ============================================================================== Don Del Grande: I wouldn't say "worst Halloween Special ever" (I didn't particularly like #3, for example), but it's not exactly one they should hold onto for next year's Emmys. The end of the second story and most of the third one pulled the grade up slightly, but for a Halloween story, it just petered out. (B+) Mike Hofer: This was a great Halloween special. All three segments had some very amusing parts. (the Jesus quote, the Three Bears parody and the killing of Capt. McAllister) My father even got a few laughs from it and that's pretty damn rare. The Dolphin segment was kind of lackluster but still amusing. Rating: (B+) Darrel Jones: Eh. Another year, another Halloween special. The first two segments were EXCELLENT, the last sub-par. Kang and Kodos's tacked-on bit was superb. But "Night of the Dolphin" takes this down to an 8/10 (B+) Joe Klemm: With the exception of the Munsters spoof, Scary Tales Can Come True, and the Kudos and Kang appearance, this year's Halloween special, with its attempts to be original, was somewhat lackluster compared to other Halloween specials. Maybe if they stuck with their spoofery (Sixth Sense or Rocky Horror) instead of trying original tales, then maybe it would better. Hopefully, if the news at is true (computer takes over house, Harry Potter spoof), next year's special will be way better. (C) Adam Long: Something seemed strange about the content of this year's THOH, and I think it was that none of the stories seemed to have much element of fright. I criticized last year's "Desperately Xeeking Xena" segment for the same reason. The first story was of Homer's spirit trying to do a *good* deed, the second fairy-tale based with some elements of horror, and the third was the closest one to being "scary" at all, but the story was too bizarre to really be pulled off as creepy. Not that it wasn't entertaining, in fact, I liked the episode pretty well. The first story was the best, I thought, very funny, but the humor/storytelling quality declined with each following act. Not a THOH that I would consider one of the best, but still good, and definitely better than last year's. (B) Michael Nusair: I always tend to enjoy the THOHs, and this one was no exception. Even though it wasn't as good as most of the previous THOHs, it still stands alone as a pretty good episode. The first act was actually quite good, and funny throughout ("it tries to warn you with it's terrible taste"). The second act was okay. It had a few funny parts (blood seeping out the door, George Cauldron), but generally wasn't one of the better ones. The last act, I didn't like very much. Almost all of the jokes didn't work for me. The only funny part was the part with Lenny (Drinking and night-swimming, a winning combination). Overall, not one of the better THOHs, but still a pretty good episode. (B-) Nicolas Orechwa: This was probably one of the better Simpsons Halloween Episodes in recent years. It seems as if the writers are beginning to make a return to the dark humor of the earlier editions which the recent ones seem to lack. The first segment was great with a flurry of funny gags that did not wear out their welcome by the time the segment was over. The second segment started somewhat slowly but ended very well and overall was very good. The third segment was the weakest with a rather lame premise ... but it still contained some good laughs. (B+) Jeph Oughton: I will admit this, some of these stories are getting rather oddball. I love the take on the Fairy Tale Land one though but the other 2 stories were just way too nutty. The aliens feeling left out was a cute touch. I give it a (C) Abhi Ray: These "very special episodes" are about the only episodes that have pleased me this year. In "Ghost Dad," Homer was actually likeable and funny. "Scary Tales Can Come True" was a somewhat cliched satire of fairytales (Goldilocks getting eaten, Homer ripping out Rapunzel's hair) but it was a nice adventure story anyway. Now, "Night of the Dolphins" was interesting, and IMO the best of the three. It was refreshingly gory and original. What I liked is how the writers could change the dolphins, who appeared so cute at the beginning, to vicious beasts. The sea captain's death, and the dolphins imitating him, was the funniest moment of the episode. (B) Mike Reed: An original and amusing Halloween special, worlds better than last year's. I'd say it was the best one since VIII. (A-) Dave Sibley: I'm usually not a big TOH fan, but this one wasn't bad. The wackiness, while over the top, didn't annoy me as it usually does. Actually laughed a couple of times (most notably at "... and horny." Based on this episode alone, maybe this will actually be the first season for a few years that isn't worse than the previous. Overall grade (C+) Chaos Sixfinger: I must say I loved tonight's episode. Like all Simpson's specials, it had many laugh-out-loud moments--particularly liked the gags with Angus Skinner, Goldilocks, and the dolphin fight scene, which I loved. The only thing that went against the episode was the predictability of a few of the endings, but the Kang and Kodos cameo was well done and managed to wrap up the episode just fine. Grade: (A-) Yours Truly: The eleventh "TOH" is two-thirds of a good episode. The "Munsters" parody opening is one of the best I've seen. "G-G-Ghost D-Dad" is a good opener, with Homer's amusing inability to do one good deed, although the ending was a little anti-climactic. Of the three stories, "Scary Tales" was my favorite, letting the dysfunction of the family ("Let's face it, they're not great parents") mingle with the natural horror in Grimms' tales. Alas, "Night of the Dolphin" isn't as inspired; we mainly get fight scenes between humans and dolphins, along with a few good jokes. Overall, a better-than-average "TOH" show. (B+) AVERAGE GRADE: B- (2.79) Std Dev.: 0.6524 (21 reviews computed) ============================================================================== > Comments and other observations ============================================================================== >> Those endless threads - Where is Springfield? Wilson Banswell: Apparently in a place near the ocean where dolphins live. Alex Cain replies: It has already been established Springfield is near the ocean, as Homer has taken out Mr. Burns's boat to international waters, there's been a tidal wave, and Springfield Harbor has been mentioned dozens of times. >> Old Navy -- We're more fashionable than humanly possible Joe Klemm writes: Owned by the Gap, Old Navy is a chain of clothing stores that appear in malls around the USA. The ads (the one Kudos and Kang are asked to do) usually feature celebrities from year's past (Sherman Helmsley, the Sister, Sister girls) promoting the Old Navy products with a glasses-wearing lady and a dog that's the official symbol of the chain. The dog also appears in the animated ads which are done by John K. of Ren and Stimpy fame. >> ... and justice for most Ryan Mead says the courthouse inscription isn't new: Actually, as seen in other episodes, the inscription is "Liberty and Justice for Most." This pokes fun at the Pledge of Allegiance, which is a patriotic American thingy ... regarding the flag ... for those of you who aren't American. Oh what the heck! (Puts hand on his heart and faces towards nearest American flag) For you foreigners ... *ahem* >> Mankind's greatest accomplishment In American slang, a "glory hole" pertains to a sexual activity we need not describe here. However, it also has some meanings you can discuss in polite company. Dan Rudolph explains: defines it differently. It says it's "an opening in the wall of a glass furnace, exposing the brilliant white light of the interior." or "a small locker at the stern of a boat or between decks of a ship." Sonoran writes: There's a dam/reservoir somewhere in the U.S. that has a device referred to as a "Glory Hole". It's capable of lowering the level of water in the reservoir by several feet or several tens of feet in a matter of minutes. Sorry to say I don't know the name of the dam, or any of the specifics, but frankly, I'm afraid to type "Glory Hole" into a search engine. That may have been the Glory Hole Homer was referring to - especially since it's a bit more of an engineering miracle than the other type (ahem), it would have fit the context of his speech better (ie look what great things humans have accomplished.) Still, I'm pretty sure it was a tongue-in-cheek reference all the same. It had to be one of those things that we all chuckle at, but when some outraged Maude Flanders sues Fox, they say "Hey, you've got the dirty mind. We were talking about this hydroelectric device!" "Lord Jubjub": Close. It's an opening into a furnace used by glassblowers to reheat cooled glass. David Brunt adds: According to my dictionary it could also be: (1) a receptacle for miscellaneous objects, (2) a steward's room on a ship, or (3) a hiding place an excavation. And that's before you even consider that it might have actually been "Gloriole" - a halo or glorious object. Which would appear to better fit the context as noted in various posts. Alan Hamilton: It's a mining term from way back -- at Knotts Berry Farm, you can still take a mine ride through the Calico Glory Hole. >> Fun with promotions Mike Reed notes: I just thought of something. There was a scene missing from "Ghost Dad." The trailers showed Homer in heaven saying "I never told Marge how much I love Notting Hill!" but it was never seen in the episode. >> Miscellaneous, Etc. Wilson Banswell: Cathy [is] a comic strip about a dieting single women written by a formerly single dieting woman. ============================================================================== > Quotes and Scene Summary {bg} ============================================================================== % It's time for America's favorite TV family, "The Munsters!" % Oops, no, wait, it's really the Simpsons, appearing as the % Munsters to introduce the eleventh Treehouse of Horror. One % by one, they step out the door of their imposing mansion on % 1313 Mockingbird Lane: Homer as Herman Munster, Marge as wife % Lillian, Bart as Eddie, Lisa as Marilyn (holding a book of % copyright law), and Abe as Grampa. They walk off screen, only % to rush back by the door, scared. A mob of townspeople has % shown up at the gate, and they don't look too welcoming. The % mob descends upon the family, sending them to their gruesome % demise. Only Lisa is spared, and she walks away from the % carnage, whistling and trying her best to look nonchalant. % % Welcome to ... Treehouse of Horror XI. % % Our first tale is, "G-G-Ghost D-D-Dad." The family is eating % breakfast, as Homer searches in vain for a comic strip to % read. He settles for the daily horoscope. Homer: Oooh, my horoscope. [reading] "Taurus: Today you will die." Marge: What?!! Homer: [continuing] "... and you may get a compliment from an attractive co-worker!" Lenny? Lisa: [takes paper] It really says die? That's unusually specific for a horoscope. Marge: [takes paper] Mmm. Maybe I better check mine. [reads] "Today your husband will die." Homer: Oooh, scary newspaper. [takes the paper, and waves it mockingly] Don't hurt me horoscope. I'm afraid ... Ow! Paper cut! Paper cut! -- I said *don't* hurt me, "Treehouse of Horror XI" % Homer leaves for work. As he backs out of the driveway, % lightning strikes a tree, which just barely misses striking % the front of the car. "Missed me!" Homer taunts. He drives % past a work zone where men are demolishing a Planet Hollywood % restaurant. The wrecking ball knocks down the planet above % restaurant which falls on and destroys most of the car. % "Stupid horoscope," Homer says to himself, chuckling. Then a % pick-axe comes through front windshield and imbeds itself in % Homer's forehead. Homer laughs and says, "Flupid bloroplope." % % At the plant, Lenny compliments Homer on the rattlesnake % biting his harm. Carl is concerned about the snake's deadly % venom, but Homer assures him the snake will give up after an % hour or so. % % Back at home ... Homer: That horoscope was baloney. Nothing happened except the pickaxe in my head, the rattlesnake bite, and the testicle thing. What's for desert? Marge: No desert until you eat your broccoli. [Homer takes some broccoli, chokes on it and dies] [cut to a shot of Dr. Hibbert examining Homer's body] Hibbert: Mm. Another broccoli-related death. Marge: I thought broccoli was ... Hibbert: Oh, yes. one of the deadliest plants on earth. Why, it tries to warn you itself with its terrible taste. -- "Treehouse of Horror XI" % Meanwhile, medical attendants place Homer in a body bag Attendant: Sure is easy when they're stiff like this. [notices Bart and Lisa are watching) [sympathetic] ... and very sad. -- Bedside manner, "Treehouse of Horror XI" % Homer rises to the gates of Heaven. Homer: Saint Peter! Woo hoo! Got to heaven before you, Flanders! [wiggles his butt at the earth below] Ha-ha-haha-ha! St. Peter: I wouldn't celebrate so soon, Mr. Simpson. I don't see a single good deed next to your name. Homer: Well the thing about that is ... [attempts to break into the pearly gates] St. Peter: Homer, settle down. I'll give you a chance to get into heaven. You have 24 hours to go back and do one good deed. Homer: I'm sorry, I didn't get the number of hours or good deeds. -- Mission impossible, "Treehouse of Horror XI" % St. Peter opens a trapdoor in a cloud and Homer falls back to % his home. Marge: Oh, Homie, I still can't believe a piece of broccoli killed you! Homer: [Homer picks up the broccoli and looks at it] What the hell was I thinking? [pops it into his mouth and chokes to death again] [a ghost rises from his prostrate ghost and rises to Heaven again] [to St. Peter, sheepishly] I tried the broccoli again. St. Peter: [sighs]..You have 23 hours left. [opens the trapdoor again] -- Kill me once, shame on you, kill me twice ... "Treehouse of Horror XI" % Homer floats above Marge's bed, speaking in a ghostly voice. Homer: Marge ... Simpson! Marge: Homer! It's you! I thought I'd never see you again! Homer: You were wrong ... dead wrong! Marge: Do you have to talk like that? Homer: [reverts to his normal voice] No, not really. Marge, you have to help me. I have to do one good deed to get into heaven. Marge: Well I have a whole list of chores. Clean the garage, paint the house, grout the ... Homer: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm just trying to get in. I'm not running for Jesus. -- "Treehouse of Horror XI" % But a good deed is easier said than done. Homer flies above % the streets of Springfield, looking for the opportunity to % make a difference. He spots Agnes Skinner trying to cross a % busy intersection, and figures this is his chance. He soon % has competition from a troop of Boy Scouts, so he swoops down % and tries to carry Agnes across the street. She isn't a % willing passenger. Mrs. Skinner accidentally slips through % Homer's grasp and falls to her death in the intersection % below. Homer tries to put the best spin on it, saying "I'm % pretty sure she was going to be the next Hitler!" Perhaps so, % but this incident does not improve Homer's good-deed % statistics. % % Cut to Homer leaving the Kwik-E-Mart, sucking on a Squishee. % It falls right through his ghostly "body," and people slip on % the Squishee puddles Homer leaves behind. Homer: Let's see....good deed. Got to find a good deed. [we see Nelson giving Bart a noogie in an alley] Homer: Bingo! Nelson: [sing-song] Your dad is dead, mine's just in jail. Homer: [speaking in ghoulish voice] Nelson! Nelson: Huh? Who said that? Homer: I'm the ghost who ... [Nelson drops Bart, grabs Homer, and starts giving him a noogie] Bart! Help! [Bart shrugs and walks away] -- "Treehouse of Horror XI" % Homer sits dejectedly at the town square. Homer: Just one minute left to get into heaven. There's got to be some good deed I can do. Come on , think! Think! Woman: My baby! [we see a carriage rolling down the steps of town hall towards the street, to certain doom] Homer: [to baby] Stop that crying. Man, you're annoying. [picks up the baby from the passing carriage just to quiet him down. The carriage bounds down the remaining steps, and across the street before it bursts into flame] Woman: Oh! It's a miracle! Thank heavens! Homer: Woo-hoo! Homer: Did you see that, I did the deed, open up! [Homer rises up to heaven] St. Peter: Oh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking. Homer: Hey, I thought you guys could see everything! St. Peter: No, you're thinking of Santa Claus. Homer: Well I'll be damned. St. Peter: I'm afraid so, yes. -- "Treehouse of Horror XI" % Saint Peter opens trap door in cloud yet again, Homer falls to % Hades. Homer: [speaking in ghoulish voice again, attempting to frighten Satan] I am Homer Simpson! Satan: Silence sinner! Prepare for an eternity of horrible pain! Homer: Oh no! [Satan grabs Homer and starts giving him a noogie] Satan: [like Nelson] HA-ha! Homer: [screams] Satan: Oh be quiet. You'll wake up John Wayne. Wayne: [obviously tired, and holding a coffee mug] I'm already up. -- "Treehouse of Horror XI" % [End of Act One. Time (including opening): 6:24] % % The second story of the evening is, "Scary Tales Can Come % True." % % This tale opens on the edge of a great forest. We see a % drawing of a pumpkin-shaped cottage, which fades into the % "real" version. This is the home of the Simpsons, a peasant % family. Marge chides Bart for watching the fireplace, because % she thinks the fire is too violent. Bart pays her no mind, % and encourages Lisa to drop some "stupid book" she's reading, % and join him. She decides to stick with her copy of "Grimms' % Fairy Tales" for now. % % Homer comes home from work. Homer: Hello wife! Hello children! Who's up for a merry jig? Do-de-doo-doo, Do-de-doo-doo, [falls down] Oh, who am I kidding? I'm not merry. I lost my job as an oaf today. Marge: What?! _Why_ are the oafs always the first to go? Bart: Maybe you could be a dunce, father. Homer: Really? [tears page from Lisa's book] Lisa: Hey!! Homer: [takes page from book and makes a dunce cap] What do you think? Do you love it? [he leans over, and his hat catches fire from a candle on wall. Homer screams and puts his hat out] Homer: Oh, I'm no dunce. I was born and oaf and I'll die an oaf. Marge: But husband, without the weekly pittance, how shall we feed our children. Homer: Don't worry. No child will ever starve in my home. [cut to Homer tossing Bart and Lisa into the Deep Dark Woods] Homer: So long, kids! Enjoy your new home! Say "hi" to your other brother and sister. Bart: Other brother and sister? [the kids spot the skeletal remains of former Bart and Lisa sitting at foot of tree] Lisa + Bart: AHHHHHHHH! Lisa: Face it. They're not great parents. -- "Treehouse of Horror XI" % Walking through the woods, the kids come to a log bridge. % Bart is about to cross it, but Lisa pulls him back. "That % bridge has a troll under it," she warns. Sure enough, a Moe- % like troll tries to grab them, but misses. % % Fortunately, Lisa has recognized that all the stories in her % book were inspired by the very forest around them. She % figures the book can keep them out of danger. As the kids % leave the dangerous bridge behind them, the lonely troll sighs % sadly, figuring that he has come on "too strong" once again. % % Bart and Lisa approach a cottage in the forest and use the % bear's-head door knocker to knock on the door. Bart: Hello! Lost lovable orphans! [a strange wind blows open the door for them. They enter] Lisa: Hmm, bowls of porridge. Oh, this seems somehow familiar. Let's see ... [opens her book and begins to read] Bart: [finding a large porridge bowl] Hmm. [sticks his finger in briefly] Oh, whoa! Too hot! Hmm. [sticks his finger in medium porridge bowl] Oh, too cold. Well, this doesn't take a genius. [ignoring small bowl, pours medium bowl into large bowl and eats it] -- Gee, Mr. Wizard, "Treehouse of Horror XI" % Lisa, still reading, figures out why the house seems so % familiar -- they're in the three bears' house. What's more, % the owners have returned home. Bart and Lisa hide behind the % door as bears enter. After the bears pass, they run out, % block door with a chair, and run away. Bart: That was close! Lisa: I wonder where Goldilocks was? [cut back to inside the house] Goldilocks: Oh, that bed was just right! [notices the bears who look none too pleased. She runs to door but can't open it due to the chair. From the outside, we see blood run under the door as the bears evidently maul her] -- Tying up loose ends, "Treehouse of Horror XI" % Meanwhile, back at the pumpkin cottage ... Homer: [dusting off his hands] Boy, dumping your kids in the forest, sure gets your hands dusty. Marge: What? You threw our precious babies into the woods! We could have sold them! [cut to Maggie sitting in window with a sign reading, "Two chickens or best offer"] Go back and get them. Homer: Here's a better idea. I know how we can replace those children. [romantically advances on Marge] [smash cut to Homer standing in the woods] [calling out] Son! Daughter! I'm ever so sorry. -- "Treehouse of Horror XI" % Homer hears a woman singing la-la-la to the tune of % "Greensleves." It is Rapunzel, the lovely lass with the long % locks, locked up in a tall tower. She beckons Homer to rescue % her, and lets down her hair. Big mistake. Homer tries to % climb it, but his weight is too much to bear, and Rapunzel's % hair rips clean out, landing in a heap on the ground. Homer % pushes it under a bush and walks away. % % Meanwhile, Bart and Lisa approach a gingerbread house. Bart: Wow! A house made of gingerbread. Witch: [steps out the door] Come on in, my darlings. The best candies are inside! Lisa: Wait, let me check the book. Bart: Aw, she seems nice. I'm going to go with my gut and trust her. Lisa: You're probably right. [later, Lisa is in chains, sweeping] Witch: [poking Lisa] Sweep faster. It's almost time for your beating. -- Never take candy houses from strangers, "Treehouse of Horror XI" % Lisa bemoans her fate. Lisa: Oh, this is horrible! Bart: [fattened, and gorging himself on candy] Horribly delicious! Lisa: You know, she's only fattening you up so she can eat you. Bart: Ah, what are you going to do. [squirts himself with a turkey baster] Lisa: Well, at least stop basting yourself. Witch: Stop your chattering and sweep! This house is filthy! Bart: What do you care? It's not like you have friends. Witch: I have a boyfriend. Lisa: Sure. Bart: Yeah right. Witch: I do! Lisa: Oh yeah? What's his name? Witch: Uh ... George!..[looking around and spotting a pot in the fireplace] ... Cauldron! Lisa: George Cauldron? [giggles] Maybe he can fix me up with Ed Ladle. Witch: That's it! Into the oven with you! [picks up Lisa and carries her to the oven] -- "Treehouse of Horror XI" % It seems like the jig is up for Lisa, when Homer suddenly eats % his way through the witch's wall. Homer: Mmmm ... sugar walls. Lisa: Father! I knew you'd rescue us! Homer: Oh, rescue you, stuff myself with candy, it's all good! [Homer continues to help himself to the house] Witch: Oh, that's a load bearing candy cane! You clumsy oaf! [she zaps Homer repeatedly, changing him into a fish-headed chicken with broom arms and donkey ears] Homer: So, is that all you got? Huh? Huh? [apparently not. The witch grabs him and pushes him headfirst into the oven] Homer: [sniffing] Hmm, fish. Oh no! That's me! [just then, the doorbell rings] Witch: Just a minute! [Homer turns around and grabs the distracted witch. Then he tosses her into the oven and slams the door. His head and arms revert back] Witch: Oh, God, no! Let me out! I couldn't be in more pain! [the door opens, and a handsome gentleman with flowers appears] George: Hello, I'm George Cauldron. Is Suzanne ready yet? Homer: Almost, just give her another 20 minutes. [turns up the oven heat] George: But the concert's at eight. -- I think Jan's free tonight, "Treehouse of Horror XI" % The scene reverts back to the pumpkin cottage. Marge: Well, we're still poor, but thanks to your father, we'll never go hungry. Bart: Speaking of which, how about seconds? Homer: Coming up! [Homer, his bottom half still a chicken, goes to nest and, in great pain, lays an egg] -- "Treehouse of Horror XI" % The scene slowly changes to a book illustration. The page % turns, revealing "The End" in gothic script. % % [End of Act Two. Time: 12:36] % % Now, for tonight's final tale: "Night of the Dolphin" % % The Simpsons are at one of those parks that feature aquatic % life, with big aquariums, educational exhibits -- and large % tanks of water where dolphins perform tricks for the audience. % At one of these tanks, a trained dolphin is finishing up his % show. Woman: Let's give Snorky a big hand! Crowd: Yeah, Snorky! Woman: Now, we're going to need a volunteer to frolic with Snorky, so raise your hand ... [the crowd rushes and enters the dolphin tank, crowding in Snorky. He looks upset] Lisa: Oh, Snorky ... Announcer: Folks, we're heating up the lobster tank, so hurry on over if you want to pet them before you eat 'em! [the crowd gets out and runs off] It's OK, they're gone now. You can ... [dolphin swims off] Where are you going? [the dolphin swims to the exit and motions for Lisa to let him out] You want to be with your friends. Oh ... [after some hesitation, she opens the gate, and an alarm sounds. Men run out with harpoon guns] Homer: It's getting away. Kill it! Lisa: Go on! Swim to freedom! Go! [the dolphin leaps over Lisa, and a retaining wall, to freedom (striking Lisa on the head with his tailfin in the process}] -- No good deed goes unpunished, "Treehouse of Horror XI" % Snorky rejoins his fellow dolphins. The begin speaking to one % another. Fortunately for those of us who don't speak fluent % dolphinese, English subtitles appear on the screen. % % While a "guest" of the marine park, Snorky was forced to do % tricks, like a common seal. Now, he's out for revenge. % % It's nighttime. Lenny appears, swimming. Lenny: Mmmm. Alcohol and night swimming. It's a winning combination! [he's surrounded by dolphins swimming around him, fins showing] Oh-oh. Sharks! The assassins of the sea! [the dolphins stick their heads out of water] Oooh. You're not sharks. You're dolphins. The clowns of the sea. [they begin striking him with their noses] Ow! Ow! Hey what's the gag? [they overtake him] -- "Treehouse of Horror XI" % Next morning, the police try to figure out just what happened. Hmm. Bottlenose bruises. Blowhole burns. Flipper prints. This looks like the work of rowdy teens. Lou, cancel the prom. -- Chief Wiggum, "Treehouse of Horror XI" % On the pier, Cap'n McAllister realizes all too well what's % really going on. Talking to no one in particular, he mentions % that he is the only man who knows how to stop the dolphins. % Before he can reveal what that secret talent is, two dolphins % jump out of the water and kill him in mid-soliloquy. A % dolphin uses the Captain's hat and pipe to do an impression % for his buddies. % % That night, the dolphins appear en masse, on the beach. They % march in military formation, drums playing in the background. % One of them strikes a volleyball net. "It's a trap," he % squeaks, "they've got nets!" Snorky slaps sense into him and % they continue forward. % % Homer orders in the drive-through outside of Krusty Burger ... Homer: Two Krusty shakes, a doughnut burger with cheese, and a party-sized bucket of flan. [a dolphin on the other end of the intercom squeaks a reply, which Homer somehow understands] Yes, I will have fries with that! [he drives up to window, where the dolphin is propping up the pimple-face kid. He hands Homer his food, but the kid's head falls into his lap] Heh! Anything to get out of work! -- "Treehouse of Horror XI" % That night, the family watches the local news. Brockman: Our top story ... killer dolphins. Lisa: Killer dolphins? Brockman: The recent wave of murders ... [in the studio, Kent notices camera man being held and threatened by two dolphins; he holds up sign reading, "SAVE ME!"] [changing course] Uhh ... di ... did I say, "killer dolphins?" I meant ... killer Italians! Grey, bottle-nosed, intelligent Italians Homer: Intelligent Italians? Something's wrong ... Brockman: We have to stop them. If we speak in low frequency voices I don't think they can ... [is knocked off camera by a beach ball, then struck repeatedly by a ball. The dolphin finally uses the ball to break the camera] OFF: Gasp! -- "Treehouse of Horror XI" % The family is horrified. Bart: Those dolphins seem bent on mayhem. We've got to warn Grandpa. [Homer dials the phone] Homer: Phone's off the hook. Everything must be OK. [scene switches to the retirement castle; Grampa is being swallowed whole by a dolphin] Abe: Aw, I'm going to give your liver such a punching. -- "Treehouse of Horror XI" % A meeting is quickly convened at the Springfield Town Hall. Quimby: People, please! We're all frightened and horny. But we can't let can't let some killer dolphins keep us from living and scoring. [squeaking sounds are heard. The crowd gasps and turns to see Willie Squeegee-ing clean the windows] Quimby: Willy, must you do that now? Willie: You want streaks? 'Cause if you interrupt me, that's what you'll get. [suddenly, a dolphin comes through window and impales Willie] -- Not to mention the bloodstains, "Treehouse of Horror XI" % Three more dolphins enter from above. Snorky comes through % double doors in rear and slides forward to the podium. Bart: It's approaching the podium! Mel: Surely it cannot speak! Snorky: [in high child's voice] Snorky ... talk ... man ... [clears throat and reverts to deep male voice] I'm sorry, let me start over. Eons ago, dolphins lived on the land. Moe: What did he say! Carl: He said years ago dolphins lived on the land. Moe: [surprised] What? Snorky: Then your ancestors drove us into the sea, where we suffered for millions of years. Marge: But you seemed so happy in the ocean. All that playful leaping ... Snorky: We were trying to get out! It's cold, it's wet, every morning I wake up phlegmy. Lisa: Plus all that sewage we keep dumping. Snorky: [gasps] That was you? Homer: It was her alright. [holds up Lisa] Take the one who wronged you! Snorky: I, King Snorky, hereby banish all humans to the sea! Crowd: Pushy Dolphins. I don't like that. [etc.] Moe: I ... I tuned out. Where are we going? -- "Treehouse of Horror XI" % Homer tries the rally the crowd before they leave. Homer: Wait! Stop! We can outsmart those dolphins. Don't forget, we invented computers, leg warmers, bendy straws, peel-and-eat shrimp, the glory hole and the pudding cup. I'm not going to let a bunch of hoop- jumping tuna-munching push me around! [opens rear doors] Uh-oh. [hundreds of dolphins appear outside, a-la Hitchcock "The Birds." The wind blowing, quietly, and small dolphins sounds pierce the silence] Marge: Jeez. So many dolphins. [they all step outside quietly walking through the dolphin mob] [Walking through, Lisa spots a baby dolphin with a six-pack plastic ring over its nose] Lisa: Oh no, you poor thing. Here. [removing plastic, dolphins bites her] Ow!!! Son of a -- Homer: Heeeeyy! Leave my daughter alone! -- Like I said, no good deed goes unpunished, "Treehouse of Horror XI" % That's the last straw. Homer jumps up to base of Jebediah % Springfield statue and addresses the crowd. "Come on humans! % We've wiped out entire species of humans before! We can do it % again," he yells, and the battle between dolphins and % townspeople ensues. % % Apu takes a beating. A dolphin shoves Comic Book Guy % headfirst into car and begins slamming door on him. Another % dolphin appears to have the upper hand, er, fin in a fight % with Homer. Bart slingshots a cork into the dolphin's % airhole. "Let's drive them back to the ocean," shouts Homer, % leading the townspeople into a charge against the dolphins. % % Cut to next scene. The townspeople are in the ocean. Homer: Hey, you got to hand it to those dolphins. They just wanted it more. Lisa: I kind of wish I hadn't freed their leader and, you know, doomed mankind. Marge: Oh honey I wouldn't say same doomed. It's going to be an adjustment, no question. [the body of Krusty floats to them, and Marge kicks it away in disgust. It floats to other bodies, spelling out "THE END?"] -- "Treehouse of Horror XI" % The final story is over, but this episode isn't. The scene % cuts to the bridge of Kang and Kodos's spaceship. Kang: Can you believe it, Kodos? They left us out of the Halloween show. Kodos: Are you sure the space phone is working? [Kang tries it] Hang up, they could be trying to call right now! Kang: I _knew_ we should have sent them a muffin basket. [the phone rings. Kodos answers] Kodos: Kang and Kodos Productions. Uh-huh ... Yes ... Just a second. Do we want to do a commercial for something called, "Old Navy?" Kang: [shrugs] Ehh, work is work. -- We can sell tech vests, "Treehouse of Horror XI" % [End of Act Three. Time: 21:20] % % Closing music is the usual "Treehouse of Horror" melody. The % Gracie Noise is a frightened scream. ============================================================================== > Contributors ============================================================================== {ac} Alex Cain {ah} Aaron Hirshberg {ah3} Aaron Howard {bf} Ben Fonter {bg} Bruce Gomes {bh} Blake Hester {cj} Carl Johnson {db} David Brunt {ddg} Don Del Grande {dj} Darrel Jones {ds} Dave Sibley {gb} Gareth Barsby {jk} Joe Klemm {jk2} Joshua Kaufman {jo} Jeph Oughton {kh} K. Hideky {ma} Michael Adams {mh} Mike Hofer {mr2} Mike Reed {sb} Stephen Burks {sp} Shane Perry {sw} S. Woo {wb} Wilson Banswell ============================================================================== > Legal Mumbo Jumbo ============================================================================== This episode capsule is Copyright 2003 Benjamin Robinson. It is not to be redistributed in a public forum without consent from its author or current maintainer ( All quoted material and episode summaries remain property of The Simpsons, Copyright of Twentieth Century Fox. All other contributions remain the properties of their respective authors. The Quote and Scene Summary itself is Copyright 2001 Bruce Gomes. This capsule has been brought to you by Springfield Marine Park. This work is dedicated to Raymond Chen, James A. Cherry, Ricardo Lafaurie, Frederic Briere, and all of those who made episode capsules what they are today. "Can you be more specific?" -- Alex Cain