Simpsons Greeting Cards

United States

Hallmark - Everyday Cards

Created and Maintained by Bruce Gomes Sr.

Homer Birthday Card

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Hallmark - Seasonal  (2008 - 2012)
Hallmark - Everyday   (2008 - 2012)
Hallmark - Stickers
Gibson - Everyday     (1992,  1995)
Children's Valentines  (1990 - 2008)
Boxed Christmas Cards

For sound cards the clips taken from episodes are supplied in blue. When we find sentences that were truncated or quotes that have words removed from the middle of sentences (often appropriately, we should add!) we supply the missing words in red, and with each quote we supply the episode it was taken from. We also supply additional lead in sentences in red to illustrate the original context, which may not, of course, be aligned with the cards intended purpose.


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In February of 2008 Hallmark announced they had signed an exclusive agreement to distribute Simpsons greeting cards in the United States, working with the show's creators to select sound clips from the episodes to create an initial set of twelve sound cards. Our thanks to Andrew du Broc, Tina Neidlein, Satah Tobaben and all the wonderful people at Hallmark who worked to bring us these cards!

Although this section was built to document cards in the United States, Hallmark also initially released many of the same card lines in Australia & New Zealand, and we will document those cards within this section as we find them. For example, see the Lisa card here.

All Hallmark cards are copyright 2008 - 2012 Hallmark Licensing. Inc / Hallmark Cards, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution is prohibited. These web pages, its operators and any content contained herein related to Hallmark Cards are not authorized by Hallmark Licensing, Inc. All Simpsons images/sounds are TM and copyright 2008 - 2012 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Everyday Cards

Birthday Cards

Sound Cards

Homer Birthday Card Homer

New Card!

Hallmark: SNE 160-5    UPC: 720473 189452    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5" x 6 3/4"            Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2012

Cover: Homer: All of my favorite birthdays have one thing in common...
Inside: (Homer drunk) And when I remember what it is, I'll let you know.
Back:   blank
Type:   Sound Clip from "Viva Ned Flanders" [AABF06]

Ned: Look at this place. We must have really painted the town last night.
I have a pounding headache, my mouth tastes like vomit, and I don't remember a thing!
Homer: Welcome to my world.

Homer Birthday Card Homer

New Card!

Hallmark: SNE 161-5    UPC: 720473 200034     Cost: $4.99
Size: 5" x 6 3/4"            Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2012

Cover: Homer: Celebrate Your Birthday Like A Man.
Inside: What the cardiologist doesn't know won't heart him.
Back:   Menu from steakhouse "Pleased to meat you!"
Type:   Sound Clip from "Maximum Overdrive" [AABF13]

Homer: Wait a minute. Is this the biggest steak you've got? Seventy-two ounces? I thought this was supposed to be a steak house, not a little girlie, underpantsy, pink-doily, tea-party place.

Bart Birthday Card Bart

New Card!

Hallmark: J182-9          UPC: 720473 201659    Cost: $5.99
Size: 5" x 6 3/4"            Line: Hallmark c. 2012

Hallmark: TNG 145-5    UPC: 720473 137774    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5" x 6 3/4"            Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2011

Cover: Bart: Hey, man! Want to have some fun on your birthday?
Inside: Well, what are you waiting for? A permission slip? Hope it's happy!
Back:   blank
Type:   Sound Clip from "One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish" [7F11]

Moe: (phone ringing) Hello, Moe's Tavern , birthplace of the Rob Roy!
Bart: Is Mr. Freely there?
Moe: Who?
Bart: Freely. First initials I.P.
Moe: Hold on, I'll check. Uh, is I.P. Freely here? Hey everybody, I.P. Freely!.
(Bart laughing [clip taken from elsewhere])
Wait a minute...
Listen to me you lousy bum. When I get a hold of you like that I swear I'm going to slice your heart in half.
(kids laughing)
Homer: You'll get that punk someday Moe.
Moe: Ah, I don't know. He's tough to catch. He keeps changing his name.

Homer Birthday Card Homer

New Card!

Hallmark: HBD604-7    UPC: 720473 241709     Cost: $2.99
Size: 5" x 6 3/4"            Line: Hallmark c. 2012

Cover: Homer: It's your Birthday! Bring on the Dancing Girls!
Inside: My Eyes! Make it Stop! (we see Patty and Selma dancing)
Back:   Blank
Type:   Standard card.

Homer Birthday Card

Homer Birthday Card


Hallmark: SND 153-0    UPC: 070000 687877    Cost: $4.99  (Style 1)
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: SNH 125-5    UPC: 070000 687686    Cost: $4.99  (Style 1)
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: SNE 153-0    UPC: 720473 095081    Cost: $4.99  (Style 2)
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2011

Cover: Homer [hair on fire]: Aggggghhhh!!
Inside: Have all the Birthday Excitement you can handle!
Back:   A sad looking slice of cake, with smoldering candle
Type:   Sound clip from "Homer the Heretic" [9F01]  (00:14)

Homer: Aaaaaugh! [finds himself in the middle of a fire] What do I do what do I do? Oh, the song, the song. [singing] When the fire starts to burn, There's a lesson you must learn. Something something, then you'll see: You'll avoid catastrophe! [realizes] D'oh!

Apu Birthday Card Apu

Hallmark: SND 153-1+    UPC: 070000 nnnnnn    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"         Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: SNH 125-6    UPC: 070000 687792    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Apu: I am eager to be shaking my booty in honor of your birthday.
Inside: Please be having a delightful celebration.
Back:   Blank
Type:   Sound clip from "22 Short Films About Springfield" [3F18]

Apu: [Well, I don't like to leave the store but] for the next five minutes I'm going to party like it's on sale for 19.99.

Ralph Birthday Card Ralph

Hallmark: SND 153-3    UPC: 070000 687884    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: SNH 125-8    UPC: 070000 687693    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Ralph: The Leprechaun teached me about Birthday Fun!
Inside: The candles taste like burning. Happy Birthday!
Back:   Leprechaun standing beside a melted unlit candle.
Type:   Sound clip from "This Little Wiggy" [5F13]

Ralph: This is my swing set. This is my sandbox. I'm not allowed to go in the deep end. [points to large rock] That's where I saw the leprechaun!
[Bart: [sarcastically] Right, a leprechaun.]
Ralph: He told me to burn things.

Krusty Birthday Card Krusty

Hallmark: SND 153-4    UPC: 070000 687891    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: SNH 125-9    UPC: 070000 687716    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Krusty: This Birthday Card Has the Official Krusty the Clown Seal of Approval!
Inside: I don't go all out like this for just anybody, you know!
Back:   Mr. Teeny on skates.
Type:   Sound clip from "Lisa the Beauty Queen" [9F02]

Krusty: I heartily endorse this event or product. ( followed by the theme music from The Krusty the Clown Show )

Bart Birthday Card

Bart Birthday Card


Hallmark: SND 130-3    UPC: 070000 838699    Cost: $5.99  (Style 1)
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: SNE 130-3    UPC: 720473 092080    Cost: $5.99  (Style 2)
Size: 5" x 6 3/4"            Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2011

Cover: Bart: Looking for a little Birthday entertainment?
Inside: I'll make a few calls!
Back:   Bart on floor, laughing
Type:   Sound, trifold, two sound clips  (00:24)

Clip from "The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson" [7F11]
Moe: (phone ringing) Hello, Moe's Tavern, birthplace of the Rob Roy!
Bart: Is Seymour there? Last name Butz.
Moe: Just a sec. Hey, is there a Butz here? A Seymour Butz? Hey, everybody, I wanna Seymour Butz!
Clip from "Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk" [8F09]
Moe: Listen, you. When I get a hold of you, I'm going to use your head for a bucket and paint my house with your brains!

Moe Birthday Card Moe

Hallmark: SNH 130-4    UPC: 070000 687839    Cost: $5.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Moe: Another year older, and it sure don't show.
Inside: Would I lie to you?
(after opening trifold) Nah, I'd just get busted. Happy Birthday!
Back:   -BZZT!
Type:   Sound, trifold, Clip from "Who Shot Mr. Burns? Part Two" [2F20]

[Eddie: Did you hold a grudge against Montgomery Burns?
Moe: No!
Lie Detector: BUZZ!
Moe: All right, maybe I did. But I didn't shoot him.
Lie Detector: Ding!
Eddie: Checks out.]
OK, sir, you're free to go.
Moe: Good, 'cause I got a hot date tonight.
Lie Detector: BUZZ!
Moe: _A_ date.
Lie Detector: BUZZ!
Moe: Dinner with friends.
Lie Detector: BUZZ!
Moe: Dinner alone.
Lie Detector: BUZZ!
Moe: Watching TV alone.
Lie Detector: BUZZ!
Moe: All right! I'm going to sit at home and ogle the ladies in the Victoria's Secret catalog.
Lie Detector: BUZZ!
Moe: [weakly] Sears catalog.
Lie Detector: Ding!
Moe: [angrily] Now would you unhook this already, please? I don't deserve this kind of shabby treatment!
Lie Detector: BUZZ!

Marge / Homer Birthday Card Marge / Homer

Hallmark: SNH 130-5    UPC: 070000 687815    Cost: $5.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008
This card is trifold with two sound chips

Hallmark: SND 153-5    UPC: 070000 693052    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: SND 400-5    UPC: 070000 814389    Cost: $5.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2009
This card is trifold with two sound chips

Cover: Marge / Homer: It's your day, so you should enjoy your FAVORITE TREATS!
Inside: MMMMM...Cool, foamy, refreshing treats! Accept no substitutes! Happy Birthday!
Type:   Sound clip from "Dead Putting Society" [7F08]  (00:09)

Homer: Marge, where's the Duff!?!
Marge: Ohh, uh, we're all out, Homer.
[Homer: D'oh!]
Marge: Would you like some fruit juice?
Homer: Don't toy with me, woman.

Moe's Bar Birthday Card Moe's Bar

Hallmark: SNH 126-0    UPC: 070000 687808    Cost: $5.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Moe's Bar: Celebrate your Birthday somewhere Classy.
Inside: If that doesn't work out, you can always celebrate with us.
        Four buttons and four denizens of Moe's as indicated below
Back:   Can of Duff Beer with a blue bow.
Type:   Sound clips as follows;

Sound clip from "The Last Temptation of Krust" [5F10]
Moe: Red button: Hi, how you folks doing, I'm Moe, or as the ladies like to call me "Hey you behind the bushes".
Sound clip from "Homer vs. The Eighteenth Amendment" [4F15]
Homer: Yellow button: To alcohol! To cause of, and the solution to, all of life's problems.
Sound clip from "The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson" [4F22]
Duffman: Blue button: Are you ready to get Duffed!
Sound clip from "The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson" [4F22]
Barney: Orange button: That's just drunk talk. Sweet, beautiful drunk talk (burps).

Homer Birthday Card Homer

Hallmark: SND 153-6+    UPC: 070000 nnnnnn    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"         Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: SNH 126-1    UPC: 070000 687723    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Homer: Eat what you like, Belch if you have to, and only wear pants if you feel like it!
Inside: Ooh, Good Advice!   Sometimes my wisdom amazes even me!   Happy Birthday!
Back:   Homer in tighty-whities saying I'm Peter Pantsless!
Type:   Sound clip from "Homer Goes to College" [1F02]  (00:09)

Homer: I am so smart! I am so smart! I am so smart! I am so smart! S-M-R-T! I mean, S-M-A-R-T...

Lisa Birthday Card Lisa

Hallmark: SND 153-7    UPC: 070000 687914    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: SNH 126-2    UPC: 070000 687730    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Lisa: Feeling FED UP with everything lately?
Inside: Tell Me About It!
Back:   Lisa: I'm a middle child... Please pay attention to me!!!
Type:   Sound clip from "Moaning Lisa" [7G06]

Lisa: [singing]
   I got a bratty brother.
   He bugs me everyday.
   And this morning my own mother,
   Gave my last cupcake away.
   My Dad acts like he belongs,
   He belongs in the zoo.
   I'm the sa-a-a-addest kid,
   In gra-a-a-de number two.
- released as part of the track "Moanin' Lisa Blues" on the album
  The Simpsons Sing the Blues

Marge Birthday Card Marge

Hallmark: SND 153-8    UPC: 070000 687921    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Marge: Birthdays can be stressful, but you can handle it...
Inside: You're a Woman, after all!
Back:   Portrait of Marge
Type:   Sound clip from "Moaning Lisa" [7G06]

Marge: [Well it doesn't matter how you feel inside, you know? It's what shows up on the surface that counts. That's what my mother taught me.] Take all your bad feelings and push them down, all the way down, past your knees until you're almost walking on them. And then you'll fit in, and you'll be invited to parties, and boys will like you, and happiness will follow.
{Marge then recants, apologizes and tells Lisa to always be herself}

Grampa Birthday Card Grampa

Hallmark: SND 153-9    UPC: 070000 687938    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: SNH 126-4    UPC: 070000 687754    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Grampa: A Birthday, Huh? Why, I recollect when I was your age...
Inside: Say, do I know you?
Back:   Grampa snoring in an easy chair.
Type:   Sound clip from "Moaning Lisa" [7G06]

Grampa: The year was nineteen-ought-six. The President is the divine Miss Sarah Bernhardt. And all over America, people were doin' a dance called the "Funky Grandpa"! [singing] Oh... I'm...the... [suddenly begins snoring]

Moe Birthday Card Moe
Hallmark: SND 154-0    UPC: 070000 687945    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: SNH 126-5    UPC: 070000 687761    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Moe: It's your birthday, so you get to be Designated Drinker.
Inside: Leave everything else to us.
Back:   Jar of pickled eggs, with one black one
Type:   Sound clip from "The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson" [4F22]

Moe: We'll choose the same way they pick the pope. Everybody reach in and draw a pickled egg. Whoever gets the black egg stays sober tonight.

Ned Flanders Birthday Card Ned Flanders

Hallmark: SNH 126-6    UPC: 070000 687761    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Ned Flanders: Howdily-Doodily! Ready for some scrump-diddly-umptious birthday fun?
Inside: Have a sizz-diddly-icious day!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Sound clip from "When Flanders Failed " [7F23]

Ned Flanders: Come on over and strap on the feed bag. We're going to fire up ol' Propane Elaine and put the heat to the meat! Nummy-num-num! [(hands Homer an invitation)]
[Homer: I'll be there! (under breath) Notty-notty-not.]

Lisa Birthday Card Lisa

Hallmark: SNH 138-6    UPC: 070000 915512    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: Hallmark c. 2009
Released January 2010.

Cover: Lisa: Dad, are you going to have a happy birthday?
Inside: Or do I have to beg?
Back:   Blank
Type:   Sound clip from "One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish" [7F11]

[Marge: Please, Homer, can't we try it? [going to a sushi bar]]
[Homer: No.]
[Lisa: Please, Dad, this argument humiliates us both.]
Homer: [If] ..I said `no' the first time, what makes you think I'm going to say `yes' the second time?
Lisa: Nothing, but you may say `yes' the ninety-ninth time.
Homer: Oh? Try me.
Lisa: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Lisa: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Lisa: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Lisa: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Lisa: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Lisa: Please, Dad.
Homer: Oh, okay, okay.

Homer/Marge Birthday Card Homer/Marge

Hallmark: SNH 138-7    UPC: 070000 915499    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: Hallmark c. 2009
Released January 2010.

Cover: Kids: Happy Birthday to a Dad who's always been a huge influence on this family...
Inside: DESPITE Mom's best efforts!
Back:   No image
Type:   Sound clip from "Team Homer" [3F10]

Homer [on phone]: Yeah, Moe, that team sure did suck last night. They just plain sucked! I've seen teams suck before, but they were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked.
Marge: Homer! Watch your mouth!

Bart Birthday Card Bart

Hallmark: SNH 138-8    UPC: 070000 915499    Cost: $5.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: Hallmark c. 2009
Released January 2010.

Cover: Bart: Dad, you deserve a card that doesn't hassle you or mess with your head...
Inside: There's just one problem...  It's from me, remember?  Happy Birthday
Back:   Blank
Type:   Sound clip from "Three Men and a Comic Book" [7F21]

[Bart: I need a hundred dollars for a comic book.]
[Homer: A hundred bucks for a comic book? Who drew it, Michael Milangelo?]
[Bart: I want this more than anything in the world.]
[Homer: Well, T.S.!]
[Bart: Please, Dad.]
[Homer: No.]
[Bart: Please, Dad.]
[Homer: No.]
[Bart: Please, Dad.]
[Homer: No.]
Bart: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Bart: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Bart: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Bart: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Bart: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Bart: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Bart: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Bart: Please, Dad.
Homer: No!
[Homer: Now look, son, we all know that usually when you bug me like this, I give in, so I'm not mad at you for trying. It shows you've been paying attention. But we all know I'm not gonna give you a hundred dollars.]
Homer: Now, are you going to stop bugging me?
Bart: No.
Homer: Are you?
Bart: No.
Homer: Are you?
Bart: No.
Homer: Are you?
Bart: No.
Homer: Are you?
Bart: No.
[Homer: Are you?]
[Bart: No.]
[Homer: Are you?]
[Bart: No.]
[Homer: Are you?]
[Bart: No.]
[Homer: Are you?]
[Bart: No.]
[Homer: Are you?]
[Bart: No.]
[Homer: Are you?]
Bart: OKAY!!!
Homer: Hoo-hoo! I win! In your face! Yeah, how do you like them apples? Woo-hoo-hoo!

Homer Birthday Card Homer

Hallmark: SND 400-0    UPC: 070000 847455    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2009

Cover: Homer: As a man gets older, all he wants is to spend his birthday with a certain special someone...
Inside: That sweet, sweet, someone!   (Homer watching television)
Back:   Blank
Type:   Sound clip from "Treehouse of Horror V" [2F03]

Homer: Television! Teacher, mother, secret lover.

Homer Birthday Card Homer

Hallmark: SND 400-1    UPC: 070000 840197    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2009

Cover: Homer: (Three images of Homer imagining himself with a giant donut)
Inside: Celebrate with those you love best! Happy Birthday
Back:   Homer on the beach, sunset in the distance, with his arm around a giant donut.
Type:   Sound clip from "Marge vs. the Monorail" [9F10]

Homer: Donuts. Is there anything they can't do?

Bart Birthday Card

Bart Birthday Card


Hallmark: SND 400-7    UPC: 070000 814181    Cost: $4.99    (Style 1)
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: SNH 400-7    UPC: 070000 787997    Cost: $4.99    (Style 1)
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: SNE 400-7    UPC: 720473 093179    Cost: $4.99    (Style 2)
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2011

Cover: Bart: Hope You Get Just What You Want On Your Birthday...
Inside: A few good laughs!
Back:   Bart on skateboard
Type:   Sound clip from "Lisa's Sax" [3G02]

Bart: (fart noise) Doodie! (fart noise) Booger!
(Bart's captive audience laughs.)
Jimbo: That is killer material!
Bart: [singing] Skinner is a nut! He has a rubber butt!

The exact same design is also sold as an oversized card below.

Homer Birthday Card Homer

Hallmark: SNH 401-1    UPC: 070000 790171    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Homer: Let's Face It, there's NO known cure for aging.
Inside: There's fast relief from symptoms, though! Happy Birthday
Back:   Three Duff beer cans
Type:   Sound clip from "Homer's Odyssey" [7G03]

Homer: Beer. Now there's a temporary solution.

Homer Birthday Card

Homer Birthday Card

Hallmark: SND 402-0    UPC: 070000 814174    Cost: $4.99  (Style 1)
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: SND 412-0    UPC: 070000 856532    Cost: $4.99  (Style 1)
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2009

Hallmark: SNE 402-0    UPC: 720473 093186    Cost: $4.99  (Style 2)
Size: 5 1/8 x 6 7/8"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2011

Cover: Homer: You can still learn new stuff at your age...
Inside: Just don't expect to remember it very long.
Back:   Homer stirring a beer with his finger, thought bubble:
             "I wonder what I'm forgetting right now?"
Type:   Sound clip from "Secrets of a Successful Marriage" [1F20]

Homer: [Besides,] every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain. Remember when I took that home wine making course and forgot how to drive?

Homer Birthday Card Homer

Hallmark: SND 405-7    UPC: 070000 814426    Cost: $7.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2009

Cover: Homer: EEEEK!! (Homer at console in power plant. PRESS HERE lights card)
Inside: Stay calm, it's just a birthday. Deep breath. Deeeep breath... AAAAAUGH!!!!!
Back:   Black and yellow diagonal stripe pattern
Type:   "Meltdown" flashing lights and warning buzzers, activated via button on front of card

Grampa Birthday Card Grampa

Hallmark: SNH 401-4    UPC: 070000 785764    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: SND 411-4    UPC: 070000 855771    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Grampa: They say we lose memory with age.
Inside: And they said some other stuff, too, but I forget what.
Back:   Grampa sitting in an easy chair.
Type:   Sound clip from "Lady Bouvier's Lover" [1F21]

Grampa: You know, you remind me of a poem I can't remember, and a song that may never have existed, and a place I'm not sure I've ever been to.

Everyday Cards

Sound Cards

Bart Birthday Card Bart

Hallmark: ENG 102-1    UPC: 070000 964565    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: Hallmark  c. 2009

Cover: Bart: You'll have to pardon my french
Inside: But tough times call for tough language!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Sound clip

Bart: Ay carumba!

Everyday Cards

Birthday Cards

Oversized Sound Cards

Homer Birthday Card Homer

Hallmark: SND 320-8   UPC: 070000 788963    Cost: $9.99
Size: 11 x 11"                Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: SNH 320-8   UPC: 070000 687853    Cost: $9.99
Size: 11 x 11"                Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Homer: On Your Birthday how would you like a Great Big Card Full of Dough?
Inside: Here you go. ENJOY.
Back:   Homer exclaiming D'oh!
Type:   Oversized card, sound clip: Homer saying "D'oh" thirty-two times.  (00:14)

Simpsons Family Birthday Card Our Favorite Family

Hallmark: SNH 320-9   UPC: 070000 686054    Cost: $9.99
Size: 11 x 11"                Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: The Simpsons: Celebrate with pride! You have the respect and admiration of the
              whole community!
Inside: Considering the community, that may or may not be a compliment. Happy Birthday!
Back:   Springfield USA logo
Type:   Oversized card, sound clip: Theme from The Simpsons   (00:22)

Marge Birthday Card Marge

Hallmark: SNH 321-0   UPC: 070000 686047    Cost: $9.99
Size: 11 x 11"                Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Marge: Wow! You look amazing! But don't just take my word for it...
Inside: Ask anybody! (Inside we see Marge, Moe, Apu, Krusty and Homer)
              Everyone: Awwwwww!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Oversized card, sound clips

Clip from "Homer vs. Patty and Selma" [2F14]
Moe: [sniffing a cigar] Ah, this place is going to smell classy all week.
Clips from "The Principal and the Pauper" [4F23]
Apu: I can ..You are clearly so quick witted and beautiful.
Krusty: Ho, ho look at you. Hey. ..whoa
Homer's brain: (Skinner has just revealed his biggest secret, everyone is in shock.) Keep looking shocked, and move slowly towards the cake.

Bart Birthday Card Bart

Hallmark: SNH 321-1    UPC: 070000 686009    Cost: $9.99
Size: 11 x 11"                Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Bart: Hope You Get Just What You Want On Your Birthday...
Inside: A few good laughs!
Back:   Bart on skateboard
Type:   Sound clip from "Lisa's Sax" [3G02]

Bart: (fart noise) Doodie! (fart noise) Booger!
(Bart's captive audience laughs.)
Jimbo: That is killer material!
Bart: [singing] Skinner is a nut! He has a rubber butt!
The exact same design is also sold in two standard sized cards above.

Everyday Cards

Birthday Cards

Motion Cards

Bart and Homer Birthday Card Bart and Homer

Hallmark: SAH 500-9    UPC: 070000 682704    Cost: $5.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Bart & Homer: ACK!! (Front of card is motion card with handle, Homer strangling Bart)
Inside: Spending your day with family, or are you planning something less painful?
Back:   Snowball II wearing a party hat and coughing up a hairball
Type:   Motion card

Itchy and Scratchy Birthday Card Itchy and Scratchy

Hallmark: SAH 501-0    UPC: 070000 682674    Cost: $5.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Itchy and Scratchy: Itchy chain sawing Scratchy into three parts (motion card!)
Inside: Any way you SLICE IT, you deserve a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Back:   "KA-BOOM!"
Type:   Motion card

Lenticular Cards

Homer Birthday Card Homer

Hallmark: SHL 400-3        UPC: 070000 687655    Cost: $3.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 4 11/16"   Line: c. 2008

Cover: Homer: Lenticular front, Homer dreaming of a six-pack of Duff / Cake
Inside: Mmmm... Beercake. Savor the delicious Beery Goodness of your birthday!
Back:  Homer sleeping on the couch, beer can on his middle.
Type:   Lenticular card, dream switches between a cake and a Duff six-pack.

Homer Birthday Card Homer

Hallmark: SHL 400-4        UPC: 070000 687662    Cost: $3.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 4 11/16"   Line: c. 2008

Cover: Homer: Lenticular front, Flying Homer reaching for a doughnut
Inside: On your birthday, reach for the stars.
     But only the round, doughy ones with frosting and a hole in the middle.
Back:   Homer smiling, donut in hand
Type:   Lenticular card.

Bart Birthday Card Bart

Hallmark: SHL 400-5        UPC: 070000 687679    Cost: $3.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 4 11/16"   Line: c. 2008

Cover: Bart: Lenticular front, Bart flying by on a skateboard
Inside: Have a happy birthday! Dare ya.
Back:   Bart on skateboard from back
Type:   Lenticular card.

Lenticular Sound Cards

Marge / Homer Everyday Card Marge / Homer

Hallmark: SNH 300-8    UPC: 070000 686795    Cost: $7.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Marge / Homer: Homer: Ooh, baby...  Marge: Ooh, baby...
Inside: I love the way we think alike!
Back:  Thought bubble with "Woo-hoo! First base!"
Type:   Lenticular, Sound clip from "The Cartridge Family" [5F01]  (00:04)

[Marge: ..So I'm asking you, if you really care about me and the children... please, please get rid of the gun!]
[Homer: ..All right, Marge. I'll do it. For you.]
Marge: I'm a lucky woman.
Homer: And I'm a wonderful man.

Simpsons Birthday Card Our Favorite Family

Hallmark: SNH 300-9    UPC: 070000 686764  Cost: $7.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: c. 2008

Cover: Simpsons: Simpsons standing in front of Evergreen Terrace
              (Front is window into Simpsons lenticular inside)
Inside: We tried to be on our best behavior for your birthday, but whadda ya going do?
Back:   Santa's Little Helper and Snowball II
Type:   Lenticular card and sound - Theme From The Simpsons   (00:22)

Itchy and Scratchy Birthday Card Itchy and Scratchy

Hallmark: SNH 301-0    UPC: 070000 687846    Cost: $7.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: c. 2008

Cover: Itchy and Scratchy: (Front is television window into Itchy & Scratchy lenticular inside)
              INCINERATES BUTT!
Back:   The Itchy and Scratchy Show logo.
Type:   Lenticular card and sound - Theme From The Itchy and Scratchy Show.

Everyday Cards

Birthday Cards


Homer Birthday Card Homer

Hallmark: JMB 310 E        UPC: 610290 001412 13105    Cost: $3.29
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"   Line: expressions from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: MAN 980-0       UPC: 070000 378027                Cost: $3.29
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"   Line: Hallmark c. 2010

Cover: Homer: DAD You taught me that Fathers should be treated with HONOR and RESPECT.
Inside: (Card is sealed shut)
Back:   Bart: Wasn't exactly an A student, though, was I?  Happy Birthday, Anyway!
Type:   Standard card... albeit sealed shut.

Everyday Cards

Birthday Cards

Bart Birthday Card Bart

Hallmark: HAB 325-1    UPC: 070000 808982    Cost: $2.69
Size: 7 31/32 x 5 3/8"   Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: GKB 353L     UPC: 092100 383510    Cost: $2.23
Size: 7 31/32 x 5 3/8"   Line: Hallmark c. 2009

Hallmark: HKB 855-1    UPC: 092100 587085    Cost: $2.99
Size: 7 31/32 x 5 3/8"   Line: Hallmark c. 2010

Hallmark: HKB 855-1    UPC: 070000 587085    Cost: $2.99
Size: 7 31/32 x 5 3/8"   Line: Hallmark c. 2010

Cover: Bart: On your birthday, you can get away with doing anything...
Inside: Don't blow it, man.
Back:   Bart: Bart on skateboard
Type:   Standard card

Lisa Birthday Card Lisa

Hallmark: HFB 413-2    UPC: 070000 725197    Cost: $2.99
Size: 7 31/32 x 5 3/8"   Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: HFB 413-2    UPC: 720473 006131    Cost: $3.29
Size: 7 31/32 x 5 3/8"   Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Lisa: How do you wish a Happy Birthday to a sister who's so smart and talented and
              good at everything?
Inside: You tell me. You're the overachiever!
Back:   Portrait of Lisa
Type:   Standard card

Homer Birthday Card Homer

Hallmark: HFB 417-3    UPC: 070000 769870    Cost: $3.99
Size: 7 31/32 x 5 3/8"   Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: HFB 417-3    UPC: 720473 006148    Cost: $4.49
Size: 7 31/32 x 5 3/8"   Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: HFB 211 E    UPC: 009200 183537 02115    Cost: $4.99
Size: 7 31/32 x 5 3/8"   Line: Ambassador c. 2008

Cover: Homer: Mmmm-hmmm! Woob woob woob! Wheeee! Rrrrowllll! Woo-Hoo!
Inside: That's my romantic way of saying, "I love you more than beer!"   Happy Birthday
Back:   Homer: Hubba-Hubba!
Type:   Motion card: Homer lifts mug of beer when you open the card

Lisa Birthday Card Lisa

Hallmark: HMB 428-6  UPC: 070000 738906    Cost: $3.69
Size: 5 1/2 x 8"            Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Lisa: I want the whole world to see what an awesome brother I have!
Inside: It'll be posted on the internet later tonight! Happy Birthday!
Back:   Back of camera
Type:   Camera shaped card

As of 2009 the card above no longer appears to be available.

Bart Birthday Card Bart

Hallmark: GMC 804F   UPC: 092100 344641    Cost: $3.50
Size: 5 1/2 x 8"            Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: GMC 804F   UPC: 092100 438395    Cost: $3.50
Size: 5 1/2 x 8"            Line: connections from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: HMB 548-7  UPC: 070000 881176    Cost: $3.69
Size: 5 1/2 x 8"            Line: Hallmark c. 2009

Hallmark: HMB 548-7  UPC: 070000 126673    Cost: $3.99
Size: 5 1/2 x 8"            Line: Hallmark c. 2009

Hallmark: HMB 509 L  UPC: 009200 251137 05093   Cost: $4.79
Size: 5 1/2 x 8"            Line: Ambassador c. 2009

Hallmark: GMC 534 J   UPC: 092100 646776    Cost: $3.99
Size: 5 1/2 x 8"            Line: connections from Hallmark c. 2012

Hallmark: HMB 509 L  UPC: 009200 183537 05093   Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 1/2 x 8"            Line: Ambassador c. 2012

Cover:  Bart: Front of card has Bart with a thought bubble imagining birthday gifts, with a
              cardboard wheel of selectable gifts; guitar, ray gun, rocket powered skateboard or
              Radioactive Man #1.
              Go ahead, son. Blow out your candles and wish for anything you want!
Inside: Except a normal upbringing. Sorry, that ship has sailed, Happy Birthday, Anyway.
Back:   Back: Snowball II.
Type:   Cardboard selection wheel on front of card

Grampa Birthday Card Grampa

Hallmark: HAB 775-6      UPC: 070000 763298    Cost: $2.99
Size: 7 15/16 x 5 7/16"   Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Grampa: By Jinky! We're old enough to remember when a Nickel would buy a
              fine team of mules, a week's worth of whale oil, and tickets to see bare-knuckles
              boxing legend Theodore Roosevelt!
Inside: Or was that Calvin Coolidge?   Happy, uh...  What day is it again?
Back:   Grampa looking confused: Where am I?
Type:   Standard card

Marge - Mom Birthday Card Marge, Bart & Lisa

Hallmark: GFM 159 E       UPC: 092100 338565   Cost: $3.73
Size: 9 1/16 x 6 1/4"         Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: GFM 159 E       UPC: 092100 428495   Cost: $4.00
Size: 9 1/16 x 6 1/4"         Line: connections from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: HFB 412-9        UPC: 070000 739019    Cost: $3.99
Size: 9 1/16 x 6 1/4"         Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: HFB 412-9        UPC: 070000 991653    Cost: $4.49
Size: 9 1/16 x 6 1/4"         Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: HFB 201 E        UPC: 009200 183537 02015    Cost: $4.99
Size: 9 1/16 x 6 1/4"         Line: Ambassador c. 2008

Cover: Bart & Lisa: Mom, what explains your calmness, your serenity, your amazing composure
              in the face of utter chaos?
Inside: Years of experience with Dad, maybe? Happy Birthday, Anyway!
Back:   Homer falling, dropping remote and beer can
Type:   Movement and spring; Homer leaps up when card is opened and Maggie is
              spring attached inside

The exact same design was used in the UK for a Mother's Day card here!.

Homer Birthday Card Homer

Hallmark: HAB 414-7      UPC: 070000 738982    Cost: $3.69
Size: 7 15/16 x 5 7/16"   Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: GH 138E         UPC: 092100 338589    Cost: $3.34
Size: 7 15/16 x 5 7/16"   Line: connections from Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Homer: Hope your birthday's happier than the happiest person's happiest day in Happy Land!
Inside: Gotta lie down... this wishing stuff is exhausting.
Back:   Birthday cake with three candles
Type:   Homer is spring attached to the front of the card

Homer Birthday Card Homer

Hallmark: HBD 170-6      UPC: 720473 198201    Cost: $2.99
Size: 7 15/16 x 5 7/16"   Line: Hallmark c. 2012

Cover: Homer: Some people think birthdays are just an excuse to drink beer.
Inside: They're called "S-M-R-T people!"
Type:   All printing on card is embossed.

Lisa Birthday Card Lisa

Hallmark: GKB 372 L    UPC: 092100 387778    Cost: $2.86
Size: 8 1/16 x 5 7/16"   Line: connections from Hallmark c. 2009

Hallmark: GKB 372 L    UPC: 092100 446512    Cost: $3.00
Size: 8 1/16 x 5 7/16"   Line: connections from Hallmark c. 2009

Cover: Lisa: Is this card going to someone smart, talented, and confident?
Inside: Well, DUH!   Happy Birthday
Back:   Lisa
Type:   Sheet of Lisa stickers attached to inside left of card, as follows;
   Smart girls are cool!
   Too Smart for my own good!
   All this and brains too!
   Princess prodigy
   Let me dumb it down for you!

Homer Birthday Card Homer

Hallmark: GH 803 K      UPC: 092100 348847    Cost: $2.23
Size: 8 13/16 x 3 3/4"   Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: GAB 803 P    UPC: 092100 466497    Cost: $2.50
Size: 8 13/16 x 3 3/4"   Line: connections from Hallmark c. 2009

Hallmark: JSB 805 H    UPC: 610290 249159    Cost: $2.59
Size: 8 13/16 x 3 3/4"   Line: expressions from Hallmark c. 2009

Hallmark: HBD 980-3    UPC: 070000 567186    Cost: $2.59
Size: 8 13/16 x 3 3/4"   Line: Hallmark c. 2010

Hallmark: HFB 980-3    UPC: 070000 567186    Cost: $2.59
Size: 8 13/16 x 3 3/4"   Line: Hallmark c. 2010

Hallmark: HAB 537 H    UPC: 009200 183469 05378    Cost: $2.79
Size: 8 13/16 x 3 3/4"    Line: Ambassador c. 2009

Hallmark: HAB 537 H    UPC: 009200 251151 05378    Cost: $3.19
Size: 8 13/16 x 3 3/4"    Line: Ambassador c. 2009

Cover: Homer: Happy Birthday to you, Have a cake that's real...good Something, something, and something... And, uh... Let's have a BEER!
Inside: And many M-O-O-O-O-O-O-ORE!
Back:   Homer, knife and fork in hand, "Did someone say cake?"
Type:   Standard card

Everyday Cards

Shoebox / Saturdays / Comedy Club Series

Homer Birthday Card Homer

Hallmark: ZZF 211-2     UPC: 070000 709654    Cost: $2.49
Size: 5 7/8 x 4 11/16"   Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Hallmark: YZF 112 J+   UPC: 610290 1303nn nnnnn    Cost: $2.49
Size: 5 7/8 x 4 11/16"   Line: Saturdays c. 2008

Hallmark: JZS 589 E     UPC: 610290 2265043 05895    Cost: $3.29
Size: 5 7/8 x 4 11/16"   Line: Comedy Club c. 2012

Cover: Homer on front of card
Inside: WOO-HOO!
Back:   Donut
Type:   Card partially shaped to character

Bart Birthday Card Bart

Hallmark: ZZF 211-3     UPC: 070000 709661    Cost: $2.49
Size: 5 7/8 x 4 11/16"   Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Hallmark: YZF 113 J     UPC: 610290 130341 01131    Cost: $2.49
Size: 5 7/8 x 4 11/16"   Line: Saturdays c. 2008

Cover: Bart on front of card
Inside: Being good is sooo overrated!
Back:   Slingshot
Type:   Card partially shaped to character

Marge Birthday Card Marge

Hallmark: ZZF 211-4    UPC: 070000 707971    Cost: $2.49
Size: 5 7/8 x 4 11/16"   Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Hallmark: YZF 114 J     UPC: 610290 130341 01141    Cost: $2.49
Size: 5 7/8 x 4 11/16"   Line: Saturdays c. 2008

Cover: Marge on front of card
Inside: Life's too short to be normal.
Back:   A hairbrush
Type:   Card partially shaped to character

Maggie Birthday Card Maggie

Hallmark: ZZF 211-5     UPC: 070000 709678    Cost: $2.49
Size: 5 7/8 x 4 11/16"   Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Hallmark: YZF 115 J     UPC: 610290 130341 01151    Cost: $2.49
Size: 5 7/8 x 4 11/16"   Line: Saturdays c. 2008

Cover: Maggie on front of card
Inside: Sucks, doesn't it?
Back:   Pacifier
Type:   Card partially shaped to character

Everyday Cards

Birthday Cards

Shoebox / Saturdays Series

Lisa Birthday Card Lisa

Hallmark: ZZB 163-0    UPC: 070000 709685    Cost: $2.49
Size: 5 7/8 x 4 11/16"   Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Hallmark: YZB 630-J     UPC: 610290 130303 06301    Cost: $2.49
Size: 5 7/8 x 4 11/16"   Line: Saturdays c. 2008

Cover: Lisa on front of card
Inside: A wish for world peace and tofu dogs on your birthday.
Back:   Saxophone
Type:   Card partially shaped to character

Blinky Birthday Card Blinky

Hallmark: ZZB 163-1    UPC: 070000 709722    Cost: $2.49
Size: 5 7/8 x 4 11/16"   Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Hallmark: YZB 631-J     UPC: 610290 130303 06311    Cost: $2.49
Size: 5 7/8 x 4 11/16"   Line: Saturdays c. 2008

Cover: Blinky on front of card
Inside: happy biiirthday
Back:   No image
Type:   Fish shaped card

Duff Birthday Card Duff

Hallmark: ZZB 163-2    UPC: 070000 709692    Cost: $2.49
Size: 5 7/8 x 4 11/16"   Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Hallmark: YZB 632-J    UPC: 610290 130303 06321    Cost: $2.49
Size: 5 7/8 x 4 11/16"   Line: Saturdays c. 2008

Cover: Can of Duff on front of card
Inside: beer makes better you birthday have.
Back:   Back of a can of Duff
Type:   Card shaped like a beer can, opens up from bottom.

Ralph Birthday Card Ralph

Hallmark: ZZB 163-4    UPC: 070000 709708    Cost: $2.49
Size: 5 7/8 x 4 11/16"   Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Hallmark: YZB 634-J    UPC: 610290 130303 06341    Cost: $2.49
Size: 5 7/8 x 4 11/16"   Line: Saturdays c. 2008

Cover: Ralph: I was gonna buy you a Birthday Present, but my money got swallowed.
Inside: I walk all jingly now.
Back:   Ralph at a commode with the seat up saying "I maked a wish"
Type:   Standard card

Nelson Birthday Card Nelson

Hallmark: ZZB 163-7    UPC: 070000 709715    Cost: $2.49
Size: 5 7/8 x 4 11/16"   Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Hallmark: YZB 637-J    UPC: 610290 130303 06371    Cost: $2.49
Size: 5 7/8 x 4 11/16"   Line: Saturdays c. 2008

Cover: Nelson: Want your present, dingus?
Inside: You just opened it! (HA-HA!)
Back:   Nelson looking over his shoulder waving goodbye saying "Smell you later!"
Type:   Standard card

Everyday Cards

Birthday Cards

Shoebox Cards

Homer Birthday Card Homer

Hallmark: ZZB 150-0        UPC: 070000 688003    Cost: $2.49
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"   Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Cover: Homer: Let us DRINK to celebrate your birthday!
Inside: Or to FORGET your birthday!   Oh, beer... Is any earthly beverage more versatile?
Back:   Blank
Type:   Standard card

Krusty Birthday Card Krusty

Hallmark: ZZB 150-2        UPC: 070000 687983    Cost: $2.49
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"   Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Cover: Krusty: Hey Hey! Have a Krustacular birthday!
Inside: Hope NOTHING ruins it, like the IRS or mob debt or a film you shot way back
              when you needed the money.
Back:   Blank
Type:   Standard card

Bart Birthday Card Bart

Hallmark: ZZB 150-3        UPC: 070000 687990             Cost: $2.49
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"   Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Hallmark: JZB 559 E        UPC: 610290 265043 05595  Cost: $3.29
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"   Line: Comedy Club c. 2008

Cover: Bart: (Blackboard, repeatedly) My Butt is not for blowing out candles.
Inside: Let the birthday fun rip!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Standard card

Ned Flanders Birthday Card Ned Flanders

Hallmark: ZZB 150-4        UPC: 070000 688867    Cost: $2.49
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"   Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Cover: Ned Flanders: Gosh-a-roonie! Another birthday and you haven't aged a
Inside: You didn't make a dealio with ol' you -know-who, did you? Hap-diddly-appy Birthday!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Standard card

Marge Birthday Card Marge

Hallmark: ZZB 150-5        UPC: 070000 688300    Cost: $2.49
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"   Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Cover: Marge: Some People shrink as they age...
Inside: But those people just don't know how to tease their hair. Stand tall on your birthday.
Back:   Blank
Type:   Standard card

Homer & Spider Pig Birthday Card Homer & Spider Pig

Hallmark: ZZB 150-6        UPC: 070000 687976    Cost: $2.49
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"   Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Cover: Homer & Spider Pig: (Homer teasing Spider pig with bacon(?!))
Inside: May your special day and all that follow be filled with bacon... Sweet, lovely bacon.
Back:   Blank
Type:   Standard card

Everyday Cards

Shoebox Spring Series

This series was part of the original release by Hallmark and is very difficult to find.

The heads are spring attached and are intentionally proportionally larger than the bodies. That in itself gave the characters a slightly odd appearance, and alas, the springs had a tendency to get bent and the heads wouldn't remain straight as they were handled on card shelves.

Homer Everyday Card Homer

Hallmark: ZOF 250-0      UPC: 070000 688980    Cost: $3.49
Size: 6 1/16 x 4 11/16"   Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Cover: Homer: You are my WARM, wonderful friend...
Inside: And beer is my cold, FOAMY FRIEND. Don't be jealous.
             There's room in my heart for both of you.
Back:   Blank
Type:   Homer's head is attached to the front of the card with a spring and
              extends above the top of card.

Bart Everyday Card Bart

Hallmark: ZOF 250-1      UPC: 070000 690037    Cost: $3.49
Size: 6 1/16 x 4 11/16"   Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Cover: Bart: Hope this card puts a smile on your face...
Inside: 'Cause it'd look pretty weird on your butt.
Back:   Blank
Type:   Bart's head is attached to the front of the card with a spring and
              extends above the top of card.

Moe Everyday Card Moe

Hallmark: ZOF 250-2      UPC: 070000 688843    Cost: $3.49
Size: 6 1/16 x 4 11/16"   Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Cover: Consider this a coupon good for ONE FREE beer.*
Inside: *OFFER VOID on days ending in "y."
Back:   Blank
Type:   Moe's head is attached to the front of the card with a spring and
              extends above the top of card.

Burns Everyday Card Burns

Hallmark: ZOF 250-3       UPC: 070000 688874    Cost: $3.49
Size: 6 1/16 x 4 11/16"   Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Cover: Burns: You there! Stop lollygagging around like some freeloading layabout!
Inside: The town isn't going to paint itself, you know.
Back:   Blank
Type:   Mr. Burn's head is attached to the front of the card with a spring and
              extends above the top of card.

Lisa Everyday Card Lisa

Hallmark: ZOF 250-4      UPC: 070000 689413      Cost: $3.49
Size: 6 1/16 x 4 11/16"   Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

In Australia:

Hallmark: SIM 602441    UPC: 9300728 619265    Cost: AUST 4.95  NZ 5.99
Size: 6 1/16 x 4 11/16"   Line: Hallmark (Au & NZ) c. 2008

Cover: Lisa: It's easy to play the blues...
Inside: ...when life's doing most of the blowing. Hope you're feeling more up-tempo soon!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Lisa's head is attached to the front of the card with a spring and
              extends above the top of card.

Itchy & Scratchy Everyday Card Itchy & Scratchy

Hallmark: ZOF 250-5      UPC: 070000 689772    Cost: $3.49
Size: 6 1/16 x 4 11/16"   Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Cover: BZZZZZT (Itchy has just chainsawed off Scratchy's head)
Inside: Not just anybody could survive A FRIENDSHIP like ours.
Back:   Blank
Type:   Scratchy's head is attached to the front of the card with a spring and
              extends above the top of card.

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Hallmark - Seasonal  (2008 - 2012)
Hallmark - Everyday   (2008 - 2012)
Hallmark - Stickers
Gibson - Everyday     (1992,  1995)
Children's Valentines  (1990 - 2008)
Boxed Christmas Cards

All Hallmark cards are copyright 2008, 2009, 2010 Hallmark Licensing. Inc / Hallmark Cards, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution is prohibited. These web pages, its operators and any content contained herein related to Hallmark Cards are not authorized by Hallmark Licensing, Inc.

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Last updated on August 11, 2013 by Bruce Gomes (

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