Simpsons Greeting Cards

United States

Children's Valentines

Created and Maintained by Bruce Gomes Sr.

1999 Valentine

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Hallmark - Seasonal  (2008 - 2012)
Hallmark - Everyday   (2008 - 2012)
Hallmark - Stickers
Gibson - Everyday     (1992,  1995)
Children's Valentines  (1990 - 2008)
Boxed Christmas Cards

Note: Simpsons Valentines for adults are listed on the Hallmark - Seasonal page.
Valentine Cards
Valentine Stickers


These are boxes of Children's Valentines - valentine's sold for exchange by children, typically in a school or pre-school setting, and usually not designed for mailing (they often come with non-mailable envelopes or no envelopes)

Below we provide the front and back of the box and a sample card from that set. Prices are usually not printed on the boxes, so prices supplied below are whatever the box purchased happenned to cost wherever we purchased it.

All images are copyright by the respective card companies. All Simpsons images are TM and copyright 1989 - 2010 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Valentines Day 2008

2008 Valentine Cards Paper Magic

The Simpsons
Valentine Stuff
Paper Magic Group
Creative Seasonal Solutions
32 Valentines
8 Designs
UPC: 073168 207833
Box: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"
Cards: 2 5/8" x 4 1/4"
2008 Valentine Cards 2008 Valentine Cards

Valentines Day 2007

2007 Valentine Cards Paper Magic

The Simpsons
Valentine Stuff
Paper Magic Group
Creative Seasonal Solutions
32 Valentines with Seals
8 Designs
UPC: 073168 111796
Box: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"
Cards: 2 5/8" x 4 1/4"
2007 Valentine Cards 2007 Valentine Cards

2007 Valentine Cards Paper Magic

The Simpsons
Valentine Stuff
Paper Magic Group
Creative Seasonal Solutions
34 Valentines with Poster
  and Simpsons Seals
7 Designs
UPC: 073168 177181
Cost: $4.99
Box: 10 1/2 x 5 1/2"
Cards: 2 5/8" x 4 1/4"
Poster: 19" by 15"
2007 Valentine Cards 2007 Valentine Cards

Valentines Day 2006

2006 Valentine Cards Paper Magic

The Simpsons  Valentine Stuff
Paper Magic Group Valentines
Creative Seasonal Solutions
8 Valentines  4 Designs
2 of each design with
  maileable envelopes
Great for Friends & Co-Workers
UPC: 073168 198735
Cost: $4.99
Box: 4" x 4" x 6"
Cards: 4 3/4" x 3 3/8"

This was targeted to all ages!
2006 Valentine Cards 2006 Valentine Cards

Valentines Day 2005

2005 Valentine Cards Paper Magic

The Simpsons
Paper Magic Group Valentines
Creative Seasonal Solutions
32 Valentines
8 Designs
32 Fold & Seal Cards with Seals
UPC: 073168 111796 **
84121390-06KM  (Kmart)
UPC: 073168 140222  (Kmart)
Cost: $1.39  (Kmart)
Box: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"
** Boxes seen with sticker changing UPC to 073168 064665
2005 Valentine Cards 2005 Valentine Cards

Valentines Day 2004

2004 Valentine Cards Paper Magic

The Simpsons
Paper Magic Group Valentines
Creative Seasonal Solutions
32 Valentines
8 Designs
32 Fold & Seal Cards with Seals
UPC: 073168 064603
Box: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"

Virtually identical to the 2003 set below, with identical valentines and an identical front cover.
2003 Valentine Cards 2003 Valentine Cards

Valentines Day 2003

2003 Valentine Cards Paper Magic

The Simpsons
Paper Magic Group Valentines
Creative Seasonal Solutions
32 Valentines
8 Designs
32 Fold & Seal Cards with Seals
UPC: 073168 018972
Cost: $2.49
Box: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"

The Ralph Valentine to the right says: Me fail English? That's unpossible!
2003 Valentine Cards 2003 Valentine Cards

2003 Jelly Planet Homer Jelly Planet Homer

The Simpsons
Jelly Planet
Frankford Candy & Chocolate
1 Valentine with Candy Homer
Item #50601
UPC: 041376 506017
Card: 4 1/4 x 5 1/2"

Cover: simply irrresistable
Inside: Happy Valentine's Day!
the extra ingredient is love!

Apologies for the terrible photograph on the left, hence the scan without the candy on the right!
2003 Jelly Planet Homer

2003 Jelly Planet Marge Jelly Planet Marge

The Simpsons
Jelly Planet
Frankford Candy & Chocolate
1 Valentine with Candy Marge
Item #50601
UPC: 041376 506017
Card: 4 1/4 x 5 1/2"

Cover: Mmm.. Valentine
Inside: Happy Valentine's Day!
Without you my hear would have a hole in it just like this donut.

Apologies for the terrible photograph on the left, hence the scan without the candy on the right!
2003 Jelly Planet Marge

2003 Jelly Planet Bart Jelly Planet Bart

The Simpsons
Jelly Planet
Frankford Candy & Chocolate
1 Valentine with Candy Bart
Item #50601
UPC: 041376 506017
Card: 4 1/4 x 5 1/2"

Cover: Little Angel
Inside: Ay Carumba! Happy Valentine's Day!

Apologies for the terrible photograph on the left, hence the scan without the candy on the right!
2003 Jelly Planet Bart

Valentines Day 2002

2002 Valentine Cards Paper Magic

The Simpsons
Paper Magic Group Valentines
Creative Seasonal Solutions
32 Valentines
8 Designs
32 Fold & Seal Cards with Seals
Bart shrugging:
"Cool Vals? No Problemo."
UPC: 073168 120125
84120120-390KM  (Kmart)
UPC: 073168 012918  (Kmart)
Cost: $1.39  (Kmart)
Box: 8" x 5 1/2" x 7/8"
Cards: 2 5/8" x 4 1/4"
2001 Valentine Cards

I'm not leaving 'til I get paid
- I get $500 for "Hey-Hey"
2001 Valentine Cards

Valentines Day 2001

2001 Valentine Cards Paper Magic

The Simpsons
Paper Magic Group Valentines
Creative Seasonal Solutions
32 Valentines
8 Designs
32 Fold & Seal Cards with Seals
Bart as an angel with slingshot
"Trust me. I'd never lie to you"
UPC: 073168 120125
84120120-2TA  (Target)
UPC: 073168 001226  (Target)
84120120-2KM  (Kmart)
UPC: 073168 002100  (Kmart)
Box: 8" x 5 1/2" x 7/8"
Cards: 2 5/8" x 4 1/4"
2001 Valentine Cards
2001 Valentine Cards

Valentines Day 1999

1999 Valentine Cards American Greetings

The Simpsons
Forget Me Not American Greetings
34 Valentine's Day Cards
2 teacher Cards
34 non-mailable envelopes
4 Designs
UPC: 018100 563486
Cost: $2.69  CAN $2.99
Box: 8 1/2 x 5 5/8"
Cards: 2 1/8" w x 4" h
     (5 cm x 10 cm)
1999 Valentine Cards 1999 Valentine Cards

1999 Valentine Cards Nestle's Butterfinger

The Simpsons
Nestle's Butterfinger
Valentine Kit
16 Cards and
  16 Mini Butterfinger Bars
Kid's School Valentines
UPC: 028000 465728
Box: 6 3/8 x 9 1/4 x 1 1/2"
Cards: 5 3/4" x 4 1/2"
1999 Valentine Cards 1999 Valentine Cards

Valentines Day 1998

1998 Valentine Cards Carlton Cards

The Simpsons
Carlton Cards - AGC, Inc.
34 Cards for Kids
30 student cards
4 teacher cards
34 non-mailable envelopes
UPC: 018100 133580
Cost: $2.69  CAN $2.99
Box: 8 1/2 x 5 5/8"
Cards: 2 11/32" w x 3 29/32" h
     (5.95 cm x 9.92 cm)
1998 Valentine Cards 1998 Valentine Cards

1998 Valentine Cards American Greetings

The Simpsons
34 Cards for Kids
30 student cards
4 teacher cards
34 non-mailable envelopes
UPC: 0nnnnn nnnnnn
Box: 8 1/2 x 5 5/8"
Cards: 2 11/32" w x 3 29/32" h
     (5.95 cm x 9.92 cm)
1998 Valentine Cards 1998 Valentine Cards

1998 Valentine Cards Forget Me Not

The Simpsons
Forget Me Not - American Greetings
34 Cards for Kids
30 student cards
4 teacher cards
34 non-mailable envelopes
UPC: 018100 133115
Cost: $2.69  CAN $2.99
Box: 8 1/2 x 5 5/8"
Cards: 2 11/32" w x 3 29/32" h
     (5.95 cm x 9.92 cm)
Card Designs

Cover: Valentine, I'd like to give you my heart...
Inside: Yuck! What am I crazy?!! I need that to live!
             Happy Valentine's Day, Anyway

Cover: A valentine from me...
Inside: know you want it. Happy Valentine's Day,

Cover: No School Today
Inside: Now that I have your attention,
             Happy Valentine's Day, Man

Cover: Teacher...
Inside: Happy Valentine's Day, Man

Valentines Day 1997

1997 Valentine Cards Carlton Cards

The Simpsons
Carlton Cards
34 Cards for Kids
32 student cards
2 teacher cards
34 non-mailable envelopes
4 Designs
2 Sticker Sheets Included
UPC: 018100 784744
Cost: $2.69  CAN $2.99
Box: 8 1/2 x 5 5/8"
Cards: 2 11/32" w x 3 29/32" h
     (5.95 cm x 9.92 cm)
1997 Valentine Cards

Blackboard Quote:
School glue does not
belong in the microwave.
Note: Bart quotes on back
of boxes in 1997 are in Simpsons font, 1998 boxes are in normal typeface.
1997 Valentine Cards

1997 Valentine Cards American Greetings

The Simpsons
American Greetings
34 Cards for Kids
32 student cards
2 teacher cards
34 non-mailable envelopes
4 Designs
2 Sticker Sheets Included
UPC: 018100 784683
Cost: $2.69
Box: 8 1/2 x 5 5/8"
Cards: 2 11/32" w x 3 29/32" h
     (5.95 cm x 9.92 cm)
1997 Valentine Cards 1997 Valentine Cards

1997 Valentine Cards Forget Me Not

The Simpsons
Forget Me Not - American Greetings
34 Cards for Kids
32 student cards
2 teacher cards
34 non-mailable envelopes
4 Designs
2 Sticker Sheets Included
UPC: 018100 784805
Cost: $2.69  CAN $2.99
Box: 8 1/2 x 5 5/8"
Cards: 2 11/32" w x 3 29/32" h
     (5.95 cm x 9.92 cm)
1997 Valentine Cards 1997 Valentine Cards

Valentines Day 1995

1995 Valentine Cards Gibson

The Simpsons
Gibson Greetings, Inc.
32 Valentines
Includes Teacher card and
         2 bonus cards on back
35 Non-mailable Envelopes
350-7584   TP105
UPC: 084172 114147
Box: 8 x 5 1/2"
Cards: 2 1/2" w x 3 5/32" h to
         about 4" w to 5" h
1995 Valentine Cards 1995 Valentine Cards

Valentines Day 1994

1994 Valentine Cards Cleo

The Simpsons
Cleo, Inc.
32 Valentines
Includes Teacher card and
         2 bonus cards on back
32 non-mailable envelopes
UPC: 070508 772785
Box: 8 x 5 1/2"
Cards: 2 1/2" w x 3 5/32" h to
         about 4" w to 5" h

Apologies for the poor scans of our crushed box.
1994 Valentine Cards 1994 Valentine Cards


The companies that sold childrens Valentines also often sold stickers. With the right to sell stickers, these same companies would also make "everyday" stickers. That's our excuse for including them below, and we're by it. As we get the information on all of these we'll document them!

Valentines Day 1997

1997 Valentine Stickers Carlton

The Simpsons
AGC, Inc.
Carlton Cards
18 Self Adhesive Stickers
9 Designs
2 Sticker Sheets
CV ST-005C
UPC: 018100 530396
Package: 8 1/2 x 5 5/8"
Stickers: About 2" w x 3" h
1997 Valentine Stickers 1997 Valentine Stickers

1997 Valentine Stickers Forget-Me-Not

The Simpsons
AGC, Inc.
Forget Me Not - American Greetings
18 Self Adhesive Stickers
9 Designs
2 Sticker Sheets
FV ST-005C
UPC: 018100 528386
Package: 8 1/2 x 5 5/8"
Stickers: About 2" w x 3" h
1997 Valentine Stickers 1997 Valentine Stickers

1997 Valentine Stickers American Greetings

The Simpsons
AGC, Inc.
American Greetings
18 Self Adhesive Stickers
9 Designs
2 Sticker Sheets
AV ST-005C
Price: $1.99
UPC: 018100 528294
Package: 8 1/2 x 5 5/8"
Stickers: About 2" w x 3" h
1997 Valentine Stickers 1997 Valentine Stickers

Everyday 1999

1999 Simpsons Stickers Forget Me Not

The Simpsons
Forget Me Not
American Greetings
40 Self Adhesive Stickers
20 Designs
2 Sticker Sheets
FPU 0972J
UPC: 018100 605896
Package: 7 1/4 x 4"
Cost: USA $1.99  CAN. $2.49
Sticker sheet c. 1999
Package c. 1998
1999 Simpsons Stickers 1999 Simpsons Stickers

Everyday 1997

1997 Simpsons Stickers Carlton

The Simpsons
Carlton Cards
40 Self Adhesive Stickers
20 Designs
2 Sticker Sheets
CPU 0815G
UPC: 018100 140717
Package: 8 1/2 x 5 5/8"
Cost: USA $1.99  CAN. $2.49
Sticker sheet c. 1997
1997 Simpsons Stickers 1997 Simpsons Stickers

1997 Simpsons Stickers American Greetings

The Simpsons
American Greetings
40 Self Adhesive Stickers
20 Designs
2 Sticker Sheets
APU 0815G
UPC: 018100 140083
Package: 8 1/2 x 5 5/8"
Cost: USA $1.99
Sticker sheet c. 1997
1997 Simpsons Stickers

Valentines Day 1994

1994 Valentine Stickers Cleo

The Simpsons
A Gibson Greetings, Inc. Company
36 Self Adhesive Stickers
9 Designs
4 Sticker Sheets
UPC: 070508 007146
Package: 8 1/2 x 5 5/8"
Stickers: 2 11/32" w x 3 29/32" h
1994 Valentine Stickers 1994 Valentine Stickers

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Hallmark - Seasonal  (2008 - 2012)
Hallmark - Everyday   (2008 - 2012)
Hallmark - Stickers
Gibson - Everyday     (1992,  1995)
Children's Valentines  (1990 - 2008)
Boxed Christmas Cards

All Gibson and American Greetings cards are copyright American Greetings. All Rights Reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution is prohibited. These web pages, its operators and any content contained herein related to American Greetings Cards are not authorized by American Greetings.

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Last updated on August 11, 2013 by Bruce Gomes (

'The Simpsons' TM and copyright Fox. All rights reserved.