Simpsons Greeting Cards

United States

Hallmark - Stickers, Gift & Party Supplies

Created and Maintained by Bruce Gomes Sr.

Simpsons Everyday Stickers

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Hallmark - Seasonal  (2008 - 2012)
Hallmark - Everyday   (2008 - 2012)
Hallmark - Stickers
Gibson - Everyday     (1992,  1995)
Children's Valentines  (1990 - 2008)
Boxed Christmas Cards


Everyday Stickers
Hallowe'en Stickers

Party Express
Hallmark party

Gift Bags
Gift Tags

Hallmark stickers are released under their Stickeroni brand.
Stickers have also been released under their Party Express brand of party goods.
Non-Hallmark U.S. stickers (including Valentine stickers) from other card companies are listed here. Hallmark Party goods were released under the Party Express and Hallmark party lines.

All Hallmark items are copyright 2008 - 2012 Hallmark Licensing. Inc / Hallmark Cards, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution is prohibited. These web pages, its operators and any content contained herein related to Hallmark Cards are not authorized by Hallmark Licensing, Inc. All Simpsons images/sounds are TM and copyright 2008 - 2012 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Selected items below leverage quotes or the essence of quotes taken from episodes. Actual words from the quotes are supplied in blue. When we find sentences that were truncated or quotes that have words removed from the middle of sentences (often appropriately, we should add!) we supply the missing words in red. The rewording or truncation of quotes may require additional words not in the original quote which appear below [in green in brackets]. With each quote we also supply the episode it was taken from. We may also supply additional lead in sentences in red to illustrate the original context, which may not, of course, be aligned with the items intended purpose.

Everyday Stickers

Simpsons Everyday Stickers The Simpsons: Homer

Hallmark: SSP6141   UPC: 795902 153779    Cost: $1.00
Size: 4 3/4" x 4 1/2"  Line: stickeroni from Hallmark c. 2010

2 Sheets / Feuilles
2 Sheets of 10 Stickers each
9 Homer stickers and one doughnut
Dated: JAN10
Sticker Sheet: 4 3/4" x 4 1/2"
Stickers: About 3/4" x 3/4" to 1 3/4" x 1"

This sheet is the non-metallic version of sheet below, with identical pictures/sayings.

Simpsons Everyday Stickers The Simpsons: Homer

Hallmark: SSP5120   UPC: 795902 154394    Cost: $2.00
Size: 7 5/8" x 3"         Line: stickeroni from Hallmark c. 2010

Foil / Métallisé
4 Sheets of 10 Stickers each
9 Homer stickers and one doughnut
Dated: JAN10
Sticker Sheet: 6 5/8" x 3"
Stickers: About 3/4" x 3/4" to 1 3/4" x 1"

- Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand
- Beer does NOT krill bain cells [sic]
- TRYING is the first step towards FAILURE
- Television: Teacher, mother, secret lover
- If something's hard to do it's not worth doing
- Donuts... is there anything they can't do?
- All my life I've had one dream... to achieve my many goals.
- You'll have to speak up. I'm wearing a towel.

This sheet is the metallic version of sheet above, with identical pictures/sayings.

Simpsons Everyday Stickers The Simpsons

Hallmark: SSP6091   UPC: 795902 075583    Cost: $.99
Size: 7 5/8" x 3"         Line: stickeroni from Hallmark c. 2008

2 Sheets / Feuilles
12 Stickers each
Dated: SEP09
Sticker Sheet: 7 3/8" x 3"
Stickers: Up to 2" x 1 1/2"

Hallowe'en Stickers

Simpsons Hallowe'en Stickers Simpsons Hallowe'en

Hallmark: HSS5073      UPC: 795902 165123 05073    Cost: $1.00
Size: 5 3/8" x 4 1/2"     Line: stickeroni from Hallmark c. 2010

2 Sheets of 8 Stickers each
Dated: JUL10
Sticker Sheet: 4 3/4" x 4 1/2"
Stickers: Up to 1 1/2" x 2"

Simpsons Hallowe'en Stickers Simpsons Hallowe'en

Hallmark: HSS5078      UPC: 795902 165215 05078    Cost: $2.00
Size: 7 5/8" x 3"            Line: stickeroni from Hallmark c. 2010

Glow-In-The-Dark / Brille Dans Le Noir
4 Sheets of 10 Stickers each
9 Homer stickers and one doughnut
Dated: JUL10 & JUN12
Sticker Sheet: 4 3/4" x 4 1/2"
Stickers: Up to 1 1/2" x 1 1/2"

Saint Patrick's Day Stickers

Simpsons Saint Patrick's Day Stickers Simpsons St. Patrick's Day

Hallmark: SSS2030      UPC: 795902 183097 02030    Cost: $2.00
Size: 7 5/8" x 3"            Line: stickeroni from Hallmark c. 2010

Foil / Métallisé
4 Sheets of 10 Stickers each
3 Homer stickers, Marge, Barney, Moe, one shamrock, a Duff beer can,
  a leprechaun and an "I 'shamrock' Springfield" button
Dated: DEC10
Sticker Sheet: 4 3/4" x 4 1/2"
Stickers: Up to 1 1/2" x 1 1/4"

Graduation Stickers

Simpsons Everyday Stickers The Simpsons

Hallmark: GSS4040   UPC: 795902 183189 04040    Cost: $2.00
Size: 7 5/8" x 3"         Line: stickeroni from Hallmark c. 2011

4 Clear Sheets / Feuilles Transparentes of 12 Stickers each
2 Homer, Ned Flanders, Burns, Lisa, Ragge, Ralph and 4 school items
Dated: FEB11
Sticker Sheet: 6 5/8" x 3"
Stickers: About 3/4" x 3/4" to 2" x 1"

- Lisa: Overachievers rule!
- Bart: Way to grow brain, dude!
- Ralph: I'm special!
- Homer: Woo-Hoo!
- Ned: Well, diddly-doo for you!
- Burns: Excellent.
- Homer: I am so smart! S-M-R-T!

Party Express

Simpsons Party Stickers The Simpsons

Hallmark: 1KSS2514        UPC: 726528 275804         Cost: $2.00
Package Size: 7" x 4"    Line: party express from Hallmark c. 2009
Sticker Sheet: 6" x 3 5/8"
Stickers: 2" x 1 13/16"

4 Sheets of 6 Stickers each
5 Bart stickers and 1 Homer sticker
Dated: AUG09

Simpsons Party Invites The Simpsons

Hallmark: 1INV2514         UPC: 726528 275798   
Package Size: 7" x 4"    Line: party express from Hallmark c. 2009
Invite Size: 3 7/8" x 5"   

8 party invitations and 8 envelopes

Cover: Bart: Hey, Man! Wanna come to a party?
Inside: Double dare ya to show up!
Fill-in lines with headings for Date, Time, Place and RSVP.

Hallmark party

Simpsons Party Plates The Simpsons

Hallmark: 1DPB5134     UPC: 726528 289894
Cost: $4.49                     Line: Hallmark party c. 2011
Plate Size: 9 1/4" x 9 1/4"  (23.49 x 23.49 cm)
Dated: APR11

8 plates using 4 designs

Marge: It's just not a dinner party without a melon baller.
   From "A Milhouse Divided" [4F04]

Bart: I don't know! I Don't know why I did it, I don't know why I enjoyed it, I don't know why I'll do it again!
   From "Bart vs. Thanksgiving" [7F07] in response to Lisa asking
   why he destroyed her Thanksgiving centerpiece.

Lisa: I learned that beneath [under] my goody two shoes lie some [are] very dark socks.
   From "Dial 'N' for Nerder" [KABF07]

Homer: Does beer count as an appetizer?
Simpsons Party Plates
Simpsons Party Plates Simpsons Party Plates

Bart Party Napkins Bart Simpson

Hallmark: 1LUN5134     UPC: 726528 289900   
Cost: $4.19                     Line: Hallmark party c. 2011
Napkin Size: 6 1/2" x 6 1/2"   
Sixteen 2-Ply napkins
162 1/2 Sq In
Dated: Mar11

Bart: Man, I wish I was an adult so I could break the rules.
   From "Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment" [7F13]

Homer Party Napkins Homer Simpson

Hallmark: 1BEV5134     UPC: 726528 289917   
Cost: $3.69                     Line: Hallmark party c. 2011
Napkin Size: 4 7/8" x 4 7/8"   (unfolded 9 3/4" x 9 3/4") Sixteen 2-Ply napkins
Dated: Mar 11
Sixteen napkins with 2 designs

Homer: Will there be beer?
   Glen: Beer is not allowed.
Homer: Homer no function beer well without.
   From "The Joy of Sect" [5F23] after a Movementarian follower
   advises that beer is not allowed.

Homer: Beer... now there's a temporary solution.
   From "Homer's Odyssey" [7G03]

Gift Bags

Bart Gift Bag Bart

Hallmark: EGB 136-2    UPC: 795902 037666    Cost: $3.49
Size: Approximately 12" tall by 10" wide
Line: presentations from Hallmark c. 2008

Front: Bart's head, facing slightly to the left
Back: Bart's head, facing slightly to the right
Type: Standard gift bag
Back and front of bag is stiff cardboard, black cord handles attached within.

Homer Gift Bag

Homer Gift Bag

Hallmark: EGB 136-3    UPC: 795902 038250    Cost: $4.99
Size: 13" tall by 10 3/8" wide by 5 3/4" deep
Line: presentations from Hallmark c. 2008

Front: Homer eating a donut
Back: Homer in tears, as he's almost finished the donut
Type:   Sound clip of Homer chomping on a donut.
Sound activated when pressing a spot near the top left of the bag.
Red line partially across Homer's head in illustrations to the left is the cord handle
which extends out from the bag.

Gift Tags

Simpsons Gift Tag Simpsons

Hallmark: TM1312    UPC: 795902 039622    Cost: $4.99
Size: Tag itself is 4 1/2" tall by 5" wide
Line: presentations from Hallmark c. 2008

Front: Television with Simpsons on Couch
Back: Blank
Type: Sound, plays Theme From The Simpsons
Pulling on top of tag results in playing music "Theme From The Simpsons".
As illustrated tag has two wires and a chain to attach / hang on a gift and to hang up afterwards.

Back to Index
Hallmark - Seasonal  (2008 - 2012)
Hallmark - Everyday   (2008 - 2012)
Hallmark - Stickers
Gibson - Everyday     (1992,  1995)
Children's Valentines  (1990 - 2008)
Boxed Christmas Cards

All Hallmark cards are copyright 2008 - 2012 Hallmark Licensing. Inc / Hallmark Cards, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution is prohibited. These web pages, its operators and any content contained herein related to Hallmark Cards are not authorized by Hallmark Licensing, Inc.

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Last updated on August 11, 2013 by Bruce Gomes (

'The Simpsons' TM and copyright Fox. All rights reserved.