The Simpsons Trading Cards

Topps 1990

Expanded and updated by Bruce Gomes            Updated August 2013

Welcome to our analyses of the original Topps Simpsons Trading Cards
and Stickers set released in 1990. Questions or comments please
contact us!.

Topps: The Simpsons Trading Cards

Introduction Description Card Index Cards by Episode
The Puzzle! Sticker Index Packaging


These cards were the first issued back in 1990 to take advantage of the latest "fad", our favorite family. Topps had to move quickly to avoid missing this latest opportunity, and used images from The Tracey Ullman Show since they were the easiest to obtain and license. This however presented several issues; the design of our favorite family had evolved from the initial vigenettes and the characters had changed and matured. To adddress this they only used episodes from the third and last season of the vigenettes from The Tracey Ullman Show when the character design had evolved closer to that of the first 1989-1990 season of The Simpsons. They changed the quotes to mirror some of the first seasons themes, and they ensured they positioned Bart as the bad boy and Lisa as the good girl, taking Lisa quotes and attributing them to Bart and switching Homer from yelling at Lisa to yelling at Bart. So, for example, on card 11 they changed a scene of the family stretching after a long car ride to the Homer quote "The family that mambos together, stays together!". On card 72 Homer is yelling at Lisa in the episode but on the card Homer says "BBAARRTTTT!". On card 28 we see Bart predicting Homer will kill them although that was originally a Lisa quote.

Almost every scene on the cards is reversed from the original, with the only exceptions occuring where text could be seen in the scene. Card 84 is the only card that is reversed and upside-down, showing Maggie falling down the waterfall - in the original scene she's falling head first, but on the card they wanted to show Maggie falling feet first.


The set consists of 88 cards and 22 stickers. The front of each card is a scene taken from the viginettes from the last 12 (by numbering, not broadcast) episodes of Season 3 of The Tracey Ullman show framed within a Simpsons television and with new quotes supplied in most cases unreleated to the original scene.

Topps: The Simpsons Trading Cards: Card #9

Topps: The Simpsons Trading Cards: Card #25

The reverse of cards contain one of the following;
  1) 40 cards are puzzle pieces which show residents of Springfield at
      the miniature golf course  (10 wide and 4 high)
  2) 04 cards each illustrate what the complete puzzle looks like
  3) 44 cards are multiple choice quiz cards (with the answer also
      supplied) titled "Homer's Homeroom", "Marge's Mindbenders",
"Bart's Bafflers", "Lisa's Lowdown" (shown to the left) or "Maggie's Mutterings". There is no relation between the front and the reverse, and
the quiz cards had their own separate random 1 - 44 numbering.

The stickers consist of 22 blackboard quotes. Some of these quotes had already appeared in a show opening, some of them would subsequently appear, and some of them would never appear, although they may have appeared on other merchandise, details we note below under each sticker.

Topps: The Simpsons Trading Cards Sticker #22

Topps: The Simpsons Trading Cards Sticker #7 Reverse

The back of each sticker had character images, all one or more members of OFF and not any of the other townspeople since those characters would not be developed until well after the series started.

Topps Simpsons Cards Index

Each entry has a line with the quote from the card, followed by the Tracey Ullman short the picture was taken from, then a quote or context from the original show, and lastly the reverse of the card.
  1. Marge saying "Don't forget your lunches!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG36] Echo Canyon
    Original quote: Marge: Let's take turns yelling into the canyon.
    Reverse: The Simpsons' neighbors are ...

  2. Maggie peeking from her playpen saying "Suck!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG42] Maggie in Peril: Chapter One
    Original scene: Opening scene to viginette.
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  3. "I'm Lisa Simpson--I'm above domestic cleaning!"
    Scene taken from [MG41] Bart's Little Fantasy
    Original quote: Lisa: Oh no, this will take forever!
    Reverse: What did the babysitter do once Marge and Homer were gone?

  4. "I'm Bart Seemp-Seau, famous underwater explorer!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG44] Bathtime
    Quote "Welcome to ze exotic world of undersea explorer Bart Simpseau"
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  5. Homer: "No more television--for all eternity!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG38] The Bart Simpson Show
    Original quote: Homer: Well you're not watching it!
    [Itchy & Scratchy, response to card 10]
    Reverse: What was the name of The Simpsons' therapist?

  6. Bart: "I have an announcement to make: I'm bored!"
    Scene taken from [MG41] Bart's Little Fantasy
    Original scene: Bart is telling a story while Lisa and Maggie clean the room.
    Reverse: What did Bart learn in Sunday School?

  7. "Marge--you're my wife, but cupcakes are my mistress!"
    Scene taken from [MG43] Maggie In Peril: The Thrilling Conclusion
    Original scene: Homer and Marge driving back from store, no dialogue here.
    Reverse: What grade is Bart in?

  8. Bart's perspective lying in bed with everyone looking at him; Homer says, "Calm down, boy! It was just a nightmare!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG45] Bart's Nightmare
    Original quote: Lisa: You were only having a nightmare, Bart.
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  9. "Comics are for kids, boy!"
    Scene taken from [MG36] Echo Canyon
    Original quote: "Gimme that.".
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  10. Bart, Lisa, & Maggie on the couch; Bart: "Time for our favorite cartoon, `Itchy & Scratchy.'"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG38] The Bart Simpson Show
    Original quote: Lisa: It's Itchy & Scratchy! Bart: Our favorite show.
    Reverse: What was Bart *not* forced to do in France?

  11. "The family that mambos together, stays together!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG36] Echo Canyon
    Original quote: None, the family is merely stretching after a long car ride.
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  12. Bart relaxing, then Homer: "Bart!!" "Uh, oh..."
    Scene taken from [MG41] Bart's Little Fantasy
    Original scene: Bart is caught relaxing instead of cleaning the room.
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  13. "Are we at Weenie Barn yet?"
    Scene taken from [MG36] Echo Canyon
    Original quote: Homer: Well, here we are! Bart: Where, Weenie Barn?
    Reverse: What did Lisa accuse Bart taking a photo of?

  14. "We're the grown-ups and you're the children-- understand?"
    Scene taken from [MG41] Bart's Little Fantasy
    Original quote: Marge: ...We're the parents and you're the children.
    Reverse: How did Bart get out of genius school?

  15. Marge as a little girl: "Help! I'm a fully developed female trapped inside the body of a child!"
    Scene taken from [MG41] Bart's Little Fantasy
    Original quote: Marge:
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  16. Maggie holding onto branch over falls: "Suck! Suck!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG42] Maggie in Peril: Chapter One
    Original scene: as indicated.
    Reverse: What game does Bart beat Homer at repeatedly?

  17. Big Bart & Big Lisa to Little Homer & Little Marge: "Now get in there and clean up that mess!"
    Scene taken from [MG41] Bart's Little Fantasy
    Original quote: Bart: Get in there.. Lisa: ...and clean up that mess!
    Reverse: How did Bart get into genius school?

  18. Homer: "Come back here, you little smartass!"
    Scene taken from [MG46] Bart Of The Jungle
    Original scene: Homer chasing after kids.
    Reverse: What did Marge do at Homer's company picnic?

  19. Bart: "Tolstoy Schmolstoy! Space Mutants II is what I call a work of genius!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG42] Maggie in Peril: Chapter One
    Original scene: Bart not wanting to bother with Maggie's plea for help.
    Reverse: What snack treat would Homer be unlikely to eat?

  20. Homer: "I'm no supervising technician...I'm a technicial supervisor." [yes, technicial]
    Scene taken from [MG48] T.V. Simpsons
    Original scene: Homer tells kids to "go fly a kite" instead of watching TV and laughs.
    Reverse: What does Marge hide in her hair?

  21. "All right! `America's Most Armed And Dangerous' is on!"
    Scene taken from [MG41] Bart's Little Fantasy
    Original quote: Bart: I've got a plan. You guys clean up! And I'll tell you a story.
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  22. Three kids watching TV laughing "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!"
    Scene taken from [MG48] T.V. Simpsons
    Original scene: Kids laughing at Itchy & Scratchy.
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  23. Maggie between playpen bars: "Suck! Suck! Suck!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG42] Maggie in Peril: Chapter One
    Original scene: Maggie attempting to get Bart's attention.
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  24. Lisa: "Homework is society's way of torturing their young!"
    Scene taken from [MG42] Maggie in Peril: Chapter One
    Original scene: Lisa reading during Maggie's attempt to get her attention.
    Reverse: Who is the bully at Bart's school?

  25. Homer: "No reststops for the next 16 hours!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG42] Maggie in Peril: Chapter One
    Original scene: Homer: Bart! Lisa! Keep an eye on Maggie!
    Reverse: What the final puzzle will look like.

  26. Bart in bathtub: "Zee brave undair sea exploraire wrestles ze yuge sea monstair to zee better end."
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG44] Bathtime
    Quote created.
    Reverse: Bart drew a picture of Principal Skinner on the school. What did it say?

  27. Bart outta bathtub: "Look Homer, clean as a whistle!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG44] Bathtime
    Original quote: "Clean as a whistle, Homer!"
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  28. Kids watching T.V., with Homer hanging by his leg tied to a tree outside:
    Bart: "We can never let him down. He'll kill us."  Lisa: "My thoughts exactly."
    Scene taken from [MG46] Bart Of The Jungle
    Original scene: Kids watching television while Homer hangs from tree outside
    Card quote paraphrased from earlier dialogue outside:
    Homer: Bart, get me down from here. Lisa: But then he'll kill us.
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  29. Bart on bed reading comic book & drinking a soda: "Don't bug me. I'm studying, man!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG44] Bathtime
    Original scene: Homer: Bart! Bart! Time for your Sunday night bath, boy!
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  30. Bart blue cold in bath: Homer: "And don't come out till you sparkle, boy!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG44] Bathtime
    Original quote: "Scrub good now!"
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  31. Bart looking in dark room: "Maggie? Lisa? You in there?"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG44] Bathtime
    Original scene: Bart is closing the door to his room to hide from Homer.
    Note: Original scene is drawn oddly, since Bart's room should be dark and
    outside his room should be light.
    Reverse: Where was Maggie when The Simpsons were stranded in the woods?

  32. Lisa: "Should I turn on the TV?" Bart: "It already is on."
    Scene taken from [MG46] Bart Of The Jungle
    Original scene: Kids watching television while Homer hangs from tree outside
    (see card #28 above!)
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  33. Homer's hanging upside down; Bart: "Don't have a cow, man!"
    Scene taken from [MG46] Bart Of The Jungle
    Original quote: Bart: Greetings, Bwana! Lisa: We come in peace.
    Reverse: Bart's teacher's name is...

  34. Homer: "Bart! Get back here!!!"
    Scene taken from [MG46] Bart Of The Jungle
    Original quote: Homer: Why those little...
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  35. Maggie being carried away by balloons; voice from below: "Anybody seen Maggie?!"
    Scene taken from [MG43] Maggie In Peril: The Thrilling Conclusion
    Original scene: No dialogue.
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  36. Homer: "Marge, let's run away from home."
    Scene taken from [MG43] Maggie In Peril: The Thrilling Conclusion
    Original scene: Homer exclaims "ehhh" in disgust as he and Marge think
    they've just seen Maggie floating by.
    Reverse: Who drives Bart and Lisa's schoolbus?

  37. Homer, Maggie, Marge, & Bart looking down at a baby, presumably Maggie; Homer: "Gootchie gootchie goo!" Marge: "She's such an adorable infant!" Bart: "I think she needs her diaper changed, man!"
    Scene taken from [MG43] Maggie In Peril: The Thrilling Conclusion
    Original scene: Family checks to see if Maggie is OK (no dialogue)
    Reverse: Homer was once mistaken for ... [think first season]

  38. Bart inside TV w/ a LIH doll: "It's The Bart Simpson Show, starring Bart Simpson, and featuring the Bart Simpson orchestra and the Bart Simpson dancers."
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG38] The Bart Simpson Show
    Quote on card accurate as provided.
    Reverse: Marge's bowling instructor's name was...

  39. Bart "studying" again: "Quiet! Genius at work, man!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG44] Bathtime
    Quote above created.
    Reverse: What does Homer do in church instead of paying attention?

  40. Homer to back seat: "Shut up back there, you little smart alecks!"
    Scene taken from [MG36] Echo Canyon
    Original quote unrelated.
    Reverse: Who was the "Jazzman" that Lisa met?

  41. "Bart! Did you eat all the pork rinds?!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG42] Maggie in Peril: Chapter One
    Original scene: Homer: Bart! Lisa! Keep an eye on Maggie!
    Reverse: Who is Bart's hero?

  42. Homer & Marge in car: "What'll it be tonight, Marge? The Rusty Barnacle or The Singing Sirloin?"
    Scene taken from [MG43] Maggie In Peril: The Thrilling Conclusion
    Original scene: Homer and Marge race in the driveway to check on Maggie.
    Reverse: Homer's job at the nuclear power plant is?

  43. Maggie in playpen: "Suck! Suck! Suck!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG42] Maggie in Peril: Chapter One
    Original scene: Maggie playing in opening before ball bounces out of playpen.
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  44. Homer: "March your butts straight up to bed, you little hellions! Pronto!" Bart: "Can the rest of our bodies stay up and play?"
    Scene taken from [MG46] Bart Of The Jungle
    Original scene: Kids are racing around the house.
    Reverse: Homer's boss hates Marge's...

  45. Lisa & Maggie wielding ties aplenty: "Happy Father's Day, Dad. They were 12 for a dollar at Bud's `Big 'n' Wide' Shop."
    Scene taken from [MG46] Bart Of The Jungle
    Original quote: Bart: Hold out your arms. Lisa: Oh boy! Jungle supplies!
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  46. Bart, Lisa, & Maggie in front of a closet: "Stand back, comrades! The smell alone from this closet can be lethal!"
    Scene taken from [MG46] Bart Of The Jungle
    Original quote: Bart: Hold out your arms. Lisa: Oh boy! Jungle supplies!
    Reverse: What is Krusty the Clown's famous saying?

  47. Bart: "There's nothing more disheartening to young fertile minds than the 5:00 news hours!"
    Scene taken from [MG46] Bart Of The Jungle
    Original scene: Homer sends the kids outside to play.
    Reverse: The exchange student who stayed with The Simpsons was from...

  48. Bart "studying": "Right on, dude!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG44] Bathtime
    Original quote: Homer: Bart! Bart! Time for your Sunday night bath, boy!
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  49. Bart flying a kite, Homer yells: "What do you think you are, Thomas Edison?!"
    Scene taken from [MG48] T.V. Simpsons
    Original scene: Homer looses TV reception and looks out window at kids
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  50. Homer looking at a closet (after #46): "This looks like the work of one Bartholomew J. Simpson!"
    Scene taken from [MG46] Bart Of The Jungle
    Original quote: Homer: What the...?? Why those little...
    Reverse: How many strands of hair are there on top of Homer's head?

  51. Homer: "You said `Left'." Marge: "I said `Right'."
    Scene taken from [MG43] Maggie In Peril: The Thrilling Conclusion
    Original scene: Homer and Marge driving back from store, no dialogue here.
    Reverse: What bar does Homer frequent?

  52. Marge: "It's quiet." Homer: "Yeah. Too quiet!"
    Scene taken from [MG46] Bart Of The Jungle
    Original scene: Kids are running around the house.
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  53. Bart holding microphone: "Kids out there in T.V.'re being duped!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG39] The Krusty the Clown Show
    Original quote: Bart: Kids in T.V.'re being duped!
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  54. Bart: "There's only so much one hell raisin' kid can take, man!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG39] The Krusty the Clown Show
    Original quote: Bart: You know, I base my whole life on Krusty's teachings.
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  55. Lisa: "It's amazing how much beauty and intelligence can fit into such a petite frame!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG39] The Krusty the Clown Show
    Original scene: Lisa: Wow! The glamorous world of TV! (inside TV studio)
    Reverse: Why did Bart cut the head off of Jebediah Springfield?

  56. Bart: "AAAUUUGHHH!" (Dunno why.)
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG45] Bart's Nightmare
    Bart's response to being offered a cookie after awakening from a cookie nightmare.
    Reverse: Homer's boss' name is..

  57. Homer & Bart in a spiral of sorts; Homer says, "Who ate my cookies?!!!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG45] Bart's Nightmare
    Original quote: Homer: Lay off those cookies, boy!
    Reverse: What name hasn't Bart called Lisa?

  58. Homer waking up Bart: "Back off Homer. I happen to be having some very educational dreams."
    Scene taken from [MG45] Bart's Nightmare
    Original quote: Bart, half asleep: I didn't do it, I didn't do it, ...
    Reverse: The name of the school that Bart & Lisa attend is...

  59. Homer: "I said, knock it off!!"
    Scene taken from [MG46] Bart Of The Jungle
    Original quote: Homer: Why those little...
    Reverse: Homer's nickname for Marge's sisters is...

  60. Lisa standing next to Maggie, looking up at Homer: "Don't blame us, Dad! We're merely acting under the whim of our genetic programming!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG45] Bart's Nightmare
    Original quote: Homer: Alright, who swiped the rest of them? (the cookies)
    Lisa (with Maggie): Don't look at *us*, dad!
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  61. Homer to kids: "Go to bed! Go to bed right now!!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG40] Simpsons Christmas
    Original scene: Homer: Go upstairs before I kill all of you!
    Reverse: What is Homer's middle initial?

  62. Marge: "There's only one cookie left!" Homer: "And somebody's responsible!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG45] Bart's Nightmare
    Original quote: Marge: (correct as indicated)
    Homer: Alright, who swiped the rest of them?
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  63. Bart: "I didn't do it. Nobody saw me do it. You can't prove anything."
    Scene taken from [MG45] Bart's Nightmare
    Original quote: Bart, in his dream: I didn't do it, I didn't do it, ...
    Reverse: What was Krusty the Clown accused of?

  64. Bart sliding down banister: "Gangway man!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG40] Simpsons Christmas
    Original scene: Bart is narrating The Simpsons' version of
    "A Visit from St. Nicholas" (Twas the night before Christmas..)
    Reverse: The name of the belly dancer Homer danced with was...

  65. Homer wearing apron: "Which one of you ate my last donut!"
    Scene taken from [MG45] Bart's Nightmare
    Original quote: Homer: Alright, who swiped the rest of them? (the cookies)
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  66. Voice from the livingroom at night: "Bart?" Bart (sneaking somewhere) "Uh oh gotta hide."
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG40] Simpsons Christmas
    Original scene: Bart is surprised because Lisa and Maggie beat him
    downstairs to sneak a peak at their Christmas presents.
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  67. Kids running: "Last one to the breakfast table is a wimp, man!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG40] Simpsons Christmas
    Original scene: The kids are racing to open Christmas presents.
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  68. Homer: "God help me."
    Scene taken from [MG48] T.V. Simpsons
    Original scene: Homer changes TV channel away from Itchy & Scratchy.
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  69. Lisa: "Bart, you're such a dimwit!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG37] Scary Movie
    Original scene: Bart and Lisa are on the way to see a Happy Little Elves movie,
    which Lisa wants to see and Bart doesn't.
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  70. "I'm Bart Simpson, who the hell are you?"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG37] Scary Movie
    Original scene: Bart and Lisa are on the way to see a Happy Little Elves movie,
    which Lisa wants to see and Bart doesn't.
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  71. Marge: "Your father's chasing after Bart because he loves him." Lisa: "Nice try Mom."
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG36] Echo Canyon
    Original quote: Marge: That *is* a remarkable echo. Lisa: Whatever you say, mom.
    Reverse: Why did Lisa refuse to play dodge ball?

  72. Homer yelling: "BBAARRTTTT!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG36] Echo Canyon
    Original quote: Homer: Lisa! (In reaction to card 77!)
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  73. Lisa: "I can't wait to see the Happy Little Elves!" Bart: "Oh, grow up, man! The Crappy Little Elves are for babies!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG37] Scary Movie
    Original quotes: Lisa: I'm glad we're seeing the Happy Little Elves Return,
    aren't you, Bart? Bart: Oh man, you're so normal.
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  74. Inside the TV; Homer: "Why you little...!!!" Bart: "Let's break for a commercial."
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG38] The Bart Simpson Show
    Original quote: Bart: Gotta run! Goodnight folks!
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  75. Homer to Lisa & Maggie: "For the last time, I'm the parent and you're the children!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG38] The Bart Simpson Show
    Original quote: Homer: I thought I told you kids not to watch violent TV!
    Reverse: What did Bart's tattoo say?

  76. Homer to Marge: "I think it's time to go down to the Dairy Den for some frosty chocolate milkshakes!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG36] Echo Canyon
    Original quote unrelated.
    Reverse: What is the name of The Simpsons' dog?

  77. Marge: "Let's take turns yelling into the canyon, Lisa, you start." Lisa: "Okay. BORRRRRRING!!!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG36] Echo Canyon
    Original quote exactly as indicated.
    Reverse: What did Bart do to the statue of Jebediah Springfield?

  78. Homer: "Marge! Where's the personals section of today's paper?!"
    Scene taken from [MG46] Bart Of The Jungle
    Original scene: Homer sends the kids outside to play.
    Reverse: Marge's sisters' names are...

  79. Lisa, with Bart & Maggie in a trashed room: "We have no idea who made this mess."
    Scene taken from [MG41] Bart's Little Fantasy
    Original scene: Bart and Lisa questioning why they have to clean up the room.
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  80. Bart on couch: "This is the life, man!"
    Scene taken from [MG41] Bart's Little Fantasy
    Original scene: Bart is telling a story while Lisa and Maggie clean the room.
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  81. Bart swinging with Lisa: "Me, Bartunga!" "Me, Leesumba!"
    Scene taken from [MG46] Bart Of The Jungle
    Original quote: Lisa: This fun, Bartunga! Bart: Right on, Leesumba!
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  82. Kids dancing: "Unga, bunga, yunga, ho!"
    Scene taken from [MG46] Bart Of The Jungle
    Original quote: Close to original.
    Reverse: What did Homer pawn to pay the family therapy?

  83. Lisa seeing Bart mowing lawn: "There is justice in the world, Maggie."
    Scene taken from [MG41] Bart's Little Fantasy
    Original scene: Lisa (to Maggie): How does Bart's story end?
    Well, everyone lives happily ever after.
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  84. Maggie going down those falls: "Suck, suck, suck, suck, suck."
    Scene (reversed and upside down) taken from [MG42] Maggie in Peril: Chapter One
    Original scene: as indicated.
    Reverse: Another picture of what the final puzzle will look like.

  85. Someone looking thru keyhole to Homer coming towards the door: "Uh, oh...."
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG44] Bathtime
    Original quote: Bart belches revealing his whereabouts and then says "oops".
    Reverse: Yet another picture of the final puzzle.

  86. Bart, Maggie & Lisa on couch: "Another day of parental oppression."
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG38] The Bart Simpson Show
    Original quote: None during this section (they're watching Itchy & Scratchy.)
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  87. Bart on huge boulder going down hill: "Aye carumba!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG36] Echo Canyon
    Original quote: "Cool, man!".
    Reverse: Puzzle piece.

  88. Voice (Bart probably) from offscreen: "Apple polisher!" Lisa: "Thank you very much, I take that as a compliment!"
    Scene (reversed) taken from [MG37] Scary Movie
    Original scene: Bart and Lisa are on the way to see a Happy Little Elves movie,
    which Lisa wants to see and Bart doesn't.
    Reverse: What is Krusty's sidekick's name?

Index to Topps Simpsons Cards By Episode

The 88 cards carried scenes from twelve Tracey Ullman shorts, averaging 7 scenes per episode, using as few as three scenes from [MG39] The Krusty the Clown Show and as many as fifteen scenes from [MG46] Bart Of The Jungle.

Episode     Card Numbers in Card Order
[MG36]      01 09 11 13 40 71 72 76 77 87
[MG37]      69 70 73 88
[MG38]      05 10 38 74 75 86
[MG39]      53 54 55
[MG40]      61 64 66 67
[MG41]      03 06 12 14 15 17 21 79 80 83
[MG42]      02 16 19 23 24 25 41 43 84
[MG43]      07 35 36 37 42 51
[MG44]      04 26 27 29 30 31 39 48 85
[MG45]      08 56 57 58 60 62 63 65
[MG46]      18 28 32 33 34 44 45 46 47 50 52 59 78 81 82
[MG48]      20 22 49 68

Episode     Card Numbers in Scene Order
[MG36]      76 13 40 11 09 01 77 72 87 71
[MG37]      73 70 69 88
[MG38]      10 86 05 38 75 74
[MG39]      54 55 53
[MG40]      64 66 61 67
[MG41]      14 79 03 21 80 17 15 06 12 83
[MG42]      02 25 41 43 24 19 23 16 84
[MG43]      35 07 51 36 42 37
[MG44]      29 48 39 31 85 30 04 26 27
[MG45]      62 65 60 57 63 58 08 56
[MG46]      44 52 47 78 46 45 50 59 34 82 81 18 33 32 28
[MG48]      22 68 20 49

The Puzzle

Scanned the back of all 40 cards a few at a time and then pieced them all together digitally. Intentionally avoided filling in "spaces", eliminating lines or adjusting the brightness so one can see the variations in shadings between different cards. The resulting 14" by 25" image is as follows;
Topps: The Simpsons Trading Cards Puzzle

Topps Simpsons Stickers - Index

Each entry below has a line with the blackboard quote from one side of the card and the episode the blackboard quote first appeared (or "Not used within any episode") and a second line for the reverse of the card with the format:
  [character(s)], heading or {description} and "character quote".
Not all cards have headings and/or quotes.

  1. Biting is unsanitary and rude. (Not used within any episode.)
    [Bartman] Bartman Avenger of Evil. "Watch it, dude"

  2. I will not belch the national anthem. (from [7F15])
    [Bart] Underachiever "And proud of it, man!"

  3. I will not encourage others to fly. (from [7F03])
    [Bart] {Peace symbol background} "Peace, Man."

  4. Giving people wedgies is not clever. (Not used within any episode.)
    [Bart] Bart Simpson "Don't have a cow, man!"

  5. I will not do anything bad ever again. (from [7F20])
    [Maggie] Maggie Simpson "suck, suck, suck"

  6. I will not drive the principal's car. (from [7F06])
    [Marge] Marge Simpson "Thank you, it's my specialty!"

  7. I will spend my time productively. (Not used within any episode.)
    [Homer] Homer Simpson "Come back here, you little--!!"

  8. Tar is not a plaything. (from [7F02])
    [Family] The Simpsons

  9. I will not lie, cheat, or spit. (Not used within any episode.)
    [Homer] All-American Dad "Why you little--!"

  10. I will not yell "fire" in a crowded classroom. (from [7G01])
    [Family] {Framed family portrait with Homer strangling Bart}

  11. I will not add to our nation's problems. (Not used within any episode.)
    [Bart] "I'm Bart Simpson. Who the hell are you?"

  12. Krusty the Clown is not God. (Not used within any episode.)
    [Bart, in military fatigues] "War is hell, man."

  13. Hamsters do not eat onion rings. (Not used within any episode.)
    [Homer, glowing] "There was a little accident at the power plant today..."

  14. I will not trade pants with others. (from [7F05])
    [Bart, as the devil] "Go For It, dude!!"

  15. I will not do that thing with my tongue. (from [7F07])
    [Bart] "No way, man!"

  16. I will not undermine traditional American values. (Not used within any episode.)
    [Bart, on surfboard upside-down] "Cowabunga, man!"

  17. Cursing is a crutch. (Not used within any episode.)
    [Lisa] "I'm going to tell mom and dad!"

  18. I am not a 32 year old woman. (from [7F08])
    [Family] The All-American Family

  19. I will not hide behind the Fifth Amendment. (from [7F18])
    [Lisa with saxophone] Queen of The Blues

  20. I will not sell school property. (from [7F10])
    [Maggie] suck suck suck

  21. I will not get very far with this attitude. (from [7F12])
    [Bart, TTUS style] "Fun has a name and it's Bartholomew J. Simpson."

  22. I will not overestimate my own popularity. (Not used within any episode.)
    [Homer & Bart] "That's my boy!"

Topps: The Simpsons Trading Card 8 Pack OFF Packaging

The cards came supplied in packs of 8 or 16 cards and 1 sticker each available in two pack designs.
The 8 card packs were 50 cents each with
UPC 041116 004025 and either had
- Our favorite family with
   "8 Fabulous Cards - 1 Lousy Sticker" or
- Bart Simpson saying "Yo, man!" with
   "8 Dynamic Cards - 1 Crummy Sticker".
Topps: The Simpsons Trading Card 8 Pack Bart
Topps: The Simpsons Trading Card 8 Pack OFF
The 8 card packs were displayed in the box to
the left holding 36 packs with Bart defiantly
proclaiming "We're The Simpsons, man! What's
your problem!" Purchasing the entire box should
have also entitled you to the marketing poster
inside that matched the box cover design with the
added words "HERE NOW!" across the top and
missing the 50 cents price. Retailers could
Topps: The Simpsons Trading Card Stand
Topps: The Simpsons Trading Card Flyer order the floor stand to the right to display the
boxes as described on the flyer to the lower left.
UPC codes and options therefore are;

UPC 0-41116-00402-5  Single pack of 8 cards
UPC 0-41116-10402-2  Box of 36 packs
UPC 0-41116-20402-9  Case of 24 Boxes (Case 402)
UPC 0-41116-00447-6  Case of 12 Boxes and display stand (Case 447)

Topps: The Simpsons Trading Card 16 Pack OFF

With a card to sticker ratio of almost four to one
the normal 8 packs resulted in too many cards
(a common issue amongst trading cards, of course). Even worse were the 16 card packs available for 99 cents under UPC 041116 778353 since they also only included one sticker. Most collectors however had little choice since most stores only carried one or the other.

Topps: The Simpsons Trading Card 16 Pack Bart

Topps: The Simpsons Trading Card 8 Pack Bart

The display box to the right held
24 packs of 16 cards each, sold under Topps # 1-475-37-01-0
and UPC 041116 778360, and on

Topps: The Simpsons Trading Card Box of 16 card packs
the left we have a case of 20 boxes under Topps 475, UPC 041116 778377. Unlike the box of 8 card packs above
it did not include a poster. The marketing description however did match:
Exotic Cards! Annoying Stickers! Bewildering Puzzles! And Fun Galore!

Topps: The Simpsons Trading Cards 88 Card 22 Stickers Set

Summarizing UPC codes and options for the 16 card packs therefore;

  UPC 0-41116-77835-3  Single pack of 8 cards
  UPC 0-41116-77836-0  Box of 24 packs
  UPC 0-41116-77837-7  Case of 20 Boxes (Case 475)

Lastly, on the left is a poor image of a label for a complete set of 88 cards and 22 stickers that apparently was also available.

Original Author Unknown
HTMLized November 17th, 1995 by Dave Hall
Then corrected and expanded by Jouni Paakkinen and Bruce Gomes.
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Last updated August 3, 2013 by Bruce Gomes (

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