[MG44] Bathtime

Bathtime                                               Written by Matt Groening
[$Id: mg44 1.1 92/04/19 02:56:39 raymond Exp Locker: raymond $]
> Didja notice...
    Voice credits:
        NANCY CARTWRIGHT as Bart

    Animation producer was Margot Pipkin.
    Animators were Wesley Archer and David Silverman.

> Freeze Frame Fun

The octopus toy looks remarkably like Homer, complete with two hairs atop
its head.  (Since when did octopi have hair?)

Note that Bart swims past his washcloth.

> Assorted comments and observations
Brian Howard {bh} gives the timing for this short as 1:06, whereas the
syndication package contains only 1:02 of animation.

> Quotes and scene summary
% H = Homer, B = Bart
% Bart sits in bed reading a comic book and sipping a soda.  (*slurp*)

H: [o.s.]  Bart! ...  Bart! ... Time for your Sunday night bath, boy!

% Bart gags on his soda, quickly tosses his comic book aside...

B: Gotta hide.

% ... and heads into the closet.  Bart peers back out through the keyhole.
% Through the keyhole, we see Homer.

H: Bart!  ... [sees that Bart isn't in his room]  Huh?   Where are you, boy?

% Bart burps.

B: Oops.
H: Aha!

% Homer angrily heads for the closet, and reaches in.
% Homer carries a naked Bart down the hallway into the bathroom.
% Once inside...

H: [with effort]  There ya go!  [tosses Bart into the tub]
   Now that's not so bad, is it?

% Homer leaves, and we see Bart in the tub, blue and shivering.

H: [o.s.]  Scrub good, now.

% Bart turns on the hot water and breathes a sigh of relief as his skin
% returns to normal.  He takes a submarine toy...

B: Welcome to ze exotic world of undersea explorer Bart Simpseau.

% During Bart's introduction, the water level slowly rises.
% Bart submerges.

B: [v.o.] Come wiz Bart as we dive into ze briny deep, searching for ze
   wily and elusive washcloth.

% Bart floats through the water.  An octopus toy lurks menacingly ahead...

B: [v.o.] Suddenly, wissout warning, ze [great explorer?] get more zan
   he bargained for!

% Bart becomes engaged in a life-or-death struggle with the toy octopus.
% He seems to be losing.

B: [gurgling]  Heeeelp!   Heeeelp!

% Bart surfaces, the octopus perched atop his head, its tentacles dangling.

B: Heeeelp!  Heeeelp!

% Outside, Homer goes to the bathroom door.  When he opens the door, a wall
% of water knocks him down.  Bart floats past, and the water level slowly
% falls.  The octopus toy lands next to Homer.  Homer looks up angrily.

B: [wiping his butt with a towel]  Clean as a whistle, Homer!

% Homer gets up angrily, wiggling his fingers.  He growls and chases
% Bart.
% [End of Act One.  Time: 1:02]
Shorts summaries Copyright 1992 by Raymond Chen.  Not to be redistributed
in a public forum without permission.  (The quotes themselves, of course,
remain the property of The Tracey Ullman Show, and the reproduced articles
remain the property of the original authors.  I'm just taking credit for the

Conversion by Howard Jones (ha.jones@ic.ac.uk)