[MG45] Bart's Nightmare

Bart's Nightmare                                       Written by Matt Groening
[$Id: mg45 1.1 92/04/19 02:57:01 raymond Exp Locker: raymond $]
> Didja notice...
    Voice credits:
        NANCY CARTWRIGHT as Bart
        YEARDLEY SMITH as Lisa

    Animation producer was Margot Pipkin.
    Animators were Wesley Archer and David Silverman.

> Freeze Frame Fun

> Assorted comments and observations
Brian Howard {bh} gives the timing for this short as 1:06, whereas the
syndication package contains only 1:00 of animation.

> Quotes and scene summary
% H = Homer, M = Marge, B = Bart, L = Lisa, A = Maggie
% The kitchen.  The cookie jar is open, crumbs all over.
% Homer dries the dishes while Marge wipes down the table with her
% eyes closed.  She opens her eyes, spots the jar, and slaps her forehead.

M: Hey!  There's only one cookie left!

% And she's right.  At the bottom of the jar sits one lonely cookie.
% Homer (dressed in a pink frilly apron) angrily addresses the two girls.

H: All right, who swiped the rest of them!

% Lisa throws open her arms.

L: Don't look at us, Dad!

% Maggie sucks in agreement.
% Quick cut to Bart's room.  Bart moans in pain as we pan across Bart's
% crumb-covered stomach.  Bart belches as the pan continues to his face,
% his mouth and shirt covered in crumbs.

B: Why'd I eat all those cookies?

% Dissolve into a swirling vortex into which cookies descend.  Bart hovers
% in his bed, shivering.  Homer's ominous head appears, chasing Bart (and his
% bed) to the other side of the vortex.

H: Lay off those cookies, boy!

% Homer vanishes, replaced by Marge at the other end.  Bart's bed slides
% around to make room.

M: That jar is off-limits, Bart.  And if I catch you with so much as
   one cookie...

% Next up is Lisa.

L: Mom!  Dad!  Bart's eating cookies!

% And Maggie.

A: (*suck*)  (*suck*)  (*suck*)  (*suck*)  (*suck*)!

% Bart falls out of his bed...
% ... and lands in a giant-sized kitchen.  (Bart is only an inch tall.)
% Bart is drawn against his will towards the cookie jar...

B: No!  No!  No!

% But too late.  The cookie jar teeters and falls, crashing over Bart's
% head, sending ceramic shards (and cookies) across the kitchen floor.
% Homer's shadow is cast across the floor.

H: Why you little...
B: I didn't do it!  I didn't do it!  I didn't do it!

% Dissolve to Bart's bedroom, where Homer tries to wake Bart from his
% nightmare.

B: I didn't do it...  I didn't do it...
H: Wake up, Bart!
B: Ohhhhh...
H: Come on, snap out of it, boy!

% Lisa slaps Bart.

B: Huh?
L: You were only having a nightmare, Bart.
B: Ohhhhh...
H: Yeah, boy.  Everything's going to be okay.

% The rest of the family lean in to check up on Bart.

M: It was all a dream.

% Homer holds out a chocolate-chip cookie.

H: Here, Bart.  Have a cookie!
B: Wauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh!

% [End of Act One.  Time: 1:00]
Shorts summaries Copyright 1992 by Raymond Chen.  Not to be redistributed
in a public forum without permission.  (The quotes themselves, of course,
remain the property of The Tracey Ullman Show, and the reproduced articles
remain the property of the original authors.  I'm just taking credit for the

Conversion by Howard Jones (ha.jones@ic.ac.uk)