[MG41] Bart's Fantasy

Bart's Fantasy                                         Written by Matt Groening
[$Id: mg41 1.1 92/04/11 11:29:59 raymond Exp Locker: raymond $]
> Didja notice...
    Voice credits:
        NANCY CARTWRIGHT as Bart
        YEARDLEY SMITH as Lisa
        JULIE KAVNER as Mrs. Simpson

    Animation producer was Margot Pipkin.
    Animators were Wesley Archer and David Silverman.

    ... Maggie fell once?  (When the door slammed.)
        Twice if you count the fall in the intro.
    ... Adult-sized Maggie still sucked on a pacifier?
    ... in Bart's dream, the pictures on the wall are of Bart and Lisa?
        In reality, the pictures on the wall are of Homer and Marge.

> Freeze Frame Fun

> Assorted comments and observations
Brian Howard {bh} gives the timing for this short as 0:58, whereas the
syndication package contains only 0:50 of animation.

> Quotes and scene summary
% H = Homer, M = Marge, B = Bart, L = Lisa
% Homer pushes the kids...

H: Get in there!
M: And clean up that mess!

% ... into the rumpus room.
% Maggie, Bart and Lisa stand among the toys strewn all over the floor.

L: Do we <have> to?
H: Yup.
B: Why?
M: Because we're the parents and you're the children.

% The door closes.  The force of the slamming causes Maggie to lose her
% balance.  Lisa surveys the room.

L: Oh no, this'll take forever!
B: I've got a plan.  You guys clean up.  And I'll tell you a story.

% Lisa has started pickup up stuff.

L: Oh, brother.

% Bart dives onto the couch, lies down, and tells a story...

B: Once upon a time, there was a planet where the children were the parents
   and the parents were the children...

% Dissolve into Bart's fantasy.  Adult-sized Bart, Lisa and Maggie stand
% in the doorway with a tiny Marge and Homer.  Bart shoves his parents...

B: Get in there!
L: And clean up that mess!

% ... into the rumpus room.
% Homer and Marge stand among the household appliances, power tools, golf
% clubs, and other adult toys strewn all over the floor.

M: [young Marge voice] Do we <have> to?
B: Yup.
H: Why?
L: Because we're the children and you're the parents.

% The door slams shut.  Young Marge surveys the room.

M: Oh no, this'll take forever!
H: I've got a plan.  You clean up.  And I'll tell you a story.

% Marge has started pickup up stuff.

M: Forget it!

% Dissolve back to Bart reclining on the couch.

B: And then...

% The door bursts open.

M: Bart!

% Homer storms in, grabs Bart, and yanks him out of the room.

H: If you won't help your sister, then get out there and mow the lawn!

% Lisa and Maggie look out the window to see Bart unhappily mowing the
% lawn.  Maggie tugs on Lisa's arm.

L: How does Bart's story end?  Well, everyone lived happily ever after.

% The girls wave at Bart.  {Bart growls back.}
% [End Act One.  Time: 0:50]
Shorts summaries Copyright 1992 by Raymond Chen.  Not to be redistributed
in a public forum without permission.  (The quotes themselves, of course,
remain the property of The Tracey Ullman Show, and the reproduced articles
remain the property of the original authors.  I'm just taking credit for the

Conversion by Howard Jones (ha.jones@ic.ac.uk)