Robots and Aliens on The Simpsons

Created by Dave Sweatt
Contributions from Simon Lau
Maintained by Summer Genevieve

Questo documento in Italiano [Italian translation]

  • Robots

    • [7G07] Bart asks if a robot with a human brain can get into heaven
    • [8F02] Homer's brain is placed into a robot. The robot is lazy and likes donuts.
    • [9F10] Bart imagines his giant mechanical ants attacking the school
    • [9F11] Homer thinks artificial insimination is having sex with a robot.
    • [9F11] robots seen in the Duff Hall of Presidents "Four score and seven years ago, our forefathers brewed a refreshing drink from hops and barley..."
    • [9F11] The robots in the Little Land of Duff are from mulitple continents. They also sing the Duff beer song "Duff beer for me, Duff beer for you, I have a Duff...."
    • [9F15] Smithers opens a crate of loyal robot workers
    • [9F16] a writer is going to "write a sitcom about a sassy robot".
    • [1F01] In the future, Mr. Burns is a robot with a human head and Smithers is a robotic dog.
    • [1F14] [Lenny says] "Hey look, Homer's got one of those robot cars." [car crashes] Carl says "Yeah, one of those American robot cars."
    • [1F21] comic book store's name is Android's Dungeon
    • [1F21] robot in the window at the Android's Dungeon Comic Book Store says "Take me to your comic books and baseball cards!"
    • [2F01] 12 noon robot parade is seen
    • [2F01] [Marge says] "See all that stuff in there Homer, that's why your robot never worked."
    • [2F01] robots go mad similar to the movie Westworld
    • [2F06] a Rock Bottom correction: Ted Koppel is a robot
    • [2F11] one of Lisa's superfriends is called Data, possibly named after the Star Trek TNG character of the same name. [he will tell you that he is NOT a robot]
    • [2F15] robots in Lisa's future melt when they cry
    • [2F15] robots try out for the tinman in a Wizard of Oz production
    • [3F10] Homer sings "domo arigato Mr. Roboto"
    • [3F31] the robotic Richard Simmons is seen "...his ass is gonna blow!"
    • [4F05] a robot is seen at the Springfield Costume Shop
    • [4F11] a robot from the movie "Clank Clank You're Dead" is seen
    • [4F11] skeleton of a dead midget is seen inside the robot
    • [4F11] a small robot is for sale on the shelf
    • [4F11] John collects toy robots. One of them is the Santa Claus robot.
    • [4F12] Krusty threatens to replace I&S with a Chinese cartoon where the robots turn into...blingwads!
    • [4F12] Roger Myers Jr. suggests I&S shows "swarming with magic robots".
    • [4F13] Rod and Todd pray that Lisa will tell them a story about robots. Her lame story frightens them.
    • [4F21] at graduation, the cadets are told that future wars will be fought by robots, and their "duty is clear---to build and maintain those robots".
    • [5F05] Springfield Robotics Laboratory is looted
    • [5F05] robot runs out of the S.R.L. saying "...why...why was I programmed to feel pain?"
    • [AABF04] robots seen in the saloon playing cards and dancing
    • [AABF04] Homer thinks the bartender is a robot
    • [AABF05] tag team robot wrestling: the mighty robots [cylons] from Battlestar Galactica vs. the gay robots from Star Wars
    • [AABF05] misc. robots in the crowd
    • [AABF06] a robot arm in the car wash breaks off Homer's antenna as if were designed to do so
    • [AABF18] Stephen Hawking's chair has a robot arm
    • [AABF18] [Homer says] "Have fun with your robot buddy?"
    • [AABF20] A popular Japanese cartoon, "Battleing Seizure Robots". By watching the robot's eye flashing, it was aptly to seizure.
    • [AABF20] Elect-Tarus says "Help, Help! It burns!"
    • [AABF20] Robots at America town
      • Marilyn Moroe
      • E.T.
      • Abe Lincoln
      • Statue of Liberty
      • boxer
      • astronaut
    • [AABF21] Someone obviously carried the robot dummy up to the desk.
    • [BABF01] Cylon, the robotic enemy from "Battlestar Galactica" is one of the audience in the Kang and Kodo's show.
    • [BABF01] Stephen Hawking's robotic chair
    • [AABF21] Robot Zorrow from the Zorro Movie
    • [BABF03] Allen, the store assistant, pretents that he is a robot only to Bart.
    • [BABF03] [Bart says] "some are real, some are just robots filled with venom." Bart is referring that some of the cobras are robots.
    • [BABF07] Funzo, a children's toy that looks similar with the robot in the movie, "Batteries Not Included".
    • [BABF07] evil robot in the secret surveillance room in Springfield Elementary
    • [BABF07] sketon of Funzo reminiscent of skull of Terminator robot
    • [BABF11] Bender the robot from "Futurama" is one of the FOX pledge takers
    • [BABF12] Robots of drunken historical figures
    • [BABF12] Lisa admires the Alco-Hall of fame, featuring animatronic robots of Ulysses S. Grant, Babe Ruth and Benjamin Franklin.
    • [BABF13] [Homer says] "Well, I do have this robotic prostate, but you can't see it."
    • [BABF16] The Cyborganizer, a high tech robocop created for one purpose only: To help the NYPD tackle its tedious paperwork.
    • [BABF16] Small Robot is the son of Cyborganizer.
    • [BABF19] W. Nelson has a robot arms to braid his hair.
    • [BABF22] Meganuot "a robotic wolf" is seen on the Japanimate.
    • [BABF22] Princess Tempura "a robotic prawn" is seen on the Japanimate.
    • [CABF01] [GAMESTATION 253 says] "Don't destroy me. I can still make you the max."
    • [CABF08] robot in the window at the Android's Dungeon Comic Book Store
    • [CABF09] Homer looks at the funny mirror pretends that he is a robot and says in a robotic tone "I am a robot, do what I say."
    • [CABF14] Linguo, a robot made by Lisa for the science fair and its only purpose is to correct people's grammar.
    • [CABF19] Ultrahouse 3000 robotic house
    • [CABF19] robots saleman from Ultrahouse 3000
    • [CABF20] a robot that looks like Linguo calls Homer, Father, and asks for legs
    • [DABF10] a local phone company, Zovuvass, have 3 female robots workers.
    • Frink's Robotics
      • [1F01] a robot Bobo
      • [1F09] robotic house runs for safety
      • [4F01] robot arm "Pawns can't move that way you stupid arm!"
      • [4F01] the AT-5000 autodialer has robotic legs with wheels that allow it to return home
      • [2F01] the robots of I&S Land
      • [5F02] Floyd the robot, designed for scrubbing
    • Lost in Space Robot
      • [2F08] "Danger! Danger!" Marge's dream is a Lost in Space parody. Lisa is the robot.
      • [4F08] "Danger! Danger! Don't forget to pick up pamplets." Investo the Robot, from the Planet Opportuniac
      • [AABF05] "Danger! Danger! Bart Simpson!"
      • [BABF01] The Collector has the robots from "Lost in Space" in his collection.

  • Aliens

    • [8F05] Krusty watches "Hercules vs. the Martians" on tv. "Welcome to our spaceship, mighty Hercules..."
    • [8F06] Marge imagines that Homer is being experimented on by aliens
    • [8F11] Bart impersonates an alien "People of earth, this is Bartron, commander of the Martian invasion force. Your planet is in our hands. Resistance is useless."
    • [8F11] skeleton of a dead alien is seen many layers underground
    • [8F12] Aliens perform during the half-time show "People of Earth, we come 10 billion light years to bring you this half-time message of peace. 1-2-3 o'clock 4 o'clock rock....we're gonna rock around the world tonight...."
    • [8F18] couch gag: couch turns into an alien and eats the family
    • [1F03] Homer imagines an alien with a blue beard [based on the police radio description]
    • [1F04] a gremlin terrorizes the school bus "Isn't that cute, he's trying to claw my eyes out."
    • [1F13] Kent Brockman thinks a race of giant ants is coming to Earth to enslave humanity.
    • [1F15] Bart wants to go see a "dead martian down at the ravine".
    • [1F17] Chewbacca toy is seen
    • [1F22] the futuristic Itchys are a parody of Star Trek TOS aliens, complete with pulsating brains
    • [2F04] Nelson's costume is probably a parody of a borg
    • [2F06] a Rock Bottom correction: Women aren't from Venus and men aren't from Mars
    • [2F07] the kids consider a conspiracy involving "the saucer people"
    • [2F09] the Stonecutters sing "...who keeps the martians under wraps?"
    • [3F04] Kang says Shazbot, a Mork from Ork word
    • [3F08] an alien is seen in Hanger 18 "Look out! He's got his probe!"
    • [3F24] Marge tells Homer he's from Mars. "Oh sure, give me the one with all the monsters!"
    • [3F31] Troy McClure mentions a Fox special "Alien Nose Job".
    • [3G01] Springfield Files [this episode is full of em', here's a few:]
      • this episode is a parody of the X-Files, who's main plot is aliens
      • Homer thinks Mr. Burns is an alien [he thinks he has video taped an alien]
      • Leonard Nimoy narrates: "The following tale of alien encounters is true. And by true, I mean false. It's all lies..."
      • picture of an alien on Scully's office wall
      • Moulder: "...there are alien forces acting in ways we can't perceive..."
      • Homer: "I'm telling you, I saw a creature from another planet."
      • Bart: "I am the thing from Uranus." [heh.]
      • Homer confuses an alien abduction with the power plant physical
      • Homer: "The alien has a sweet heavenly voice, like Urkel."
      • Homer: "We're going back to the woods and find that alien."
      • Homer: "I'll be happy to answer any questions you have about the alien..."
      • Dr. Hibbert: "Is the alien carbon based or silicon based?"
      • Lenny: "Is the alien Santa Claus?"
      • Jimbo's sign: Alien Dude--Need 2 tickets to Pearl Jam
      • t-shirt slogan: No Fat Alien Chicks
      • alien lineup: Alf [80's sitcom about an alien stranded on Earth]
      • alien lineup: Chewbacca [Star Wars]
      • alien lineup: Marvin the Martian [Looney Tunes cartoons]
      • alien lineup: Gort [from the movie the Day the Earth Stood Still]
      • alien lineup: Kang [maybe Kodos]
      • Homer makes a crop circle [a common theory is that they're created by aliens]
      • Chewbacca is seen singing in the final scene
    • [4F05] an alien mask is seen at the Springfield Costume Shop
    • [4F12] I&S writers portraited Poochie as coming from another planet [as part of their effort to get rid of him]
    • [4F20] Ozmodiar is seen, a small alien that only Homer can see [a parody of the Flintstones' Great Gazoo]
    • [5F14] episode title "Trouble with Trillions" is a parody of Star Trek TOS ep. about small reproducing alien furballs
    • [5F17] Area 51-A is seen, a reference to the secret Area 51 where aliens are alleged to be
    • [AABF05] Mayored to the Mob [many references, here's a few:]
      • aliens in the tv commercial "People of Earth, we have travelled all the way from space to attend the most astrotastic event in the entire universe. You said it Phil..."
      • a Roswell booth at the convention
      • Alien Biopsy t-shirts. [alien with a band-aid on his head]
      • Chewbacca is in the crowd
      • Willie has a Chewbacca t-shirt on
      • Gort is signing autographs
      • many people with Vulcan [Spock] ears in the crowd
      • a Borg in the crowd
      • misc. aliens in the crowd
    • [AABF06] CBG bumper sticker: I brake for tribbles
    • [AABF06] [Homer's Story] "...they gang probed you [Ned], while I discovered an invention that blew their heads up and saved America."
    • [AABF06] [Ned asks] "What did the aliens look like?"
    • [BABF01] Treehouse of Horror X [here's a few]
      • couch gag: Maggie is the alien baby from THOH IX
      • couch gag: [Lisa says] "What do aliens have to do with Halloween?"
      • Spock is among the collector's vitims.
      • bunch of misc. aliens are the audience in the Kang and Kodos show
    • [BABF13] [Lisa says] "My fellow American and voting illegal aliens, I will not mince words. Your country needs you."
    • [BABF19] [couch gag] the aliens say they have ballet ticket, but in the captioning, they have theater tickets.
    • [BABF22] Ozmodiar is seen.
    • [CABF19] some misc. aliens are seen in the wedding.
    • [CABF19] Yoda is seen in the wedding.
    • [DABF03] CBG bought 3 Spock books in the library book sale.
      • "I am not a SPOCK" by Leonard Mimor
      • "I am SPOCK" by Leonard Mimor
      • "I am also Scotty" by Leonard Mimor
    • [DABF04] CBG is wearing a Chewbacca pajamas.
    • [DABF04] [CBG holds the Jar Jar doll and says] "Oh Jar Jar, everyone hates you but me."
    • [DABF04] A picture of Yoda is hanged in CBG's bedroom.
    • Kang & Kodos
      • both names come from Star Trek TOS episodes
      • [7F04] OFF are abducted
      • [8F02] K&K try to take over the planet Earth
      • [8F04] couch gag: alien disappears through a trap door in the floor
      • [9F04] K&K appear, watching the zombie invasion
      • [1F04] K&K laugh at the gremlin on the school bus, then discover they have one of their own
      • [2F03] K&K laugh at Homer and his time travel goofs
      • [3F04] K&K are seen briefly, hitchhiking
      • [3G01] Kang or Kodos appears in the alien lineup
      • [4F02] K&K pretend to be Clinton and Dole
      • [5F02] K&K are seen as well as 2 other Rigilians
      • [AABF01] Kang is Maggie's father
      • [AABF06] CBG's bumper sticker: Kang is My Co-Pilot
      • [BABF01] Kang and Kodos are the hosts of the THOH X show.
      • [BABF21] Kang and Kodos appear at the end of the show and they are waiting for a phone call in their spaceship.
      • [CABF17] Kang and Kodos are seen at the credits.
      • [CABF19] Kang and Kodos are seen in the wedding.
    • The Space Mutants
      • [7G01] poster of Space Mutant seen
      • [7G07] the movie Space Mutant IV is playing at the Aztec
      • [7G07] Jimbo says he's been kicked out of all 4 Space Mutant movies
      • [7F15] Patty and Prin. Skinner watch Space Mutants V
      • [8F10] the original Space Mutants movie is advertised at the Aztec theater [coming soon]
      • [8F19] Space Mutants VI is playing at the Springfield Googoolplex
      • [8F22] Bart, Milhouse, and Samantha watch Space Mutants VII
      • [4F02] Bart has a Space Mutant doll in his room [seen often]
      • [AABF23] Aztec Theatre has posted a Space Mutants XII poster on the wall.
    • Alf
      • [9F21] Alf is on the cover of US Magazine
      • [3F02] Milhouse has Alf pogs
      • [3G01] Alf is in the alien lineup
      • [AABF05] Alf is supposed to appear at the Sci Fi convention
    • E.T.
      • [7F14] Lisa's and Marge's finger touch on E.T. music {sf}
      • [2F06] Homer watches a comedy sketch about E.T. and Mr. T. "I pity the fool who doesn' home."
      • [2F31] Mr. Burns recreates a scene from E.T. in his film
      • [3G01] Reverend Lovejoy says "I remember another gentle visitor from the heavens, he came in peace and then died, only to come back to life, and his name was E.T., the extra terestrial. I loved that little guy."
      • [3G01] Kent Brockman says "E.T. phone Homer..."
    • Close Encounters of the Third Kind
      • [2F21] listed on the marque at the concert. Homer says "John Williams must be rolling in his grave".
      • [3G01] Devil's Tower is seen [the location of alien contact in the movie]
      • [3G01] Kent Brockman says "Close Encounter of the Blurred Kind".
      • [3G01] school band plays the notes
    • UFOs and Spaceships
      • [7F04] OFF are abducted onto Kang & Kodos' ship
      • [8F02] Kang & Kodos' spaceship is seen
      • [8F05] in "Hercules vs. the Martians", the martians welcome mighty Hercules to their spaceship
      • [8F06] Bart and Grandpa play a video game with spaceships
      • [8F11] UFO is seen many layers underground
      • [8F12] alien performers exit a UFO
      • [9F04] Kang & Kodos' spaceship is seen
      • [1F04] a gremlin is on the outside of K&K's spaceship
      • [1F22] Bart sees a UFO through his telescope but is not impressed
      • [2F03] Kang & Kodos' spaceship is seen
      • [2F06] a Rock Bottom correction: The UFO was a paper plate
      • [2F06] a Rock Bottom correction: The other UFO was an upside down salad spinner
      • [2F07] Bart thinks there is a UFO outside his window
      • [2F07] Bart wants to sit on the roof in case a UFO comes by
      • [2F07] book titled "Unidentified Flying Outrage!" features a UFO on the cover and is about an alien coverup
      • [2F07] a quote from the book "...individuals acting in a secretive fashion are often involved with UFOs or other paranormal phenomena, e.g., telephone explosions."
      • [2F07] the author of the book is the head of the Spaceology [parody of UFOlogy] Department at the Correspondence College of Tampa
      • [2F31] Mr. Burns comes out of a UFO
      • [3F08] UFO seen with the alien in the hanger
      • [3F19] Bart has a model UFO and a UFO calendar in his room
      • [3G01] Moulder: "...another unsubstantiated UFO sighting...."
      • [3G01] a UFO picture is seen on Scully's wall
      • [3G01] newspaper headline: Human Blimp Sees Flying Saucer
      • [4F02] Homer finds Kang & Kodos' spaceship
      • [4F02] Kang & Kodos' spaceship crashes
      • [4F02] Lisa's Genesis Tub people send spaceships after Bart
      • [4F13] military personnel show up responding to Bart's claim of seeing a UFO.
      • [5F02] Kang & Kodos' spaceship is seen
      • [5F22] toy spaceship at the redemption center [x-wing fighter]
      • [5F23] the Movementarian leader perpetrates a UFO
      • [AABF01] Kang & Kodos' spaceship is seen
      • [AABF05] aliens in the commercial are "navigating" a spacecraft
      • [AABF05] a mock UFO on stage. Mark Hamill makes his entrance from it and Homer tries to escape in it. "How was I to know it wasn't real?"
      • [AABF05] UFO models seen at the convention
      • [AABF06] CBG's bumper sticker: My Other Car is a Millennium Falcon
      • [AABF06] [Homer's story] "100, uh, 50 spaceships beamed up aboard..."
      • [BABF01] Kang and Kodos' "Eyes of Jack-O-Lantern" spaceship.
      • [BABF22] a picture of the Star Trek spaceship is seen in the Animation Festival.
      • [CABF11] a UFO model is seen in the 12th Annual Big Science Thing

  • Other Lists of Interest


{sf}  Steve Frayne

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Last updated on March 31, 2002 by Summer Genevieve (