Simpsons Books

Notes & Thanks

Created and Maintained by Bruce Gomes Sr.

Below follows notes not placed elsewhere in this document and a list we should have started ten years ago - thanks to our friends and family.

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Official Books: US   UK   Germany   Spain   Italy   France   Finland   Other
Comic Reprints: US   UK   Germany   Spain   Italy   France   Finland   Aus.   Other
Calendars: US   UK   Germany   Spain   Italy   France   Finland   Aus.
Other Official: US   UK   Germany   Spain   Italy   France   Neth.     Aus.   Other
Unofficial Books:
US   UK   Germany   Spain   Italy   France   Finland   Other
Related Books:
US   UK   Germany   Spain   Italy   Other
Music Books:
Music Books and Sheet Music
Cast & Crew: Books By Cast & Crew


Following many of the sections in this document are notes about the publishers and the printing history in that particular country. In addition we are in the process of adding detailed supplement pages for each section that provides table of contents, descriptions, back covers or wraparound covers and detailed credits, publisher and printing information. The detailed page for the US/UK/Australia Comic Reprint pages has been published and continues to be expanded. More are coming!

We are continuously seeking out information about older foreign Simpsons publications. It's astonishing to think that books just published in the last 25 years are already lost and forgotten, and should anyone think that in this "day and age" that will no longer occur think of the future as we move towards electronic publishing and the distinction between self-published works and formally published works begins to blur [he visibly shudders].


I have to begin here by thanking my better half; for putting up with all the cra effects of this; the clutter, the expense, and worse of all, the time it takes to maintain this and other lists.

Then I have to thank the unsung heroes behind all this; Bongo, the publishing arm behind and owned by Matt Groening. How they manage to keep up with all the comics, books, games and anything else that gets thrown at them in support of our favorite family, Futurama and Life In Hell is rather astonishing, but we are thankful for the quality and quantity of the work they do. Best wishes on their new endeavors as they branch out further! (Did someone say... SpongeBob? Isn't Bongo already the world's largest user of yellow ink?)

For Gary Goldberg, for founding and then hosting our site for 20 years.
For Jouni Paakkinen, webmaster, supporter, author, Simpsons fan and friend.
For Don Del Grande, who has tirelessly and continuously contributed to the site and this list.

To the authors and publishers who are wise enough to seek our help and our support; we have much to contribute, and ask for nothing in return.

For all the nameless souls who have contributed directly or indirectly to this list, from those names we never knew to those names we have long forgotten, we owe you much; that list of names is far greater than anyone could imagine. Please feel free to remind us!

For the contributions by named souls, whom we now list;
- William D. LaRue, friend, Simpsons collector and author of Collecting Simpsons!
- Mark I. Pinsky, friend and author of The Gospel According to the Simpsons
- Paul Halpern, author of What's Science Done For Us?
- mbruno of for his multiple contributions and follow-ups!
- Matthew Ferguson for his continuing contributions!
- Justin Brown
- Rebecca Bandini
- Stuart Peacock
- Your name here!

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Last updated on July 4, 2013 by Bruce Gomes (