Winter 2011 Edition
Maintained By: Bruce Gomes (bruce@simpsonsarchive.com)
Thanks to previous maintainers: Matthew Kurth, Gavan McCormack, Chris Baird, Raymond Chen, Brendan Kehoe, Andre Lombard, Tammy Hocking & Matt Rose
Blackboard Quote: I will not celebrate the 20th Birthday of alt.tv.simpsons by getting inebriated.
In Memory Of: Christopher Collins, Phil Hartman, Doris Grau, Ron Taylor, Homer Groening, "Doc Quack",
Dennis Gomes. Also Dr. Marvin Monroe, "Bleeding Gums" Murphy, Frank "Grimey" Grimes, Snowballs I-IV, Pinchy, Maude Flanders and Fat Tony.
This is the Frequently Asked Questions document for alt.tv.simpsons, updated quarterly (Summer, Autumn, Winter & Spring Editions), which is posted to the newsgroup as required and pointed to users asking about topics covered here.
The Episode QuickList is available through /guides/ql.html.
Submissions and corrections are encouraged!
Direct all questions and comments to Bruce Gomes. Please ensure your email subject reads "SIMPSONS QUESTION: [topic here]" so it isn't thrown out with the hundreds of spam emails we receive each day.
We appreciate those who check the FAQ carefully before contacting the maintainer - but feel free to write!
Episode capsule submissions should be sent to capsules@simpsonsarchive.com.
NOTE: This document is by no means all-inclusive. It is intended to serve as a
general guide to the series and pointer to other sources with more detailed information on specific aspects of the series and newsgroup.
The text version of this document is posted with every update to alt.tv.simpsons.
The html version of this document is available at /guides/lisa.html.
Section III - Characters, Places & Events
Section IV - Cast, Staff & Production
Why was EABF05 referred to as the 300th episode? I counted it as the 302nd.
Why was GABF10 referred to as the 350th episode? I counted it as the 351st.
Why was JABF14 referred to as the 400th episode? I counted it as the 399th.
On to Section I
Copyright © 2011 by Bruce Gomes
(See Sec 7.3)