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![]() 1.1 - alt.tv.simpsons Basic HistoryNewsgrouped during the third week of March 1990, alt.tv.simpsons, a Usenet newsgroup, is a free forum for discussing various aspects of the television series The Simpsons.
Twenty years later fans are still participating in the newsgroup, but fans also
have other additional options to stay connected with fellow fans:
1.2 - Frequently Used AcronymsAcronym Translation a.t.s. - The Usenet newsgroup alt.tv.simpsons AFAIK - As Far As I Know BTW - By The Way CBG - Comic Book Guy CGtOFF - Complete Guide to Our Favorite Family CMB - Charles Montgomery Burns DYN - Did You Notice, Didja Notice FFF, FF - Freeze-Frame Fun I&S - Itchy and Scratchy IIRC - If I Recall Correctly, If I Remember Correctly IMHO, IMO - In My (Humble) Opinion IYKWIM - If You Know What I Mean LIH - "Life in Hell" (MG's comic strip) LOL - Laughing Out Loud MG - Matt Groening OFF - Our Favorite Family (The Simpsons, of course) OTOH - On the Other Hand ROFL(MAO) - Rolling On the Floor Laughing (My Ass Off) SLH - Santa's Little Helper (the Simpsons' family dog) SNPP - Springfield Nuclear Power Plant or The Simpsons Archive (http://www.simpsonsarchive.com) SNUH - Springfieldians for Non-violence, Understanding and Helping THOH - Treehouse of Horror episode TMTSR - To Make This Simpsons Related TTUS - The Tracey Ullman Show WRT - With Regard(s) To, With Respect To WTF - What The [Heck] YS - Yeardley Smith (voice of Lisa) Other Terms: Production Code - The four or six character number given to each episode. P-Code - Production Code, ie: 7G08, 7F24, 2F05. (See Sec 4.3) Couch Gag - Part of the title sequence when the family runs into the house and something unusual happens. Ref - Reference, where an event or scene in the show parodies another show, movie, or event. Blackboard Quote - What Bart writes on the chalkboard at the beginning of the title sequence Cutoff - The last thing Bart writes on the chalkboard as he is dismissed from school in the title sequence. Episode Capsule - A compilation file for each episode. (See Sec 6.1) ![]() 1.3 - How Do I Pronounce ...Groening?GRAY-ning. In one of the Life In Hell strips and in the Rolling Stone article, MG mentioned that it rhymes with "complaining"; the Newsweek article rhymes his name with "raining". Common mispronunciations include "Groan-ing" and "Gray-nig".
1.4 - Topics That Tend To Go NowhereAs with most newsgroups, certain threads have been beaten to death. These issues generally revolve around topics that are based on individual interpretations of the evidence presented. As such, there are no set answers, and a large percentage of the readers have either already made up their minds on the subject, or have been bombarded with the topic before. simpsonsarchive.com staff member Ben Collins ran an annual poll on alt.tv.simpsons during the summer hiatus to give an update on the current "Best/Worst Episode/Season Ever" consensus, in an effort to provide conclusive collective opinions on some of the Topics That Tend to Go Nowhere which plague alt.tv.simpsons. See the results of his alt.tv.simpsons polls at http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Studio/7587/polls/ The following is a list of topics which sufficiently meet the requirements for being a "topic that tends to go nowhere." As such, it is recommended that you avoid them.
If you absolutely insist on discussing these topics, please approach them with caution. Simpsons fans, particularly in recent years, have become very divided about the show's quality and direction and both sides tend to get very passionate and heated. It is best recommended that all episode reviews and comments be taken with a grain of salt. Simpsons fans are a loyal group with a reputation for having high standards. There is bound to be severe disagreement from time to time over what makes the show good or bad to different people. It is strongly asked that any conflicts that become personal be taken out of the newsgroup and into private e-mail or elsewhere. In addition, it is wise to avoid fanning the flames of posters who are intentionally starting inflammatory threads simply to elicit an angry response by not responding to them. These are called trolls, and even alt.tv.simpsons isn't immune to them. Typical threads from trolls in the past include "The Simpsons should be cancelled" and "Lisa has a proto-dyke Marxist Jew agenda."
1.5 - Netiquette