The Simpsons: Two Decades of The Yellow Family
Atena Publishing Press Release - September 25, 2008
The Simpsons is one of the most remarkable phenomena in television history. Even two decades after
it first began, it remains loved by millions of people. It is officially the longest-running American sitcom, with well over 400 episodes to date.
When the show debuted in 1989, it was a breath
of fresh air in the TV landscape. It was one of the
first postmodern TV shows, and refused to underestimate
its viewers. Even today, the sharp and satirical
scripts represent the highest level of television
comedy writing. As the show has grown to encompass
a rich universe with hundreds of characters and
locations, spawning multitudes of academic essays
and books examining the show from various viewpoints,
including popular culture, religion, science
and philosophy.
"Two Decades of the Yellow Family" covers the copious interesting
events and occurrences that have taken place over
the animated show’s twenty-year run. The book
takes the reader through inception, development and
production, as well as looking at series highlights
and various curiosities. How did it all begin? How
is an episode made? Who are the voices of Moe
the Bartender and Mayor Quimby based on? What
is the origin of “d’oh!”? What was Smithers’ skin
colour when he first appeared? Why was Maude
Flanders killed off? And which king of pop has
teamed up with the Simpsons using as many as three
different pseudonyms?
Alongside the book proper, there is a trivia question
on each double page. Some of the best lines
from the show’s history are naturally also included.
Jouni Paakkinen:
Simpsonit - Keltaisen perheen kaksi vuosikymmentä
Atena Kustannus Oy (2008)
ISBN 978-951-796-537-8
Humour/History - 263 pages
Currently available in Finnish.
Foreign rights available: World
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Last updated on September 25, 2008 by