Simpsons Greeting Cards

United States

Hallmark - Seasonal Cards

Created and Maintained by Bruce Gomes Sr.

Homer Father's Day Card

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Hallmark - Seasonal  (2008 - 2012)
Hallmark - Everyday   (2008 - 2012)
Hallmark - Stickers
Gibson - Everyday     (1992,  1995)
Children's Valentines  (1990 - 2008)
Boxed Christmas Cards

For sound cards the clips taken from episodes are supplied in blue. When we find sentences that were truncated or quotes that have words removed from the middle of sentences (often appropriately, we should add!) we supply the missing words in red, in [brackets] and with each quote we supply the episode it was taken from. We also supply additional lead in sentences in red to illustrate the original context, which may not, of course, be aligned with the cards intended purpose.


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Valentines Day


Christmas Cards
Mother's Day

Boss's Day
Father's Day


In February of 2008 Hallmark announced they had signed an exclusive agreement to distribute Simpsons greeting cards in the United States, working with the show's creators to select sound clips from the episodes to create an initial set of twelve sound cards. Our thanks to Andrew du Broc, Tina Neidlein, Satah Tobaben and all the wonderful people at Hallmark who worked to bring us these cards!

All Hallmark cards are copyright 2008 - 2012 Hallmark Licensing. Inc / Hallmark Cards, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution is prohibited. These web pages, its operators and any content contained herein related to Hallmark Cards are not authorized by Hallmark Licensing, Inc. All Simpsons images/sounds are TM and copyright 2008 - 2012 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

This list is in Season Order beginning with the Next Upcoming Season!

Seasonal Cards

Mother's Day  (UK)

Marge - Mom Birthday Card Marge, Bart & Lisa

Hallmark: CC057942002  UPC: 5 017690 852111    Cost: £ 3.20
(£ 3.20 on web site, card has "Price Code 125"
Size: 9 1/16 x 6 1/4"         Line: Hallmark Crads PLC c. 2011   (UK)

Cover: Bart & Lisa: Mom, what explains your calmness, your serenity, your amazing composure
              in the face of utter chaos?
Inside: Years of experience with Dad, maybe? Happy Mother's Day, Anyway!
Back:   Homer falling, dropping remote and beer can
Type:   Movement and spring; Homer leaps up when card is opened and Maggie is
              spring attached inside

The exact same design was used in the US for a Birthday card here!.

Seasonal Cards

Father's Day

Homer Father's Day Card Homer Father's Day Card

New for 2012!

Hallmark: FFG 145-4    UPC: 720473 217506 01454    Cost: $6.99
Size: 7 7/8 x 5 1/2"       Line: innovations by Hallmark c. 2012

Cover: Father's Day is for enjoying the finer things in life...
Inside: Five buttons with Homer's five favorite things as indicated below
              Hope your day is filled with your favorite things!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Sound clips of Homer's Mmm's (and one Oooh..) as detailed below
Avail:   This card was first seen in 2012.

Text: And by finer I mean sweeter [Donut].
Sound clip from "Treehouse of Horror IV" [1F04]
Red button: Mmm...forbidden donut

Text: And by sweeter I mean cheesier [Cheese].
Sound clip from "Rosebud" [1F01]
Yellow button: Mmm...sixty-four slices of American cheese

Text: And by cheesier I mean meatier [Bacon].
Sound clip from "Homer's Triple Bypass" [9F09]
[Bart: What's wrong?]
[Homer: You know that feeling you get when a thousand knives of fire are stabbing you in the heart? I got that right now.]
Orange button: Oooh...bacon!

Text: And by meatier I mean fresher [Deodorizer].
Sound clip from "And Maggie Makes Three" [2F10]
Blue button: Mmm...urinal fresh

Text: And by fresher I mean gummier! [Can of Duff].
Sound clip from "Duffless" [9F14]
Green button: Mmm...Gummi beer

Homer Father's Day Homer & Marge

New for 2012!

Hallmark: FD 726-4  22-19    UPC: 720473 224848 07264    Cost: $4.79
Size: 8 x 5 1/2"                      Line: Hallmark c. 2012

Cover: Happy Father's Day to a Husband who Really Wears the Pants in the family.
Inside: Well, most of the time, anyway. [Homer is seen in his underwear]
Back:   Homer lying on the couch in his underwear.
Type:   Homer is spring attached inside the card.
Avail:   This card was first seen in 2012.

Homer Father's Day Homer

New for 2011!

Hallmark: FNB 507 N  09-09    UPC: 092100 559571    Cost: $3.50
Size: 6 13/16 x 4 5/8"              Line: Hallmark c. 2011

Cover: Homer: May Your Father's Day and all the days that follow be filled with bacon...
Inside: Sweet, lovely bacon.
Back:   Homer tickling Spider Pig.
Type:   Postage Paid
Avail:   This card was first seen in 2011.

This was the first Simpson card that was part of Hallmark's Postage-Paid Greetings line that includes a Postage Paid envelope.

Homer Father's Day Homer

New for 2011!

Hallmark: ZFD 149-7  20-88    UPC: 720473 122992 01497    Cost: $2.79
Size: 6 13/16 x 4 5/8"              Line: Shoebox Hallmark c. 2011

Cover: Homer: Ahhh, the BUTT DENT on the couch... man's home away from home.
Inside: Happy Father's Day to a dad who makes a great impression.
Back:   Blank
Type:   Standard
Avail:   This card was first seen in 2011.

Homer Father's Day Homer

Hallmark: SNL100-1           UPC: 720473 043940    Cost: $4.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 4 5/8"         Line: Hallmark c. 2010

Cover: Homer: Dads teach us to make the right choices.
Inside: Tasty, Mouth-Watering Choices!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Sound clip from "Black Widower" [8F20]
Avail:   This card was first seen in 2010.

(Begins when you open the card)
Homer: Well, you can't go wrong with cocktail weenies. They taste as good as they look... (and then after closing the card...) ..and they come in this delicious red sauce. It looks like ketchup, it tastes like ketchup but, brother, it ain't ketchup!

Similar to a Father's Day card below, but with references to Father's Day removed. This is effectively now an everyday card, as it can be used for any "Dad" occassion.

Lisa Father's Day Card

Lisa Father's Day Card

Hallmark: FSH 15-1  42-40    UPC: 070000 689918 00151    Cost: $4.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"        Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: FFG 15-1  55-37    UPC: 070000 977336 00151    Cost: $4.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"       Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2009

Hallmark: FAS 21-1  49-04    UPC: 070000 689871 00211    Cost: $4.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"        Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Second Design:

ISBN-13: 978-1-6076-0126-5   Cost: $5.95
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: Sunrise Greetings c. 2008

Cover: Lisa: Are you going to have a happy Father's Day?
Inside: Or do I have to beg?
Back:   Homer wearing "#1 Dad" shirt
Type:   Sound clip from "One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish" [7F11]
Avail:   This card was available during 2011.

[Marge: Please, Homer, can't we try it? [going to a sushi bar]]
[Homer: No.]
[Lisa: Please, Dad, this argument humiliates us both.]
Homer: [If] ..I said `no' the first time, what makes you think I'm going to say `yes' the second time?
Lisa: Nothing, but you may say `yes' the ninety-ninth time.
Homer: Oh? Try me.
Lisa: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Lisa: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Lisa: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Lisa: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Lisa: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Lisa: Please, Dad.
Homer: Oh, okay, okay.

Homer/Bart Father's Day Card Homer/Bart

Hallmark: FSH 16-1  42-40    UPC: 070000 689932 00161    Cost: $4.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"        Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: FAS 22-4  49-04    UPC: 070000 689901 00224    Cost: $4.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"        Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Homer/Bart: Of all the Father/Son Moments in the World...
Inside: Ours have been some of the weirdest. Happy Father's Day!
Back:   Homer and Bart sitting on the sofa
Type:   Sound clip from "Itchy and Scratchy: The Movie" [9F03]
Avail:   This card was available during 2010.

Homer: You know, when I was a boy, I really wanted a catcher's mitt, but my dad wouldn't get it for me. So I held my breath until I passed out and banged my head on the coffee table. (cheerily) The doctor thought I might have brain damage.
Bart: Dad, what's the point of this story?
Homer: (cheerily) I like stories.

Homer Father's Day Card Homer

Hallmark: FFE 199-6  41-75   UPC: 070000 608049 01996    Cost: $4.99
Size: 8 1/16 x 5 7/16"            Line: Hallmark c. 2010

Hallmark: FFG 210-6  41-71   UPC: 070000 608476 02106    Cost: $4.99
Size: 8 1/16 x 5 7/16"            Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2010

Cover: Dads teach us to make the right choices in life...
Inside: Tasty, Mouth-Watering Choices!  Happy Father's Day!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Sound clip from "Black Widower" [8F20]
Avail:   This card was introduced during 2010.

(Begins when you open the card)
Homer: Well, you can't go wrong with cocktail weenies. They taste as good as they look... (and then after closing the card...) ..and they come in this delicious red sauce. It looks like ketchup, it tastes like ketchup but, brother, it ain't ketchup!

Bart Father's Day Card

Bart Father's Day Card

Hallmark: FAH 205-2  56-53    UPC: 070000 831485 02052    Cost: $5.99  (Style 1)
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: Hallmark c. 2009

Hallmark: FFG 249-2  41-71    UPC: 070000 977350 02492    Cost: $5.99  (Style 1)
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2009

Hallmark: FFG 213-7  55-17    UPC: 720473 120066 02137    Cost: $5.99  (Style 2)
Size: 6 1/16 x 7 11/16"           Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2011

Cover: Dad, it's my job to beg, whine...
Inside: ...annoy, and torment you... And it's your job not to kill me. Happy Father's Day!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Trifold, sound clip from "Three Men and a Comic Book" [7F21]
Avail:   This card was available during 2011.

[Bart: I need a hundred dollars for a comic book.]
[Homer: A hundred bucks for a comic book? Who drew it, Michael Milangelo?]
[Bart: I want this more than anything in the world.]
[Homer: Well, T.S.!]
[Bart: Please, Dad.]
[Homer: No.]
[Bart: Please, Dad.]
[Homer: No.]
[Bart: Please, Dad.]
[Homer: No.]
Bart: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Bart: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Bart: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Bart: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Bart: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Bart: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Bart: Please, Dad.
Homer: No.
Bart: Please, Dad.
Homer: No!
[Homer: Now look, son, we all know that usually when you bug me like this, I give in, so I'm not mad at you for trying. It shows you've been paying attention. But we all know I'm not gonna give you a hundred dollars.] Homer: Now, are you going to stop bugging me?
Bart: No.
Homer: Are you?
Bart: No.
Homer: Are you?
Bart: No.
Homer: Are you?
Bart: No.
Homer: Are you?
Bart: No.
[Homer: Are you?]
[Bart: No.]
[Homer: Are you?]
[Bart: No.]
[Homer: Are you?]
[Bart: No.]
[Homer: Are you?]
[Bart: No.]
[Homer: Are you?]
[Bart: No.]
[Homer: Are you?]
Bart: OKAY!!!
Homer: Hoo-hoo! I win! In your face! Yeah, how do you like them apples? Woo-hoo-hoo!

Homer/Bart Father's Day Card Homer/Bart

Hallmark: FAH 206-2  56-08    UPC: 070000 845130 02062    Cost: $5.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: Hallmark c. 2009

Inside: ...It's Not For Wimps! Happy Father's Day!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Trifold, Sound clip from "Stark Raving Dad" [7F24]
Avail:   This card was available during 2010.

Marge: I told you kids you were going to send your father to the crazy house!
Bart: No, Mom, you said poor house.
Marge: I said crazy house.
Bart: Poor house.
Marge: Crazy house.
Bart: Poor house.
Marge: Crazy house!

Homer/Marge Father's Day Card Homer/Marge

Hallmark: FSH 229-2  56-60    UPC: 070000 826900 02292    Cost: $4.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2009

Cover: It's important for Dads to set an example...
Inside: Nobody said it had to be a GOOD example. Happy Father's Day!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Sound clip from "Team Homer" [3F10]

Homer [on phone]: Yeah, Moe, that team sure did suck last night. They just plain sucked! I've seen teams suck before, but they were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked.
Marge: Homer! Watch your mouth!

Homer/Lisa Father's Day Card Homer/Lisa

Hallmark: FSH 230-5  68-39    UPC: 070000 836787 02305    Cost: $4.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2009

Hallmark: FAS 204-2  68-07    UPC: 070000 836756 02042    Cost: $4.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: Hallmark c. 2009

Cover: Homer: Being a dad is a big responsibility. You have know what's what...
Inside: And what can sort of pass for what. Happy Father's Day!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Sound clip from "Bart on the Road" [3F17]
Avail:   This card was available during 2010.

Homer: Donut?
Lisa: No, thanks. Do you have any fruit?
Homer: This has purple stuff inside. Purple is a fruit.

Homer/Bart/Lisa Father's Day Card Homer/Bart/Lisa

Hallmark: FTL 234-5  56-64    UPC: 070000 836954 02345    Cost: $7.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2009

Cover: Ah, the quiet wisdom of a dad...
Inside: Is there anything it can't handle?  Happy Father's Day!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Lenticular, Sound clip from "Treehouse of Horror VIII" segment "Fly Vs. Fly" [5F02]
Avail:   This card was available but hard to find during 2010.

Wonderful card, but hard to find, and the scan of this lenticular card doesn't do it justice.

Lisa: Mom, Dad, Help! He's trying to kill me!
Homer: Nobody likes a tattletale, honey.

Homer/Bart/Lisa/Maggie Father's Day Card Homer/Bart/Lisa/Maggie

Hallmark: FSM 236-5  65-54  UPC: 070000 836831 02365    Cost: $9.99
Size: 11 x 11"                         Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2009

Hallmark: FSM 229-3  51-10  UPC: 070000 046704 02293    Cost: $9.99
Size: 11 x 11"                         Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2010

Cover: Homer: Raising kids is HARD...
Inside: Loving them is a lot less... harder. Happy Father's Day!
Back:   Homer reclining on the sofa, Maggie sitting on his abdomen
Type:   Oversized, sound clip from "Burns, Baby Burns" [4F05]
Avail:   This card was available during 2010.

Homer: [Maybe we did fake a kidnapping, but is that really such a crime? All your son wanted was a little attention, a little love. I'm a father myself, sir. And] ...sure, sometimes my kids can be obnoxious, or boring, or stinky, but they can always count on one thing: their father's unconditional love.

Bart Father's Day Card Bart

Hallmark: WFE 223 K  58-07    UPC: 009200 245983    Cost: $2.23
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: connections from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: WFE 223 K  50-63    UPC: 092100 471279    Cost: $2.50
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: connections from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: ZFD 707-4  49-28     UPC: 070000 679889 07074    Cost: $2.49
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Hallmark: JFZ 105 R  59-41     UPC: 009200 251007 01059    Cost: $3.69
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: Comedy Club c. 2011 HMK

Cover: Bart: Dad... I know I'm not the greatest kid in the world.
Inside: Just be glad I'm not a twin! Happy Father's Day!
Back:   Twin Bart's
Type:   Standard card.
Avail:   This card was available during 2011.

Homer Father's Day Card Homer

Hallmark: WFE 224 K  58-07    UPC: 009200 246003    Cost: $2.23
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: connections from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: WFE 224 K  50-63    UPC: 092100 471286    Cost: $2.50
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: connections from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: ZFD 708-1  49-28     UPC: 070000 969799 07081    Cost: $2.79
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: Shoebox c. 2008

Hallmark: ZFD 708-1  20-88     UPC: 070000 969799 07081    Cost: $2.79
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: Shoebox c. 2008

Hallmark: ZFD 708-1  49-28     UPC: 070000 679896 07081    Cost: $2.49
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Hallmark: ZFT 115-3  49-28     UPC: 070000 857201 01153    Cost: $2.59
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: Shoebox c. 2008

Hallmark: FSA 712-H  50-64     UPC: 610290 255815    Cost: $2.79
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: Expressions from Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Homer: Dads are important because a child's future is at stake...
Inside: Mmm... steak. Happy Father's Day
Back:   A steak
Type:   Standard card.
Avail:   This card was available during 2011.

Homer Father's Day Card Homer, Bart, Lisa & Maggie

Hallmark: WFE 22X K  58-07    UPC: 009200 24nnnn    Cost: $2.23
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: connections from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: WFE 22X K  50-63    UPC: 092100 47nnnn    Cost: $2.49
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: connections from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: ZFD 701-4  49-28     UPC: 070000 679711 07014    Cost: $2.49
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: Shoebox c. 2008

Cover: Dad...
Inside: ...a friend you can climb on. Happy Father's Day!
Back:   Unknown
Type:   Standard card.
Avail:   This card was available during 2011.

Bart Father's Day Card Bart

Hallmark: WFA 251 K  21-38    UPC: 092100 326845    Cost: $2.23
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: connections from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: FD 732-4  21-38       UPC: 070000 697838 07324    Cost: $2.29
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Bart: Dad, you deserve a peaceful, relaxing Father's Day...
Inside: But you got me for a kid, so whadda ya gonna do?
Back:   Blank
Type:   Standard card.
Avail:   This card was available during 2010.

Lisa Father's Day Card Lisa

Hallmark: FD 735-4  21-67       UPC: 070000 700576 07354    Cost: $2.29
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Lisa: Dad, you're as ebullient as you are magnanimous!
Inside: Relax, that's a compliment! Happy Father's Day to a Dad who's all that and more!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Standard card.
Avail:   This card was available but difficult to find during 2010.

Homer Father's Day Card Homer

Hallmark: WFE 850 K  58-01    UPC: 009200 245969    Cost: $2.86
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: connections from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: ZFD 702-4  49-23     UPC: 070000 679223 07024    Cost: $2.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: Shoebox c. 2008

Cover: Homer: It's BEERTVSNACKS Day! Woo-HOO!!!
Inside: Father's Day - It's like Mother's Day for men.
Back:   Blank
Type:   Homer cutout raised off front of card.
Avail:   This card was available during 2011.

Homer Father's Day Card Homer

Hallmark: WFE 851 K  58-07    UPC: 009200 245976    Cost: $2.86
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: connections from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: WFE 851 K  50-63    UPC: 092100 472122    Cost: $3.00
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: connections from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: ZFD 710-4  49-28     UPC: 070000 679278 07104    Cost: $2.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Cover: Homer: Have the Father's Day of your dreams...
Inside: Just the good dreams, though. Not the one where you're naked in church.
Back:   Blank
Type:   Imagined dreams raised off front of card.
Avail:   This card was available during 2010.

Homer Father's Day Card Homer

Hallmark: WFE 852 K  58-07    UPC: 009200 245952    Cost: $2.86
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: connections from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: ZFD 711-1  49-28     UPC: 070000 679216 07111    Cost: $2.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Cover: Homer: You know what I always say, you snooze, you win!
Inside: Have a relaxing Father's Day.
Back:   Blank
Type:   Couch raised off front of card.
Avail:   This card was available during 2010.

Bart/Homer Father's Day Card Bart/Homer

Hallmark: WFE 512 L  58-32    UPC: 092100 377830    Cost: $2.23
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: connections from Hallmark Saturdays c. 2009

Hallmark: ZFD 204-5  49-28     UPC: 070000 864889 02045    Cost: $2.49
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2009

Cover: Bart: Cool! When do we put the food on? Homer: There's FOOD?
Inside: Father's Day fun is like lighter fluid. More is always better!
Back:   Homer, who obviously just had an accident lighting the barbecue
Type:   Standard card.
Avail:   This card was available during 2010.

Seasonal Cards


Homer, Lisa & Bart Graduation Card Homer, Lisa & Bart

Hallmark: GHH 112-2  68-07    UPC: 070000 832642 01122    Cost: $4.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: Hallmark c. 2009

Hallmark: GIH 127-5   68-39    UPC: 070000 827303 01275    Cost: $4.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2009

Cover: Homer: Graduation is your big chance to impress everybody with your amazing skills!
Inside: Gloating is a skill.
Back:   Blank
Type:   Sound clip from "King-Size Homer" [3F05]
Avail:   This card was available during 2010.

Homer: Bart and Lisa have to go to school, while I get to stay at home, naah naah nah, nah naaah naaah.

Homer Graduation Card

Homer Graduation Card

Hallmark: GIH 128-2  68-39    UPC: 070000 815836 01282    Cost: $4.99  (Style 1)
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"         Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2009

Hallmark: GHH 112-5  68-07    UPC: 070000 815799 01125    Cost: $4.99  (Style 1)
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"         Line: Hallmark c. 2009

Hallmark: GUJ 128-2  55-37    UPC: 070000 943621 01282    Cost: $4.99  (Style 1)
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"         Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2009

Hallmark: GUA 104-9  55-17    UPC: 720473 104455 01049    Cost: $4.99  (Style 2)
Size: 6 1/16 x 7 11/16"           Line: Hallmark c. 2011

Hallmark: GUJ 136-9  55-17    UPC: 720473 104462 01369    Cost: $4.99  (Style 2)
Size: 6 1/16 x 7 11/16"           Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2011

Cover: Homer: In honor of your graduation, it's time to sing the official smart person's anthem...
Inside: Repeat after me!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Sound clip from "Homer Goes to College" [1F02]  (00:09)
Avail:   This card was available during 2011.

Homer: I am so smart! I am so smart! I am so smart! I am so smart! S-M-R-T!
I mean, S-M-A-R-T...

Bart Graduation Card Bart

Hallmark: ZG 167-2  49-23    UPC: 070000 841316 01672    Cost: $2.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 4 11/16"        Line: Shoebox c. 2009

Cover: Bart: Don't think of graduation as the end...
Inside: Think of it as ditching class every day for the rest of your life!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Standard card
Avail:   This card was available during 2011.

Seasonal Cards

Boss's Day

Homer Boss's Day Card Homer

Hallmark: WBO 286 R  09-05    UPC: 092100 676872    Cost: $2.57
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"        Line: connections from Hallmark c. 2012

Cover: Homer: I'd like to give you a big hand on Boss's Day!
Inside: But between the donut and the coffee, both of 'em are usually full.
Back:   Blank
Type:   Standard card.
Avail:   This card was available during 2012.

Homer Boss's Day Card Homer

Hallmark: BDW 99-4  42-40    UPC: 070000 711824 00994    Cost: $4.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"         Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2009

Cover: Homer: It's Boss's Day! Now's my chance to impress you with my amazing job skills!
Inside: Sucking up counts as a skill, right?
Back:   atom design (like one that appears on bottom of front of card)
Type:   Sound clip from "I Married Marge" [8F10]
Avail:   This card was available during 2009.

Homer: Well, listen to me, Mister Big-Shot. If you're looking for the kind of employee that takes abuse, and never sticks up for himself, I'M YOUR MAN! You can treat me like dirt, and I'll *still* kiss your butt and call it ice cream! And if you don't like it, I can change!!

Homer Boss's Day Card Homer

Hallmark: BD 139-4  09-03    UPC: 070000 739170 01394    Cost: $2.29
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"        Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: BD 139-4  09-03    UPC: 070000 636028 01394    Cost: $2.59
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"        Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: BD 171 R  09-05    UPC: 610290 305428 01719    Cost: $3.19
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"        Line: Ambassador c. 2011

Cover: Homer: Happy Boss's Day from your hardworking... worker who, uh... works for you!
Inside: What's my job again?
Back:   Homer sitting on an office chair balancing a pencil on his face
Type:   Standard card.
Avail:   This card was available during 2009.

Seasonal Cards


Note: Hallowe'en stickers are in the Hallowe'en section of the Hallmark stickers page.

Kang & Kodos & Our Favorite Family Kang & Kodos & Our Favorite Family

Hallmark: HTW 511-1  54-02    UPC: 070000 700484    Cost: $7.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Kang, Kodos, with Homer, Marge, Bart and Lisa in their tenacles
Inside: If you can't play with your food on Halloween, when CAN you?
Back:   Kang & Kodos, holding book "How to Cook For Forty Humans"
Type:   Motion and Sound: Moving handle on front of card moves tentacles and eyes
              and activates Kang & Kodos sinister laugh

Bart and Milhouse Hallowe'en Card Bart and Milhouse

Hallmark: HYR 481-4  49-04    UPC: 070000 706394 04814    Cost: $4.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"           Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Bart and Milhouse, in the clubhouse, jack-o-lantern between them:
Better brace yourself, because you're gonna hear something REALLY scary!
Inside: Noooooooo!!!! Happy Halloween
Back:   Blank
Type:   Sound clip from "Treehouse of Horror III" [9F04]

Marge: Now kids, instead of candy I thought I'd serve an array of healthy fresh fruits. Fruit is nature's candy (sound of kids screaming)

Bart Hallowe'en Card Bart

Hallmark: HYR 482-1  49-04    UPC: 070000 706226 04821    Cost: $4.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: HOX 513-4  42-40    UPC: 070000 706233 05134    Cost: $4.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Bart: It's Halloween... Go for the Treats, Man!
Inside: I'll Take Care of the Tricks!   Moe: #*%&!!!
Back:   Bart ROTFL
Type:   Sound, two clips  (00:24)

Clip from "The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson" [7F11]
Moe: (phone ringing) Hello, Moe's Tavern, birthplace of the Rob Roy!
Bart: Is Seymour there? Last name Butz.
Moe: Just a sec. Hey, is there a Butz here? A Seymour Butz? Hey, everybody, I wanna Seymour Butz!
Clip from "Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk" [8F09]
Moe: Listen, you. When I get a hold of you, I'm going to use your head for a bucket and paint my house with your brains!

Ralph Hallowe'en Card Ralph

Hallmark: HYR 482-4  49-04    UPC: 070000 706431 04824    Cost: $4.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Ralph: Trick of treat. Please don't eat me!
Inside: H-H-Happy H-H-Halloween!
Back:   Silhouette of Chief Wiggum and Ralph
Type:   Sound clip from "Lisa the Skeptic" [5F05]

Ralph: Daddy, I'm scared. Too scared to even wet my pants.
Chief Wiggum: It's OK, son. Just relax and it'll come.

Homer Hallowe'en Card Homer

Hallmark: HDY 163-5  56-78    UPC: 070000 909573 01635    Cost: 6.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2009

Cover: Homer: If I start sounding a little crazy on Halloween, don't be scared...
Inside: It's just the chocolates and caramels and taffy and fruit chews and candy corn talking.
Back:   Blank
Type:   Four sound clips, activated with buttons;

Red button: Clip from "??" [nnnn]
Homer: Trick or treat. My feet smell. Now give me something to eat.
(Parody of Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat)
Yellow button: Clip from "Krusty Gets Busted" [7G12]
Homer: Mmm... Chocolate...  Ooooh, double chocolate...  Gasp! New flavor! Triple chocolate!
Green button: Clip from "Bart on the Road" [3F17]
Homer: [offers some of the donut he's eating] This has purple stuff inside. Purple is a fruit.
Orange button: Clip from "Homer Loves Flanders" [1F14]
Homer: Mmmm... Sacrilicious.

Homer Hallowe'en Card Homer

Hallmark: HLZ 110-5  68-48    UPC: 070000 871306 01105    Cost: $7.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Homer: AGGHHHH!!
Inside: Hope Halloween fills you with a special glow.
Back:   Blank
Type:   Sound clip from "Homer the Heretic" [9F01]

Homer: Aaaaaugh! [finds himself in the middle of a fire] What do I do what do I do? Oh, the song, the song. [singing] When the fire starts to burn, There's a lesson you must learn. Something something, then you'll see: You'll avoid catastrophe! [realizes] D'oh!

Homer & Kodos Hallowe'en Card Homer & Kodos

Hallmark: H 112-1  09-03    UPC: 070000 754395 01121    Cost: $2.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"     Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Homer, thinking: Easy now. Just stand still and look inedible.
Inside: Use any tricks necessary to have a Happy Halloween!
Back:   Kang & Kodos in spaceship, laughing.
Type:   Standard card

Maggie Hallowe'en Card Maggie

Hallmark: ZH 118-4  49-23    UPC: 070000 719820 01184    Cost: $2.49
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"       Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Cover: (Top half Maggie and pumpkin, bottom half pumpkin with pacifier)
Inside: Share a favorite treat this Halloween!
Back:   Pumpkin with pacifier and Snowball II looking surprised.
Type:   Standard card

Homer Hallowe'en Card Homer

Hallmark: ZH 125-1  49-23    UPC: 070000 719892 01251    Cost: $2.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"       Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2008

Cover: Homer: Trick or Beer! Smell My Rear! Give me something, something, beer!
Inside: Hope you get what you want this Halloween.
Back:   Blank
Type:   Standard card

Seasonal Cards


Homer and Lisa Thanksgiving Card Homer and Lisa

Hallmark: ZTH 602-1  49-23    UPC: 070000 729225 06021    Cost: $2.49
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: Shoebox Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Don't be sad, Honey. Mr. Turkey gave his life for a very good cause...
Inside: 'Cause we're hungry!  Happy Turkey Day!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Standard card.

Homer Thanksgiving Card Homer

Hallmark: TRG 150-1  49-04    UPC: 070000 728990 01501    Cost: $4.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Take my advice, don't do anything to spoil your appetite today...
Inside: No matter how tempting! Happy Thanksgiving
              [Open packet of Gobble Up! Gravy Mix seen.]
Back:   Turkey rib cage bones on a platter.
Type:   Sound clip from "The Last Temptation of Homer" [1F07]

Homer: I probably shouldn't have eaten that packet of powdered gravy I found in the parking lot.

The Simpsons & Grampa Thanksgiving Card Our Favorite Family & Grampa

Hallmark: TGN 112-2  68-39    UPC: 070000 911248 01122    Cost: $4.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2009

Cover: It's Thanksgiving, the family's alltogether, and so far no one has been injured...
Inside: LOTS to be thankful for right there!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Sound clip from "Bart vs. Thanksgiving" [7F07]

Homer says grace at the second Thanksgiving dinner:
Oh Lord, on this blessed day, we thank Thee for giving our family one more crack at togetherness.

Seasonal Cards

Christmas Cards

Homer Christmas Card Homer

Hallmark: X 862-8  15-18   UPC: 720473 167092 08628   Cost: $3.49
Size: 8 x 5 1/2"                   Line: Hallmark c. 2011

Cover: Homer: To My Wife
Your eyes glisten like those little red and green thingies they put in fruitcakes.
Your skin is as smooth as an entire box of glazed donuts.
Your smile lights up a room like the sprinkles on a warm and melty Christmas cookie.
Inside: You're like the dessert table at the all-you-can-eat buffet of love.  (Merry Christmas!)
Back:   blank
Type:   Standard card

Homer Christmas Card Homer

Hallmark: X 847-4  15-18   UPC: 070000 767180 08474    Cost: $3.99
Size: 8 x 5 1/2"                   Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Homer: Mistletoe? They should call it Kissletoe!
Inside: And wow, am I lucky you're such a great kissler!   Merry Christmas, honey!
Back:   Homer peering out of a Christmas box labelled To: Marge From: Homer
Type:   Standard card

Bart Christmas Card Bart

Hallmark: WXZ 920K  58-01   UPC: 092100 344962    Cost: $2.23
Size: 6 1/16 x 4 11/16"           Line: Saturdays - connections from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: ZX 273-4  49-23     UPC: 070000 737442 02734    Cost: $2.49
Size: 6 1/16 x 4 11/16"           Line: shoebox from Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Bart, in Santa cap, laying back with milk and cookies next to him:
             Dear Santa, I've had my naughty moments this year, but I'm also in possession
             of some excellent cookies and milk. Surely we can come to an understanding?
Inside: Know who to schmooze, and a little naughty won't hurt you! (Merry Christmas!)
Back:   Milk, cookies and letter to Santa
Type:   Standard card

The Simpsons Christmas Card Our Favorite Family

Hallmark: XWN 459-1  54-53   UPC: 070000 729195 04591    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"                  Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008

Hallmark: XHT 342-4  54-54   UPC: 070000 729164 03424    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"                 Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Our Favorite Family holding hands facing away towards a Christmas tree:
              O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, so fresh, right from the factory...
Inside: Wishing you the best Christmas ever made.
Back:   Blank
Type:   Sound clip from "Miracle on Evergreen Terrace" [5F07]

Lisa: This year's tree is just perfect. That old aluminium one was so fake.
Marge: I couldn't agree more. From now on, it's plastic all the way.

Bart Christmas Card Bart

Hallmark: XWN 459-4  54-53   UPC: 070000 729140 04594    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"                  Line: innovations from Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Bart, in cap and scarf: Christmas is a time to think about what really makes us joyful.
Inside: Happy Santa's Day!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Sound clip from "Miracle on Evergreen Terrace" [5F07]

Bart: Hey, since when is Christmas just about the presents? Aren't we forgetting the true meaning of this day? The birth of Santa.

Homer Christmas Card Homer

Hallmark: XHT 235-5  57-77   UPC: 070000 925672 02355    Cost: $4.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"                 Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Homer: Christmas is the perfect time to enjoy your favorite treats!
Inside: Mmmm... cool, foamy, refreshing treats!
Back:   Candy cane in a frothy beer mug.
Type:   Sound clip from "Miracle on Evergreen Terrace" [5F07]

Homer (singing to tune of We Three Kings):
   We three beers that sit on the bar.
   Call to Homer from afar.
   If you drank us, you would thank us,
   Something, something, star.
   O star of wonder, star of cheer
   Star that takes me to more beer...

Homer Christmas Card Homer

Hallmark: XKN 370-4  54-54   UPC: 070000 737435 03704    Cost: $9.99
Size: 11 x 11"                           Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Wishing you peace, serenity, and... ooh, lots of cookies! And giant candy canes!
             And huge chocolate Santas!
Inside: Aw, who needs peace and serenity anyway? Merry Christmas!
Back:   A Santa gingerbread cookie.
Type:   Oversized card, Sound clip from "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire" [7G08]

Homer: [Sorry.] I'm just a big kid. And I love Christmas so much. D'oh!

Christmas Cards - Boxed Cards

Bart Christmas Card Bart

Hallmark: EXP 443-1    UPC: 795902 055929 04431    Cost: $21.99
Size: 5 5/8 x 6 1/8"       Line: Hallmark c. 2008
Contents: 05 Cards  06 Envelopes

Cover: Bart: Uh-oh, Christmas is coming! Time to start being good!
Inside: To the best of your ability, anyway! Have a Merry one!
Back:   Bart is decorating Homer with lights and ornaments as he sleeps in a chair.
Type:   Sound clip from "Miracle on Evergreen Terrace" [5F07]

Bart: Dear Santa; if you bring me lots of good stuff, I promise not to do anything bad between now and when I wake up. Amen.
Seasonal Cards

Valentines Day

Homer Valentine Card Homer

Hallmark: V 700-8  15-18     UPC: 720473 315899 07008          Cost: $3.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"       Line: Hallmark c. 2012

Cover: Homer: I'm not the smartest guy in the world,
             but at least I have an amazing woman like you.
Inside: In Your Face, smartest guy in the world!
              And Happy Valentine's Day to an Amazing you.
Back:   Blank
Type:   Homer is spring attached inside the card.
Avail:   This card was available during 2013.

Bart Valentine Card Bart

Hallmark: WV 321 R  10-52     UPC: 092100 581138               Cost: $2.50
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: Connections from Hallmark c. 2011

Hallmark: WV 321 R  10-52     UPC: 092100 680749               Cost: $2.97
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: Connections from Hallmark c. 2011

Hallmark: VKD 178-1  10-52   UPC: 720473 185867 01781    Cost: $2.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: Hallmark c. 2012

Cover: Bart: A Flying Baby That Shoots People With Arrors?
             Now This is a Holiday I Can Get Behind.
Inside: And there's candy, too? Does Santa Know About This?
              Have an Awesome Happy Valentine's Day!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Standard

Homer Valentine Card Bart

Hallmark: V504-0  15-18          UPC: 720473 188776 05040    Cost: $3.69
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: Hallmark c. 2011

Cover: Homer: Yours Are the Lips I Dream Of.
Inside: Especially if they are attached to a frosty mug of beer.
              Mmmmmm. Beer Kiss. Happy Valentine's Day
Back:   Blank
Type:   Standard

Ralph Valentine Card Ralph

Hallmark: V 935 E  09-08    UPC: 720473 053661 09355    Cost: $4.79
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"      Line: Ambassador c. 2011

Cover: Ralph: This Funny Valentine is for You...
             Card in hand: I Choo-Choo-Choose You.
Inside: I Pi-Pi-Picked It Myself.
Back:   The Choo-Choo-Train from the card inside a heart.
Type:   Standard, embossed lettering

Bart Valentine Card Bart

Hallmark: VAX 523-5  49-04    UPC: 070000 784798 05235    Cost: $4.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Bart: Happy Eat-All-The-Sugary-Junk-You-Can Day!
Inside: You'll FEEL IT tomorrow but it's SO worth it! Happy Valentine's Day!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Sound clip partially taken from "Homer Bad Man" [2F06]

Bart: (groaning)
Homer: Hey Bart, lots of candy, left for breakfast!

Homer Valentine Card Homer

Hallmark: VAX 524-2  54-44    UPC: 070000 784798 05235    Cost: $4.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Homer: When you've been in a relationship as LONG as we have,
              you reach a certain level of comfort...
Inside: Sweet, sweet COMFORT! Happy Valentine's Day
Back:   Blank
Type:   Sound clip from "Homer the Heretic" [9F01]

Homer: I'm whizzing with the door open... and I love it!

Homer Valentine Card Homer

Hallmark: VAJ 201-7  55-30    UPC: 720473 077544 02017    Cost: $4.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 4 5/8"             Line: Hallmark c. 2010

Cover: Homer: When you've been in a relationship as LONG as we have,
              you reach a certain level of comfort...
Inside: Sweet, sweet COMFORT! Happy Valentine's Day
Back:   Blank
Type:   Sound clip from "Homer the Heretic" [9F01]

Homer: I'm whizzing with the door open... and I love it!

Same card as the one above reissued in a different form factor.

Homer & Marge Valentine Card Homer & Marge

Hallmark: V 198-5  15-18    UPC: 070000 791635 01985    Cost: $2.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 4"                Line: Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Homer: To My Wife Honey, I love you even more than TV...
Inside: Plus, you're a lot more fun to watch when there's Nothing On! Happy Valentine's Day
Back:   Homer in a heart watching Marge: Ooooo... high definition!
Type:   Standard

Homer Valentine Card Homer

Hallmark: ZV 151-5  49-58    UPC: 070000 784415 01515    Cost: $2.49
Size: 6 7/8 x 4 3/4"                Line: Shoebox Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Homer: You and me, sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-I... I mean K-I-S-S-G- wait...
Inside: Aw, spelling's for losers. Let's make out. Happy Valentine's Day!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Standard

Bart & Milhouse Valentine Card Bart & Milhouse

Hallmark: ZV 129-5  49-23    UPC: 070000 785818 01295    Cost: $2.49
Size: 6 7/8 x 4 3/4"                Line: Shoebox Hallmark c. 2008

Cover: Milhouse: Valentine's Day is no BIG DEAL, but it's better than getting HUNG UP by
             your underpants on a goalpost during gym class...
Inside: DON'T ask me how I know this. Happy Valentine's Day!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Standard

Seasonal Cards


Homer Easter Card Homer

Hallmark: EHT 226-5  68-07    UPC: 070000 800368 02265    Cost: $4.99
Size: 6 13/16 x 5 11/16"          Line: Hallmark c. 2009

Cover: Homer: If you feel an emptiness inside you, Easter can fill that void...
Inside: ...with a little something called "HAM."
Back:   Blank
Type:   Sound clip from "Principal Charming" [7F15]
Avail:   This card was available during 2010.

Marge: Oh, Homey, remember you told me you'd try to limit pork to six servings a week?
Homer: Marge! I'm only human!

Marge Easter Card Marge

Hallmark: ZE 101-5  49-23    UPC: 070000 816215 01015    Cost: $2.49
Size: 6 13/16 x 4"                  Line: Shoebox (A tiny little division of Hallmark) c. 2009

Cover: (Marge with Easter Eggs in her hair)
Inside: Have an Extra-Marge, GRADE A Easter!
Back:   Blank
Type:   Standard
Avail:   This card was available during 2010.

Back to Index
Hallmark - Seasonal  (2008 - 2012)
Hallmark - Everyday   (2008 - 2012)
Hallmark - Stickers
Gibson - Everyday     (1992,  1995)
Children's Valentines  (1990 - 2008)
Boxed Christmas Cards

All Hallmark cards are copyright 2008 - 2012 Hallmark Licensing. Inc / Hallmark Cards, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution is prohibited. These web pages, its operators and any content contained herein related to Hallmark Cards are not authorized by Hallmark Licensing, Inc.

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Last updated on August 11, 2013 by Bruce Gomes (

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