The Simpsons Floor Plans

Originally by Chris Baird
Revised by Tim Reardon


The following is a proposed floor plan of the Simpson family home. I came across this file, originated by Chris Baird, about a year ago and was really intrigued by it. One of my favorite hobbies is wood working and after reading this file, I was ready to build a doll house of 742 Evergreen Terrace. Unfortunately, I had more trouble building this than any others I had built before. It was really difficult getting everything to scale, but after several revisions, I came to this plan and all the rooms flowed together smoothly.

As noted in the last revision of the floor plan, the home seemed to evolve through the earlier episodes. By the second season there was a really consistent floor plan, however, the directors are allowed to use their own artistic license and rearrange the house to fit a particular scene. For example, in "Hurricane Neddy", Lisa's bedroom faces the rear of the house so she can tell Homer, in the back yard, that a hurricane is coming. In "Lisa's Sax" her room faces the front of the house. When her saxophone gets thrown out the window, it lands in the street for cars to run over it. The directors relocated the room so it could happen. What I have here is the general floor plan, when it doesn't need to be arranged for a scene. It is also consistent with the floor plan of the house in "Virtual Springfield".

I also wanted to compare this floor plan to the floor plan of the "real" Simpsons home in Las Vegas, which is included here.

Bird's eye view of the property

||  ^        ^-gate                                                 #
||   \                          `gym-boree' --) |______|            #
|| (-- wooden fence                             |      |            #
||                                                                  #
||                                                                  #
||                                                tree(house)       #
||                                                   \ XXXXX        #
||                                                    XXXXXXX       #
||                                                   XXXXOXXXX      #
||                     back                           XXXXXXX       #
||                  landing                                         #
||    XXX          .........+===================================+   #
||  XXXXXXX        .........|                                   |   #
|| XXXXOXXXX    +===========+                                   |   #
||  XXXXXXX     |                                               |   #
||    XXX       |                                               |   #
||              |                                               |   #
||              |                               +----------------   #
||              |                               |               |   #
||            |---------------------------------+               |   #
|| chimney -) | |                               |               |   #
||            |-|                               |               |   #
||            | |                               |               |   #
||            `-|                               |===============+   #
||              |                               |       |       |   #
||              +===============================+       |       |  (- garage
||                        /.....                |       |       |   #
            front entrance .....                +=======|=======+   #
                           .....                 ...............    #
 (-- Flanders' property    .....................................    #
                            ....................................    #
                             ...................................    #(- brick
                                                 ...............    #    wall
                                                 ...............    #   
                                   mailbox -) [] ...............
===================== sidewalk ======================================

  -- The area of the roof above the garage is drawn differently
     based on the angle the camera is from. Sometimes it appears to be
     separate from the rest of the house. Side shots usually show it
     separate, while front, rear, and overhead shots have shown it connected.
     Apparently, the background artists haven�t agreed on how it should look
     exactly. The above diagram is my proposition of how it could be made
     so that most of the camera shots compliment each other. The slant
     between the front of the house, and the rear up to the back landing is
     the same. The area past the landing goes down further. The slant
     towards the front of the garage meets the area behind it evenly. This
     allows that part of the roof to look separate, and also gives a clear
     shot of the tree house, which can always be seen in the reused
     exterior shot of the house.
  -- A wooden fence runs along Flanders' property and the back of the yard.
  -- Usually two trees appear during the 'crane' shots of the house, but
     Homer's hammock {7F06} requires a third, and occasionally a tree appears
     near the back fence. In 7F04 there's a whole line of trees behind the
     back fence.
  -- For a really good look at the fence line and the backyard, see "Hungry
     are the Damned".
  -- The `gym-boree' appears in 7G04, 7F02, 8F14...
  -- The Brick wall along the right-hand side of the property has a small 
     hill behind it which allows Bart to make the jump on his skateboard in 
     the opening.

Oblique view of the Backyard

                      /          /
          _-/        /          /  ________________________________
        _- /    __________________/                               /\
       /  /   ,'                 /                               /// \
      /  /   /------------------/                               / || |
     /  /   /                                      .------------| | \|
    /  /   /                                      / | |~|~| |~| | | ||
   /  /   /______________________________________/  | ~~~~~ ~~~ | | ||
  /  /    |    |~~~~~|     |~~~~~|     |~~~~~|   |  | _  ______ | | |/
 /  /     |    -------     -------     -------   |  ||O| |~~~~| | |_/
/  /      |    _______                 _______   |  || | ------ | /
  /       |    |~~~~~|                 |~~~~~|   |  ||_|________|/
 /        |    -------                 -------   | /            /
/         |______________________________________|/            /
                                                 /            /

The Basement

     |      |        hot water  /~~~\ |======|
     |      /        heater -   \~~~/ |======|
     |     /                          |======|
     |----/ omec indian head          |======|
     |                                |======|
     |                                |======|
     | ____                             +---+|
     ||    |                            |   || -washer and
     ||    |                sink        +---+|  dryer
     ||    | sofa         +------+      |   ||
     ||----|              |      |      +---+|

  -- The above is the most consistent model of the basement. It looks
     different in "Bart Gets an Elephant" with a really tall ceiling.
     In "Hurricane Neddy" it has an outdoor entrance which was never there
  -- Hot water heater.
  -- Washing/Drying machine with a bin at its side.
  -- Assorted boxes everywhere.
  -- Cracks in the cement wall.
  -- Unpanelled walls and bare crossmembers above head-height.
  -- A pole besides the stairway.
  -- Inconsistent with "Some Enchanted Evening", where Bart climbed a
     cupboard at the bottom of the stairway in attempting to subdue Ms. Botz
     with a bowling ball.
  -- Various props from old episodes appear from time to time, such as
     Homer's Santa Clause suit and Bart's soapbox racer.
  -- Keep in mind, in "Trash of the Titans" the house gets moved without
     the basement, however, the basement in episodes since then looks the

Ground level

                 |                   |               +
     +-====--====+                   |  Rumpus Room  !
     |                  Kitchen      |               +
     +   Family  -                   +---====--------+
     !   Room    |                       Side Hall   |
     +           +-------+-----|   |-+-----====------+
     |           +===+   |           |               |
   |-+---|   |---+    ===|           |               |
   | |           |    ===|  Dining   |               |
   | +-+ Living  -    ===|   Room    |               |
   |   |  Room        ===|           |               |
   |-+-+         -  Foyer            |               |
     |           |       -           |     Garage    |
     +--\_____/--+-=====-+--\_____/--+               |
                                     |               |

Garage (Car Hold according to Moe)

  -- In the Introduction, Homer runs for his life through a exit into the
  -- The automatic door: In the first season this swung open, in the 2nd and
     3rd it winds up.  (An obvious flaw with the "Raiders" sequence in 8F22.)

  -- A power box to the left of the doorway.
  -- A spare tire and shelves appear during the intro.
  -- Homer's workbench occasionally appears. 

1st season:
  -- Oil slick
  -- Partition.
  -- Bicycle (probably Homer's).
  -- Black and yellow boxes at the rear of the garage.

2nd season:
  -- The partition has been removed
  -- A rake leaning against the back wall, 2 large boxes, and a tool rack.

When Marge tries to run Homer over during the introduction, the two large
boxes are missing, but when Homer makes his escape through the door the black
and yellow boxes from the 1st season are there.

In "Itchy and Scratchy and Marge" a staircase is seen in the garage. This was
another example of artistic license. Maggie just needed to get above Homer
so she could bat him with the mallet. It was just there for that one scene.

The TV room

    plant--) |()     |~~~~~~~|       |
 recession--)[       |  TV   |    ---! (--window
             |       ---------    |  !
             -                    |  - stereo
  (-living room                      |
             -   __________          #
             |  ||        ||__       # (-- back door
             |  ||  couch ||||-stand #
      lamp--)|()|__________|--       #
             +----------------|     |+

  -- Has three entrances (the Back door, from the Kitchen and the Living
  -- Painting of a forest/boat behind the couch (in the first/second season

  -- The Couch  (brown in color)
  -- Mouse hole  (Intro)
  -- Side table next to the couch  (Intro)
  -- Lamp besides the couch  (2nd season onwards)
  -- Telephone (red/green/aqua).  Usually Aqua in the latter episodes.
  -- Large rug with a concentric circle pattern.
  -- TV.
  -- Stereo system and bookshelves (underneath the window looking out onto 
     the backyard).
  -- Magazine holder near Lamp stand.

The Foyer

                | closet        |
                +========+      |
                |        | to basement (possibly)
                |        +==/===|
                |clock-|-|======|  (-- stairway
                |      |_|======|
                -     |--|======|
            drawers - |  |======|
   (( Living room        |======|
                -             Dining room ))
                |               -
 small table --)||-|          ()|(-- coat rack
                    front door

  -- The door next to the stairway is usually either a closet, or
     the entrance to the basement. I assume that it is both. Coats can
     be hung in the front, and the basement entrance is around the side.
     In several episodes, such as "The Day the Violence Died" another
     staircase is above the staircase going down to the basement. This
     would be consistent with the above model.
  -- The front door is near the bottom of the stairs.
  -- Several pictures (Baby Bart, one of Marge's ancestors, Bart & Lisa..)
     up the staircase.
  -- Foot mat at top of stairs.
  -- A chandelier

The Living room

           piano   fireplace
         ||_____| |     |     \  |-trophy case
         |        ~~~~~~~      --|
        /                        |
       /                         -
   bay |         ___________      
window |        | |       | |    --) TV room
       |        | | couch | |     
       \        |___________|    -
        \                        |
         | ___            |-----||-desk
   table-||___|           |_____||
         +-------|       |-------+

The Dining room

             ^ foyer     recessed shelves
          +---|     |----/~~~~~~~~~~~~~\--+
          |                               |
          |                               |
         /      .---------------.         |
        /       |               |         |
   bay  |       | dining table  |         -
 window |       |               |          
        |       |               |         --) kitchen
        \       `---------------'          
         \                                -
          |             ___________       |
          |            |___________|      |

  -- Three bulb chandelier above table.
  -- light switch near entrance to foyer.
  -- The recessed shelf:
     - Salt and pepper shakers.
     - Crockery.
  -- Chest of drawers and a abstract painting above it.
  -- Mirror near to the exit to kitchen.

The Kitchen

              window   dishwasher
               |   |       |       |   | oven |        |
               ||-|+-------|_sinks_|---+------+----+   |
 microwave --) ||_||                               |   |
               +---+     ________                  +---+
                        /        \               |----||
 (( TV room ((        /            \             |    ||--fridge
                     |    table     |            |____||
               -      \            /               +---+
               |       \__________/                    
               |__        ___________                 )) side hall ))
    corner --) |  \      |___________|                  
   ornaments   +-------------------------|       |-----+
                         ^ cabinets    \dining room/

  -- A telephone on wall besides the fridge.
  -- The second and third seasons have a green refrigerator, with a painting
     of a house on the door.
  -- A Microwave oven near the exit to the TV room. (Presumably so the 
     family can heat up their dinner without having to move too far from the 
  -- Color scheme: dark gray ceiling, light gray walls, checkered floor.

Objects and utensils on the kitchen bench tops
  -- Blender
  -- Spice Rack
  -- Toaster  (single slice)
  -- Spoons in a container
  -- The proverbial coffee machine
  -- Fork rack
  -- Microwave oven
  -- Paper towel dispense
  -- Cornflower/cornstarch canisters
  -- Oven (4 hot plates)  {in the 1st season it was a gas model}
  -- Exhaust hood above the oven
  -- A cork board besides the fridge, often with an abstract portrait of 
  -- Dishwasher besides the sink, and dish-rack.
  -- The sink has two tubs.
  -- Cookbook
  -- Curtains with a corn cob pattern

Ornaments in the corner of the room:
  -- Recessed shelves
  -- A corner table with a ceramic chook
  -- Above the table is a three-tiered macram� pot plant holder (& plants)
  -- A clock with a star-shaped face

Rumpus Room and side hall

                        window    built-in cabinets
          |                               +
  toy box-||---|     |-----|              !
          ||___|     |_____|-TV and       ! (-- window
          ||----|             table       !
 cabinets-||    |          ----           +
          ||____|         |____|          |
                           credenza       |
    (( kitchen ((                         |
             hat rack   door to garage

  -- The rumpus room has only been seen in a few episodes. It is seen
     in "Three Men and a Comic Book", "Separate Vocations", and "Lady
     Bouvier's Lover". The above diagram is consistent with those
     episodes. In "Radio Bart" it is seen, but looks different (no
     built in cabinets. In "The Canine Mutiny" Laddie flushs a toilet
     where the rumpus room would have been. Since the room hadn't been
     seen in a long time, it is possible it could have been remodeled
     as a bathroom, but most likely it was another example of artistic

  -- Growth chart
  -- Beanbag chairs
  -- plastic table + small portable TV  (with no power cord)
  -- A toy box (Happy little elf & Binky dolls)
  -- tic-tac-toe rug
  -- dart board
  -- Curtains with green blotches on them

Second Floor

              |           |           | |         |
  +-====--====+   Lisa's  |   Bart's  | |         |
  |   Bath  | +    Room   |    Room   +-|  Bath   |
  +         | !           |           ! |         |
  !   +-----+-+           |           + |         |
  |           !                   !               |
  |  Homer    +----===+----===----+--===--+--===--+
  |  and      |    ===|           |       |       |
  |  Marge's  |    ===| Maggie's  |       |       |
  |  Room     |    ===|   Room    |       |       |
  |           |       |           +-------+-=====-+
  |           |       |           |

West Hallway

                       to Lisa's Room   to Bart's Room
              !                                       !
  to parents' !                                       ! - to east
     bedroom- !                                       !   hallway
             railing    stairs    to Maggie's Room

Parents' bedroom

                 |    |     |    |
         |to bathroom    closets !
   night ||--|                   ! -to hall 
   stand-||__|                   !
         ||------------|         +
         ||  |         |         |
         ||  |         |    |----|
         ||  |   bed   |    |    |
         ||  |         |    |    |- Marge's dresser
         ||__|_________|    |    |
   night ||--|              |    |
   stand-||__|              |----|
         |                       |
         ||-------|       |-----||
 Homer's ||       |       ||   |||- chair
 dresser-||_______|       |_____||
              sliding windows
  -- Bin
  -- dressing table
  -- Perfume bottle on the dressing table  (similar to the one in Lisa's
  -- Entrance to the bathroom

Parents' bathroom

              built over windows
            _________   _________
        |(   )|      |      |   |
        |_____|      |shower|   |
        | sink       |______|   +
        +                   |   !
        !        toilet ()[]|   !-Lisa's closet
 window-!       +----+-----++---+
        !       |    |     |    |
       to bedroom    closets

  -- Two windows appear from the outside, but not from the inside.
     Perhaps the bathroom was built later on. Occasionally the fake
     windows are used ("Homer the Great", "Bart Carny") but this is
     probably another example of artistic liscence.

Lisa's bedroom

          desk w/ mirror  window
            |  |-------|            |
            |  |_______|            |
            |            |-------|-||
        +---+|-|         | bed   | ||
        |   || |- book   |       | ||
        |   || |  case   |_______|_||
 closet-|   +|_|                |--||- night
        |   !                   |__||  stand
        |   !                       |
        +---+ |----------|        ()|- music
            | |__________|          |  stand
                             to hall

 -- Lisa's room normally faces the rear of the house and is usually
    the first door on the left. The window is off-centered to the right.
    This shows that it is not intended to be the room over the dining
    room, as that window is centered. In "Lisa the Simpson" Lisa's room
    switches from the rear to the front (in the same episode). With the
    centered window, her desk had to be moved.
 -- The placement of the doors in the hallway can indicate where Bart
    and Lisa's rooms are suppose to be. Lisa's door is to the left (inside)
    and Bart's is to the right. In the hallway there are 2 doors next to
    each other toward the rear of the house which fits.
 -- We also know that Bart's room faces the rear of the house, so he can
    leap to his tree house from the window.
 -- In "Home Sweet Home-Dum-didily-doodily" a sad Marge and Homer look
    at the kids' empty bedrooms. This would be a good model to follow,
    because there was no reason to rearrange the rooms for that scene.

Bart's bedroom

              poster   window
           |                |----| |- book
    night- ||--|            |____| |  case
    stand  ||__|                   |
           ||-|-------|          |-|
           || | bed   |          | |- desk
           || |       |          | +---+
           ||_|_______|          |-+   |
    night- ||--|                   !   |
    stand  ||__|                   !   |- closet
           |           |--------|  +   |
           |           |________|  |   |
             to hall      dresser

  -- Krusty Alarm clock.
  -- Photograph of Krusty at his bedside.
  -- Airplane mobile.

Maggie's bedroom

                to hall
       ||------|               |
       ||______| -changing     |
       |          table    -|- |
       ||-|                 |  | - swing-a-ma-gig
       || |- diaper        -|- |
       ||_|  pail              |
       |                    |--|
       ||----|      |------||  | - shelves
 crib- ||    |      | play ||__|
       ||    |      | pen  |   |
       ||____|      |______|   |
             sliding windows

 -- Curtains with mushrooms on them
 -- Decorations of the Happy Little Elves Train and Mushrooms
 -- No closet


   |~~~~~~~~~~~|       |
   |  bath tub |       |
   |           |       |
   |~~~~~~~~~~~        |
   |                |--|
   |----|           |  | -shelf w/
   |  0 |- sink     |__|  towels
   |____|              |
   |                   |
   |[]() - toilet      |
   |                   |
             to hall

 -- Blue tiles
 -- Fish on the wall above the toilet
 -- A really dirty rug

East Hallway and two small rooms

                                      to bathroom
                  !                               |
 to west hallway- !                               |
                  !      door            door     |
                  |               |               |
                  |               |               |
                  |               |               |
                  |               |               |
                  |               |               |
                  |               |               |
                  |               |               |

  --  These two small rooms are speculated. In the Tracey Ullman shorts
      many scenes take place in small, non-descript rooms with minimal
      amounts of furniture. There might just be a table and a picture
      of Marge frowning on the wall. These rooms could also be used as a 
      walk- in linen closet or laundry room (if the house didn't have a 
  --  The bathroom must be to the rear of the house, as there is no gas 
      pipe in the front. The model in "Virtual Springfield" seems as if 
      the bathroom is directly behind the door at the end of the hallway.
      Yet if this were the case the bathroom would be huge. Also, from
      the inside, the bathroom doesn't appear at the end of the hall, but 
      on a side.

The Attic

  -- The attic has never looked the same from episode to episode.
     It is seen in "Brush With Greatness", "The Thing and I",
     "Lisa the Simpson" and "Homer to the Max". In "Brush with
     Greatness" the attic has a full ceiling entrance and windows.
     This really couldn't work since there is nowhere the stairs
     could be situated and no windows from the roof can be seen
     outside. The background artist realizing this, gave the attic
     a ceiling entrance in "The Thing and I". A large window could
     be seen, yet it was probably there to give the scene it's spooky
     atmosphere. In "Homer to the Max" a window from the attic 
     appears to the right of the chimney, despite that that side of 
     the house has been seen hundreds of times before without the 
  -- In the first clip show, the roof get blown off the house, so
     the attic was probably rebuilt.

Floor plan of the "real" Simpsons home

 -- Although making a real house based on the Simpsons' house was a great
    idea, the final results were a little disapointing. The biggest problem
    was that the lot used was too small. The garage had to be relocated.
    The side hall is taken out and the kitchen leads directly into the
    rumpus room.
 -- The other rooms looked pretty good. The family room and kitchen were
    pretty accuarate.

                     |                   | |
  +---=====----|---|-+                   +-+--========----+
  |                  |                   |                |
  |                  -                   |                |
  !                         KITCHEN      |                |
  !                  -                   |                |
  !    T.V. ROOM     |                   |                |
  |                  |                   -       RUMPUS   |
  |                  |                            ROOM    |
  |                  |-----+----|    |---+                |
  |                  |=====|             |                |
  +----|     |---+---+=====|             |                |
  |              |   |=====|             |                |
  |              +===+=====|             |                |
  |     LIVING   -    =====|             |   |------------+
|--|                  =====|   DINING    |     LNDRY      |
|  |                  =====|             |                |
|  |             -    =====|             |                |
|--|             | ENTRY   -             |====------------+
  |              |                       |                |
  +---\______/---+====+\______/-+--------+                |
                                |                         |
                                |                         |
                                |                         |
                                |                         |
                                |                         |
                                |                         |
                                |                         |
                                |         2 CAR GARAGE    |
                                |                         |
                                |                         |
                                |                         |
                                |                         |
                                |                         |

 -- The second floor wasn't even close, especailly the parents'
    bed room.

                        |              |       |
                        |              |MASTER |
   +-----------+--------+   BEDROOM 3  |BATH   +-===+----------+
   |           |        |    (LISA'S)  |            |          |
   |      BATH |   WIC  !              |            |    WIC   |
   |           |        !              |            |          |
   |           |        |              |            |          |
   |        +--+--------+----------====+----+--====-+---====---+
   |        !       HALL                    !                  !
   +--------++====+     =====+====+---------+                  !
   |         |    |     =====|    |         |                  |
   +-=======-+    |     =====|    +-=======-+                  |
   |              |     =====|              |                  |
   |              |     =====|              |                  |
   |              +-----=====|              |                  |
   |              |     =====|              |                  |
 +-+              |     =====|              |                  |
 | |   BEDROOM 4  |     =====|   BEDROOM 2  |  MASTER BEDROOM  |
 +-+   (BART'S)   |     =====|  (MAGGIE'S)  |   (HOMER AND     |
   |              |          |              |     MARGE'S)     |
   |              |          |              |                  !
   |              |          |              |                  !

Elsewhere in Springfield

Mr Burns' office

            |                     |
            [      |~~~~~~|       |
  security  [       ------        |
  monitors  [                     |
            [                     |
            |                     |
            |                     |
            |_______      ________|

  -- Stuffed and mounted Polar Bear
  -- The books on his desk (usually facing outwards)
  -- A window looking out over the SNPP's cooling towers/power transformers.
  -- Security monitors  (colour in "Stark Raving Dad", but usually B&W)
  -- A large clock above the entrance to the room.  {"Blood Feud", "Homer 

Moe's Tavern

        |                                                        |
        |                                                        |
        |              pool table                                |
        |                                                        |
        |                                                        |
swinging/                                                        |
  doors /                                                        |
        \              /~\  /~\  /~\  /~\  /~\  /~\              |
        \              \_/  \_/stools \_/  \_/  \_/              |
        |+--+       +--------------------------------+           |
        ||  |       |     bar                        |          || Duff
        ||  |       |   +----------------------------|          || poster
        |+--+       |   |                        |   |          ||
        |           |   |                        | X |           |

  -- Cigarette machine
  -- ``The Love Tester'' in "Flaming Moe's".
  -- Barney Gumble
  -- The mechanical Bull, "Flaming Moe's" 

Raymond Chen
Daniel Frank
Dave Hall
Gavan McCormack
Theron Stanford

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Last updated on August 11, 2000 by