The Complete Simpsons Bibliography
<<< Bibliography Index
| << Part 11
Part XII - Other References
Simpson Magazine and Newspaper Cover Cross Reference
Life in Hell Magazine and Newspaper Cover Cross Reference
Futurama Magazine and Newspaper Cover Cross Reference
Crossword References
Book References
Movie, Television and Radio References
Other Media References
Comic References
Political Cartoons
Life In Hell and The Simpsons
Matt Groening Bibliography
A question to ask your friends...
What family has appeared on hundreds of covers including Time, Newsweek,
Life, Rolling Stone, New York, Spy, Mother Jones, Keyboard,
The Daily News and The New York Post, TV Guide and Entertainment
The President? The Kennedy's? The Pope? Elvis?
Madonna? Michael Jackson?
Nope. Only The Simpsons.
All of these are listed in the Magazine and Newspaper indices but I
wanted to maintain a separate cover cross reference. I've wanted to
frame these and hang these up but since I couldn't bear with tearing
covers off (even WITH duplicates) I never proceeded. Others might
want to and the covers more suitable for framing are (obviously) the
full covers and half covers below.
These are color glossy unless otherwise stated.
These are also official 'Matt Groening' pictures unless
otherwise stated, as in '(not MG)'. The 'not MG' pictures are
sometimes very good and sometimes pretty bad, and they include
intentionally strange drawings as well as stylized drawings such as
the Cracked #295, Dec 1994, cover of O.J. Simpson in Bart Simpson style
replete with spiked hair. Note that front covers of TV inserts (into
newspapers) are indexed below, particularly since they are often
distributed with multiple newspapers, they're often glossy or
semi-glossy, and they're usually color. Other newspaper sections
(other than the front cover) are NOT indexed as covers below. Of
course, they are indexed in the main section of this document!
Notes after each entry are as follows;
- 'full cover' means just The Simpsons or predominantly the
Simpsons (or an individual character) are featured on the
- 'full cover, small' means that the actual magazine is a smaller
format (for example 6" by 8") rather than a typical 8 1/2" x 11"
or larger cover.
- 'half cover' means just that! Half Simpsons, half not Simpsons.
- 'pictured' means that a picture of The Simpsons (or an
individual Simpson) appears on the cover but not a full cover
- 'referenced' means The Simpsons or Matt Groening are referenced on
the cover (a cover story) but NO picture (i.e., the word "Simpsons",
or a character's name, or "Groening" appears on the cover)
- '(not MG)' means it's not an 'official' Matt Groening drawing,
i.e., drawn by an artist NOT associated with the show
- 'doll' or 'model' means it's not an 'official' Matt Groening drawing,
but it's a picture of an official Simpsons doll or model! (..or if you
guys prefer, 'action figure')
For additional information on each cover see the magazine or
newspaper entry for each item. As I review the Entertainment Weekly
and TV Guide entries in the sections above I'll correct and add to the
entries below.
Please note that all earlier TV Guide entries are listed as "small" but this
is NOT necessarily the case. TV Guide also published an 8 1/2 by 11"
"Ultimate Cable" editions (in the Florida, Los Angeles and
Seattle/Tacoma editions, for example) during earlier years so while
earlier TV Guide editions are small not ALL earlier TV Guide editions were small.
Naturally, TV Guide switched to a larger format a few years ago.
We're not adverse to a little cheating here; we've also including
nice full Simpson covers on catalogues, advertising flyers, programs
and other published material.
We now provide a count of Simpson covers as of Jan 2001:
Referenced - 55 covers!
Pictured - 62 covers!
Half cover - 8 covers!
Full cover - 128 covers!
Total - 253 covers!
Lastly, name a significant Simpson character that hasn't appeared
on the cover of a magazine!
- Honk #3, Mar 1987, referenced, earliest known reference (on a Life in Hell cover)
- v1n1 Animation Magazine, Aug 1987, pictured, earliest known appearance on a cover
- v4n5 Spin, Aug 1988, referenced (on a Life in Hell cover)
- n74 Comics Interview, 1989, referenced
- v17n4 Millimeter, Apr 1989, full cover, earliest known full cover of The Simpsons
- v3n2 Animation Magazine, Fall 1989, full cover
- v14n10 Mother Jones, Dec 1989, half cover (and half Binky from Life in Hell)
- TV Host Weekly, Dec 16-22 1989, full cover
- Dynamite #156, 1990, referenced
- Dynamite #158, 1990, full cover
- Awesome Magazines (Australia), 1990, full cover
- TV & Video, Jan 7 1990, full cover (color newsprint, non-glossy)
- Chicago Tribune, TV Week, Jan 14 1990, full cover (color newsprint, non-glossy)
- TV Time, The Sunday Telegram, Feb 11-17 1990, full cover (color newsprint, non-glossy)
- Northwest, March ? 1990, full cover
- v38n11 TV Guide, Mar 17 1990 full cover, small
- TV Week (television insert), The Washington Post, Mar 18 1990, full cover
(color newsprint, non-glossy)
- v14n13 TV Guide Canada, Mar 31 1990, referenced
- TV Week (television insert), Apr 1 1990, full cover (non-glossy)
- Orange Coast, Apr 1990, full cover
- Salon BIZ, Apr 1990, full cover
- v3n13 7 Days, Apr 4 1990, pictured
- TV Week Magazine, Apr 7 1990, full cover
- v115n17 Newsweek, Apr 23 1990, full cover
- The Hollywood Reporter, Apr 28 1990, full cover
- Los Angeles Times Magazine, Apr 29 1990, full cover
- n3 Whopper #3, May 1990, pictured
- n444 Rolling Stone Australia, May 1990, referenced
- n14 Entertainment Weekly, May 18 1990, full cover
- Hot!, Summer 1990, pictured
- A&M Magazine, June/July 1990, full cover
- v3n6 Wow!, June 1990, pictured
- n4 Whopper #4, June 1990, pictured
- v38n23 TV Guide, Jun 9 1990, pictured (not MG)
- v37n24 Globe, Jun 12 1990, pictured (color newsprint, non-glossy)
- n581 Rolling Stone, Jun 28 1990, full cover
- n11 SuperTeen's LoudMouth, Jul/Aug 1990, pictured
- Comics Scene Spectacular #2, Jul 1990, referenced
- n25 Teen Dream, (Jul 1990) (month/year not supplied?), pictured
- National Enquirer, Jul 3 1990, pictured
- v17 Issue #838 Recycler Classifieds, Jul 12-18 1990, full cover (color newsprint, non-glossy)
- Daily News, Jul 15 1990, pictured (black/white)
- v17n46 Sunday Sun Television Magazine (Canada), Jul 15-21 1990, full cover (color newsprint, non-glossy)
- TV & Video, Jul 29 1990, full cover (color newsprint, non-glossy)
- v114n2 Esquire, Aug 1990, pictured
- n48 Sky Magazine (UK), Aug 1990, referenced
- n29 Entertainment Weekly, Aug 31 1990, pictured
- Newsweek Special Edition, Fall/Winter 1990, full cover
- n9 Who's Who in TV, Fall 1990, pictured
- WHAT Satellite TV (UK), Sep 1990, full cover
- Hot Dog #67, (Sep 1990) (month/year not supplied), full cover
- Fantazia #4, 1990 (month not supplied, about September), pictured
- Cracked #256, Sep 1990, pictured (not MG)
- n27 Teen Dream, (Sep 1990) (month/year not supplied?), referenced
- v34n9 People Weekly, Sep 3 1990, pictured
- v45n38 The Newfoundland Herald (Canada), Sep 15-21 1990, full cover (glossy newsprint)
- v38n38 TV Guide Sep 22 1990, pictured
- Cracked #257, Oct 1990, pictured (not MG)
- The Cable Connection, Oct 7 - 20 1990, full cover
- The Florida Times-Union, Oct 7 - 13 1990, full cover
- TvClick, The Sunday Oregonian, Oct 7 - 13 1990, full cover
- TV Dial, St. Petersburg Times, Oct 7 1990, full cover
- v189n281 New York Post, Oct 13 1990, full cover (black/white)
- v38n42 TV Guide, Oct 20 1990, pictured
- TV Times (Canada), Oct 26 1990, full cover (color newsprint, non-glossy)
- Cracked #259, Nov 1990, full cover (not MG)
- Friday Morning Quarterback (FMQB), Nov 23 1990, full cover
- Comics Scene #16, Dec 1990, half cover
- Gamepro, Dec 1990, full cover
- MAD #299, Dec 1990, full cover (not MG)
- UK MAD #344 (UK), Dec 1990, full cover (not MG)
- n17 Electronic Gaming Monthly, Dec 1990, full cover
- v3n6 Teen Throbs, Dec 1990, pictured
- n48 Veronica (Netherlands), Dec 7 1990, referenced
- v14n49 TV Guide Canada, Dec 8 1990, full cover (doll) (small)
- n593/594 Rolling Stone, Dec 13-27 1990, pictured
- Us Number 144/145, Dec 24 1990 - Jan 7 1991, pictured
- n46/47 Entertainment Weekly, Dec 28 1990, pictured
- v136n28 Time, Dec 31 1990, full cover
- Spy, Jan/Feb 1991, full cover
- n25 Kid City, Jan/Feb 1991, half cover
- v2n1 Prime, Jan 1991, full cover, small
- v14n1 Life, Jan 1991, pictured
- v19n1 Millimeter, Jan 1991, pictured
- n7 Look in! (UK), Jan 1991, pictured and referenced
- v13n2 Smash Hits (UK), Jan 23 - Feb 5 1991, pictured
- v4n2 Game Player's Strategy Guide, Feb 1991, full cover
- Video Games & Computer Entertainment, Feb 1991, full cover
- n17 Comics Scene, Feb 1991, pictured
- n8 Look in! (UK), Feb 1991, pictured and referenced
- v19n2 Gallery, Feb 1991, referenced
- v39n5 TV Guide Feb 2 1991, referenced
- n571 The Advocate: The National Gay & Lesbian Newsmagazine, Feb 26 1991, referenced (on a Life in Hell cover)
- n30 The Face, Mar 1991, full cover
- Wow, Mar 1991, full cover
- Australian MAD #302 (Australia), Mar 1991, full cover (not MG)
- n455 Rolling Stone Australia, Mar 1991, full cover
- Hot!, Mar 1991, pictured
- v3n8 Zing!, Mar 1991, pictured
- v39n9 TV Guide Mar 2 1991, pictured (very tiny and not MG)
- v6n4 Smash Hits, Mar 6 1991, referenced
- Big! (UK), Mar 13-26 1991, pictured
- v39n11 TV Guide Mar 16 1991, pictured
- n141 The Comics Journal #141, Apr 1991, half cover (and half Bongo from Life in Hell)
- n7 Mean Machines (UK), Apr 1991, full cover
- n28 Number One (UK), Apr 13 1991, pictured
- v16n3 Mother Jones, May-Jun 1991, full cover
- n24 Mirabella, May 1991, referenced
- Institutional Investor, May 1991, pictured
- Game Player's Strategy Guide to Nintendo Games, May 1991, referenced
- n33 TV Hits (Australia), May 1991, referenced
- n11/91 Pop Rocky, May 15 1991, referenced
- n12/91 Pop Rocky, May 22 1991, pictured
- v1n6 Zillions, Jun-Jul 1991, full cover
- Christie's Animation Art and Collectible (UK), Jun 1991, full cover
- n34 TV Hits (Australia), June 1991, pictured
- n25 Look in! (UK), Jun 22 1991, pictured
- n72/73 Entertainment Weekly, Jun 28 1991/Jul 5 1991, full cover
- n26 Look in! (UK), Jun 29 1991, full cover
- Australian Playboy (Australia), Jul 1991, referenced
- Fast Forward (UK), Jul 3-9 1991, full cover
- n27 Look in! (UK), Jul 6 1991, full cover
- n28 Look in! (UK), Jul 13 1991, full cover
- n29 Look in! (UK), Jul 20 1991, full cover
- Changes, Aug 1991, full cover
- WHAT Satellite TV (UK), Aug 1991, full cover
- Satellite TV (UK), Sep 1991, full cover
- n11 Raze (UK), Sep 1991, full cover
- n9 Popcorn (Germany), Sep 1991, pictured
- v8n1 Barbie, Winter 1991, referenced
- Smash Hits, Oct 16 1991, referenced
- n44 Look in! (UK), Nov 2 1991, pictured
- v18n6 Hustler, Dec 1991, referenced
- Gamepro, Dec 1991, pictured
- Masters of the Game, 1992, pictured
- v2n6 Best of TV Guide Crosswords, 1992, pictured (small)
- Cracked TV Collector's Edition #89, Jan 1992, full cover (not MG)
- National Employment Review Jan 30 1992, pictured
- SEGA Pro (UK), Feb 1992, full cover
- n91 Computer Gaming World, Feb 1992, referenced
- v2n2 L.A. Salsa, Mar 1992, full cover (but rather grainy)
- Christie's Animation Art and Collectible (UK), Apr 1992, full cover
- v16n4 Mix, Apr 1992, pictured
- Cracked Blockbuster #6, Summer 1992, pictured (not MG)
- v4n7 Video Games & Computer Entertainment, Jul 1992, full cover
- TV Guide Special 2000th Anniversary Commemorative issue Jul 27 1992, pictured
- TV Guide, Aug 15 1992, pictured
- v47n33? The Newfoundland Herald (Canada), Aug 8-12 1992, full cover (glossy newsprint)
- v13n39 Woman's World, Sep 27 1992, referenced
- v41 Nintendo Power, Oct 1992, referenced
- Super Action (UK), Nov 1992, full cover
- TV Guide, Nov 28 1992, pictured
- v2n12 Previews, Dec 1992, pictured
- Los Angeles Times TV Times, Dec 20 1992, full cover
- v12n51 Womans World, Dec 22 1992, referenced
- Masters of the Game, 1993, pictured
- n3n2 Best of TV Guide Crosswords, 1993, pictured (small)
- n3n6 Best of TV Guide Crosswords, 1993, pictured (small)
- n2 Amiga Force, Jan/Feb 1993, full cover
- v19n1 Keyboard (Issue #201), Jan 1993, full cover
- n162 Croc (Canada), Jan 1993, full cover (not MG)
- v8n10 Spin, Jan 1993, referenced
- New York Vue, Sep 26 1993, full cover
- v3n10 Previews, Oct 1993, full cover
- Cracked #284, Oct 1993, pictured (not MG)
- v1n5 Hero Illustrated Issue #5, Nov 1993, full cover
- n7 Overstreet Comic Book Monthly, Nov 1993, full cover
- Advance Comics #59, Nov 1993, referenced
- Comic Shop News #332, Nov 3 1993, cover (color newsprint, non-glossy)
- Wizard #28, Dec 1993, full cover triple gatefold!
- n5 Entertainment Retailing, Dec 1993, full cover
- v12n7 Details, Dec 1993, referenced
- n1048 Comic Buyer's Guide, Dec 17 1993, full cover
- v69n43 New Yorker Dec 20 1993, referenced
- 1994 San Diego Comic Convention (program), 1994, full cover
- Disney Adventures, Feb 1994, full cover, small
- Issue #23 Card Collector's Price Guide, Mar 1994, full cover
- Satellite TV (UK), Jul 1994, full cover
- n1077 Comic Buyer's Guide, Jul 8 1994, full cover
- v5n5 Comic Buyer's Guide Price Guide #24, Sep-Oct 1994, full cover
- n9 Cards Illustrated, Sep 1994, full cover
- n4n9 Best of TV Guide Crosswords, [Sep] 1994, full cover (small)
- v20n20 Issue 370 Goldmine, Sep 30 1994, full cover (non-glossy)
- WHAT Satellite TV (UK), Dec 1994, full cover
- Cracked #295, Dec 1994, full cover (not MG)
- n19 Hero Illustrated Issue #19, Jan 1995, full cover
- Combo #3, Apr 1995, full cover
- n274 Entertainment Weekly, May 12 1995, pictured
- n6 Anxiety Closet, Summer 1995, referenced
- The Chicago Tribune, TV Week, Jun 18-24 1995, pictured
- Satellite TV (UK), Jul 1995, full cover
- WHAT Satellite TV (UK), Sep 1995, full cover
- n291 Entertainment Weekly, Sep 8 1995, pictured
- n292 Entertainment Weekly, Sep 15 1995, pictured
- v8n7 Animation Magazine, Oct/Nov 1995, full cover
- v43n42 TV Guide, Oct 21 1995, referenced
- Airliners #36, Nov/Dec 1995, full cover
- TV Crosswords, Nov 21 1995, full cover, small
- v29n8 New York Magazine, Feb 26 1996, full cover
- n36 Genre (Canada), Mar 1996, full cover
- v41n3 Los Angeles Magazine, Mar 1996, referenced
- E: The Environmental Magazine, Apr 1996, full cover
- George Magazine, Apr/May 1996, referenced
- n343 Australian MAD (Australia), May 1996, full cover (not MG)
- n326 Entertainment Weekly, May 10 1996, pictured
- v2n2 Tyro (UK), Summer 1996, pictured (but full rear cover)
- Sky Magazine (UK), Nov 1996, referenced
- v146n50657 The New York Times, Dec 30 1996, pictured,
black and white (not MG)
- Rhino Direct 1997 Catalog #34, full cover
- Screw Magazine, 1997, cover (not MG) (color newsprint, non-glossy)
- n16 Cult Times (UK), Jan 1997, referenced
- Starweek TV Magazine, Toronto Star, Feb 15 1997, full cover
- Film Score Monthly, Mar/Apr 1997, full cover
- TV Guide (Canada), Mar 29 1997, full cover (small)
- FHM (UK), Apr 1997, referenced
- v16n5 World Wide Wrestling Federation Magazine, May 1997, half cover
- v1n5 The Web Magazine, May 1997, referenced
- v347n23 The Hollywood Reporter, May 13 1997, pictured
- WHAT Satellite TV (UK), May 1998, full cover
- Sky Magazine (UK), Jun 1997, referenced
- Sunday Telegraph TV Guide, Jul 20 1997, referenced
- v1n1 Cult TV, Aug 1997, referenced
- v23n18 Goldmine, Aug 29 1997, referenced
- TV Zone Issue 94 (UK), Sep 1997, referenced
- Tribune TV, Oct 26 1997, full cover (color newsprint, non-glossy)
- v6n3 Watch Magazine #69 (Canada), Nov 1997, pictured
- v2n1 Cult TV, Jan 1998, full cover
- v46n1 TV Guide, Jan 3 1998, four different full covers! (small)
- v2n2 The Web Magazine, Feb 1998, full cover
- v40n2 Studio Sound (UK), Feb 1998, full cover
- v8n5 Disney Adventures, March 1998, pictured
- n426 Entertainment Weekly, Apr 10 1998, pictured
- v352n14 The Hollywood Reporter, Apr 24-26 1998, full cover
- n38 Star Wars Insider, Jun/Jul 1998, full cover
- n42 Nickelodeon, Jun/Jul 1998, referenced
- v24n3013 Humo (Belgium), Jun 9 1998, full cover
- v2n7 Gadfly, Jul 1998, half cover
- Cracked #326, Jul 1998, half cover (not MG)
- Bizarre, Aug 1998, pictured
- Don't Change, undated (Sep 1998), pictured, non-glossy
- Cult Times #36 (UK), Sep 1998, referenced
- n71 Lee's Action Figure News & Toy Review, Sep 1998, referenced
- n154 Time Out New York, Sep 3-10 1998, referenced
- The Guide (UK), Sep 5-11 1998, referenced (on a Futurama cover
- Nuts #10, Oct 1998, full cover (not MG)
- vIII, n9 Contingency Planning & Management, Oct 1998, full cover
- v46n42 TV Guide, Oct 17 1998, full cover, small
- Cracked #330, Nov 1998, full cover (not MG)
- v28n45 Comics Buyers Guide #1303, Nov 6 1998, full cover (non-glossy)
- v5n1 Swing Generation, Dec 1998/Jan 1999, pictured (miniature!)
- n148 Sky Magazine (UK), Dec 1998, referenced
- v22n52 Issue 1148 TV Guide (Canada), Dec 26 1998, full cover, small
- n113 Australian MAD Super Special #113 (Australia), 1999, full cover (not MG)
- TV Star Posters, undated (1999), referenced
- v70n39 Advertising Age Special Issue, 1999, referenced (on a Futurama cover)
- v19n3 Filles d'aujourd'hui (Canada), Jan 1999, referenced
- n362 Supertele (Spain), Feb 26 1999, full cover
- n164 Specchio Della Stampa (Italy), Mar 13 1999, full cover
- El Sabado de El Mercurio (Chile), Mar 13 1999, full cover
- Post TV (Canada), Mar 13 1999, pictured (not MG) (color newsprint, non-glossy)
- StarWeek (Canada), Mar 27 1999, referenced (on a Futurama cover)
- n478 Entertainment Weekly, Mar 29 1999, referenced
- Life, Apr 1999, half cover
- n50 Nickelodeon, Apr 1999, referenced (on a Futurama cover)
- v47n15 TV Guide, Apr 3 1999, referenced (on a Futurama cover)
- v23n16 TV Guide Issue 1164 (Canadian Edition), Apr 17 1999, referenced
- n164 The Door, May/June 1999, full cover
- v15n5 Max (Italy), May 1999, pictured
- Starlog Number 262, May 1999, referenced
- n153 Sky, May 1999, referenced
- n18 7 Extra (Belgium), May 5 1999, full cover
- FOXTEL The Magazine (Australia), July 1999, full cover
- v10n2 Sposa, Fall/Winter 1999, full cover
- v1n2 Joe Magazine, (Sep) 1999, full cover
- Skyview (UK), Sep 1999, pictured (on a Futurama cover)
- Cable Guide (UK), Sep 1999, referenced (on a Futurama cover)
- The Guide (UK), Sep 5 1999, referenced (on a Futurama cover)
- Granny May's, (advertising flyer) (Australia), Sep 5 1999, Cover, p3, p8
- n36 7 Extra (Belgium), Sep 8 1999, full cover
- The Big Issue In The North, Sep 20-26 1999, referenced (on a Futurama cover)
- n39 7 Extra (Belgium), Sep 29 1999, pictured
- n15 Collectorholics (Australia), Oct 1999, full cover
- v5n3 Script, Oct 1999, full cover
- n158 Sky Magazine (UK), Oct 1999, referenced
- n33 The Face, Oct 1999, referenced (on a Futurama cover)
- v3n26 SCI-FI News (Brazil), Oct 1999, referenced (on a Futurama cover)
- v5n5 Scr(i)pt, Oct 1999, full cover
- The Newfoundland Herald (Canada), Oct 2-8 1999, referenced
- v9n14 TV Guide Crosswords, Oct 19 1999, full cover, small
- Toons, Winter 1999 Special, pictured
- Twoja Wizja (Your Vision) (Poland), Dec 1999, full cover
- Seventeen, Dec 1999, referenced
- n49 7 Extra (Belgium), Dec 8 1999, full cover
- Post TV (Canada), Dec 25 1999, pictured (newsprint)
- TV Times (Calgary Herald) (Canada), Dec 25 1999, pictured (newsprint)
- v20n1 Collectors' Showcase, Jan/Feb 2000, referenced
- v14n1 Animation Magazine, Jan 2000, full cover
- The New York Daily News, Jan 13 2000, referenced
- n521 Entertainment Weekly, Jan 14 2000, referenced
- Lee's Action Figure News & Toy Review #88, Feb 2000, referenced
- The Guide (UK), Feb 5-11 2000, full cover, small
- n73 Action Figure Digest, Mar 2000, pictured (not MG)
- n540 Entertainment Weekly, Spring 2000, pictured
- n342 Cracked, Mar 2000, full cover (not MG)
- n60 Nickelodeon, Apr 2000, half-cover
- v5n16 The Times Magazine, Apr 15 2000, referenced
- n75 Tomart's Action Figure Digest, May 2000, pictured (doll)
- Forbes ASAP, May 29 2000, full cover
- Dino Comic-Sonderb�nde (calogue) (Germany), Summer/Autumn 2000, full cover
- n124 Cracked Magazine Collectors Edition, Summer 2000, full cover (not MG)
- Planet PC (UK) Issue 7, Jun 2000, full cover
- n17 FBX (UK), Jun 2000, full cover
- v66n6 Dell Horoscope, Jun 2000, pictured
- n105 Wizard, Jun 2000, pictured (doll)
- Toyfare Simpsons Collector's Guide, supplement to n34 Toyfare, June 2000, full cover, small (dolls)
- Daily Variety, Jun 8 2000, pictured
- RadioTimes (UK), Jun 17-23 2000, full covers (4!)
- Saturday (Daily Express) (UK), Jun 17-23 2000, full cover
- Vision (The Times) (UK), Jun 17-23 2000, full cover (non-glossy)
- v54n3 The TV Guide (New Zealand), July 22 2000, full cover, small
- n23 MAD (Germany), Aug 2000, full cover (not MG)
- The Observer Magazine (UK), Aug 6 2000, full cover
- Hot Tickets, Evening Standard, Aug 11-17 2000, referenced
- v24n33 TV Guide (Canada), Aug 12 2000, full cover (small)
- Sunday Magazine (Australia), Aug 27 2000, full cover (newsprint)
- Sky (UK), Sep 2000, full cover
- n3 bite (UK), Sep 2000, full cover
- WHAT Satellite TV (UK), Sep 2000, full cover
- n95 Lee's Action Figure News & Toy Review, Sep 2000, full cover (doll)
- n20 FBX (For Boys eXclusively) (UK), Sep 2000, pictured (but full back cover)
- Model Mart, Sep 2000, referenced and pictured (models)
- TV & Satellite Week (UK), Sep 2-8 2000, full cover
- TV Time (UK), Sep 2-8 2000, referenced
- v11n5 Non-Sport Update, October-November 2000, full cover
- v48n43 TV Guide, Oct 21 2000, Twenty-four full covers!!! (small)
- v48n43 TV Guide (Cable version), Oct 21 2000, full cover
- TV Times, Los Angeles Times, Oct 29 - Nov 4 2000, full cover (newsprint)
- n39 ToyFare, Nov 2000, referenced and pictured (dolls)
- v365n26 The Hollywood Reporter, Nov 3-5 2000, full cover
- MAD Simpsons Special (Germany), 2001, full cover
- n29 DVD Review (UK), 2001, full cover (Homer)
- n29 DVD Review (UK), 2001, full cover (Bart)
- n99 Lee's Action Figure News & Toy Review, Jan 2001, referenced and pictured (doll)
- n112A Wizard, Jan 2001, referenced
- n112B Wizard, Jan 2001, referenced and pictured
- n112C Wizard, Jan 2001, referenced and pictured
- v12n615 Steppin' Out, Jan 24 2001, full cover
- n100 Lee's Action Figure News & Toy Review, Feb 2001, full cover (dolls)
- n84 Tomart's Action Figure Digest, Feb 2001, referenced and pictured (doll)
- n77 Dreamwatch (UK), Feb 2001, referenced
- Christianity Today, Feb 5 2001, full cover (not MG)
- v25n2 Games Issue 168, Mar 2001, referenced
- 2001n3 Tennis Italiano, Mar 2001, Cover, p82-87
- n200 Computer Gaming World, Mar 2001, referenced
- n86 Tomart's Action Figure Digest, Apr 2001, full cover (dolls)
- n70 Nickelodeon, Apr 2001, pictured
- n102 Lee's Action Figure News & Toy Review, Apr 2001, pictured (doll) and referenced
- n2 My Generation, May-Jun 2001, pictured, with full cover of Matt Groening
- n45 ToyFare, May 2001, full cover (dolls)
- n76 Tips & Tricks, Jun 2001, full cover
- n84 Expert Gamer, Jun 2001, pictured and referenced
- n46 ToyFare, Jun 2001, pictured and referenced
- Christies (Animation Art auction catalogue), Jun 20 2001, full cover
- What's On (UK), Aug 4-17 2001, referenced
- v25n7 Games, Sep 2001, pictured
- v9 Forbidden Planet (UK)(catalogue), Jan-Apr 2002, full cover (toy)
- v137n1 Esquire, Jan 2002, pictured
- Cinescape, Mar 2002, pictured
- n97 Tomart's Action Figure Digest, Apr 2002, full cover (dolls) and referenced
- Toyfare, Apr 2002, full cover (doll)
- v7n22 Time For Kids, Apr 12 2002, full cover
- v13n677 Steppin' Out, Apr 17 2002, full cover
- n128 Wizard, May 2002, full cover
- TV Guide, May 4, 2002, pictured
- The New York Times Book Review, Jun 2002, full cover (newprint)
- n357 Cracked, Jul 2002, pictured (not MG)
- n101 Tomart's Action Figure Digest, Aug 2002, full cover (dolls)
- TV Guide, Aug 3 2002, pictured
- n49 MAD (Germany), Oct 2002, pictured
- WHAT Satellite TV (UK), Nov 2002, full cover
- n63 ToyFare, Nov 2002, full cover (doll)
- n59 Maxim, Nov 2002, referenced
- Rolling Stone, Nov 28 2002, three full covers
- Sky Magazine (UK), Dec 2002, referenced
- n26 Maximal (France), Dec 2002, referenced
- v50n50 TV Guide, Dec 14 2002, pictured
- The Sun-Herald Television Magazine (UK), Jan 5-11 2003, full cover
- The Hollywood Reporter, Feb 15-17 2003, full cover
- n694 Entertainment Weekly, Feb 7 2003, pictured
- TV Guide, Feb 15 2003, full cover (small)
- vVn4 Guideposts for Teens, Apr/May 2003, full cover
- n203 Q, Jun 2003, pictured
- Psychology Today, Aug 2003, full cover
- n721 Entertainment Weekly, Aug 21 2003, referenced
- Suosikki (Finland), Nov 2003, full cover
- Word Magazine, Mar 2004, pictured
- n76 Maxim, Apr 2004, full cover (and referenced on alternate cover)
- n759 Entertainment Weekly, Apr 9, 2004, full cover
- v153n52819 The New York Times, Apr 14 2004, pictured
- n137 Circulo Mixup (Mexico), Aug 2004, full cover
- v14n7 Disney Adventures, Sep 1994, pictured
- Good Weekend (Australia), Sep 25, 2004, full oversized cover
- n450 Mad, Feb 2005, referenced
- n63 Stuff, Feb 2005, referenced
- n2 Original Magazine (UK), Spring 2005, referenced
- n416 Australian MAD (Australia), May 2005, full cover (not MG)
- n98 Collect it! (UK), Sep 2005, referenced
- n1611 Comic Buyer's Guide, Dec 2005, full cover
- n100 ToyFare, Dec 2005, pictured
- v16n1 The Animals' Agenda, Jan-Feb 2006, full cover
- n89 MAD (Germany), Feb 2006, full cover (not MG)
- n106 ZOO (UK), Feb 24 - Mar 2 2006, pictured
- n109 ZOO (UK), Mar 17 - 23 2006, pictured
- RadioTimes (UK), Apr 22-28 2006, full cover
- Rolling Stone, May-Jun 2006, pictured
- Nuts (UK), Sep 29 - Oct 5 2006, pictured
- n53 Mister K (Spain), Oct 2006, full cover
- Nuts (UK), Jan 26 - Feb 1 2007, pictured
- n212 Empire Magazine (UK), February 2007, referenced
- American Way, Apr 1 2007, full cover
- n130 Total Film, Summer 2007, pictured and referenced
- Sky The Magazine (UK), Jun 2007, full cover
- v54n6 Playboy, Jun 2007, referenced
- Weekend, Jun 30 2007, full cover
- Unlimited Cineworld Cinemas Magazine (UK), Jul/Aug 2007, full cover
- n119 ToyFare, Jul 2007, pictured (doll)
- n107 MAD (Germany), Jul 2007, full cover (not MG)
- n989 The Advocate, Jul 17 2007, full cover
- TV Spielfilm (Germany), Jul 21 - Aug 3 2007, pictured
- v18n935 Steppin' Out, July 25 2007, full cover
- n945 Entertainment Weekly, Jul 27 2007, four full covers!
- Metro New York, Jul 27-29 2007, pictured
- Nuts (UK), Jul 27-Aug 1 2007, referenced
- Every Day With Rachel Ray, Aug 2007, referenced
- n45 24 X Segundo Magazine (Mexico), Aug 2007, full cover
- FiRST (Singappore), Aug 2007, referenced
- Nick Magazine, Aug 2007, referenced
- Vanity Fair, Aug 2007, referenced
- n38 Rolling Stone (Russia), Aug 2007, full cover
- n121 ToyFare, Sep 2007, full cover (doll)
- n481 MAD, Sep 2007, 2 full covers (not MG)
- Loaded (UK), Sep 2007, referenced
- FOXTEL The Magazine (Australia), Oct 2007, full cover
- n189 Zoo (UK), Oct 5 2007, pictured and referenced
- n111 MAD (Germany), Dec 2007, full cover (not MG)
- v55n51 TV Guide, Dec 17-23 2007, pictured
- n971/972 Entertainment Weekly, Dec 28 2007-Jan 4 2008, pictured
- v1n5 SHOW (Bell TV) (Canada), Jan 2008, full cover
- n107 La Revista de Ono (Spain?), Feb 2008, full cover
- The Sunday Times (UK), Culture section, Apr 13, 2008, referenced
- n104 Sport Week (Italy), May 3 2008, full cover
- n999/n1000 Entertainment Weekly, Jun 27 / Jul 4 2008, pictured
- n16 MAD Special (Germany), Jul 2008, full cover (not MG)
- Retro Gamer, Jul 2008, referenced
- ZOO (UK), Jul 30 2008, pictured
- n21 SkyMovies Magazine (UK), Aug 2008, full cover
- n21 Skymag Magazine (UK), Aug 2008, referenced
- n134 ZOO (Australia), Sep 22 2008, pictured
- Skylife (Italy), Oct 2008, full cover
- n83 Rue Morgue (UK), Oct 2008, referenced
- n143 ZOO (Australia), Nov 24 2008, pictured
- n123 MAD (Germany), Feb 2009, full cover (not MG)
- Hot TV (Daily Star supplement) (UK), Mar 14-21 2009, pictured
- n266 ZOO (UK), Apr 10-16 2009, pictured
- n61 Virtual Kids (Mexico), May 2009, full cover
- v27n7 Scott Stamp Monthly, July 2009, full cover
- v208n247 New York Post, Jul 20, 2009, pictured
- n6 Emmy, November/December 2009, full cover (full foldout cover!)
- v56n10 Playboy, Nov 2009, full cover
- Playboy (Italy), Nov 2009, full cover
- Playboy (Mexico), Nov 2009, full cover
- Playboy (Serbia), Nov 2009, full cover
- n47 Playboy (Argentina), Nov 2009, full cover
- v57n50 TV Guide, Dec 7 2009, Five full covers!!
- n157 Utne Reader, Jan-Feb 2010, full cover
- n1105-1106 Entertainment Weekly, June 4/11 2010, pictured
- AM New York, June 9 2010, pictured
- n5 Agent DVD, Jul 2010, full cover
- n136 MAD (Germany), Nov 2010, full cover (Aragonés style)
- n163 Utne Reader, Jan-Feb 2011, full cover
- v20n8 Magic Magazine, Apr 2011, full cover
- v156n55,532 The New York Times, Sep 18, 2011, pictured (not MG)
- v59n44 n3073-3074 TV Guide, Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2011, Halloween Preview, full cover
- The Hollywood Reporter, Feb 17, 2012, full cover
- New York, Feb 2012, referenced
- v261n95 The Wall Street Hournal, Apr 24, 2013, pictured
See the notes from the
Simpson Magazine and Newspaper Cover Cross Reference
for an explanation of the entries below.
- n71 The Rocket, Aug 1985, full cover (newsprint)
- Honk #3, Mar 1987, full cover
- v4n5 Spin, Aug 1988, full cover
- v14n10 Mother Jones, Dec 1989, half cover (and half Bart!)
- n571 The Advocate: The National Gay & Lesbian Newsmagazine,
Feb 26 1991, full cover
- The Comics Journal #141, Apr 1991, half cover (and half Bart)
See the notes from the
Simpson Magazine and Newspaper Cover Cross Reference
for an explanation of the entries below.
- The Guide (UK), Sep 5-11 1998, full cover, small
- v70n39 Advertising Age Special Issue, 1999, full cover
- 7.02 Wired, Feb 1999, four different full covers!
- StarWeek (Canada), Mar 27 1999, full cover
- n478 Entertainment Weekly, Mar 29 1999, pictured
- n50 Nickelodeon, Apr 1999, full cover
- v47n15 TV Guide, Apr 3 1999, full cover, small
- v15n5 Spin, May 1999, full cover
- Starlog Number 262, May 1999, referenced
- n153 Sky, May 1999, referenced
- WHAT Satellite TV (UK), Sep 1999, full cover
- Skyview, Sep 1999 (UK), full cover
- Cable Guide (UK), Sep 1999, full cover
- The Guide (UK), Sep 5 1999, full cover, small
- n33 The Face, Oct 1999, full cover
- v3n26 SCI-FI News (Brazil), Oct 1999, full cover
- The Big Issue In The North (UK), Sep 20-26 1999, full cover (non-glossy)
- v21n45 LA Weekly, Oct 1-7 1999, full cover
- n340 Cracked, Dec 1999, full cover (not MG)
- n342 Cracked, Mar 2000, pictured (not MG) (on a Simpsons full cover)
- n1 Comics Scene 2000, May 2000, pictured
- The Magazine - Not for adults (Canada), Feb 2001, full cover, small
- The Magazine - Not for adults (Canada), Jan 2002, full cover, small
- Cinescape, Mar 2002, full cover
- The Magazine - Not for adults (Canada), Feb 2004 Four full covers, small
- Geek Magazine, Dec 2007, full cover
What? He can't be serious? Indexing crossword puzzles?
Well, it's certainly not an attempt to be complete here.
The appearance of The Simpsons in crosswords reflects the extent
to which society has become embued with The Simpsons. The more
distant the publication is from television, the more amazed one
should be at it's presence in a crossword. This section represents
therefore a questionnaire for the crossword puzzle aficionados
out there. How many times have The Simpsons been referenced in classic
crosswords, say, The London Times or The New York Times?
Little did I know when I typed the above, in the 1990's, that more than ten years later the
November 16, 2009 issue of The New York Times Magazine would
have a crossword that was written for and featured in an episode that aired that night
titled Homer and Lisa Exchange Cross Words [KABF19], with Merl Reagle and Will Shortz
themselves as the guest stars. Woven diagonally into the answers to this crossword were
key words that provided part of the episode and the first letter of each clue itself form a letter
from Homer to Lisa at the end of the episode.
What's most amazing in general about crosswords is the Simpsons detail they're looking for in the puzzle.
Marge Simpson's maiden name? How about Mrs. Krabappel's first name?
Name another cartoon or even a sitcom where that detail would be known!
(No fair naming a show with a lead female star or one who continues to
use her maiden name)
I've done the easy work. In the TV Guide section of this document
I've already indexed The Simpson crossword references. You'll find
that Wizard magazine ran it's first crossword in it's August 1996
issue and included a Simpson question, and has continued to do so in
subsequent issues, as documented above. Below you'll find another
obvious frequent crossword source, "TV Crosswords" (not associated
with TV Guide). I ran down to my local used magazine store, grabbed a
bunch of them and indexed them below. I also paid for some pre-1985
issues without realizing it, and searched them in vain before I
realized the dates...
TV Crosswords (Just a sampling!)
- Dec 12 1995 v17n17
- puzzle 4, 21 across, "The Simpsons little one" (MAGGIE)
- puzzle 13, 1 across, "Simpson son" (BART)
- puzzle 14, 18 across, "Father of Bart (2 words)" (HOMERSIMPSON)
- Feb 20 1996 v18n3
- puzzle 2, 29 down, "Selma and Patty Bouvier on The Simpsons"
- puzzle 17, 18 across, "Character in 44 across show (2 words)"
- puzzle 17, 44 across, "Show about a cartoon family (2 words)"
- puzzle 58, 10 down, "Marge and Homer" (SIMPSONS)
- Jun 25 1996 v18n9
- puzzle 1, 7 across, "___ Tavern, in The Simpsons" (MOES)
- puzzle 7, 32 down, "Marge Simpson's maiden name" (BOUVIER)
- puzzle 25, 14 across, "Bartender of The Simpsons" (MOE)
- puzzle 39, 32 down, "Voice of Sideshow Bob in The Simpsons"
- puzzle 59, 19 down, "Mr. Simpson" (HOMER)
- puzzle 60, 15 across, "Bart and Lisa's sister (2 words)"
- Aug 6 1996 v18n12
- puzzle 1, 5 down, "Voice of Marge Simpson" (KAVNER)
- puzzle 1, 20 down, "Store Manager on The Simpsons" (APU)
- puzzle 6, 30 across, "The Simpsons tavern owner" (MOE)
- puzzle 6, 8 down, "The Simpsons creator Matt" (GROENING)
- puzzle 10, 49 across, "Bart Simpson's bus driver" (OTTO)
- puzzle 11, 47 across, "Bartender on The Simpsons" (MOE)
- puzzle 25, 18 across, "Brat Bart's father (2 words)" (HOMERSIMPSON)
- puzzle 26, 8 down, "Bus driver on The Simpsons" (OTTO)
- puzzle 42, 54 across, "Barney, on The Simpsons" (SOT)
- puzzle 58, 28 across, "Cartoon bar owner" (MOE)
- puzzle 60, 11 down, "Scratchy on The Simpsons, for one" (CAT)
- Sep 17 1996 v18
- puzzle 29, 50 across, "Shop owner on The Simpsons" (APU)
- puzzle 36, 1 across, "Bart Simpson, e.g." (BRAT)
- puzzle 56, 8 across, "Homer Simpson's son" (BART).
- Oct 27 1998 v20n15
- puzzle 1, 10 down, "Simpsons Bartender" (MOE)
- puzzle 7, 22 down, "Simpsons neighbor Flanders" (NED)
- puzzle 10, 18 across, "Homer and Marge's neighbor" (NED)
- puzzle 10, 40 down, "Santa's Little Helper, e.g." (DOG)
- puzzle 14, 39 down, "Lisa Simpson's bratty brother" (BART)
- puzzle 26, 45 down, "Flanders on The Simpsons" (NED)
- puzzle 28, 8 across, "Marge, to Bart" (MOM)
- puzzle 32, 51 across, "The Simpsons neighbor Flanders" (NED)
- puzzle 43, 12 down, "Back talk from Bart Simpson" (SASS)
- puzzle 46, 12 across, "Julie who is Marge Simpson's voice" (KAVNER)
- puzzle 46, 28 down, "Kwik-E-Mart manager on The Simpsons" (APU)
- puzzle 50, 4 down, "Maggie, or Lisa, to Bart Simpson" (SISTER)
- puzzle 51, 35 across, "Grade for Bart Simpson" (DEE)
- puzzle 52, 27 down, "Bart's Bus Driver" (OTTO)
- puzzle 57, 5 across, "Homer, to Bart" (DAD)
- puzzle 61, 40 down, "Mrs. Krabappel on The Simpsons" (EDNA)
- puzzle 64, 27 down, "Castellaneta of The Simpsons" (DAN)
- puzzle 65, 40 across, "Bart Simpson, for one" (BRAT)
- puzzle 66, 35 across, "Dinner attire for Maggie Simpson" (BIB)
- puzzle 75, 17 down, "Castellaneta who is Homer Simpson's voice" (DAN)
- Feb 23 1999 v21n3
- puzzle 5, 8 down, "Bart's bus driver" (OTTO)
- puzzle 10, 15 down, "That Simpson boy" (BART)
- puzzle 14, 8 down, "Bratty Bart's show, with The" (SIMPSONS)
- puzzle 17, 31 across "Voice of Lisa Simpson (2 wds.)" (YEARDLEYSMITH)
- puzzle 20, 28 down "The Simpsons' bartender" (MOE)
- puzzle 23, 40 down "Homer Simpson's dad" (ABE)
- puzzle 25, 54 across "Homer, to Bart" (DAD)
- puzzle 30, 7 down "Krusty on The Simpsons, e.g." (CLOWN)
- puzzle 31, 33 across "Marge or Homer" (SIMPSON)
- puzzle 35, 49 across "Kwik-E-Mart manager on The Simpsons" (APU)
- puzzle 51, 53 across "The Simpsons' neighbor Flanders" (NED)
- puzzle 54, 17 down "Lisa Simpson's bratty brother" (BART)
- puzzle 59, 55 across "Lisa, to Bart" (SISTER)
- puzzle 63, 36 across "Grade for Bart Simpson" (DEE)
- TV Guide Crosswords, Winter 2012 v26n6
- p5, 13 across, "Mr. Nahasapeemapeilon of The Simpsons" (APU)
- p17, 31 across, "Otto Mann's Transportation" (BUS)
- p18, 18 across, "Simpsons dog: _____ Little Helper" (SANTAS)
- p20, 17 across, "The Simpsons Snowball II, i.e." (CAT)
- p20, 46 down, "Bart's school bus driver" (OTTO)
- p22, 10 across, "Bart Simpson's "Don't Have _____, Man!" (two words) (ACOW)
- p22, 21 down, "The Simpsons Szyslak" (MOE)
- p24, 13 across, "Bart Simpson's interjection of apathy" (MEH)
- p28, 29 down, "Dinnerwear for Maggie Simpson" (BIB)
- p36, 7 across, "Grampa Simpson" (APU)
- p39, 56 across, "Futurama Leela only has one" (EYE)
- p42, 1 down, "Simpsons creator Groening" (MATT)
- p43, 19 across, "Bart Simpson's expression '___, Carumba'" (AY)
- p43, 50 down, "Where Homer hangs out" (MOES)
- The New York Times, Jan 10 2007
- Puzzle by Curtis Yee, Edited by Will Shortz
- 20 across "quip" (HOMERSIMPSON)
- The infamous quip in question is supplied in the answers to other clues;
(Just because I don't care doesn't mean I'm not listening!)
37 across, DONT
42 across, CARE
- The New York Times, Jan 18 2007
- Puzzle by Randolph Ross, Edited by Will Shortz
- 1 across "Lost it" (HADACOW)
- The New York Times, Mar 22 2007
- Puzzle by Karen M. Tracey, Edited by Will Shortz
- 38 across "Castellaneta, the voice of Homer on 'The Simpsons'" (DAN)
- The New York Times, Jun 29 2007
- Puzzle by Byron Walden, Edited by Will Shortz
- 4 down "TV tavern" (MOES)
- The New York Times, Oct 04 2007
- Puzzle by Sheldon Benardo, Edited by Will Shortz
- 61 down "Disco guy on 'The Simpsons'" (STU)
- The New York Times, Oct 06 2007
- Puzzle by Brendan Emmett Quigley and David Quarfoot, Edited by Will Shortz
- 61 down "Bart Simpson's grandpa" (ABE)
- The New York Times Magazine, Jan 20 2008
- Puzzle by Natan Last, Edited by Will Shortz
- 12 across "'The Simpsons' character who often refers to himself in the third person" (DISCOSTU, where COS fills one box)
- THe confusing answer to this one is intentional on this Sunday puzzle, which uses a rebus square
for COS - as in DIS-C(OS)-TU following a Trigonometry theme for the puzzle.
- The New York Times, Apr 27 2008
- Puzzle by Oliver Hill, Edited by Will Shortz
- 66 down, "Target of many a Bart Simpson prank call" (MOE)
- The New York Times, Nov 1 2008
- Puzzle by Donald K. Willing, Edited by Will Shortz
- 10 down, "Seller of Squishees on 'The Simpsons'" (APU)
- The New York Times, Nov 16 2008
- Puzzle by Merl Reagle, Edited by Will Shortz
- The first letter of each clue for this puzzle formed
a letter written by Homer to Lisa Simpson apologizing
at the end of the episode that was broadcast tonight.
In addition, reading diagonally across the entire puzzle
answer from top left to bottom right are the letters
"DUMB DAD SORRY FOR HIS BET", Homer betting against Lisa
in a national crossword contest.
- The New York Times, Nov 17 2008
- Puzzle by Paula Gamache, Edited by Will Shortz
- 48 down, "'The Simpsons' storekeeper" (APU)
- The New York Times, Nov 25 2008
- Puzzle by Caleb Madison, Edited by Will Shortz
- 46 across, "________ Flanders, neighbor of Homer Simpson" (NED)
- The New York Times, Dec 28 2008
- Puzzle by Kevin Donovan, Edited by Will Shortz
- 42 down, clue unknown, (BART)
- The New York Times, Jan 13 2009
- Puzzle by Daniel Kantor and Jay Kaskel, Edited by Will Shortz
- 17 across "Marge's sister, to Bart Simpson" (AUNTSELMA)
- The New York Times, Apr 14 2009
- Puzzle by Barry Boone, Edited by Will Shortz
- 56 down "'The Simpsons' teacher who was called Mrs. K" (EDNA)
- The New York Times, May 16 2009
- Puzzle by T. Hinman and B. Walden, Edited by Will Shortz
- 20 across "Sideshow Bob's last name on 'The Simpsons'" (TERWILLIGER)
- The New York Times, May 29 2009
- Puzzle by Caleb Madison, Edited by Will Shortz
- 1 across "Surly TV bartender" (MOESZYSLAK)
- The New York Times, Jun 23 2009
- Puzzle by Caleb Madison, Edited by Will Shortz
- 23 down "Simpson and Kudrow" (LISAS)
- The New York Times, Jun 24 2009
- Puzzle by Corey Rubin, Edited by Will Shortz
- 40 across "Widower of Maude on The Simpsons" (NED)
- The New York Times, Nov 9 2009
- p C2, 8 down "Disco guy on 'The Simpsons'" (STU)
- The New York Times, Dec 9 2009
- Puzzle by Ed Sessa, Edited by Will Shortz
- 43 across "TV character who says 'It's 1 a.m. Better go home and spend some quality time with the kids'" (HOMERSIMPSON)
- The New York Times, Dec 25 2009
- Puzzle by Kevin G. Der, Edited by Will Shortz
- 21 across "Homer Simpson's dad" (ABE)
- 44 across "Homer Simpson's mom" (MONA)
- n100 World of Puzzles, Jan 2010
- p 23, 2 down "Home for Marge and Homer" (SPRINGFIELD)
- n759 Easy Jumbo Crosswords (Kappa), Feb 2010
- p 18, 43 down "Bart Simpson's grades" (DEES)
- v159 n54,938 The New York Times, Feb 1 2010
- p C2, 11 down "Store on TV that sells KrustyO's cereal" (KWIKEMART)
- v159 n54,939 The New York Times, Feb 2 2010
- Puzzle by Alex Fay, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C4, 1 across "Brainy Simpson" (LISA)
- v159 n54,988 The New York Times, Mar 23 2010
- p C7, 38 down "Storekeeper on 'The Simpsons'" (APU)
- v159 n55,010 The New York Times, Apr 14 2010
- p C6, 10 down "Lisa Simpson, to Patty or Selma" (NIECE)
- v159 n55,015 The New York Times, Apr 19 2010
- p C2, 65 down "___ Flanders of 'The Simpsons'" (NED)
- v159 n55,039 The New York Times, May 13 2010
- p C2, 22 down "'The Simpsons' grampa" (ABE)
- v159 n55,043 The New York Times, May 17 2010
- Puzzle by Jay Kaskel, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C2, 11 down "Homer Simpson type" (SCREWUP)
- v125 PennyPress Favorite Quick and Easy Crosswords, Jun 2010
- p 143, Crossword 137, 59 across "Cartoonist Groening" (MATT)
- v159 n55,061 The New York Times, Jun 4 2010
- p C30, 19 across "Spoken word that's a sound trademark of 20th Century Fox" (DOH)
- v159 n55,077 The New York Times Magazine, Jun 16 2010
- p 56, 61 across "Cry from Homer" (DOH)
- v159 n55,093 The New York Times, Jul 6 2010
- p C4, 14 across "Cries from Homer Simpson" (DOHS)
- v159 n55,100 The New York Times, Jul 13 2010
- p C2, 60 down "Bus driver on 'The Simpsons'" (OTTO)
- v159 n55,152 The New York Times, Sep 3 2010
- Puzzle by John Farmer, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C23, 60 across "Voice of Moe and Apu on 'The Simpsons'" (AZARIA)
- v159 n55,162 The New York Times, Sep 13 2010
- Puzzle by Aimee Lucido, Brown University '13, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C2, 4 down "Serving in Homer Simpson's favorite dinner" (PORKCHOP)
- v159 n55,167 The New York Times, Sep 18 2010
- Puzzle by Natan Last, Brown University '12, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C7, 58 down "Nelson's catchphrase on 'The Simpson's'" (HAHA)
- v159 n55,177 The New York Times, Sep 28 2010
- Puzzle by Michael Torch, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C6, 56 across "Homer Simpson's' Indian friend" (APU)
- v159 n55,186 The New York Times, Oct 7 2010
- Puzzle by Patrick Blindauer, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C8, 45 across "Member of the Be Sharps on 'The Simpsons'" (APU)
- v159 n55,232 The New York Times, Nov 22 2010
- Puzzle by David Poole, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C2, 19 across "Bart Simpson's brainy sister" (LISA)
- v160 n55,266 The New York Times, Dec 8 2010
- Puzzle by Mike Nothnagel, Edited by Will Shortz
- 1 down, Homer Simpsons's middle name; (JAY)
- v160 n55,287 The New York Times, Dec 29 2010
- Puzzle by Patrick Merrell, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C8, 68 across "Mustachioed 'Simpsons' character" (NED)
- v160 n55,293 The New York Times, Jan 4 2011
- Puzzle by David Hanson, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C6, 27 down "'The Simpsons' voice man Hank" (AZARIA)
- v160 n55,295 The New York Times, Jan 06 2011
- Puzzle by Mike Nothnagel, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C7, 4 down "Bart Simpson catchphrase" (AYCARAMBA)
- The New York Times Magazine, Feb 9 2011
- Puzzle by Victor Barocas, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C4, 27 across "Springfield family name" (SIMPSON)
- The New York Times Magazine, Feb 13 2011
- Puzzle by Ian Livengood, Edited by Will Shortz
- p 52, 36 down "Co-worker of Homer on 'The Simpsons'" (CARL)
- v160 n55,332 The New York Times, Mar 2 2011
- Puzzle by David Poole, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C6, 57 down "Kwik-E-Mart owner on 'The Simpsons'" (APU)
- v160 n55,337 The New York Times, Mar 7 2011
- Puzzle by Mike Torch, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C4, 51 across "Disco guy on 'The Simpsons'" (STU)
- v160 n55,345 The New York Times, Mar 15 2011
- Puzzle by Jeremy Newton, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C2, 17 down "Rating for most episodes of 'The Simpsons'" (TVPG )
- v160 n55,374 The New York Times, Apr 10 2011
- Puzzle by Paula Gamache, Edited by Will Shortz
- 39 down "Mr. Burns's teddy bear on 'The Simpsons'" (BOBO)
- v160 n55,387 The New York Times, Apr 23 2011
- Puzzle by Mike Nothnagel, Edited by Will Shortz
- 9 down "Afro-sporting character on 'The Simpsons'" (STU)
- v160 n55,394 The New York Times Magazine, May 1 2011
- Puzzle by Xan Vongsathorn, Edited by Will Shortz
- p 64, 102 down "Kwik-E-Mart operator" (APU)
- v160 n55,394 The New York Times, May 03 2011
- Puzzle by Kevan Choset, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C2, 43 down "Member of a fictional Springfield baseball team" (ISOTOPE)
- v160 n55,406 The New York Times Magazine, May 15 2011
- Puzzle by Cathy Allis, Edited by Will Shortz
- p 72, 13 across "Barney Gumble of 'The Simpsons,' e.g." (SLOB)
- v160 n55,433 The New York Times, Jun 11 2011
- Puzzle by Jeffrey Wechsler, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C2, 41 down, Leftorium proprietor on Simpsons; (NED)
- v160 n55,450 The New York Times, Jun 28 2011
- Puzzle by Tom Baring, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C2, 6 across "Disco ___ of 'The Simpsons'" (STU)
- v160 n55,495 The New York Times, Aug 12 2011
- Puzzle by Julian Lim, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C14, 13 down "Creator of 'The Simpsons'" (GROENING)
- v160 n55,515 The New York Times, Sep 2 2011
- Puzzle by Tim Croce, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C23, 6 down "Cartoon busman Mann" (OTTO)
- v160 n55,531 The New York Times, Sep 18 2011
- Puzzle by Josh Knapp, Edited by Will Shortz
- 60 across, unknown clue (DOH)
- 62 down, unknown clue (HAVEACOWMAN)
- Quality Popular Crossword Puzzles, Oct 17 2011
- p 4, puzzle 1, 3 down "'Simpsons' bus driver" (OTTO)
- p 6, puzzle 3, 43 down "Bart Simpsons's sister" (LISA)
- p 31, puzzle 22, 47 down "'The Simpsons' tavern owner" (MOE)
- p 40, puzzle 31, 47 across "Mrs. Simpson" (MARGE)
- The New York Times Magazine, Oct 30 2011
- Puzzle by Andrea Carla & Patrick Blindauer, Edited by Will Shortz
- p 52, 8 down "'The Simpsons' teacher Krabappel" (EDNA)
- v161 n55,576 The New York Times, Nov 2 2011
- Puzzle by Barry Franklin and Sara Kaplan, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C6, 47 down "Simpson girl" (LISA)
- v161 n55,602 The New York Times, Nov 28 2011
- Puzzle by Andrea Carla Michaels, Edited by Will Shortz
- 5 down "Springfield's minor-league team on 'The Simpsons'" (ISOTOPES)
- v161 n55,624 The New York Times, Dec 19 2011
- Puzzle by Richard Chisholm, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C6, 39 across "Homer Simpson's favorite meat item" (PORKCHOP)
- The New York Times Magazine, Jan 29 2012
- Puzzle by Ian Livengood, Edited by Will Shortz
- p 49, 8 down "'The Simpsons' character with platform shoes" (DISCOSTU)
- AM New York, Jan 30 2012
- Puzzle by Jacqueline E. Mathews
- p 24, 1 across "Bart Simpson's mom" (MARGE)
- The New York Times, Feb 29 2012
- Puzzle by Kevan Choset, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C2, 62 across "'The Simpsons' character with says 'Oh geez' a lot" (MOE)
- v161 n55,704 The New York Times, Mar 8 2012
- Puzzle by Bill Thompson, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C6, 16 across "Cry heard at Moe's bar" (DOH)
- v161 n55,713 The New York Times, Mar 17 2012
- Puzzle by David Quarfoot, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C7, 63 down "Line from Homer" (DOH)
- v93 n308 The New York Daily News, Apr 28 2012
- TV Crosswords (Distr. by Univ. Uclick for UFS)
- p56, 48 across "The Simpsons' neighbor" (NED)
- v93 n308 The New York Times Magazine, Apr 29 2012
- Advertisement for THe Museum of Modern Art
- p13, 125 across "Springfield bar owner Szyslak" (MOE)
- v161 n55,783 The New York Times, Mar 26 2012
- Puzzle by Peter Wentz, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C4, 44 down "Bart Simpson catchphrase" (GETBENT)
- The New York Times Magazine, May 27 2012
- Puzzle by Byron Walden, Edited by Will Shortz
- p48, 85 across "Simpson girl" (LISA)
- v161 n55,864 The New York Times, Aug 15 2012
- Puzzle by Elizabeth C. Gorski, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C3, 57 down "'The Simpsons' merchant" (APU)
- v161 n55,870 The New York Times, Aug 21 2012
- Puzzle by Elizabeth C. Gorski, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C2, 7 down "'Thank you, come again' speaker, on 'The Simpsons'" (APU)
- The New York Times Magazine, Aug 26 2012
- Puzzle by Amnda Yesnowitz and Doug Peterson, Edited by Will Shortz
- p60, 83 down "'Don't have ____, man!'" (ACOW)
- v161 n55,897 The New York Times, Sep 18 2012
- Puzzle by Andrew Reynolds, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C7, 6 down "Homer's hangout on 'The Simpsons'" (MOES)
- v162 n55,922 The New York Times, Oct 12 2012
- Puzzle by Martin Ashwood-Smith, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C28, 53 down "Bart Simpson's middle name" (JOJO)
- v162 n55,926 The New York Times, Oct 16 2012
- Puzzle by Bill Thompson, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C6, 44 across "Otto's vehicle on 'The Simpsons'" (BUS)
- v162 n55,929 The New York Times, Oct 19 2012
- Puzzle by Patrick Berry, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C29, 25 down "Springfield bar" (MOES)
- The New York Times Magazine, Dec 9 2012
- Puzzle by Patrick Berry, Edited by Will Shortz
- p88, 62 down "Cry from Homer" (DOH)
- The New York Times Magazine, Jan 27 2013
- Puzzle by Jeff Chen, Edited by Will Shortz
- p48, 14 down "Screwball character on 'The Simpsons'" (CRAZY)
- The title of this puzzle was "Black Cats"; the word "CRAZY" was followed
by three black squares and then the word LADY, hence the full answer is
"CRAZY CAT LADY" in this Cat themed puzzle.
- v162 n56,046 The New York Times, Feb 13 2013
- Puzzle by Richard and Judith Martin, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C5, 68 across "Leftorium owner on 'The Simpsons'" (NED)
- v162 n56,072 The New York Times, Mar 11 2013
- Puzzle by Robert Fisher, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C2, 27 down "Flanders of 'The Simpsons'" (NED)
- v162 n56,080 The New York Times, Mar 19 2013
- Puzzle by Mike Buckley, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C2, 67 across "One of the Simpsons" (MARGE)
- v162 n56,087 The New York Times, Mar 26 2013
- Puzzle by Samuel A. Donaldson and Doug Peterson, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C4, 42 down "Homer Simpson's exclamation" (DOH)
- v162 n56,136 The New York Times, May 14 2013
- Puzzle by John Lieb, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C2, 58 across "Don't have ____ man!" (ACOW)
- v162 n56,168 The New York Times, Jun 15 2013
- Puzzle by Ned White, Edited by Will Shortz
- p C4, 55 down "Buzz on 'The Simpsons,' e.g." (COLA)
Simpsons books are documented elsewhere on the archive, right
Below is a list of books that reference The Simpsons. For
ease of acquiring additional information, or downright purchase, the titles
of many of the books are linked to Amazon. Note that the prices listed
below are the original list price; click through to see an actual purchase
Weird but True Toon Factoids (Craig Yoe)
- Diane Publishing Co, ISBN 0756763592
- January 1990, 127 pages.
- Drawing of Homer appears on the front cover along with half a dozen other 'toons.
- Game Player's Encyclopedia of Nintendo Games Volume Three
- Signal Research, Inc.
- 1991, 224 pages, volume three of four volumes.
- There are dozens of books on how to play video games, so why is
this one listed? It's because it also has a full Simpsons cover,
identical to the cover that appeared on Game Player's Magazine
in February of 1991.
- For more information about all the Simpson games check out our
Simpsons Games list right
- Out-Foxed The Inside Story of America's Fourth
Television Network (Alex Ben Block)
- St. Martin's Paperbacks, ISBN 0-312-92561-1
- October 1991, 414 pages.
- Pages 369 - 391.
- The original hardcopy publication was completed in 1990 just as
The Simpsons was making their mark, and hence made no reference to
them. However, Alex Ben Block wisely chose in the revised paperback
edition to add a new 23-page chapter - "Season of the Simpsons". In
addition to giving background information about The Simpsons and
quoting from some of the magazines listed herein, it has some of it's
own good information. At the September 1990 annual meeting of the
Hollywood Radio and Television Society, which always has in attendance
the entire cadre of television network executives, they asked the
network programming chiefs of NBC, ABC and CBS to " a show in a
competitor's network which they most wish they had". All three
answered The Simpsons.
- Star Tracks (Debra Adams)
- Publications International, Ltd. ISBN 1-56-173-330-X
- undated (1991), 26 pages
- Cover and pp6-7
- More a 26 page pamphlet then a book (8 1/4" X 5 1/4")
featuring a photograph/picture
and a story on twelve stars including Bart Simpson. Pictures of
twelve stars on cover (including Bart). Pages 6-7 holds a picture and
write-up of the "angle-coiffed prankster". Is this title a parody
of the show "Star Trek" or was that itself a parody?...
- Trek Toons (Edited by Mark Lister)
- Starland Press ISBN 0-9629570-0-3
- May 1991, About 100 pages (not paginated).
- This book of Star Trek toons has on the "next-to-next-to-last-page"
(the pages are unnumbered) a black and white cartoon of our favorite
family dressed in Star Trek uniforms flashing peace signs (was this
suppose to be Spock's Live Long and Prosper sign?) with Bart saying
"Live Long....and Eat My Phaser, Dude!" Title of cartoon; "Bart
Trek". Cartoonist: Mark Lister, 1991
- On second thought, can our four fingered favorite family flash the
"Live Long and Prosper" sign?
- The TV Guide TV Book 40 years of the all-time greatest
Television Facts, Fads, Hits, and History
- 1992
- Cover features 17 pictures from various shows including our
favorite family. More details when we acquire a copy!
- Honey, I'm Home! Sitcoms: Selling The American Dream
(Gerard Jones)
- 291 pages
- Grove Weidenfeld, A division of Grove Press, Inc.
- 1992, $24.95, ISBN 0-8021-1308-7 (hardcover)
- St. Martin's Press
- April 1993, $14.95, ISBN 031208810-8 (paperback)
- Commentary on our favorite family on pages 266-268. Note that
although they obviously just don't get The Simpsons, and even get
some of the details wrong, we objectively quote it at length.
- Fox's one undisputed success, also one of the great
oddities of the form. Matt Groening, a catoonist whose acute satiric
eye made his Life in Hell comic strip a fixture in alternative
newspapers, developed a series of animated cartoons for Fox's
Tracey Ullman Show in 1987. These sharp one-minute spots
illuminated painful moments in the life of an American family and
became the hit of the series. In 1989 Groening and some of the
most innovative people in the animation field (backed by James L.
Brooks, one of the architects of Mary Tyler Moore) developed
this family into the stars of a sharp, cynical cartoon sitcom,
The Simpsons.
- For the name of the Simpsons' town, Groening chose an ironic
reference to Father Knows Best: Springfield. In a sharp bit
of contrast, he took the family name from a character in Nathaniel
West's Day of the Locust, Homer Simpson, West's embodiment of
emotionally crippled Protestant manhood, destroying himself in his
ignorant gropings towards contentment. Groening's Homer was less
grotesque but not much nobler, a paunchy slob, not yet forty but
already skidding downhill, slaving away in Springfield's nuclear
power plant. His spirit has been worn to a dull sheen by existence.
In one show he thinks he's terminally ill and, upon discovering that
he isn't, vows to "live every moment to the fullest"; the episode
ends on a long, long take of Homer sitting blank and alone, drinking
beer and eating fried pork skins in front of the TV, from which
issue the sounds of a bowling tournament.
- His son, Bart, is the livliest creation of the show: a bratty,
skate-boarding wise guy, brought to life by Groening's amazing ear for
kid talk. Bart tries, at times, to obey the rules, please his father,
succeed in school. But he is damned. His father sees him as either
an extension of his own vanity or a threat to his fragile respect
in the community. And school is a nightmare of boredom, useless
information, and capricious justice. Bart withdraws defensively into
a loser's pose, flamboyant and stupid; once he uses herbicide to spell
'Bart' in forty-foot letters on the school lawn. His rebellion even
spills beyond the show, into real life; Bart's face, with his line
"underachiever and proud of it," briefly became the T-shirt image
of choice among pubescent Americans, sparking the ire of school
adminstrators nationwide.
- The rest of the family is equally hopeless; mother Marge, with
her tiny worldview; sister Lisa, the ineffective intellectual, using
dead pop psych clich�s to make sense of her sterile life; baby
Maggie, agitatedly sucking her pacifier, staring wide-eyed and mute
as if in horror at what she's destined to become.
- One brillant episode, wirtten by John Schwartzwelder, nearly
allowed them to escape their patterns. Bart and Lisa are addicted
to violent TV cartoons. Maggie, excited by them, hits Homer on the
head with a hammer. Marge is driven to her first act of social
commitment, organizing a parents' campaign against the cartoons.
She finally wins, and Bart and Lisa lose their Itchy and Scratchy.
The step outside. Other children step out at the same moment. They
blink, they run their eyes. The see the sun, the sky, the trees, as
if for the first time. Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony swells. Tke
kids run, play, swing, swim, laugh; for the first time in their
stunted existence they are free of the consumer society's traps and
they are alive.
- It's an absurd, ironic, mock-glorious happy ending. And it's
false. Before the episode ends, Marge discovers a problem: Her moral
watch-dog group now wants to forbid Michelangelo's David
from touring Springfield. She realizes that if great art is to be
protected from censorship, then popular culture must be protected,
too. She turns against the campaign, and it collapses. As the show
ends, Bart and Lisa are back in the living room, laughing insanely
at Itchy and Scratchy. Homer laughs with them. Maggie sucks
madly on her pacifier. Marge sighs, quietly wondering if she's done
the right thing.
- A small point is made here about censorship, but its effectiveness
is shattered by the deep, queasy ambivalence it evokes about the
value of television, the impoverishment of life, the effectiveness
of social action, and the nature of childhood in America. This is
no true sitcom, to be entered vicariously. This is bitter,
self-conscious, self-dissecting satire.
- Satire, cartoons, and truly dark humor have always been done
poorly in prime time, but The Simpsons has been a huge hit.
On top of the predictable audience of astute young adults it has
piled a vast number of kids, who have made Bart a spokesman of
bored, insolent resistence ("Don't have a cow, dude"). When Fox
decided to pull the show out of its safe Sunday night slot and put it
head to head with The Cosby Show on Thursday nights, many
industry observers thought the upstart network was committing suicide.
But in nearly every major urban market, the Simpsons clobbered the
- The Television Yearbook Complete, Detailed Listings for
the 1990-1991 Season (Frank Lovece)
- Perigree Books, The Putnam Publishing Group ISBN 0-399-51702-2
- 1992, 271 pages
- Page 212-215 has an impressive list of all the shows for the
season, the Voice actors, producers, editors, etc.
- Favorite T.V. Songs (Arranged by Dan Coates)
- Warner Bros. Publications
- 1992, 72 pages
- Cover lists the shows the songs are taken from, including The
- The Great American Comic Strip One Hundred Years of
Cartoon Art (Judith O'Sullivan)
- ISBN 0821217542
- 1992
- Includes the Simpsons. More details when we acquire a copy!
- Do What He Says! He's Crazy!!!
(John Callahan)
- Quill, ISBN 0688118151
- Oct 1992, 125 pages
- Simply a Groening cover reference and endorsement; "Rude, shocking,
depraved, tasteless - Callahan gets called all the adjectives that
cartoonists crave to hear," - Matt Groening, creator of
The Simpsons.
- 1001 Ways Not to be Romantic (Joe Magadatz)
- Eden Jack Garden ISBN 9993525650
- 1993
- Cover says "Joe is the Al Bundy of romance - and the Homer Simpson
of love."
- TV Guide Celebrity Cookbook
- Edited by Donna Weinerman and Carol Ferguson.
- Telemedia Communications Inc.
- 1994, 128 pages.
- Includes a recipe for Breaded Pork Chops from The Simpsons.
- What Jesus Would Say Rush Limbaugh, Madonna, Bill Clinton,
Michael Jordan, Bart Simpson, Donald Trump, Murphy Brown,
Madalyn Murrau O'Hair, Mother Theresa, David Letterman, & You
(Lee Patrick Strobel)
- Zondervan ISBN 0310485118
- August 1994, 172 pages.
- Bart Simpson's name in the Title of this serious religious text
from a respected religious publisher.
- We'll add the reference to Bart when we obtain it!
- The History of Animation (Charles Solomon)
- Wings Publishing ISBN 0517118599
- October 1994, 356 pages.
- Simpsons one of several characters on the cover.
- Includes discussion of The Simpsons.
- Pinball (Sabine Bartels, Phil Goddard, Petra Raszkowski)
- Tiger Books, Apple Press ISBN 0785800719
- October 1994, hardcover, 82 pages.
- Includes closeup of Krusty the Clown on the cover from The Simpsons
pinball game and pictures of The Simpsons pinball game within. This
books is translated from the German edition.
- For more information about all the Simpson games check out our
Simpsons Games list right
- Microserfs (Douglas Coupland)
- ReganBooks
- 1995, 371 pages.
- HarperCollins, ISBN 0-06-098704-9 (paperback)
- June 1996, 371 pages.
- Repeated references to our favorite family in this novel on
Microsoft nerds.
- p55 "Karla's on the warpath because I forgot our one-month
anniversary. *D'oh!*"
- p114 "Karla and I took an R&R break and drove 40 miles up to one of
the Simpsons bars in the City -- the Toronado, where they play 'The
Simpsons' every Thursday night. Except that I realized that it was
Monday, so no Simpsons. I can never get the dates right anymore."
[The City in this case is San Francisco. The book was written in late
'94 and early '95, during OFF's Thursday-night period.]
- p119 [describing the office ambiance] "We inhabit our workstations
daily for a minimum of 12 hours. [...] There's the occasional Homer
Simpson 'd'oh!' punctuating the air when someone's cursor bleeps, or
the occasionally muttered 'piss' and 'crap.'"
- p248 "She [Michelle, the sister of a character] ambled around the
Lego garden for a while, watched us code, then yawned pointedly.
After further multiple theatrical yawns, she then pulled two
'Simpsons' dubs on VHS out of her purse and started watching them on
the VCR, and one by one we melted away from our workstations and began
watching along with her."
- ["The Simpsons," hampering American productivity since 1990. By
this point in the book Dan has joined a start-up that's programming what
amounts to a virtual Lego set, hence the "Lego garden" mentioned in the
- p288 "Later on in the day, our lives devolved into an 'Itchy &
Scratchy' cartoon."
- p289 "Then Todd yelled 'Shogun,' not 'shotgun,' to claim the front
passenger seat, but then Susan said only the word 'shotgun' counted,
and it turned all 'Itchy & Scratchy' again, and Bug ended up grabbing
the shotgun seat."
- Consumer Culture & TV Programming (Robin Andersen)
- WestviewPress, A Division of HarperCollinsPublishers
- 1995, 306 pages,
- ISBN 0-8133-1541-7 (hardcover) 0-8133-1542-5 (paperback)
- p36 Demonstrating tie-ins between shows and advertising, Robin writes;
"Another example is the touching father/child conflict between Homer and
Bart Simpson that is replayed in an ad for Butterfinger. As Homer tries to
steal Bart's candy bar, Bart - this time - is allowed to scold Homer.
The advertisement incorporates the product in the viewer's familiarity
with The Simpsons."
- p270 We leave the interpretation of this discussion of meta-television to
the... viewer (apologies Robin, for I didn't quote enough of this); "The
critically sardonic intertextuality of The Simpsons is the best example
of the playful aesthetics of meta-television. Every episode reveals the tired
formulas of the mediums's own artifices. When Bart tales a ride with cops who
reveal their ineptitude by ignoring crimes in progress and viewing political
corruption as ordinary, the conventions of police drama, both "real" and
fictitious, are exposed as overused formula."
- The Encyclopedia of Fictional People (Seth Godin)
- Boulevard ISBN 1-57297-073-1
- April 1996, 315 pages.
- In addition to (obviously) entries for each fictional family or
character this book features miniature lists in the margins, which
we're happy to say include The Simpsons more than any other
- Page 5 lists Barney Gumbel as one of the "They mean it When they
Say They Just Want to Come up to Your Place for a Drink"
- Page 25 lists Abraham Simpson as one of "The Old Guy in the Big
Car in Front of You Going 25 MPH"
- Page 37 "Lisa Simpson - Democrat" under "Likely Political
- Page 56 lists Edna Krabappel under "Teachers"
- Page 62 lists Barney Gumbel under "Donors Turned Away at the Blood
- Page 77 lists Bart Simpson as one of the "Kids Most Likely to
End up With a Tattoo"
- Page 127 lists Bart Simpson under "Older Brothers"
- Page 131 lists Lisa Simpson under "Smarter than Most Grown-Ups"
- Page 133 lists Lisa Simpson under "Amateur Musicians"
- Page 201 lists Ned Flanders under "Neighbors"
- Page 252 includes the following entry for The Simpson Family:
- Just your average, everyday American family of five. Yeah, right.
Homer Simpson is the none-too-bright patriarch of the clan. He's
balding, tubby, and constantly hungry. He works at Springfield's
nuclear power plant, where he naps and consumes donuts.
"Hmmm...donuts." Marge is the family's moral compass. Possessor of
the world's tallest blue beehive hairdo, she spends most of her time
trying to raise her three children (and Homer). While Marge is
usually straight as an arrow, she occasionally loses her grip on
reality. She has two sisters, Selma and Patty. Bart is the oldest
child, a sociopathic treasure-trove of catch phrases, a kind of Tom
Sawyer on a skateboard, who spends a lot of his time in school
detention. Bart is an underachiever, but is nevertheless smart and
sarcastic. He idolizes TV kids' show host Krusty the Clown. "I'm
Bart Simpson, who the hell are you?" Lisa, the middle child, is the
family genius and plays a mean saxophone. While Lisa excels at
anything she does, no one seems to notice. She fights with Bart but
adores him. Maggie is the youngest child. She is the most normal
member of the family, possibly because she's still a baby. Maggie
never goes anywhere without her pacifier. All the children watch the
exceedingly violent Itchy and Scratchy Show. Abraham Simpson
is Homer's elderly father, who loves complaining, pining for the old
days, and Matlock.
- Page 256 lists Homer Simpson under "Faces Most Likely to Give Away
Their Poker Hands"
Total Television: The Comprehensive Guide to Programming
from 1948 to the Present (Alex McNeil)
- Viking Penguin
- September 1996, 1161 pages
- ISBN 0140249168
- A directory of all things television has the following entry for our
favorite family;
- The Simpsons: 14 January 1990
- A prime-time cartoon show, The Simpsons was Fox's top-rated series
in the 1989-1990 season, ranking 30th amoung all prime-time programs. The series
quickly became a cult favorite. The Simpsons was created by Matt Groening,
who had achieved fame from his "Life in Hell" comic strip. Groening's
television family - father Homer, who works at Springfield Nuclear Power Plant;
blue-haired mother Marge; proud underachiever Bart, a fourth grader; brainy goody
two-shoes Lisa, a second-grader; and pacifier sucking baby Maggie - originally
appeared as a brief but regular feature of The Tracy Ullman Show. A
thirty minute Simpsons holiday special was telecast 23 Dec 1981 [sic].
Voices: Nancy Cartwright (Bart), Dan Castellaneta (Homer), Julie Kavner (Marge),
Yeardley Smith (Lisa), and Harry Shearer (others). It is probably not coincidental
that Groening's parents were named Homer and Margaret, and that his two sisters
were named Lisa and Maggie. Among the many celebrities who have lent their
voices to the show were Michael Jackson (as a mental patient who throught he was
Michael Jackson), Elizabeth Taylor (who uttered baby Maggie's first word 'Dad-dee')
Bob Hope, Dustin Hoffman, Ringo Starr, Kathleen Turner, Michelle Pfeiffer, and
Johnny Carson.
- Consistently well written, The Simpsons examined "family values" in it own
unique way, against a backdrop of cynicism and greed in their hometown of Springfield.
More importantly, it was the first television cartoon series since The Flintstones
(which previewed a generation earlier) to appeal successfully to an adult audience. It
opened the door for subsequent series such as The Ren and Stimpy Show and
Beavis and Butt-head.
- Cartoons: One Hundred Years of Cinema Animation (Giannalberto Bendazzi)
- Indiana University Press ISBN 0253209374
- September 1996, 514 pages.
- References The Simpsons.
- Woe Is I: The Grammarphobe's Guide to Better English in
Plain English (Patricia T. O'Conner)
- Putnam Publishing Group ISBN 039914196-0
- Hardcover, September 1996, 227 pages, $16.95
- Riverhead Books ISBN 157322625-4
- Paperback, August 1998, 227 pages, $11.00
- In this book on grammar, in the section on pluralizing proper
names, it supplies the following example: "The Ricardos and the
Mertzes had dinner with the Simpsons and the Flanderses at the home
of the Cleavers."
- Entertainment Weekly 1997 Yearbook
(By the editors of Entertainment Weekly)
- Time Life ISBN 1-883013-12-7
- 1997, 160 pages.
- Television review section, including that below, written by
Ken Tucker.
- Page 113 has a near full page scene from
"Treehouse of Horror VII" showing Homer, Dole, Clinton, Kang and Kodos
with the following text; "Unappreciated now because the media
celebrated Bart-mania years ago, The Simpsons continues to be
the most reliable satire on network TV. The season opener, in which
Homer and family left Springfield to work and live in a happy-faced,
fascist corporate community, was such a dead-on critique of the
Disney empire, I swear I could almost hear Rupert Murdoch chuckling."
- Serious Business The Art and Commerce of Animation in
America from Betty Boop to Toy Story (Stefan Kanfer)
- Scribner ISBN 0684800799
- April 1997, 320 pages.
- Includes a profile of our favorite family and a color plate of
Homer Simpson.
Rolling Stone: The Complete Covers, 1967-1997 (Jann S. Wenner)
- Harry N Abrams ISBN 0810937972
- May 1998, 272 pages, $39.95
- Includes, naturally, the Bart Simpson cover that appeared in the
Jun 28, 1990 issue of Rolling Stone..
- This book was reviewed in the
Houston Chronicle on May 24, 1998.
- Note: A new edition of this volume is due out in March 2001.
The 100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time (Alison Gwin (Editor))
- Time Life ISBN 1883013429
- October 1998, 160 pages, $29.95
- Includes our favorite family, of course.
The Milk Mustache Book A Behind-The-Scenes Look at America's
Favorite Advertising Campaign (Jay Schulberg)
- Ballantine Books ISBN: 0-345-42739-7
- October 1998, 153 pages, $18.00
- p82-83 The Bart and Lisa Simpson illustration, as documented
TV Guide, Dec 7 1996 here! and in
People Weekly, Dec 30 1996-Jan 6 1997 here!
"The Simpson shoot did not go so smoothly. Bart and Lisa
were posed to look nice and charming. Bart was on particularly good
behavior, arranged for the shoot with his hair neatly combed and
dressed in his sunday best. But every time we tried to take the
picture, Bart moved. This was the least offensive pose."
Cult TV: The Comedies (Jon E. Lewis and Penny Stempel)
- Pavilion Books ISBN 186205245X (UK)
- October 22 1998, 256 pages
- Bay Books ISBN 0912333650 (North American Edition)
- December 1998, $19.95
- This UK book covers fifty years of TV comedy that includes a
heavy dose of UK shows (naturally) but also includes our favorite
Good Life: An Autobiography of Tony Bennett (Tony Bennett and Will Friedwald)
- Pocket Star ISBN 0671024698
- November 1998, 312 pages
- Tony Bennett discusses his appearance on The SImpsons, the first
animated real-life character on The Simpsons.
Complete Idiot's Guide to Being Psychic
(Lynn Robinson and Lavonne Carlson-Finnerty)
- MacMillan Publishing Company, ISBN 0-02-862904-4
- December 16 1998, 404 pages, $18.95
- In section on Contact: UFOs and Extraterrestrials" we find the
following: "Technically, aliens span the gamut of any being that does
not originate on planet Earth, whether it's helpless as E.T. or as
conniving as the extraterrestrials who abducted the Simpsons on the
cartoon TV show The Simpsons". Kang and Kodos are conniving?
The Best in Television: 50 Years of Emmys
(Morrie Gelman and Gene Accas)
- ISBN 1-57544-042-3
- 1999?, MSRP $35.00
- In a book about the Emmy's our favorite family obviously plays a
leading role!
- p190 "Sept 16, 1990: Fox's new hit, The Simpsons, played a
prominent role in the telecast, with it's animated cartoons
incorporated into the ceremony as presenters. The cartoon won an
Emmy as outstanding animated program during the previous night's
- p193 "Fox Broadcasting's long running series The Simpsons
was created by Matt Groening. Beginning as vigenettes on The
Tracey Ullman Show, this television phenonemon was named Best
Animated Program in 1990, 1991, 1995 & 1998.
- p202 " 'I guess they just didn't like it' - Al Jean, one of the
executive producers of The Simpsons, commenting on Emmy
award judges after the animated series earned nominations only for
music composition and sound mixing, 1993.
Animation 101 (Jeff Pintoff)
- Michael Wiese Productions ISBN 094118868X
- March 1999, 168 pages, $16.95
- This overview of animation includes a section on The Simpsons.
Entertainment Weekly '99 Yearbook (Ken Tucker for Television)
- Time Life ISBN 1883013585
- April 1999, 144 pages, $29.95
- p110-113 has the top Television shows for 1999, by Ken Tucker,
and we find The Simpsons listed as number nine with the
following rave review; "I would contend that after 10 seasons
The Simpsons as a great sociopolitical satire is now
unequaled in television history. Year-end checklist: All time
great Halloween edition,
"Treehouse of Horror IX")
an unexpected increase in the colors we see in Homers' emotional
pallette (he falls in love with a lobster)
"Lisa Gets an A")
and Bart remaining at once crueler that any character in
South Park while continuing to display feelings of guilt and remorse
that distinguish him from his crude descendants plus the episode in
which Homer dreamed of himself as Yogi Bear and Bart as Boo Boo
"When You Dish Upon a Star")
was chokingly hysterical".
Craig Yoe's Wierd but True Toon Factoids (Craig Yoe)
- Gramercy Books ISBN 0-517-20170-4
- May 1999, 128 pages, $5.99
- Cover has a dozen small pictures including Homer with heading
"Homer's Amazing Donut Diet!"
- p23 "...But How Does Marge Feel About Crullers?" "Famed
psychotherapist Dr. Will Miller's analysis of Homer Simpson's
attraction to donuts: 'When Homer says 'mmmm' to a donut, he's really
saying 'mmmm' to sex!'". Hmmm.
- p52 "He Does a Hell of a Job!" "The Simpsons' Matt Groening
pens a weekly strip, Life in Hell, for alternative newspapers.
Groening declares, 'If I can make somebody laugh and really annoy the
hell out of somebody else, I think I've done my job!'"
- p94 Ice-Y Reception" "Yo! Bart Simpson had a smash hit with his
rap song Do The Bartman, but had a major detractor: rapper Vanilla
Ice. Ice coldly remarked, 'Rapping ain't no joke.' Bart replied
that the critique hurt him, but 'Vanilla Ice remains one of my
favorite flavors!'"
- p102 "Initial Success" "Successful creator Matt Groening has
revealed his initials are hidden in the hair and ear of Homer
Encyclopedia of Animated Cartoons (Jeff Lenburg,
Jeff Leaburg and June Foray)
- Checkmark Books ISBN 0816038325 (
softcover ) $24.95
- July 1999 (2nd edition) 512 pages
- Facts on File, Inc. ISBN 0816038317 (
hardcover ) $65.00
- August 1999 (2nd edition) 496 pages
- Has our favorite family as 1/4 of the cover.
- "A good current example of a traditional comic actress finding
a voice-over niche is that of Julie Kavner; who gives a distinctive
raspy voice to Marge in the hit prime-time cartoon, 'The Simpsons'."
- Top 10 of Everything 2000 (Russell Ash)
- Dorling Kindersley Publishing, 288 pages
- September 1999, ISBN 0-7894-4632-4 (paperback) $17.95
- October 1 1999, ISBN 0-7894-4892-0 (hardcover) $27.15
- Econi-Clad Books, 288 pages
- March 2000, ISBN 061322507-4 (hardcover) $27.15
- p186 We see the list of the first ten full-length Simpson episodes.
- Guinness 2000 Book of Records (Guinness Media Inc.)
- Guinness World Records, Ltd. ISBN 1-892051-00-1 (hardcover)
- October 1999, 288 pages
- Our favorite family can be found under two entries:
- p132 "Most Celebrities Featured in an Animated Series: The
Simpsons has featured the voices of 228 celebrities, including
Magic Johnson, Elizabeth Taylor, and Paul and Linda McCartney."
- p133 "Longest-Running Primetime Series: The Simpsons, which has
been a regularly scheduled TV series since January 14, 1990, broadcast
its 225th episode on May 16, 1999. Originally developed as a set of
inserts for The Tracey Ullman Show, Lisa, Homer, Bart, Marge,
and Maggie and their fellow inhabitants of Springfield have made their
creator Matt Groening a multimillionaire." This entry repeated in
another list on p273.
MAD Magazine: MAD About TV (The Usual Gang of Idiots)
- DC Comics ISBN 1563895692 (trade paperback)
- December 1999, 272 pages
- The various Simpsons parodies which have appeared in MAD and
are documented herein in the main section of this document are
reprinted in this television parody compendium.
20th Century Pop Culture - The 90's (Dan Epstein)
- Chelsea House Publishers, ISBN 0791060896 (hardcover)
- November 2000, $17.95
- Under 1990 we have the following; "Fox also scored big with The Simpsons,
the animated brainchild of "Life in Hell" comic artist Matt Groening. Bart Simpson,
the show's troublesome fourth-grader, immediately became an icon for underacheivers
of all ages, leading to a rapid proliferation of T-shirts bearing Bart's mantra
"Don't Have A Cow, Man".
Guinness World Records 2001 (Tim Footman (editor) and Guinness Media (editor)
- Mint Publishers (Guinness Media, Inc.), ISBN 1-892051-01-X (hardcover)
- September 2000, 288 pages, $26.95
- The Simpsons appears again in this hardcover annual subset of the
paperback compendium of world records.
- p94 Longest-Running Primetime Animated Series: The
Simpsons, created by cartoonist Matt Groening (USA), is the longest
running primetime animated TV series, with a total of 242 episodes
shown on the Fox network to March 15, 2000. Originally developed
in 1997 as a set of 30-second inserts for Fox's The Tracey Ullman
Show, The Simpsons has featured the voices of 240
celebrities - a record number for an animated series.
My Life As a Ten Year Old Boy Bart, the Simpsons, and Me (Nancy Cartwright)
- Hyperion Books for Children, hardcover, ISBN 0786866969
- October 2000, 224 pages
- This autobiography of Nancy Cartwright, not yet released as of
this typing, features Nancy Cartwright and Bart Simpson on the cover.
- A lot more to come after we get a copy, but we suggest you get
a copy too!
- Left-Hander's 2001 Desk Calendar (Cary Koegle, with special
contributions by Kim Ostrow)
- Price Stern & Sloan
- Penguin Putnam, Inc.
- August 2000
- On the page for "January 19 Friday" we find the following entry;
"According to an in-depth study by David Hall, each member
of the Simpson family, created by lefty Matt Groening, has been
left-handed in at least one episode." This is taken from
our very own David Hall's web site,
and specifically, "Left/Right Handed Simpsons", located
Guinness World Records 2002 (Guinness Media Inc.)
- Guinness World Records, Ltd. ISBN 1-892051-06-0 (hardcover)
- September 25 2001, 288 pages, $29.95
- Our favorite family is recorded as follows:
- p140 "Longest-Running Primetime Animated Series: The Simpsons [USA],
created by Matt Groening, is the longest running prime-time animated
television show. Up to Mar 4, 2001 263 episodes had been shown on
The Fox network in the USA.
What Was Hot! (Julian Biddle)
- Citadel Press ISBN 0806523115 (paperback)
- November 1, 2001, 256 pages, $12.95
- On p. 208 under "1990 Television" our favorite family is noted as follows:
- The Simpsons were physically cartoons, unlike their human counterparts on so many sitcoms.
But their behavoir was more human than most. Their idiosyncracies stuck a chord. Their brat son Bart was
very much like real young boys, not the kinds usually seen on TV. Dad was Homer and mom was Marge; any
resemblance to Ozzie & Harriet was purely coincidental.
- Then on p. 209 under 1990 Fads and Fashions we find;
- Bart Simpson appeared not only on TV but on lunchboxes, bedsheets, and in the dreams of children across the country.
Jump the Shark (Jon Hein) (Hardcover)
Jump the Shark (Jon Hein) (Softcover TV Edition)
- 2002, $19.95 (hardcover)
- 2002, $10.00 (softcover)
- The ultimate compliment in this volume is assigned to our favorite family;
the book that defines when each show "jumped the shark", i.e., had it's permanent
downturn, proudly notes that The Simpsons is the only show that hasn't.
The entry from the hardcover edition is as follows;
"D'oh!" No comedy, animated or otherwise, has generated as many bellylaughs over the
past decade as this nuclear family.
The Simpsons first appeared as a recurring short that aired during The Tracey
Ullman Show. After about fifty of these vignettes, FOX realized they had a potential hit
on their hands, and wisely gave The Simpsons twenty-two minutes of their own prime time.
Creators Matt Groening, James L. Brooks and Sam Simon have certainly made the most of it.
The Simpson clan consisted of Homer, supermom Marge, fourth-grad underacheiver Bart,
wise-beyond-her-eight-years Lisa, and baby Maggie of the surgically attached pacifier. Dog Santa's
Little Helper and cat Snowball II (Snowball I was unceremoniously run over) round out the immediate
family, but it is the town of Springfield that made The Simpsons so special.
The softcover description ends here; the hardcover continues as follows;
The Simpsons could be found on the couch watching Itchy & Scratchy (not Poochie!), Krusty
the Klown (with Sideshow Bob or Sideshow Mel), or a news report from Kent Brockman. There were
problems at school with Principal Skinner, Milhouse, Nelson, and Ralph Wiggum. Homer drank Duff with
Barney down at Moe's, battled with Flanders and Reverend Lovejoy, or combated town tycoon
Montgomery Burns (and Smithers, of course). It didn't matter... every episode was funny and
contained more pop-culture references then you'll find in this book.
We got worried at the start of the third season when special Guest Star Michael Jackson (credited
as John Jay Smith) cheesily sang Lisa's birthday song. Right around the corner Krusty reunited with
his rabbi father, Barney and Homer battled for snowplow supremacy, and Aerosmith shared the stage
with Moe. The seventh season scared us with a "Who Shot Mr. Burns?" cliffhanger, Special Guest
Stars Paul and Linda McCartney, and the return of Sideshow Bob. Still, The Simpsons perservered.
We finally spotted a fin at the start of the ninth season when Principal Skinner's true identity was
revealed as Armin Tanzarian. The show's focus had completed shifted from Bart to Homer - who was
charmingly dumb to begin with, but now really, really stupid. The frequency of musical episodes
increased and celebrities began to play themselves.
The Simpsons almost jumped the shark during season eleven when Maude Flanders was killed by
tossed T-shirts (intended for Homer) that accidentally send her over the bleechers and down to the
concrete below. The show was losing it's edge as the "Behind The Laughter" spoof seemed contrived.
Sideshow Bob was brought back again, and 'N Sync made an appearance. Still The Simpsons is
bankable for big laughs and having lasted this long without jumping and is by far the best comedy
on television.
Guinness World Records 2003 (Guinness Media Inc.)
- Guinness World Records, Ltd. ISBN 1-892051-17-6 (hardcover)
- September 2002, 288 pages, $27.95 CAN $35.95
- Our favorite family is recorded as follows:
- p184 "Longest-Running Primetime Animated Series: Matt Groening's (USA) The Simpsons,
has had 282 episodes aired on The Fox (USA) network as of March 10, 2002. The Simpsons
originally featured as a 30-second spot on The Tracey Ullman Show in 1987. After 50 cartoons were
made [actually 48], Groening was offerred his own show, first seen as a Xmas special on Dec 17 1989 and
then as a regular series from January 14, 1990. It is the longest running prime-time series still
releasing new episodes, and it holds the record for the most celebrities featured in a cartoon TV series,
with 256 cameos to date,
Uncle John's Ahh-Inspiring Bathroom Reader (Bathroom Readers' Institute)
- Bathroom Readers' Institute, ISBN 1571458735 (paperback)
- October 2002, 522 pages, $16.95
- A collection of interesting information, on page 163 we find;
- Homer vs. Homer, comparing the philosophy of Homer the Greek with Homer the Simpson.
- HG: It is the bold man who every time does his best.
- HS: I don't know, Marge. Trying is the first step toward failure.
- HG: The charity that is a trifle to us can be precious to others.
- HS: You gave both dogs away? You know how I feel about giving!
- HG: The fates have given mankind a patient soul.
- HS: Give me some peace of mind or I'll mop the floor with you! [3F24]
- HG: Nothing in the world is so incontinent as a man's accursed appetite.
- HS: Ahh, beer... I would kill everyone in this room for a drop of sweet beer. [9F14]
- HG: I detest he who hides one thing in his hear and means another.
- HS: But, Marge, it takes two people to lie; one to lie, and one to listen. [8F19]
- HG: The man who acts the least, disrupts the most.
- HS: It is better to watch things than to do them.
- HG: A sympathetic friend can be quite as dear as a brother.
- HS: Television - teacher, mother, secret lover! [2F03]
- HG: A multitude of rules is not a good thing. Let there be one ruler, one king.
- HS: I'd blow smoke in the president's stupid monkey face and all he'd do is grooooove on it! [DABF13]
- HG: Never, never was a wicked man wise.
- HS: I am so smart! S-M-R-T, I mean S-M-A-R-T. [1F02]
- HG: How morals take the gods to task! Yet their afflictions come from us.
- HS: I'm not normally a religious man, but if you're up there, save me, Superman! [5F17]
- TV Guide Calendar of Sitcom Trivia 2004
- (hardcover)
- Barnes & Noble Publishers
- 2003, $12.95, C$19.95, �9.99, ISBN 0-7607-4499-8
- This 2004 Calendar is interspersed with TV Guide covers and quizzes on television shows - including
a page on our favorite family.
The Nuclear Family: Matt Groening's subversive, animated satire about Springfield's first family
became a cult favorite soon after premiering and is one of the longest-running sitcoms in television
history. The first animated series to draw a large adult audience since the Flintstones, it was
as memorable for its unflinching look at American culture as for its many catch phrases (more than one
of which has become a pop-culture expression for the ages). In 2002, The Simpsons was named as
one of the greatest shows of all time by TV Guide.
The Encyclopedia of Animation Techniques
A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Directory of Techniques, with an Inspirational Gallery of Finished Works
(Richard Taylor)
- April 2004, $10.00 (softcover)
- ISBN 0-7858-1805-7
- In the chapter "Drawn Animation Characterization" we fine the following mis-information
about our favorite family;
- The Simpsons are also studio produced (Klasky-Czupo Productions) but with a totally
different philosophy. Based on comic-book characters (!?? - BG) they are designed to have markedly
differnt outlines. Strong stories and dialogue make up for the limited animation. The fact that
they are not lifelike makes them no less sympathetic in action.
The Encyclopedia of Guilty Pleasures 1,001 Things You Hate to Love
- (paperback)
- Quirk Books
- September 2004, $$14.95, ISBN 978-193168654-9, 320p.
- p46 Under Cartoons (Adult Interest) It's okay for adults to watch The Simpsons or an animated Disney release,
but most folks still think cartoons are just for kids.
Guinness World Records 2011 (Guinness Media Inc.)
- Guinness World Records, Ltd. ISBN 1-904994-58-X (hardcover)
- September 2010, 288 pages, $28.95 CAN $34.95
- Our favorite family is recorded as follows:
- p177 "Longest-Running Sitcom" (indexed incorrectly to p. 144)
The Longest Running Sitcom by episode count - on the longest running animation series - is
The Simpsons (Fox, USA), at
452 episodes and counting. It first aired December 17. 1989 and, during its 20th season (2008-09), overtook the
435 episodes of former record holder The Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet (ABC, USA, 1952-66).
Guinness World Records 2012 (Guinness Media Inc.)
- Guinness World Records, Ltd. ISBN 1-904994-67-9 (hardcover)
- September 2011, 288 pages, $28.95 CAN $34.95
- Our favorite family is recorded as follows:
- p221 "Longest-Running Sitcom" (not indexed under Simpsons)
The Longest Running Sitcom (episodes)
The Simpsons
It was announced in November 2010 that The Simpsons had been renewed for a 23rd season, which means that
the series will rack up over 500 episodes. The show has featured the most celebrity guests,
with at least 555 as of season 21.
- p202 Under Comic Con 2010, Futurama
With an average-reviewer score of 80/100, the 6th season of Futurama was the most critically acclaimed
animation on TV. The show's creator - and multiple Guness World record-holder - Matt Groening joined executive producer
David X. Cohen on stage to receive their official citation.
Alas, much is missing, but much is included. Contributions encouraged!
- Svengoolie's 150th Show
- Unknown
- Included voiceovers from The Simpsons (and probably a THOH episode!)
- The Cosby Show
- NBC, Sept. 1990
- After FOX moved The Simpsons to Thursday night to compete
with The Cosby Show we see Rudy Huxtable appear in one
episode wearing a Bart Simpsons mask resulting in Cliff Huxtable
(Bill Cosby) telling her to scram.
- The Emmy's
- Fox, Sep 16 1990
- The Simpsons are presenters at the 1990 Emmy Awards.
- Dr. Demento Radio Show
- Various, Jan 14 1991
- Included the song "The Simpsons are Resistable".
- They are?
- Interview: Actress Sara Gilbert
- n1556 Good Morning America
- ABC, Jun 1 1992
- Sara Gilbert discusses her role on Roseanne and her
voice-over for The Simpsons.
- L.A. Law
- n128 L.A. Lawless
- ABC, Oct 22 1992
- Dan Castellaneta appears as Homer Simpson.
- Fox Relies on 'Simpsons' as Other Shows Flop
- n168 Showbiz Today
- CNN, Nov 10 1992
- Discussing how after other slows flopped this year Fox is relying on
The Simpsons to excel during the sweeps period
- Fatal Instinct (TV Movie)
- In this comedy spoof Directed by Carl Reiner from 1993 we see 'tough
guy' (Max Shady) being released from jail and they pan past his
tattoos - "I know you am, but what am I" - Pee Wee Herman and "Don't
Have A Cow, Man" - Bart Simpson.
- Comedy Central Interview
- Comedy Central, 1993?
- A Yeardley Smith (a.k.a. Lisa Simpson) interview, a transcript
of which can be found on the archive right
- Bart Simpson Will Star in a New Comic Book
- n443 Showbiz Today
- CNN, Dec 8 1993
- Discussing the upcoming Simpson Comic Books, including Itchy and
- Hong fann hui
- 1995 Jackie Chan movie directed by Stanley Tong.
- This movie, also known under it's mandarin name as Gong gan ou in Hong Kong,
and in English as "Red Bronx" (1995) and then released in the United States as
"Rumble in the Bronx" (1996) has a scene where Danny (the child in the
wheelchair) (played by Morgan Lam) is wearing the classic Bart Simpson
"Underacheiver and Proud of It" T-shirt.
- Shearer Provides the Voices for the 'other Simpsons"
- n856 Showbiz Today, CNN, Jul 26 1995
- Interview of Harry Shearer.
- Simpson characters figure heavily into Shearer's work
- n860 Showbiz Today, CNN, Jul 29 1995
- Interview of Harry Shearer. Presumably the same as the one above.
- MTV Music Awards
- MTV, Sep 5, 1997
- Chris Rock interviewing Marilyn Manson asks him if he watches
The Simpsons
- Emmy Awards
- Sep 14 1997
- In a segment on physical comedy they show a single cartoon
clip - that of Sideshow Bob getting hit by a pie
- Behind the Planet of the Apes (narrated by Roddy McDowall)
- AMC, Sep 6 1998
- This one hour documentary on the history of
Planet of the Apes concludes by showing how the series has
become part of American culture. Part of how they demonstrate this
is by showing the Planet of the Apes scene from episode
"A Fish Called Selma" wherein Selma and Troy McClure become
an unlikely couple
- Never Been Kissed
- Released Apr 9 1999
- In this movie the High School orchestra plays The Simpsons Theme.
The movie soundtrack album does NOT include The Simpsons theme.
- Nova: Time Travel
- PBS, Oct 12 1999
- This one hour documentary on Time Travel, which naturally includes
an interview of Stephen Hawking, also includes a clip from a Simpsons
"Treehouse of Horror V" wherein Homer travels through time in the
"Time and Punishment" segment.
- Who Wants to be a Millionaire
- ABC, Nov 25 1999
- The $8,000 question was "What television series started as a series
of shorts in The Tracey Ullman Show. The contestant correctly
answered The Simpsons.
- Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
- ABC, Jan 14 2000
- The $300 question was "What TV show popularized the phrases 'D'oh',
'Aye Caramba.' and 'Eat my shorts'?" (Unfortunately they didn't spell
all those words correctly, but, oh well...) The contestant correctly
answered The Simpsons, noting it was his second favorite show,
"besides this one." Of course he had to say that.
- Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
- ABC, Feb 7 2000
- The "Fastest Finger" question challenged players to name four
animated shows in the order they premiered starting with the earliest.
The correct order was: D) The Simpsons, B) South Park, A) The Critic
and C) South Park.
- Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
- ABC, Feb 24 2000
- A question posted on this show was "Which city is the setting for
The Simpsons?" with the choices being A) Springfield, B) Harper
Valley, C) Sherman Oaks and D) Williamsburg.
- Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
- ABC, Apr 2000
- The "Fastest Finger" question challenged players to name four TV
moms in order of their appearance starting with the earliest.
The correct order was: Edith Bunker, E. Ewing, Claire Huxtable and
our very own Marge Simpson. Later that evening they supplied four
TV pets as choices and one of the choices was Santa's Little Helper.
- Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
- ABC, Aug 10 2000
- The $32,000 question was "Which of these characters from
The Simpsons is not named for a member of Matt Groening's
family? Choices were A) Homer B) Bart C) Maggie and D) Lisa.
We'll assume anyone reading this knows it's B) Bart. The contestant
went to the 50/50 lifeline to determine the answer.
- Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
- ABC, Aug 21 2000
- The "Fastest Finger question asked to put the following TV sons in order,
starting with the earliest. The list, in the correct order, was
A) Opie Taylor, B) John-Boy Walton, C) Theodore Huxtable and D) Bart Simpson.
All the contestants answered it correctly.
- Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
- ABC, Aug 24 2000
- The "Fastest Finger" question challenged players to "Name cartoon
dogs in the order of their appearance, starting with the earliest."
The correct order was: Huckleberry Hound, Astro, Scooby-Doo, and
Santa's Little Helper.
- Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
- ABC, Oct 11 2000
- The "Fastest Finger" question challenged players to " Arrange these
characters' names in alphabetical order, sorted by middle initial."
The correct answers were 1) Alfred E. Neuman, 2) Maunard G. Krebs,
3) Homer J. Simpson and 4) James T. Kirk. Naturally, the question
didn't supply the middle initials.
- Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
- ABC, Nov 15 2000
- The $300 question, on the celebrity version of the show, asked
"What is an employee who always agrees with everything his boss says called?"
with the choices A) Yes-man, B) Fair-weather Friend, C) Whipping Boy and
D) Waylon Smithers. The celebrity contestant, Tyra Banks, correctly answered, "A."
- Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
- ABC, Dec 5 2000
- The $2000 question asked "On the TV show The Simpsons, what musical
instrument does Lisa play?" The contestant had to choose from the following
possibilities: A) Piano, B) Saxophone, C) Trumpet, or D) Clarinet.
The right answer, of course, is "B". Evidently the fellow in the hot seat
wasn't a fan, because he didn't know. Instead, he threw the question to the
audience. "Saxophone" won the audience poll handily, with 88%. Piano pulled 4%,
trumpet 2%, and clarinet 6%. Needless to say, the contestant answered "B," and
advanced to the next question.
- South Park: The Simpsons Already Did It
- Comedy Central, Jun 26, 2002
- In this episode, as described by IMDB, Professor Chaos struggles to find an evil
scheme that hasn't already been done on "The Simpsons."
- King of the Hill
- Fox, Nov 9 2003
- In episode "Reborn to be Wild" we see a Bart Simpson doll in the background
sitting on the top shelf of a bookcase in Bobby's room in several scenes. Specifically,
when Hank grounds him (while Bobby and Peggy are playing a Christian video
game), later when Bobby decides to run off to his radical Christian friends,
and again when Hank goes into Bobby's room looking for him.
- South Park: Cartoon Wars: Part 2
- Comedy Central, Apr 12, 2006
- In this episode, as described by IMDB, Cartman finds an unlikely ally in his quest
to get "Family Guy" off the air: Bart Simpson. He also discovers Fox's surprising
secret about the show's writers.
- Food Network Challenge: The Simpsons Mystery Cakes
- Food Network, Nov 7 2009 (repeated Nov 8)
- Four cake designers are paired with four "Simpsons superfans" including
our own Tommy Hocking. Cake designs had to follow the difficult episode themes of
Last Tapdance in Springfield, Treehouse Of Horror, A Streetcar Named Marge and
Lisa on Ice and include the answer to a Simpsons quiz question supplied for
each design by Yeardley Smith who presented the winner with the gold medal and
$10,000 prize. THe Lisa cake used the invented chalkboard gag
"I will not take the Zamboni for a joy ride".
We could index general Web pages, but that would not only be
self-referential but is better handled elsewhere. Above in the
newspaper/magazine section we do index established online periodicals
that have significant references, such as interviews or articles
specifically about The Simpsons. Here we index other
non-traditional resources. We also don't index the Simpson videos,
albums or other merchandise here either!
- The Simpsons - Theme (Music CD)
- 1993
- Danny Elfman Film & Television Music
- MCA MCAD-10065
- Volume One, track 12
- Original theme music from The Simpsons, from the man who composed
it, says the following on the sleeve; "Too wild and wacky for a
'dark' guy like me to turn down. Once again I relish writing T.V.
themes when they're wild, ridiculous, or just plain fun like the
best of them use to be."
- This is also indexed in
The Simpsons
- Alapalooza, "Weird Al" Yankovic (Music CD)
- 1993
- BMG/Zoo/Volcano/Pavement/CZ
- (Also available on cassette and as a music video)
- Music CD, by "Weird Al" Yankovic on cut 4 -
'Frank's 2000in TV' Al sings "And I'm mighty proud to say now I
can watch The Simpsons from 30 blocks away.."
- Music For Psychological Liberation (Japanese Punk Rock Underground Documentary Video)
- 1994
- Featuring the group Boredoms, with Yamatsuka Eye and Insane! Eye.
- Also includes Nirvana, Free Kitten, Shohen Knife, SuperBall, others, and... Matt Groening.
- Big Ones You Can Look At, Aerosmith (Music Video)
- Nov 1 1994
- Uni/Dgc Records
- Aerosmith DVD verson includes "23. On the Set of the Simpsons."
- bad hair day, "Weird Al" Yankovic (Music CD)
- 1996
- Rock 'n' Roll/Scotti Bros. Records 72392 75500-2
- Music CD, "Weird Al" Yankovic bad hair day, on cut 11 -
'Phony Calls', a parody of 'Waterfalls' by THC, includes the voice of
Nancy Cartwright (as Bart Simpson) and Hank Azaria (as Moe)
doing the Mike Rotch call to Moe's bar from episode
Credits on album as follows; Voice of Bart Simpson: Nancy Cartwright,
Voice of Moe the Bartender: Hank Azaria.. and subsequently Special
Thanks to: ..., Matt Groening, ..."
- Groening (text and video by Daryl Adams) (CD-ROM magazine)
- v2.1 Blender, Jan 1996
- An interview with a promotion for the latest comic
"Bart Simpson's Treehouse of Horror".
(Interview is text; audio track is annoying background music)
Quote: "Groening started off as a straightforward strip cartoonist,
scribbling his way from early eighties obscurity through to notoriety
mid-decade as the guy who created Life in Hell cartoons. Life in
Hell was a textbook example of how obtuse humor can capture the
imagination of the public. Unlike conventional strips, which set up
and explain the peculiar logic of their characters and actions,
Groening's collection of miserable bunnies and ambiguously homosexual
fez wearing midgets came completely from left field, offered no
explanation whatsoever - and worked."
- You Don't Know Jack - TV (Macintosh/Windows computer game)
- 1997
- Sierra
- Naturally this edition includes lot's of questions about our favorite show!
- This is Springfield, Not Shelbyville (CD-ROM), 1998
- Freelance punk/hard core Music CD distributed with a 1998 issue
of the zine "Don't Change". Amazing stuff when you consider the amount
of work that goes into putting something like this together. The CD
consists of punk rock versions of various Simpson songs interspersed with
sound clips from the show. There's so much Simpsons content to reference
here we'll slowly add to this entry as we have time.
Let's start with a track list;
- 1. I Endorse This Product
- 2. Interview I'm Freaking Out
- 3. Hallraker "M.V.H."
- 4. Now I'm a Big Fat Dynamo
- 5. Smitherslope "The Story of D'oh!"
- What The Hell, You Little Freak
- 6. Hooray for Everything "Flaming Moe's"
- 7. Milhouse "Simpsons Firestorm"
- I Start Fires
- 8. Stormshadow Party For Self Defense
- "The Union Song / Nelson's Song to Lisa"
- 9. The Brickbats
- "Zombie Flanders"
- 10. The Goggles Do Nothing
- 11. Life's Halt "Springfield!"
- 12. It's a Duff World After All
- 13. Arson Family "Six Pack of Duffs"
- 14. Black Army Jacket "Totally Extreme"
- 15. I Think He's Talking To You
- 16. Crazy Jim Budulah & The Sweaty Midgets
- "Stonecutters Song"
- What the Hell Was That?
- 17. Dulac Swade "Bus Burn"
- 18. There's Too Many Fat Children
- 19. Gun It "Burns and Braces"
- 20. You're Our of Order
- 21. Treehouse of Hardcore
- "Written Word (To Matt Groening)"
- 22. Susie Derkins "Baby on Board"
- 23. Something Gay No Doubt
- 24. New Jersey Fairplan "The Basic Radar Gun"
- 25. They Live "The Leftorium"
- 26. Assspatula "See My Vest"
- 27. As$troland "I Can't Believe It's a Song"
- 28. Disco Stu Likes Disco Music
- 29. Crew Cut "Disco Stu"
- 30. I Can Sing!
- 31. Last in Line "Stop the Planet O' The Apes..."
- 32. Slappy "Murder at The Simpson House"
- The Best Bands Are Affiliated With Satan
- 33. Tied Down "Springfield"
- 34. The Buddy Revells "Cartoon Hindu"
- 35. Coincide "Mr. Plow"
- 36. In Crowd "Kwik-E-Mart"
- 37. Standing 8 "Up Your Kilt"
- 38. Seems Pretty Gay to Me
- 39. The Adhesives "Otto"
- 40. Quadrliacha "Tastes Like Burning"
- 41. Sex Circus Star "SNPP Meltdown"
- 42. Rusty Nails "Willie the Janitor"
- 43. I Hate Everything But Matlock
- 44. Seymour "F**k Ben Matlock..."
- 45. Matlock TV Show Theme
- 46. E-Boogie "Ding, Dong, Crap"
- 47. Dashboard Derby "Golden Boy"
- Moby Re-Play Tribe Vol. 21 (Promotional CD-ROM)
- 1999
- Promotional CD-ROM for Moby includes a video interview of Moby
wherein he discusses The Simpsons
- Raising Beaver Cleaver Kids in a Bart Simpson World
(Dr. Dan Burrell)
- Educational audio tape from a Baptist pastor.
- Family Lecture tape for "...rearing your children with value and
character". Uh-huh.
- San Diego Comic Con International 2000
- 2000
- Can't imagine where else we could record this but here. For the
San Diego Comic Con International 2000 fair the street poles of San Diego
were bedecked with banners featuring Bart Simpson.
- U2 Post-Pop (Music CD)
- 2000
- Music CD containing U2's cuts from episode
"Trash of the Titans" with the following tracks;
- 5. Homer Rocks the Vote
- 6. The Garbage Man Can
- 7. Adams Spoon Collection
- Daniel Johnston and the Hyperjinx Tricycle (Music CD)
- 2000
- Daniel Johnston and the Hyperjinx Tricycle
- Important Records
- Track 8 is titled "Happy Springfield" and was "for Matt Groening".
- Reminiscing (Trivia Game)
- 2003
- Trivia game that asks questions concerning various decades includes the
following question about the 1990's;
- Back in 1990, it seemed like every young boy's T-shirt bore the likeness of ?
- The obvious answer: Bart Simpson
Just a sampling, unfortunately.
- The Family Circus (Bil Keane)
- July 16 1990
- Running off, no doubt being sent to his room, crying, boy says
"Why CAN'T I talk like that? Bart Simpson does!"
- Oct 9 1990
- Holding The Simpsons Coloring Book in hand, boy says
"I wore out my yellow crayon"
- Blondie (Dean Young and Denis Lebrun)
- Hallowe'en cartoon has one kid dressed as Bart Simpson
- Dilbert (Scott Adams)
- Three Panels, as follows;
- Dilbert, sitting at desk drawing:
- People don't realize how easy it is to draw "The Simpsons."
- Dilbert, talking to Dogbert, shows him picture of Bart on a bicycle:
- See. He's riding a bicycle.
- Dog, critiquing the drawing:
- Your Bart is worse than your bike.
- Dunagin's People (Ralph Dunagin)
- One cow saying to another cow,
- "Hey, Don't Have a Bart Simpson, Okay?"
- Sally Forth (Greg Howard)
- Jan 09 2000
- Sally and her husband exchange the following dialogue:
- Sally: What are you watching?
- Husband: "The Simpsons." It just started.
- S: Y'Know, Hilary's watching the same thing in the living room.
- H: Can't say I blame her. It's a great show.
- S: Yes, but you both seem to be enjoying it.
- H: Uh, are you suggesting this is a good chance to bond with my
daughter or free up a TV for you?
- S: Either way it's win-win.
- Dilbert (Scott Adams)
- Dec 17 2010
- Dilbert: Hi, my name is...
- Amber: Don't bother.
- Amber: My app does facial recognition and searches all social media to give
me your full biography.
- Dilbert: How's that working out?
- Amber: You're either Bart Simpson or a huge dry-erase marker.
Various comics and cartoon strips have been reprinted in
Simpsons Illustrated.
Oct 14, 1990, Daily News
Mayor Dinkens responding "Don't Have a Cow Man" to his
critics complaining about crime, taxes, layoffs, etc.,
with Bart Simpson in last panel saying "Not Bad..Now Let's
work on that hair!"
Dec 12 1990, Daily News by Bruce Beattie
Detroit Beach Sunday News Journal via Copley News Service
Santa reading Christmas list from Saddam Hussein includes
Bart Simpson T-Shirt (after several similar toy items it
then requests plutonium)
Feb 14 1991, New York Newsday, Doug Marlette
Bush wearing an 'Alan Simpson' T-Shirt with a Bart-like
Alan Simpson character saying "The Media's Unpatriotic, Man!"
May 1 1996, Times-Picayune, Walt Handelsman
Cartoon shows The Simpsons family visibly upset over seeing Bob Dole
chosen as the GOP presidential candidate.
May 2 1999, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Rob Rogers
A man is running out of the Los Alamos gates carrying a giant ICBM
with the words "U.S. NUCLEAR SECRETS" written on it. Back in the
Los Alamos Security booth, Homer Simpson looks up from a half-eaten
doughnut and yells "D'oh!"
October 1999, Springfield News-Sun Copley News Service, unknown artist
(appeared in and noted from the Philadelphia Inquirer)
Homer appears as a possible presidential candidate, as a man looking at
an extra-portly Homer comments "He's got name recognition, he's from
outside the Beltway and I hear he's coming over to the Reform Party!"
Simpson F B I
Jul 25, 2001,, by Daryl Cagle
Top of cartoon shows four FBI agents represented by Homer Simpson doing idiotic things, bottom of
panel has someone watching them on television saying "You know, this show was interesting at first, but now its tiresome."
Economic Recovery
Nov 26, 2003,, by Sandy Huffaker
Parade of republicans represented by elephants, holding parade baloons of
Bart Simpsons, Eric Cartman, and a huge Garfield labelled "DEBT" with Bush on top
holding the banner "Economic Recovery"
Family Newspaper
April 14, 2006,, by Sandy Huffaker
A man on a sinking ship representing A Family Newspaper says it will never accept "Biting, smart satire"
yelling to Jonh Stewart, Chappelle, Imus, Bart Simpson and Eric Cartman
Murdoch and OJ
November 23, 2006, The Scranton Times-Tribune, by John Cole
A shocked Homer Simpson staring at a Newspaper headline saying "Murdoch Cancels Simpsons Deal"
"Beneath Even Our Stndards" with Bart next to him saying "O.J., Homer.. Not us. We still make money."
Do your friends make you fat
July 27, 2007, The Montreal Gazette, by Aislin (Terry Mosher)
Controversy of trans-fats in foods no doubt inspired this cartoon showing Homer with his arm around
someone holding a chocolate frosted donut with sprinkles and heading "Do Your Friends Make You Fat?".
Tim Horton's, anyone?
The idea behind this section is to show not only references to
The Simpsons in the Life in Hell comic strip, but to show
how similar ideas and themes have been carried forward to
The Simpsons because the original source of both is the same
creative genius, Matt Groening. After The Simpsons were created
and began appearing on The Tracey Ullman Show we begin to see
direct references to The Simpsons back into the
Life in Hell comic strip. This strip began in 1980 in the Reader
in Los Angeles, a free weekly newspaper, and was subsequently collected
and published in the series of books below beginning in 1984. (with new
books being issued periodically). Note however than a definitive
reprinting of all the strips has NOT been done; we believe there are
many strips that have never been republished.
A newsletter was also published, "Life in Hell Times", which was sent to fans
on their mailing list. It included many Simpson references which we'll add
at some point in the future! We have the following issues; (were there more?)
- Life in Hell Times, Vol. 1, No. 1
- 1990
- This issue was actually labelled "NO. 1, 1990 ISSUE I"
- Life in Hell Times, Vol. 1, No. 2
- Spring 1990
The following books have the references listed below. The publisher
listed after the title of the book is the original publisher. All books
were subsequently republished by each new publisher. The first two
books were originally "self-published".
Note: Simpsons' books are documented elsewhere on the archive, right
Life is Hell Series of Books:
Love is Hell, Deborah Kaplan & Associates 1984
Work is Hell, Deborah Kaplan & Associates 1985
School is Hell, Pantheon Books 1987
Childhood is Hell, Pantheon Books 1988
Akbar & Jeff's Guide to Life, Pantheon Books 1989
The Big Book of Hell, Pantheon Books 1990
How to Go To Hell, HarperPerennial Books 1991
The Road to Hell, HarperPerennial Books 1992
Binky's Guide to Love, HarperPerennial Books 1994
The Huge Book of Hell, Penguin Books 1997
'Love is Hell' book says "Will your arm get ripped off if you
stick it out the school bus window?" echoing what
happened to Herman
(Children's Science Experiments) 1984
'Love is Hell' book asks "If your leg gets amputated during your
life, is it waiting for you in heaven?" echoing what Bart asked
(Kids' Questions About Death) 1985
'Work is Hell' book refers to "doin' the Mambo" as echoed by
Homer Simpson in
(What Will You Say on Your Deathbed?) 1985
'School is Hell' book refers to his sister as Lisa
(5th Grade Diary, Part 5)
(of course that's also Matt Groening sister's name) 1985
'Childhood is Hell' has drawing of Bart Simpson
(Chapter 5, Your Pal the TV Set) 1988
'Childhood is Hell' has twelve stages of divorce, as
echoed by Lisa during the Marge's Bowling episode
(Chapter 17, D-I-V-O-R-S-E) 1988
'Childhood is Hell' has name Bart
(Chapter 18, How to be a Naughty 9-Year-Old) 1988
'Childhood is Hell' has drawing of Bart Simpson on T-Shirt
(Chapter 22, How to be an Evil 11-Year-Old) 1988
'Childhood is Hell' has Bart Simpson on TV
(Last page of book) 1988
'Akbar and Jeff's Guide to Life' refers to I. P. Freely (episode
'The Big Book of Hell' has a Bart Simpson on TV
(Chapter 5 Your Pal the TV Set) p137 1988
'The Big Book of Hell' has a Bart Simpson on TV
p149 1988
'How to Go to Hell' has a Bart Simpson doll under a Christmas Tree
Life In Hell #500 1989
'How to Go to Hell' has Bart Simpson hidden amongst hundreds of
bunnies in a 'Happy New Year 1990' comic 1989
'How to Go to Hell' has huge shadow of Bart Simpson towering over a
frightened Bongo saying "I swear to God I haven't been wearing
any bootleg Simpsons T-Shirts" 1990
'The Road to Hell' has Marge Simpson under
Akbar & Jeff's Hairdos Around the World 1991
'The Road to Hell' has Bart Simpson on shirt of baby Binky.
Daddy Binky is Matt Groening 1991
'The Road to Hell' has Bart Simpson hidden amongst hundreds of
bunnies 1991
'The Road to Hell' has Bart Simpson saying "Don't Have a Cow, Man"
in "Forbidden Words of 1992" 1991
'Binky's Guide to Love' has Bart Simpson hidden in background
in "Chapter I: What's Your Problem?" p7 1992
'Binky's Guide to Love' lists various items to "explain family
values" including "The Waltons vs. The Simpsons" p41 1992
'Binky's Guide to Love' has Jeff saying "Hipper than bootleg
Bart Simpson shirts" in "Akbar & Jeff's Official L.A. Riots
Souvenir T-Shirts" p68 1992
'Binky's Guide to Love' shows Bart Simpson "Born to Make Minimum
Wage" Tattoo in "Akbar & Jeff's Tattoo Hut" p71 1992
'Binky's Guide to Love' shows Matt Groening rabbit talking to his
son saying "D'ohh" with the caption "In the Manner of Homer
Simpson" in "The Return of the Dinosaur Pop-Up Book" p54 1993
'Binky's Guide to Love' shows Matt Groening in "The Joy of Cartoon
Fame" featuring annoying fans asking about The Simpsons.
p62 1994
'Binky's Guide to Love' shows Bongo standing surrounded by the
detritus of a Christmas morning; the angel on top of the
Christmas tree is Maggie Simpson, replete with pacifier
p119 1993
'The Huge Book of Hell' in "Akbar & Jeff's Hairdos Around the World"
shows "The Marge Simpson"
p11 1991
'The Huge Book of Hell' in "Fans Want to Know" have fifteen panels of
people asking Matt Groening the following Simpson questions: p24 1994
(Sounds like Stan Mack real life funnies here)
- Is Smithers gay?
- Do you get a lifetime supply of Butterfingers?
- You should have O.J. Simpson on the show, cuz he's a Simpson, get it?
- I wrote you three times but you never sent me a drawing of Marge Simpson naked.
- No one's going to believe I'm talking to the guy who created The Simpsons. My whole family hates your show!
- Man, from reading your cartoons I thought you'd look even nerdier.
- They say on the internet that you and Lynda Barry lived in a teepee during college, is that true?? (Reply: It was more of a yurt, man.)
- Is Grandpa gay??
- Do you get any royalties from those bootleg Bart Sanchez figurines from Tijuana?
- From all the hoopla you'd think it was Homer Simpson who murdered somebody!
- Do you still draw every frame of The Simpsons yourself?
- Is Bart gay?
- If you ever need a new voice for Homer, I'm your man! I love donuts! Yes, Mr Burns! Don't have a cow! I love hot dogs! D'ohh!!
- Remember about five years ago when I gave you the idea for The Simpsons in a bar?
- I'm your biggest fan. I've got everything you've ever done. What's that there? (Matt: A Life in Hell Book. Fan: Never heard of it.)
'The Huge Book of Hell' in "Life With The Flu" includes Bart Simpson
in the crowd (upper right)
p44 1993
'The Huge Book of Hell' in "New York Cab Ride A True Story" has
Bart Simpson drawn on the first panel and shows someone handing
Matt Groening a Bart Simpson doll saying "Coodju sign my Bart
Simpson doll, Mr. Groany? I bin waitin' outside yer hotel fer
p47 1996
'The Huge Book of Hell' in Chapter header "Family Life" pictures a
kid with a Bart Simpsons T-Shirt (from comic below)
'The Huge Book of Hell' pictures a kid with a Bart Simpsons T-Shirt
p49 1991
'The Huge Book of Hell' includes Bart Simpson in the crowd (just left of center)
p88 1990
'The Huge Book of Hell' includes Bart Simpson in the crowd (upper right)
p130 1990
'The Huge Book of Hell' includes Bart Simpson in the crowd (left of center)
p134 1990
Another word of explanation here. The Complete Simpsons Bibliography
attempts to contain everything that has been written about
The Simpsons and Matt Groening. This section, a Matt Groening
Bibliography, is a list of everything by Matt Groening.
Everyone knows The Simpsons, most people know Futurama
and many people know of his earlier and ongoing Life in Hell
comics. This section documents everything else!
Note: Interviews of Matt Groening don't count here. They're
listed in the Complete Simpsons Bibliography above. What follows is
written by Matt Groening.
- Ocurence at Oki Dog (Matt Groening and Gary Panter)
- Hoo-Be-Bo #1, 1983, p52-53
- Dated Apr 18 1982, a crudely drawn and written story, typical for an
underground "Adults Ownly!!" comic.
- Rap Music (Matt Groening)
- OP: Independent Music, The "R" Issue, Jul/Aug 1983, p52-53
- Matt Groening's review and introduction to Rap Music, including
recommendations for five mail-order music stores, all of which are
in New York!
- Various articles (Matt Groening)
- L.A. Reader
- Many moons ago Matt wrote articles for the L.A. Reader, which
we would love to get a hold of. When we do, we'll index them and
place samples here. One was reprinted in Chemical Imbalance magazine.
See entry below!
- 9 Time Bombs of Love (Lynda Barry with Matt Groening)
- v103n4 Esquire, April 1985, p134
- A cartoon panel which appears to be drawn and written in
Lynda Barry style, but perhaps Matt had a hand supplying material.
Nine panels, here's a sample;
- Sneaky: "My wife doesn't understand me"; "If it weren't for the kids...";
"The moon is made of green cheese". Guy pictured saying "O.K. - so I'm married."
- Drifty "That was wonderful"; "I believe in being very honest."; "I'll
call you". Guy pictured saying "I want a relationship with someone who, like,
isn't into relationships."
- How I Spent My Summer Vacation (Matt Groening)
- Chemical Imbalance #8, about 1988, p58-59
- A now classic out of print publication led by Mike McGonigal that
followed the independent band scene. Lot's of fun getting dates for
this publication, since it was not dated and they had an interesting
publishing philosophy: "Chemical Imbalance is published whenever we
damn fu*king bloody well feel like it."
- Article illustrated by Gary Panter, drawing dated Sep 23 1985.
- How I Spent My Summer Vacation I fled to Los Angeles for
friendlier climes. Couldn't take Hollywood anymore, at least for a
couple weeks. Had to rethink things, my life, this column. Police
helicopter circled my neighborhood from 1:00 to 3:00 a.m. the morning
I left. I had to split. I had to get my head straight. I was
starting to think like a Californian.
- Welcome to Portland My hometown. Little village up north
near Canada, full of mountains, rivers, slow drivers. Many fish,
birds, skeeters. Mostly white folks, pale ones. Sort of like Norway,
only with a sense of humor. Possums run across the road, see your car
coming, play dead. The joke is on them, and your tires.
- Family Reunion At the Mulnomah Athletic Club, in the Antler
Room, in honor of sister Maggie, who just married brother-in-law
Potter. Everyone is there, except cousin John, who's busy. No longer
works at Denny's. Now he's a cook at the state reformatory. And
there's cousin Randy, who's a dentist in Boring, Oregon. Don't forget
that comma. They want to know what L.A. is like, so I do my usual
smog/crime/corruption routine, confirming everyone's prejudices. A
splendid time is had by all.
- TV Fun Sister Lisa is associate producer of this local
afternoon talk show, called 2 at 4 or 4 at 2 or 2 by
4 or something, and some guests can't make it, so I am called in
as a last-minute replacement. You know, famous obscure L.A. cartoon
guy whose stuff none of you have noticed in its miniature format in
Williamette Week, the Portland paper. I'm on last, following a
woman who shows how to make toys out of old socks, a grocer chatting
about taters, a parade of schoolkids modelling the latest
back-to-school haircuts, and a segment called "Brush with Greatness,"
during which audience members tell of celebrity encounters ("I ate
lunch in the booth next to Nipsy Russell once"). I sit on a stool in
front of an easel with a giant squeaky felt-tip pen and draw Binky and
babble about myself - a sort of a TV version of my job at the
Reader. Afterwards, girlfriend Deborah and I flee in shame.
- There's more, but I'll get to it another time...
- Matt Groening The Simpsons Creator: "Frank is My Elvis"
(Matt Groening)
- Guitar Player Presents, 1992, p25-27
- Postscript: Frank Zappa (Matt Groening)
- v69n43 New Yorker Dec 20 1993, Cover and p114-117
- Cover (cover flap over cover) says "Zappa: Appreciations by
V�clav Havel and Matt Groening".
- A tribute to the late Frank Zappa by Matt Groening, which follows
below. Longer than I realized when I began typing it out. Oh well.
- Frank Zappa, who died last week, at the age of fifty-two, became
my hero in 1966, when I was twelve: I plucked his first LP, the
Mothers of Invention's "Freak out" from a variety-store bin in my home
town, Portland, Oregon. The album was snotty and disturbing, and its
gleefully mocking rock and roll warmed my warped preteen heart. Zappa
himself oozed with sarcasm, with that droopy mustache and wedgy little
goatee, and the liner notes to "Freak Out!" began, "I was born in
Baltimore, Maryland, December 21, 1940, amd grew up in California. I
am a self-taught musician, composer, blah, blah, blah." I was hooked.
- Zappa provided the soundtrack to the anitwar-demonstrating and
cruising-for-burgers teenagehood of me and all my friends. Each new
record - from "Asbolutely Free" (with its thrilling lyric "She's only
thirteen and she knows how tp nasty") to "The Yellow Shark" - has been
an event, to be savored on headphones over hundreds of listenings for
inside jokes and secret messages. I'll never forget lying in the
basement at 2 A.M., directly beneath Homer and Marge's bedroom,
listening to "Sleeping in a Jar": "It's the middle of the night, and
your mommy and daddy are sleeping...sleeping... sleeping in a
jar...(The jar is under the bed)." It was quite spooky.
- Two years ago, I met the whole Zappa clan: Zappa and his wife,
Gail; their kids, Moon Unit, Dweezil, Ahmet, and Diva; their pets,
Doggus and a spiderlike Siamese cat called the Gweech. They are an
affectionate and relaxed family, and all share the bemused, uncensored
wit that was central to Frank's personality. By then, the sad news
that he had prostrate cancer was quietly rumoured. Zappa could be
forthright about his health when he wanted to be, but mostly he seemed
to dwell on the things that truly absorbed him: his work and his
family. A typical visit with Zappa might start with an extended
listening session to assorted works in progress, followed by a look at
a Dweezil-and-Ahmet rock video; it usually ended up with a pizza
chowdown in the kitchen. Musicians dropped by to have their
instruments sampled for Zappa's vast Synclavier sound library;
neighbors popped in for Margaritas and conversation; and a steady
stream of journalists pointed microphones at Frank and asked pesky
questions. Zappa had none of the eager-to-please staginess of many
celebrities, nor did he carry himself with the delusional arrogance of
the rock-and-roll guitar hero. Recently, his remarks were
characterized by a seriousness unusual even by his own cerebral
standards. I'll always miss his challenging presence.
- Few moments in my life have been as electrifying as an evening
last spring when I sat in Zappa's dimly let basement in Laurel Canyon
listening for the first time to "N-Light," a twenty-three-minute
Synclavier masterpiece that he had been working on for something like
five or ten years. (He couldn't remember when he'd begun it.)
"N-Light" is a powerhouse of Zappaesque musical ideas, thrown off one
after the other in a relentless, complex rush, which sounds at time
like several robot orchestras gone beserk, yet always conveys a sense
of over-all compositional control. On another night, in Zappa's
studio, I watched him conduct the Ensemble Moderne, a
contemporary-music group from Frankfurt, in an extended orchestral
improvisation that featured the recitation of a letter to the editor
of PFIQ, a fetishistic body-piercing magazine. All this went on while
a didgeridoo - a long, tubelike instrument of the Aborigines - was
blown into a coffepot full of water, yielding insane blorpy sounds
that caused Frank to clap his hand over his mouth in order to keep
from cracking up. I asked him afterward about the watery didgeridoo.
He said, "It's one of my better ideas."
- There has probably been more nonsense - both gushy and whiny -
written about Zappa than about any other popular contemporary
composer. This must be because the scope of Zappa's music is beyond
most of his admirer's - and because his ungroovy impertinence always
confirmed the worst suspicians of his dismissive critics. (He once
said, "Rock journalism is people who can't write interviewing people
who can't talk for people who can't read.") But Zappa's personality
was only one aspect of his prodigious output. At the same time of his
death, he had a number of albums in the can, including "Civilization:
Phase III," which features "N-Light."
- What kept me and so many oyther people percolating to Zappa's
music for the past twenty-seven years was the thrill of hitching a
ride with a critical mind that was always pushing into uncharted
territories. Zappa's work was jammed with inspirations and insults;
he subverted mood after mood with nimble editing, sudden halts,
unexpected temp changes, and comic snorks. Often, when faced with a
dilemna in my own work, I ask myself, What would Zappa do? It took
zappa to think up - and execute - a fusion of deeply felt R.& B. with
the rythmic and harmonic rigors of Igor Stravinsky and Edgard Var�se.
Who but Zappa could dig both Muddy Waters and Anton Webern, both
Howlin' Wolf and Conlon Nancarrow? His records and movies chart the
progress of a funny and disgruntled composer tackling one musical
problem after another - the ongoing education of a genious workaholic.
Cover Art
- The Rocket
- Number 71
- August 1985
- Cover of this free alternative newspaper is entirely drawn
by Matt Groening in "Life in Hell" style. Inside it says "Please note
that this month's cover is the product of hard-working Matt Groening,
the mastermind behind the Life in Hell comic strip. Thanks, dude."
- Country Music in the World of Islam Volume XV
- By Eugene Chadbourne
- with The Sun City Girls, Elliott Sharp, Ben Face and Yamo Kneeme
- UPESTCO productions
- 1990, LC7800, Fundamental Recordings, Brussels, Belgium
- NR 760, SAVE 80 CD (CD)
- UPC 016266 308021
- Made in Austria
- NR 370, SAVE 80 MC (Cassette)
- UPC 016266 308045
- Made in Holland
- Cover art by Matt Groening.
- Includes images of Akbar & Jeff.
- Album and tracklist lettering in Life in Hell fonts
- If You Want Free Speech Go To Russia
- By Harry Shearer
- 1990, Virgin Records 96438 (vinyl)
- 1990, Virgin Records (CD)
- 1990, Virgin Records PRCD Freedom (Promotional CD)
- Cover art by Matt Groening.
- Crazy Backwards Alphabet
- By Crazy Backwards Alphabet, i.e., John French, Henry Kaiser,
Michael Maksymenko and Andy West.
- 1992, SST Records, (vinyl)
- 1992, SST Records, SST CD 110 (CD) UPC 18861-0110-2
- Cover and album label art by Matt Groening.
- Includes pictures of Bongo-like rabbits. Artwork also appears
on album label itself.
Bizarro Comics
- By Chris Duff, Stephen DeStefano.
- May 2001, DC Comics
- Hardcover, ISBN 1563897792, $24.95
- Cover art by Matt Groening.
Books and Other Publications
- Wierd Ambience
- By John Pound, Rogerio, Crabman, Ken Hooper, Pete Von Sholly,
Brad Foster, Lynn WMS, Jim Thompson, Edmund A. Luena, Bob Lewis,
Steven Martin, Matt Groening, Doug O'Neill, Carol Lay, the PIZZ,
Peter Bagge and Dave Bryant, Byron Werner, Phil Yeh, Scott Shaw,
Dennis Kitchen, Rick Geary, Richard Williams, Brad Constantine,
Michael T. Gilbert, Stengl, Dooley, Michelle, Roger May (Editor),
Valentino, Ken Steacy and George Parsons.
- Pamphlet, 1985, 32 pages.
- Given the number of authors one might assume this is a more
substantial document, but it's a 4 1/4" by 3 1/2" pamphlet,
one drawing per author per page, apparently produced and compiled
at or for the San Diego 1985 Comic Con.
- Matt Groening's contribution shows Binky sitting in a room
alone with a lighted candle telling Bongo, who's peering in;
"Shut up. I'm meditating"
- The Postcards That Ate My Brain
- A Collection of Ready-To-Mail Madness
- By Matt Groening and Steve Vance
- Softcover, 1990, 24 postcards
- Pantheon Books ISBN 0-679-72868-6
- 4.75" by 7.31"
- MSRP $8.95
- The Year That Ate My Brain
- 1990 Calendar
- By Matt Groening and Steve Vance
- Softcover, 1990, 12 months
- Landmark Calendars ISBN 1-55907-234-2
- 12" by 12"
- MSRP $9.95
- Pogo's Golden Anniversary Exhibition
- This is a Museum Show catalog from 1993 of Walt Kelly artwork
which includes a forward by Matt Groening.
- Mid-Life Confidential: The Rock Bottom Remainders Tour
America With Three Chords and an Attitude
- Dave Marsh (Editor) Tabitha King (Photographer)
- August 1994, Viking Press, Hardcover ISBN 0670852341
- 1994, Viking Press, Paperback ISBN 0452274591
- Penguin-HighBridge Audio HBP 31229, 3 hours (read by authors)
- "They weren't your average band. They were the Rock Bottom
Remainders, more than a dozen author of America's favorite authors."
Dave Barry, Tad Bartimus, Roy Blount, Jr., Michael Dorris, Robert
Fulghum, Kathi Goldmark, Matt Groening, Stephen King, Barbara
Kingsolver, Al Kooper, Greil Marcus, Dave Marsh, Ridley Pearson,
Joel Selvin and Amy Tan.
- Story of the Rock Bottom Remainders.
- The Narrative Corpse A Chain-Story By 69 Artists
- Edited by Art Spiegelman and R. Sikoryak
- 1995, Raw Books, ISBN 0-9638129-4-7
- As indicated in the title, this oversized softcover booklet is a 20
page sequence of 12 panels with each artist drawing three panels to
make-up the entire story sequence. Matt Groening contributes three
panels at the end of page 15 wherein Akbar and Jeff appear as part of
the storyline.
Da Capo Best Music Writing 2003 The Year's Finest Writing on Rock, Pop, Jazz, Country, & More
- Edited by Matt Groening and Paul Bresnick
- Oct 7 2003, Da Capo Press, ISBN 0306812363
- Fourth volume of 21 critiques on music edited by Matt Groening and Paul Bresnick.
- Stranger Than Fiction
- 1998, 2 CD's
- Don't Quit Your Day Job Records DQYDJ-0009
- Three dozen " and women of American letters..." sing and
perform on this album for the benefit of poor authors everywhere.
- Matt Groening performs on Chapter 2 (CD #2) Track 11, "Wild Thing".
- The Rock Bottom Remainders
- VHS Videocassette of their May 25 1992 live charity performance at
the Cowboy Boogie in Anaheim, California.
- 1992, BMG Video, 45 minutes
- DAVE BARRY: Guitar & Vocals, TAD BARTIMUS: Remainderette Vocals, ROY
BLOUNT, JR.: Master of Ceremonies & Critics Chorus, MICHAEL DORRIS:
Percussion, ROBERT FULGHUM: Mandocello, Guitar & Vocals, MATT
GROENING: Critics Chorus, STEPHEN KING: Guitar & Vocals, BARBARA
KINGSOLVER: Keyboard & Vocals, GREIL MARCUS: Critics Chorus, Dave
marsh: Critics Chorus, RIDLEY PEARSON: Bass & Vocals, JOEL SELVIN:
Critics Chorus, AMY TAN: Remainderette Vocals, KATHI KAMEN GOLDMARK:
Remainderette Vocals, AL KOOPER: Keyboard & Guitar, JOSH KELLY:
Ringer, JERRY PETERSON: Ringer
- Olive, the Other Reindeer
- Broadcast Dec 25 1999 (Christmas).
- Matt Groening was first Executive Producer of this animated
Christmas special. Others involved were; Executive Producers:
Drew Barrymore, Nancy Jouvonen; Also Starring: Dan Castellaneta,
Joe Pantoliano; Special Appearances by Edward Asner, Peter Macnicol,
Tim Meadows, Jay Mohr as Tim and Michael Stipe as Schnitzel;
Guest Stars Diedrich Bader, David Herman and Tress MacNeille.
In July 2000 Matt Groening was nominated for an Emmy in the
"Animated Special - Longer than one hour" category.
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