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Lenny HallFanscriptBy Fernie Martinez
ACT ONE: INT. MAYOR QUIMBY'S OFFICE - DAY MAYOR QUIMBY and several SUITED MEN sit around a large table. They have folders in front of them filled with facts and figures. Two MEN wearing ear pieces stand on-guard on either side of the mayor. SUITED MAN According to my figures, sir, we have not fully exhausted our annual funds. If we do not spend these remaining fourteen million by the end of the month, we will receive less money next year from the state. MAYOR QUIMBY Can't you just write me a check? The men around the table CHUCKLE. Quimby's face remains serious. One of ear-pieced men WHISPERS something into Quimby's ear. MAYOR QUIMBY It has been brought to my attention that your laughter was a way of ridiculing my suggestion. If that is the case, I propose we let the townspeople decide. INT. TOWN HALL - EVENING Mayor Quimby stands behind the podium. The TOWNSPEOPLE sit attentively. MAYOR QUIMBY Does anybody have any suggestions? The suggestions are INTERCUT with the images they pertain to: DR. HIBBERT rises from his chair and offers a suggestion. DR. HIBBERT Why don't we use the money to restore the statue of Jebadiah Springfield... EXT. JEBADIAH'S STATUE'S SIGHT - DAY The statue is covered in rust, lime deposit, and white spots. DR. HIBBERT (VO) (cont'd) ...or at least relocate the pigeon sanctuary. A wide shot reveals a sanctuary equipped with a large tree whose branches extend over the statue. Several pigeons are perched on the branches. A large white dropping SPLATTERS on the statue's head. INT. TOWN HALL - EVENING PRINCIPAL SKINNER rises from his chair and takes the floor. PRINCIPAL SKINNER How about we buy new computers for the school? INT. SPRINGFIELD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CLASSROOM - DAY MARTIN hunches over a small screen connected to a mammoth sized machine. He pushes the cursor buttons controlling the paddle in his game of Pong. The ball slowly bounces off the paddle towards the top of the screen. The screen then goes blank. Martin gets up from his chair and walks around to the back of the machine. MARTIN Mrs. Kraboppel, the vacuum tube is out again. INT. TOWN HALL - EVENING The townspeople are not impressed with this idea. HOMER SIMPSON bolts out of his chair to share his thoughts. HOMER I know! We can build a monorail. The people BOO and HISS. HOMER (beat) or a recreation center. The people's attitudes quickly change. A big smile comes across Mayor Quimby's face. EXT. SPRINGFIELD RECREATION CENTER - MONTHS LATER A bus arrives. It is full of senior citizens from the Springfield Retirement Home. Slowly, they exit the bus and join up with the rest of the townspeople gathered outside the newly constructed building. A large banner reading "Grand Opening" hangs above the main entrance. Mayor Quimby stands by the door holding a large pair of scissors. MAYOR QUIMBY Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the new state of the art Springfield Recreation Center. The people CHEER. MAYOR QUIMBY (cont'd) Inside you will find racquetball courts, tennis courts, indoor basketball and track, exercise rooms, a caf�, and an Olympic size swimming pool equipped with a urine discoloration device. The townspeople continue to CHEER as Mayor Quimby cuts the ribbon. The SIMPSON FAMILY, along with the rest of the crowd, enters the center. INT. REC. CENTER - DAY The townspeople are in awe by the building. The Simpson family walks by an exercise room. Inside are several stationary bicycles and treadmills. They all face a wall with several televisions all showing different programs. Homer's jaw drops. HOMER Look, Marge. They've got twelve televisions! Homer mounts one of the bicycles. He puts on the built in headphones. He pushes a button and draws his attention to one of the television screens. He pushes another button and moves on to the next screen. He continues to rapidly turn back and forth between the different screens. MARGE Don't you want check out the rest of this place? HOMER Can't talk. Exercising. INT. REC. CENTER - RACQUETBALL COURTS - DAY CARL stands alone enclosed within the glass walls of a racquetball court. He checks his watch. CARL I wonder what's taking Lenny so long. INT. REC. CENTER - TENNIS COURTS - DAY LENNY enters the vacant tennis courts wearing an outfit that would easily qualify him for Wimbledon. He is wearing white shorts, a white shirt, and a white headband and wristbands. Lenny looks around and sees no one. LENNY I guess Carl is running late. Lenny looks over to the other side of the court. He sees an automatic ball machine. He walks over to it and turns it on. He runs across to the other side of the net and positions himself. A ball shoots out. Lenny stands motionless as the ball WHIZZES by him. The next ball shoots out. He takes a huge swing, completely missing the ball. Another ball shoots out and he knocks it straight up into the air. LENNY Aww, nuts! Lenny continues to disperse the balls in every direction except for the court in front of him. WOMAN (OS) Try loosening your stance a little. LENNY turns to see who's talking to him. A ball hits him in the head, knocking him on the floor. The WOMAN rushes over to help him up. WOMAN Oh, my gosh. Are you alright? LENNY Yeah, I think so. WOMAN I'm sorry. I was just trying to help you out there. (jokingly) You've got terrible form. LENNY Thanks. This is my first time. WOMAN Well then, you're in luck. I'm a tennis instructor. My name is Diane. LENNY I'm Lenny. DIANE Let me give you some pointers. Diane walks up behind Lenny. She puts her arm around his waist and guides his swing. She puts her hand directly over his to show him how to grip the racquet. She offers a few other pointers. DIANE There. I think you're ready for a ` little one-on-one now. INT. REC. CENTER - DAY GRAMPA SIMPSON and the other seniors from the retirement home tour the facilities. They enter the "As Seen on TV" room. INT. REC. CENTER - "AS SEEN ON TV" ROOM - DAY Inside are all sorts of space-aged exercise equipment. The room is filled with Cardiogliders, Soloflex, Abrollers, and Thighmasters. JASPER makes his way to a lateral pulldown machine. He sits down and adjusts the weight setting. He grips the bar and pulls it towards his chest. As he retracts his arms back up, the pull of the weights causes him to begin rising. The weights pull him all the way up. He now hangs high in the air gripping the bar. JASPER Ahh, little help. Grampa climbs onto a NordicTrac. He fastens his feet to the ski-like platform. He grabs on to the two ropes. His limbs begin to move independently with no sort of coordination. After a few seconds, Grampa is out of breath. He climbs off of the machine but his left foot is lodged in the fastener. As he turns to get off, his left hip pops out of its socket. Grampa falls on the floor. Two EMPLOYEES run to his side and help him to his feet. GRAMPA That's okay. That one is always popping out. Grampa opens his stance and uses his arm to pop the hip back in its place. An ELDERLY WOMAN sits on the opposite side of the room with a Thighmaster between her legs. She strains to bring her legs together. Her legs begin to shake. Suddenly, the Thighmaster shoots out from between her legs. The Thighmaster flies across the room. It CRASHES against Grampa's right hip. Grampa falls to the ground once again. INT. REC. CENTER - MEDICAL ROOM - DAY Homer, Marge, Bart, and Lisa surround Grampa who's lying on a hospital bed. A sign in the background reads "Cash Only." Bart picks up Grampa's chart from the foot of the bed. He scribbles some stuff on it. BART Hey, Lis, I signed Grampa up for an enema. LISA Barium? BART Shouldn't we wait till he's dead? Lisa SLAPS her forehead. DR. NICK RIVIERA enters the room. DR. RIVIERA Hi, everybody. SIMPSONS Hi, Dr. Nick. DR. RIVIERA Well, Mr. Simpson, our test results showed two things. One, you have dislocated your hip. You will need to get a cast and stay off your feet for at least two weeks. And two, you're senile. HOMER And how! GRAMPA Well, at least my hip's alright. Dr. Riviera pulls Homer and Marge off to the side. DR. RIVIERA I recommend that he stay with you until he can get on his feet again. He's gonna require a lot of attention these next couple of weeks. HOMER Marge won't mind looking after him. Will you Marge? Marge gets a worried look on her face. She looks around the room hesitating to answer. MARGE Well, you know, I already have enough things... HOMER Okay. Done and done. INT. REC. CENTER - TENNIS COURTS - DAY Lenny and Diane stand over a bench by the sidelines. They are drying the sweat from their faces with pair of towels. DIANE I must admit, you showed dramatic improvement. Except the way you stumbled every time I said the word love. Lenny turns red. LENNY I didn't know that's how you kept score. I thought you were coming on to me. DIANE You're so cute. C'mon let's go get a drink. INT. REC. CENTER - RACQUETBALL COURTS - DAY Carl continues to wait. Two MEN KNOCK on the door and enter the court. MAN Sorry, buddy. Your time is up. Carl walks away with his head down. INT. REC. CENTER - CAF� - DAY Diane and Lenny sit at the caf�. An empty plate and a large health shake sit in front of Lenny. In front of Diane is a half-eaten bagel. Diane takes anther bite of her bagel. DIANE The food here is terrible. LENNY Yeah, and such small portions. DIANE I was wondering, how would you like to have dinner with me tonight. LENNY Ahh, dinner DIANE Yeah, you can come over to my place and I'll cook us up a delicious lobster dinner. You didn't have other plans, did you? LENNY Well I... Lenny remembers an earlier conversation he had with Carl: INT. SPRINGFIELD NUCLEAR POWER PLANT - DAY CARL I got us front row seats for the monster truck rally. An image of a large monster truck appears. It leaps off a ramp and lands on some cars. The oversized tires DISSOLVE into Diane's big blue eyes. INT. REC CENTER - CAF� - DAY LENNY (cont'd) Ahh, yeah that sounds good. DIANE Great, how about 8 o'clock. My place. END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO: INT. CARL'S APARTMENT - EVENING Carl is on the telephone. In one hand he holds a pair of tickets. The phone RINGS. An ANSWERING MACHINE picks up. ANSWERING MACHINE (Lenny doing a Rod Sterling imitation) You're dazed, bewildered, trapped in a world without time, where sound collides with color and shadows explode. You see a sign post ahead. This is no ordinary telephone answering devise...You've reached the Twilight Phone. (Lenny hums along to the Twilight Zone theme) BEEP. Carl hangs up the phone. EXT. DIANE'S HOUSE - EVENING Lenny stands in the doorway wearing a plaid polyester suit. He holds a bouquet of flowers behind his back. Diane opens the door wearing an apron with food stains all over. DIANE Hi, come on in. INT. DIANE'S HOUSE - EVENING LENNY Here these are for you. He hands her the flowers. DIANE That's so sweet. She gives him a kiss on the cheek. DIANE I'm having some trouble with our dinner. INT. DIANE'S HOUSE - KITCHEN A large pot with boiling water rests on top of the stove. A couple of live lobsters are crawling around on the floor. Lenny and Diane walk into the kitchen. DIANE Oh gosh, they got out. She quickly puts the flowers into a vase and chases the lobsters. Lenny begins to help out. He traps one in the corner. He bends over to pick it up and it clamps on to his nose. LENNY Get it off! Get it off! As he speaks with the lobster pinching his nose, his nasally congested voice becomes rough and manly. Diane pulls the lobster off his nose and tosses it into the pot. INT. MOE'S TAVERN - NIGHT Homer and the other bar flies sit around the bar. Carl walks in and sits on the stool next to Homer. CARL Hey, Homer. Moe walks over and hands Carl a beer. HOMER Hi Carl. How was the truck show? CARL It was okay. Hey, have you seen Lenny around? Homer sits rubbing his neck. HOMER I saw him earlier at the recreation center. Did you know that place has twelve TV's? CARL You saw him at the rec center? HOMER Yeah, I saw him leaving with a beautiful girl. (teasingly) Looks like you've got some competition. INT. DIANE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Lenny and Diane sit on a couch drinking some wine. The walls are decorated with pictures of Diane with famous tennis players. Lenny's and Diane's thoughts appear in the form of SUBTITLES as they converse: LENNY Dinner was great. Subtitle: Damn my nose hurts. DIANE Thanks. Subtitle: I wonder if he knows his fly is open. LENNY So you've met all these people. Subtitle: Should I tell her about my encounter with Tina Youthers? DIANE Yeah, I used to train most of them. Subtitle: He's gonna think I'm too good for him. LENNY Me and Carl met Tina Youthers once. Subtitle: I wonder what she looks like naked. DIANE I used to love Family Ties. Subtitle: Why does he keep bringing up this Carl character? I hope he's not gay. Lenny and Diane stare into each other's eyes. After an eternal silence, the two get closer together. Their lips meet and they share a passionate kiss. Suddenly, Lenny's eyes open widely. Subtitle: Whoa! My fly's undone. INT. SIMPSON HOUSE - DAWN Grampa lays on the couch wearing some of Homer's pajamas. He begins RINGING a bell. INT. SIMPSON HOUSE - HOMER AND MARGE'S BEDROOM - DAWN The ringing wakes MARGE up. MARGE (ANNOYED MURMUR) HOMER remains sound asleep. Drool stains decorate his pillow. HOMER (in his sleep) ...because their horns don't work. Hee, hee, hee. INT. SIMPSON HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAWN Grampa continues to RING the bell. GRAMPA Hello? INT. SIMPSON HOUSE - HOMER AND MARGE'S BEDROOM - DAWN Marge covers her head with a pillow. The bell continues to RING. Marge reluctantly gets out of bed. She puts on some slippers and walks downstairs. INT. SIMPSON HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAWN MARGE Grampa, it's five-thirty in the morning. What do you want? GRAMPA I'm hungry. MARGE (ANNOYED MURMUR) GRAMPA I want an ice-cream sundae. MARGE It's too early for a sundae. GRAMPA Make sure to use plenty of whipped cream. MARGE makes her way to the kitchen. GRAMPA (loudly) Don't forget the hot fudge and nuts. INT. SIMPSON HOUSE - HOMER'S BEDROOM - DAWN HOMER (asleep) MMM...fudge nuts. INT. SIMPSON HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - MORNING Marge returns from a kitchen carrying a tray. She sets the tray in front of Grampa. Grampa examines the tray. It contains eggs, a bowl of cereal, and a glass of orange juice. GRAMPA Hey! (pause) Where's my toast? INT. SPRINGFIELD NUCLEAR POWER PLANT - DAY Homer and a group of CO-WORKERS gather around Lenny who's sharing the gossip about his conquest the night before. Carl walks by the crowd but doesn't stop. Lenny notices him walking by and catches up to him. LENNY Hey Carl, I met this beautiful woman yesterday. She invited me to her... CARL Oh, yeah. Did you take a ride in her truck? LENNY No, she drives a Volkswagen. Anyway, we went back to her place and... CARL Really? Did you show her your monster? Lenny has a confused look on his face. LENNY What are you talking about? CARL Did she rally your, ahh... Carl is at a loss of words. CARL (cont'd) We were supposed to go the monster truck rally last night. I waited all night. LENNY I'm sorry, Carl, but this girl is wonderful. I thought you of all people would be happy for me. CARL (beat) You're right. Congratulations. So, are you going to see her again? LENNY Yeah, we're going out again tonight. CARL Tonight? Tonight's our bowling night. LENNY I don't think I'm gonna make it tonight, but I'll meet up with you tomorrow. HOMER (OS) C'mon Lenny, finish the story. Lenny looks back at the group of workers. They are all waiting for him to get back and finish his gossip. Lenny walks back towards the group. Carl walks in the opposite direction. INT. SIMPSON HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Grampa sits on the couch. His casted leg is elevated on a footrest. Grampa picks up his bell and begins RINGING it. Marge vacuums the hallway. She hears the bell in the background and turns the vacuum to a higher setting. Grampa rings the bell louder. Marge cringes her teeth and walks into the living room. MARGE What is it now, Grampa? GRAMPA It's time for my bath. Grampa gets a big grin on his face. Marge gives a look of disgust. EXT. DIANE'S HOUSE - AFTERNOON Lenny's car pulls up into the driveway. MONTAGE: A.) EXT. BEACH - SUNSET Lenny and Diane walk along the grassy beachfront. B.) INT. MOE'S TAVERN - NIGHT Carl plays a game of air hockey alone. He shoots the puck in a straight line into the opposite goal. He walks to the other side, picks up the puck from goal, and repeats the process. C.) INT. BOOKSTORE - DAY Lenny and Diane browse around and purchase some books. D.) INT. SPRINGFIELD NUCLEAR POWER PLANT - DAY Carl eats his lunch. The cafeteria is full, except for an empty seat next to Carl. E.) EXT. MOVIE THEATRE - NIGHT Lenny and Diane walk out of the movie theatre holding hands. The marquee outside reads "The Sorrow and The Pity." F.) EXT. SPRINGFIELD NUCLEAR P.P. - DAY Several workers play around in a jungle gym. Carl sits on a seesaw. Carl is on the ground as there is no one on the other side. The work whistle BLOWS. The men stop their shenanigans and reluctantly walk back inside. INT. SIMPSON HOUSE - DAY Bart fastens a football helmet to his head. He sits on Grampa's wheelchair. The wheelchair rests on the edge of the staircase. Bart rolls back to get some momentum. BART Excuse me while I kiss the sky. He pushes the wheels with all his strength. Bart rolls down the hall. The wheelchair leaps off onto the stairs. Bart rides down the stairs at a tremendous speed. He hits the last step and the wheelchair flips over. Bart flies through the air. He lands on a set of strategically placed couch cushions. Marge rushes into the room. Bart tries to pick up the wheelchair before Marge notices. MARGE Bart! That wheelchair is not a toy. This is not what I meant when I told you to keep your grandfather company. Marge drags Bart into the living room. INT. SIMPSON HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Marge sits Bart on the couch next to Grampa. MARGE Now you sit in case Grampa needs anything. Bart sits with his arms crossed, cursing under his breath. GRAMPA I've got an idea. INT. MOE'S TAVERN - DAY MOE dispenses drinks to the regular bar flies. The telephone RINGS. Moe walks over to answer it. CROSSCUT between Simpson house and Moe's Tavern during the phone conversation. MOE Moe's Tavern. BART (disguising his voice) May I speak with Craven Moorehead? MOE Hold on. Moe holds the phone down as he relays the message to the barflies. MOE Craven Moorehead. Hey, is anyone here Craven Moorehead? The barflies all LAUGH. BARNEY We sure are. Moe realizes he's been had again. MOE Listen, when I get a hold of you, I'm gonna take this hickory stick and shove it... Bart and Grampa have the phone receiver between the two of them. They are both LAUGHING hysterically. Marge is standing in complete disbelief. MARGE GRAMPA! Bart looks up at Marge who is standing directly over them. She has an evil look on her face. His laughter quickly ceases as he hangs up the telephone. MARGE Bart, go to your room. Bart runs out of the room. MARGE If you're going to be a guest in my home, I would appreciate it if you didn't teach my children profanity. GRAMPA I was just having some fun with the boy. I feel so useless around here. At least in the retirement home, everyone feels useless. It's what keeps us together. Marge exits the room angrily. INT. RESTAURANT - NIGHT Lenny and Diane are in the middle of dinner. Lenny's appearance is much sharper. His hair is perfectly combed. He wears a black designer suit. Lenny takes a bite from his fork. He picks up the napkin from his lap and wipes his mouth. He has a huge smile on his face. LENNY This has been the best week and a half of my life. Diane has a serious look on her face. The servings on her plate remain untouched. She uses her fork to play around with the food. DIANE Listen, Lenny. I got offered a new job. I'm gonna be Andre Agassi's new personal trainer. LENNY Wow, that's great. DIANE Not entirely. The job is in California. I leave in two days. END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE: INT. DIANE'S HOUSE - DAY Most of Diane's belongings are packed away in boxes. INT. DIANE'S HOUSE - BEDROOM - DAY Lenny sits on Diane's bed. Diane folds some of her clothes and places them into some luggage. Led Zeppelin's "Going to California" plays on the radio. Diane walks over and turns the radio off. DIANE I guess it's true what they say. All good things must come to an end. LENNY Why? DIANE Why? Because everything has a beginning, middle, and end. LENNY What about circles? DIANE Oh, they suck. Diane smiles faintly, but Lenny remains somber. LENNY Why do you have to take this job? With your qualifications, you could easily find a job here. DIANE Right, because Springfield is such a tennis Mecca. This job is very important to me, I had to take it. Let's not ruin our last day together by arguing. Okay? LENNY Okay. INT. SPRINGFIELD HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Grampa RINGS his bell. Marge's patience is wearing thin. She walks into the living room. MARGE What is it this time Grampa? GRAMPA I need a bath. MARGE You already had your bath. GRAMPA Yeah, but I accidentally used one of Maggie's diapers. There just wasn't enough surface area. Marge shivers at the thought. Bart and Lisa run in. BART Mom, we need you to take us down to the recreation center. LISA Yeah, we're gonna go swimming. MARGE I can't today kids. I've got to take care of Grampa and I still have to cook dinner. And I don't want you guys to swim unsupervised. BART & LISA But, mom. LISA Why doesn't Grampa go with us? He hasn't been out of the house in a while. MARGE Twelve days to be exact. EXT. REC. CENTER - POOL - DAY Grampa lays out in the sun on a pool chair. Bart, Lisa, and their schoolmates play around in the water. BARNEY is also at the pool. He looks out of place amongst all the kids. He wears red Speedo's and floaties. He climbs a tall ladder leading to a diving platform twenty feet in the air. As he approaches the front of the platform, his massive body eclipses the sun. The kids stop their activities and look up towards the sky. KIDS Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Barney jumps off the platform and tucks his legs into his chest. BARNEY CANNONBAAALLL (burp) Barney hits the water causing a huge tidal wave. The kids are carried by a wave, which slams them all against the pool wall. The kids begin to MOAN as they rub their bruises. A sea of red begins to form around RALPH WIGGUM. The other kids see this and quickly make their way out of the pool. KIDS Ewww. That's gross. A ring of red water surrounds RALPH, who now floats alone in his duck shaped inner tube. RALPH I think I broke it. INT. MARGE'S CAR - LATER IN THE DAY Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Grampa sit silently as the car maneuvers its way through traffic. Marge is very upset. MARGE (to Grampa) I can't believe you. I've been serving your every need for the past twelve days. I ask you to do one thing and you can't even do that. Look at all the bruises they have on their bodies. GRAMPA That wasn't my fault. It was that drunk, cannonball, tsunami... MARGE No excuses Grampa. I think it's time to go back to the retirement home. EXT. SPRINGFIELD SCENIC DRIVE - SUNSET Diane's Volkswagen Bettle is parked on a mountain. The view overlooks the entire city. Lenny and Diane silently watch the sun go down. DIANE Why don't you show me where you grew up? LENNY Okay. Lenny turns the key, but the car hesitates to start. He flips the key back, then attempts once more. The car doesn't start. Lenny gets out of the car and walks to the front. He raises the trunk door in the front of the car. LENNY Well, here's the problem. You're missing that engine thingy. Diane GIGGLES. She steps out of the car. DIANE It's such a beautiful night. Why don't we just walk? EXT. SPRINGFIELD AMUSEMENT PARK - NIGHT Lenny and Diane approach the parking lot to a run-down amusement park. An old beat-up house in need of some paint, rests underneath a worn-out rollercoaster. LENNY This is where I grew up. I never got much sleep, but I was real popular, cuz all the kids always wanted to come over to my house after school. See, me and Carl dug a hole in the back yard so we could sneak into the amusement park. I wonder if it's still there. Lenny and Diane walk towards the house. They make their way into the back yard. Lenny notices that the hole is in fact, still there. He crawls under. Diane follows. Lenny helps Diane to her feet on the other side. Lenny and Diane walk hand in hand across the amusement park. They walk by a Tilt-a-Whirl. LENNY I remember the first time me and Carl ever drank beer, we snuck inside the park and rode the Tilt-a-Whirl. We were spinning so fast that when we threw up, the vomit just kinda hovered for a while, then smacked us on our faces. Lenny looks over at Diane who now has a look of horror on her face. The two continue to walk. The walk through the gates of the Ferris-wheel. They sit on the seat closest to the ground and quietly stare at the sky. Diane falls asleep in Lenny's arms. The sun comes up from behind them. INT. SPRINGFIELD AIRPORT - MORNING Lenny and Diane stand in front of the boarding gate. DIANE I'm really going to miss you. Thanks for making these past two weeks so wonderful. She gives him a long embrace and a kiss. DIANE I'll call you as soon as I get settled. Diane makes her way down the corridor onto the plane. DIANE Goodbye, Lenny. LENNY Goodbye, Diane. Lenny stands and watches her board the plane. He moves toward the window. He watches the plane take off. He continues to stand there long after the departure. INT. SPRINGFIELD RETIREMENT HOME - DAY A group of four SENIOR CITIZENS sit around a table. One reads aloud from a book entitled, "MENSA for Dummies." ELDERLY WOMAN A freight train leaves Omaha at 4:00 PM traveling at 30 miles per hour. A passenger train leaves 1 hour later, traveling at 50 miles per hour. At what time will the passenger train overtake the freight train? SENIOR #1 Thirty-seven. SENIOR #2 Nebraska. GRAMPA (OS) Six-thirty. Grampa stands in the doorway on crutches carrying a duffel bag. The ELDERLY WOMAN flips the pages to the back of the book. Her eyes widen. ELDERLY WOMAN How did you know that? GRAMPA I subtracted thirty-seven from Nebraska. The elderly group is very happy to see Grampa. The people go up to Grampa to welcome him back. A large smile grows over Grampa's face. INT. LENNY'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Lenny is watching Conan O'Brien on TV. Conan is in the middle of his Date Morphing segment. CONAN (on TV) Another famous couple who's dating is Andre Agassi and Brook Shields. Now let's see what their child would look like if they were to have kids. A split screen shows a picture of Andre on one half and Brook on the other. The two images are combined together to form a new image, a picture of Chewbacca. Lenny turns off his television. He gets up and leaves his apartment. INT. MOE'S TAVERN - NIGHT Lenny sits on a stool, drinking his sorrow away. Carl enters the bar. He sees Lenny and sits on the opposite side of the bar. Carl sees that Lenny looks devastated. CARL (to Moe) Hey Moe, what's up with Lenny? MOE His girl moved to California. Moe approaches Lenny from behind the bar. He hands Lenny a beer. MOE This one's from the gentleman at the end of the bar. Lenny looks up and sees his buddy at the end of the bar. Carl walks over and sits next to Lenny. Lenny's depressed state is already beginning to change. CARL You alright there, buddy? LENNY Yeah, I'm okay. A long silence. CARL So tell me about this girl. Lenny's depression becomes non-existent. LENNY I met her at the rec center. CARL Yeah? LENNY Yeah. She invited me over and we cooked some lobsters. One of them grabbed on to my nose... THE END |
Last updated on February 28, 1999 by Jouni Paakkinen (jouni@simpsonsarchive.com) |