The Complete Fourth Season DVD

Easter Eggs Guide

Here's a brief guide for accessing Easter eggs in The Complete Fourth Season DVD set. If you'll come across one that isn't listed here, please e-mail us.

Disc 3

Homer's Triple Bypass - On the "Extras" menu for that episode, press "240" (in the case of my DVD player, I had to press "2", then after it accepted, pressed "+10" until it added up to 40). A pencil will appear on the menu. Press enter, and several sketches for the episode will play. I have no idea the importance of the number 240, but closest I can figure is its the length of time Homer's operation took (which was an hour and 40 minutes according to your site's capsule summary, so that's probably not it).

Marge vs the Monorail - On the "Extras" menu for that episode, press "150" (in the case of my DVD player, I had to press "1", then after it accepted, pressed "+10" until it added up to 50). 150, is, of course, the speed of the Monorail in the episode. A microphone will appear on the menu. Press enter, and you can access the second audio commentary (which can also be accessed in the episode by pressing the "Audio" button, and selecting track 5, as others have noted).

Disc 4

Krusty Gets Kancelled - On the "Extras" menu for that episode, press "35" (which is also how many years Krusty says he's been in television). A pencil will appear on the menu. Press enter, and several sketches for the episode (specifically, the "Send in the Clowns" scene) will play.



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Last updated on October 6, 2004 by Jouni Paakkinen (