Bongo: Year Two

Entry template:

Title/Issue no.---Cover Price (US$)---Main story number of pages

Main story title
Back-up story, title, pages
a) Matt's credit & artists' and writers' credits
b) Special gimmicks
c) Special pages
d) Plot synopsis
e) Notes and comments


Itchy & Scratchy Holiday Hi-Jinx Special #1            $1.95     28pp
  "It's A Wonderful Knife: An I&S Holiday Fun Spectacular"
   a) Matt Groening: Stocking Stuffer / Jason Grode: Story / Bill 
      Morrison: Layouts / Stephanie Gladden: Pencils / Tim Bavington: 
   b) None
   c) None
   d) The usual mayhem, with a lot of festive (surgical) spirit 
      added to it...
   e) The first post-Vances issue, and a change in direction: the comic 
      is much more like the I&S clips on TV, i.e. not much plot, no 
      dialogue at all, maximum carnage instead of a behind-the-scenes 

Krusty Comics #1                                       $2.25     20pp
  "The Rise And Fall Of Krustyland, Pt I"
  Back-up story: Krusty & Mr. Teeny in "Double Date"              7pp
   a) A Matt Groening Extravaganza / Script: Jamie Angell / Layouts:
      Cary Schramm & Mili Smythe / Pencils: Phil Ortiz, Shaun Cashman
      / Finished Art: Cary Shramm & Mili Smythe / Colors: Nathan Kane,
      Cary Shramm / Lettering: Doug Whaley
      Back-up: Assistant to Mr Teeny: Matt Groening / Script: Jamie
      Angell / Layouts: Cary Shramm / Pencils: Luis Escobar / Finished
      Art: Tim Bavington / Color: Doug Whaley
   b) none
   c) Inside back cover: The Incredibly Stimulating Life Of Sideshow
      Mel - Part One: On The Town
   d) "In a misguided attempt to win his father's love, Krusty the
       Clown builds the Krustyland Amusement Park. In order to do
       this, he swindles the Junior Campers out of their land, double-
       crosses Fat Tony out of his money, contaminates the park with
       nuclear waste, packs the place with wild black-market monkeys,
       betrays Bart, violates every known safety regulation, and ticks
       off a supernatural wind..."
     In "Double Date", Teeny's mischief during just such an outing
       leads to Itchy & Scratchy-like slapstick mayhem...
    e) A not particularly succesful attempt at translating the
       shonkiness of Krustabulous marketing to the printed page: the
       comic basically is annoying to look at, although on purpose -
       "NOT a bootleg! Intentionally drawn to look off-model!" Pity
       the story drags on as well, though. 60-odd pages over three
       issues simply can't be sustained by the premise, although there
       are some nice touches, such as Hutz's contract and the map of
       Krustyland. The back-up story is much better, and the Sideshow
       Mel pages are brilliant!

Krusty Comics #2                                       $2.25     20pp
  "The Rise And Fall Of Krustyland, Pt II"
  Back-up story: Krusty The Clown Presents "Krusty's Channeling Tips -
  Finding A Decent Meal In Your Past Life"                        8pp
   a) Matt Groening: Chimp Wrangler / Jamie Angell: Writing / Cary
      Shramm: Layouts, Pencils / Nathan Kane: Colors
      Back-up: Mystic Channel Changer: Matt Groening / Script: Jamie
      Angell / Layouts: Cary Shramm / Pencils: Luis Escobar / Inks:
      Tim Bavington / Color: Nathan Kane
   b) none
   c) Inside back cover: The Incredibly Stimulating Life Of Sideshow
      Mel - Part Two: On The Spot
   d) All hell breaks loose at the much-anticipated opening of the
      park, when the wind curse appears together with Fat Tony's
      henchmen and Bart dressed as a pork chop...
    The channeling story combines the usual slapstick and pork pushing
      with some nice pseudo-historicism...
   e) See above

Krusty Comics #3                                       $2.25     28pp
  "The Rise And Fall Of Krustyland, Pt III"
   a) Matt Groening: Lonely Goatherd / Story: Jamie Angell / Layouts:
      Cary Schramm / Pencils: Phil Ortiz / Art Assist: Shaun Cashman
      / Letters: Mike Sakamoto / Colors: Nathan Kane
   b) none
   c) Inside back cover: The Incredibly Stimulating Life Of Sideshow
      Mel - Part Three: On The Lamb (sic)
   d) Total chaos ensues as Krustyland goes to pieces, but the Rabbi
      saves day...
   e) See above; this time there isn't even a back-up.

Simpsons Comics	#7				                       $2.25     22pp
  "The Greatest D'oh! On Earth"
  Back-cover flip-over story: "McBain Comics":
  "Dead To The Last Drop (Big Anti-Gun Issue)"                    7pp
   a) Matt Groening: Ringmaster / Andrew Gottlieb: Story / Phil Ortiz: 
      Pencils / Tim Bavington: Inks / Bill Morrison: Edits  
      Flip story: Matt Groening presents... / Written & directed by Bill 
   b) None
   c) None
   d) The family, except for lazy Bart, head off to see the circus, 
      but Homer and Bart get closer to the three-ring-action than they 
      had imagined... 
      McBain (or rather Rainier Wolfcastle) gets into some trouble 
      due to the legitimate business men's love of guns, only surpassed
      by his own...
   e) A return to form after the slightly disappointing I&S special, 
      and reason to believe that post-Vance Bongo will continue to put 
      out great comics. Highlights in this issue include a mention of 
      Homer's hair care products, Bart failing to make like a Mark 
      Twain character, and a cameo by Nelson (a classic!). Hint: read 
      the flip-story last so that Krusty's reference is in context... 
      This issue also mentions, and even uses the OFF 

Simpsons Comics #8                                     $2.25     21pp
  "I Shrink, Therefore I'm Small"
  Back-cover flip-over story: "Edna, Queen Of The Congo":
  "Jungle Bungle"                                                 7pp
   a) Matt Groening: Lab Assistant / Gary Glasberg: Story / Luis
      Escobar: Pencils / Tim Bavington: Inks / Steve Vance:
      Flip story: Matt Groening: Bushwhacker / Bill Morrison: Story,
      Layouts, Inks / Luis Escobar: Pencils
   b) None
   c) None
   d) To cure Burns's indigestion, an Amazing Voyage-style micro sub,
      piloted by Homer, is sent into the digestive tract. Unfortunately, 
      Bart and Milhouse, on the hunt for Lisa's mouse, also get mixed up 
      in things...
    In "Jungle Bungle", Edna conquers both the Bwana Seymour-led
      expedition and Bart's cannibal tribe.
   e) I'm sure the cover is a reference to something else apart from
      The Incredible Shrinking Man, but I don't know what... Another
      great issue crammed full of hilarious details (check the chart
      reading "Silkwood" in the SNPP infirmary!).

Simpsons Comics #9                                     $2.25     21pp
  "The Purple Prose Of Springfield"
  Back-cover flip-story: "Barney Gumble #1":
  Homer Simpson's Pathetic Pal in "Asleep At The Well"            7pp
   a) Matt Groening: Stetistician / Andrew Gottlieb: Script / Luis
      Escobar: Pencils / Tim Bavington: Inks
      Flip-story: Matt Groening: Braumeister / Bill Morrison: Story /
      Stephanie Gladden: Pencils / Tim Bavington: Inks
   b) none
   c) none
   d) Bart doctors Lisa's diary, which gets published by Skinner and
      is such a success that it sparks a rush of other "tell-all"
      books by Springfieldianites, and it all ends in court...
    In "Asleep At The Well", Barney snoozes through all sorts of weird
      happenings and sight gags (each one exactly one page long) when
      tanked up at Moe's...
   e) An excellent issue after the disappointing Krusty mini-series:
      this one is so well scripted it could form one of two sub-plots
      in a TV episode. It even picks up TV series gags ("Yoink", "To
      the Court House!" etc.) in a good way. That the story involves
      Lisa and carries this off with aplomb bodes well for the
      impending Lisa Comics series (sorry, the purple prose got the
      better of me)...
      The Barney story is funny in its own way without being too
      clever, but hey: it's Barney (buuarp!)...

Simpsons Comics #10                                    $2.25     22pp
  "Fan-Tasty Island"
  Back-cover flip-story: "Apu Nahasapeemapetilon's Kwik-E-Comics #1":
  "Apu's Incredible 96 Hour Shift"                                7pp
   a) Tour Guide: Matt Groening / Writing: Jeff Rosenthal / Layouts:
      Luis Escobar / Pencils: Tim Bavington / Inks: Tim Bavington,
      Bill Morrison, Robert Kramer & David Mowry / Color: Nathan Kane /
      Lettering: Richard Starkings      
      Flip-story: Matt Groening: Night Manager / Bill Morrison: Script
      / Shaun Cashman: Art 
   b) none
   c) none
   d) In order to smuggle a valuable chemical into the country, Burns
      sends the family on a free vacation on a tropical island, where
      he cunningly supplies them with a treasure map; but things don't
      quite proceed according to plan...
    In Apu's retelling to Jamshed of his incredible shift we finally get
      to see all the events leading up to the famous hummingbird
      incident as mentioned by Apu to James Woods...
   e) The main story is o.k. but not nothing to write home about (pun
      intended), but the Apu story is a classic - about time he got his
      own series! I think I see a pattern emerging: whenever the story
      is by Bill Morrison, it's great - see the next issue below...

Simpsons #11                                             $2.25     27pp
  "Fallen Flanders"
  Back-cover flip-over story: "Homer On The Range #1":
  "The Kwik-E And The Dead!"                                        6pp
   a) Doppelganger: Matt Groening / Story: Bill Morrison / Script: Gary
      Glasberg / Pencils: Stephanie Gladden / Inks: Tim Bavington /
      Lettering: Mike Sakamoto / Color: Nathan Kane
      Flip-story: Man With No Name: Matt Groening / Story: W.E. Holliday / 
      Pencils: Luis Escobar / Inks: Tim Harkins & Tim Bavington / 
      Lettering: Mike Sakamoto / Color: Nathan Kane
   b) none
   c) none
   d) Flanders gets lost in the woods at a family camping trip, and
      returns curiously changed - into an evil-doer! It's up to Bart
      Mulder and Lisa Scully to uncover the real story...
    In the flip-story, an old crank (Grampa) tells a yarn of the Old
   e) A monthly release schedule of the Simpsons Comics line starts with
      this issue (apparently). The X-Files parody in this issue is
      great, and appearances by some old favourites from among the
      minor Simpsons characters add to a classic example of what's so
      good about the Simpsons comics. Morrison rules!

Simpsons Comics #12                                    $2.25     21pp
  "Survival Of The Fattest"
  Back-cover flip-story: "White-Knuckled War Stories #1":
  "Spare The Rod, Spoil The Grunt"                                6pp
   a) Climate Controller: Matt Groening / Script: Rob Hammersley & Todd
      J. Greenwald / Pencils: Eric Moxcey / Inks: Tim Bavington /
      Lettering: Mike Sakamoto / Color: Electric Crayon 
      Flip story: Military Advisor: Matt Groening / Script: Scott M. 
      Gimple / Pencils: Luis Escobar / Inks: David Mowry / Letterings: 
      Mike Sakamoto / Color: Electric Crayon  
   b) none
   c) none
   d) By cheating on their aptitude test, the family gets selected to be
      locked in the Biodome self-contained multi-environment sphere.
      Unfortunately, the one other family selected are the Flanders...
    In the flip-story, Skinner reminisces on his iron rule and enforcing
      of personal grooming in 'Nam. 
   e) Some nice surrealist daydreaming by Homer almost saves a generally
      somewhat flat story. 

Lisa Comics #1                                         $2.25     30pp
  "Lisa's Adventures In Wordland"
   a) Matt Groening as "The White Rabbit" / Mary Trainor: Writing /
      Mili Smythe: Layouts / Stephanie Gladden, Bill Morrison, Chris
      Clements: Pencils / Mike Sakamoto, Doug Whaley: Lettering /
      Nathan Kane: Colors 
   b) none 
   c) none
   d) Going out to post a well-written letter, Lisa is led by mailman
      Flanders into a magical kingdom full of puns, language-games and
      riddles. Curiouser and curiouser!
   e) This one is a classic! It's brimming with literary and literal 
      allusions and puns, and comes complete with footnotes. It's crammed 
      full of puzzles, and if this ever gets reprinted as a real book on 
      stiff cardboard, it's going to be a terrific gift for small kids - 
      to look at either before or after they've read "Alice".

Bartman #4                                             $2.25     26pp
  "Bartman" (at least I think that's what it's called, the only thing
  looking even remotely like a title is a few newspaper bits simply
  spelling out the word "Bartman" on the first page - a reference?)
   a) Matt Groening: Commissioner / Gary Glasberg: Writer / Bill 
      Morrison: Story / Chris Clements: Pencils / Luis Escobar: Layouts
      / Tim Bavington: Inks / Nathan Kane: Color / Starkings: Lettering
   b) none 
   c) none
   d) The purple crusader is the victim of a frenzied media attack and
      decides to hang up the cape for good. Is the mysterious Canker 
      behind the fiendish plot to discredit Bartman, and what can loyal
      sidekick Houseboy do about it?  
   e) I'm sure that this is a big parody of when Batman had his spine
      broken and installed a care-taker crime-fighter or something 
      similar a while ago, but I don't know enough details.

Bartman #5                                             $2.25     27pp
  "Part Two: Sisters Are Doin It For Themselves"
   a) Matt Groening: Mastermind / Bill Morrison: Story / Gary Glasberg:
      Script / Luis Escobar: Layouts / Jim Massara: Pencils / Tim
      Bavington: Inks / Starkings: Lettering / Nathan Kane: Color
   b) none
   c) none
   d) With Bartman out of commission and Canker still on the loose, a 
      new team of superheroes steps in: Lisa The Conjurer and The
      Great Maggeena.
   e) The Lisa and Maggie characters actually made an appearance quite
      some time ago, on the second series of the Skybox trading cards - 
      there was a subset "Tales of The Bartverse" featuring them. 

Bartman #6                                             $2.25     27pp
  "Part Three: The Great Purple Hope"
   a) Matt Groening: Remote Controller / Bill Morrison: Story / Gary
      Glasberg: Script / Luis Escobar: Layouts / Tim Bavington, Chris
      Clements, Luis Escobar: Pencils / Tim Bavington: Inks / Starkings:
      Lettering / Nathan Kane: Color 
   b) none
   c) none
   d) Bartman returns to help Lisa The Conjurer and The Great Maggeena,
      and to finally unmask Canker. But he needs some support in this 
      endeavour and thus we witness "The Origin Of Bart Dog, The Canine
   e) This brings to an end an enjoyable three-parter that would probably
      have been twice as funny had I actually understood all the references
      to the Batman stories. But even when read as "just" a Bart(man) 
      comic, it is very good because of the mystery plot and involvement 
      of many minor and major characters. 

Radioactive Man 80pg. Colossal #1 "Summer 1968"        $4.95     
  "Featuring 5 Atomic Tales!":
    "To Betroth A Foe"                      12pp
      "Originally presented in Radioactive Man #72, Jan. 1961"
    "Radioactive Man, Teen Idol"            13pp
      "Originally presented in Radioactive Man #84, January 1962"
    "The 1,001 Faces Of Radioactive Ape"    14pp
      "Originally presented in Radioactive Man #37, July 1957"
    "Gloria Grand, Radioactive Girl"        14pp
      "Originally presented in Radioactive Man's Girlfriend, 
                                   Gloria Grand #10, August 1959"
    "The Radioactive Man Of 1995"           12pp
      "Originally presented in Radioactive Man #22, Aug. 1955"
    "Inside The Containment Dome"           2pp
    "The Origin Of Glowy"                   1p
    "How To Draw Radioactive Man"           2pp
   a) Matt Groening, Man Of Tomorrow Presents...
      (credits correspond to order of stories above)
      Story: Bill Morrison / Pencils: Christian Roman / Inks: Tim
         Harkins / Lettering Starkings / Colors: Nathan Kane
      Story: Bill Morrison / Pencils: Stephanie Gladden / Inks: John
         Adam / Lettering: Starkings / Colors: Nathan Kane
      Story & Pencils: Scott Shaw / Inks: Phil Ortiz / Colors: Nathan
         Kane / Letering: Bill Morrison & Mike Sakamoto
      Story: Kaye Morrison / Art: Bill Morrison / Lettering: Bill
         Morrison & Mike Sakamoto / Colors: Nathan Kane
      Story: Bill Morrison / Pencils: Sharon Bridgeman / Inks: Abel
         Laxamana / Lettering: Starkings
      Script & Art: Bill Morrison / Colors & Lettering: Chris Schendel
      Script: Terry Delegeane & Scott Gimple / Art: Phil Ortiz / Colors
         & Lettering: Peter Alexander
      Script & Art: David Silverman / Colors & Lettering: Peter
   b) none
   c) A fake ad for "Uncle" Krusty Prizes you'll get (or not...) for
      selling Krusty Brand Flower Seeds; a fake ad for Krusty's Secret
      Muscle-Bulking "Tools"; the fake ad for Krustyland that already
      appeared in RM #3; and one for a "Huge Cardboard City Of The
      Future" playset. Also has little ads at the bottom of several
      pages, which are in keeping with the period theme and very funny.
   d) "Wedding bells are ringing for Radioactive Man as he walks to the
      altar with his arch enemy, Lava Girl! Guest-starring the Superior
      "The Irradiated Crusader will stop at nothing to put an end to
      Larceny Lass's latest crime spree, even if it means becoming a
      groovy rock'n'roll star!"
      "Radioactive Man spends his vacation in Simian City, but he has
      his hands full as Radioactive Ape undergoes a series of bizarre
      "A freak accident causes Radioactive Man's girlfriend, Gloria
      Grand, to develop super powers of her own!"
      "An alien space ship takes Gloria Grand on a trip through time to
      meet the Radioactive Man of the future!"
      "Get a glimpse inside Radioactive Man's top-secret hideaway!"
      "Revealed at last! The true story of the birth of Radioactive
      Man's best friend!"
      "David Silverman offers red hot tips on Radioactive rendering!"
   e) Great fun and a welcome reminder of how good the six-issue run of
      RM during the first year was. Lots of goofy sixties stuff and tons
      of references (half of which I probably didn't even get). If the
      Silverman lectures are as funny as his "drawing tips" here, I can
      see why people are raving about them on
      [phew! finished typing in this mega-entry]

Bart Simpson's Treehouse of Horror #1                  $2.95
  Featuring three stories:
  "Little Shop Of Homers"                               15pp
  "Call Me Homer"                                       14pp
  "Bart People"                                         14pp
   a) Matt "Mr.Spooky" Groening presents...
      "Little Shop Of Homers": Story & Inks: Mike Allred / Breakdowns:
      Luis Escobar / Pencils: Bill Morrison / Lettering: Mike Sakamoto
      / Colors: Laura Allred & Nathan Kane
      "Call Me Homer": Story & Breakdowns: Jeff Smith / Pencils:
      Stephanie Gladden / Inks: Bill Morrison / Lettering: Mike Sakamoto
      / Colors: Nathan Kane
      "Bart People": Story: James Robinson / Layouts: Chris Roman /
      Finished Art: Bill Morrison / Lettering: Mike Sakamoto / Colors:
      Nathan Kane
   b) none
   c) An opening page giving credits for all three stories in the style 
      of the graveyard/tombstones opening scenes of the Treehouse
      episodes on TV, complete with space alien (Kang or Kodos?); "Bart
      Simpson - Master Of Disguise presents The Quick'n'Easy, Low Budget
      Do-it-yourself Guide To Cool Costumes"
   d) Parodies (with a twist) in the Halloween specials style, of
      "Little Shop of Horrors" (with a Homer-like plant), "Moby Dick"
      (with Grampa's narration), and "Cat People" (with Bart and Lisa as
      the afflicted).
   e) Great fun. The three writers are actually the people behind,
      respectively, "Madman" (Alarming Mike Allred), "Bone" (Jaundiced
      Jeff Smith) and "Starman" (Rotting James Robinson), comic books
      about which I know nothing, I have to confess.

"Bart Simpson's Joke Book" (Free supplement to "Hero Illustrated" #19)
   Contains the following one-page stories:
    Bart And Homer In "Fact Or Affliction" 
    Principal Skinner And Bart In "The Best Detentions"
    Milhouse And Bart In "Missing The Issues"
    Ned Flanders And Homer In "Book Schmook"
    Grampa And Bart In "The High Cost Of Giving"
    Bart Simpson In "Con Job"
    Itchy And Scratchy In "Bash To The Future"
    Martin And Bart In "Moon Launch"
    "Turning Comics Into Movies" With Troy McClure
    Homer In "Have A Nice Day Dream"
  plus two-page "Patty And Selma's Dating Do's & Dont's"
   a) Writing: Barry Dutter, Andrew Osborne / Pencils: Shaun Cashman,
      Chris Clements, Luis Escobar, Bill Ho, Jen Kamerman, David Windett
      / Inks: Tim Bavington, Shaun Cashman, Jen Kamerman, David Windett
      / Color: Nathan Kane / Letters: Mike Sakamoto
   b) none
   c) Contains a two-page article "Springfield Confidential" by "Hero
      Illustrated" writer Don "Brick" Butler, which is part interview
      with Bongo Managing Editor Jason Grode, part preview of new and
      upcoming titles and issues in the Bongo line and the alternative
      comics, arty "Zongo" line (starting with Gary Panter's "Jimbo")
   d) Lots of one-page stories on the usual preoccupations: Comics, TV,
      school, comics, TV, comics, and, er, comics...
   e) I know this was a freebie, but still, the jokes are generally kinda
      lame (some nice touches though: the Crumb references in the last
      story, for instance). The worst aspect though is the lettering:
      it's done by computer, and sometimes doesn't even fit into the
      balloons properly - groan.
Achim Reinschmidt ( St Kilda Melbourne Australia