[MC11] The Robbery: Part 2
Compiled by Jordan Eisenberg
Did You Notice . . .
... the clock outside town hall reads 10:10?
... you can only see the hands of the person who wheels out "Homer?"
... Krusty wears his big, red shoes the entire time, so you can tell
it's him even before Maggie pulls off the mask?
... Maggie sucks her pacifier four times?
... as Krusty falls down the steps, he yells "hurt" and "pain?"
Episode References
- [MC11] Part 1 of the mystery
- [7G12] Krusty arrested for robbery
Freeze Frame Fun
- People picketing
Left to right: Grampa Simpson (shaking fist)
Todd Flanders
Ned Flanders (holding sign)
Maude Flanders
Rod Flanders
Groundskeeper Willy (shaking rake)
[woman blocked by Scott's microphone] (holding sign)
Walking around: Woman (holding sign)
Sketch artist from MC10 (holding sign)
Later: Jasper
Bill the barfly (holding sign)
Flanders family, again
- Springfield Shopper headline
Hudson, New Hampshire
wins $50,000 reward!
Yours Truly: Nothing special. Maggie was cute in it, though. (C+)
Quotes and Scene Summaries
Outside town hall, many people are gathered around screaming and
picketing. Scott Christian is doing a news report.
Scott: The crime of the century has been solved! We're live
from Springfield to find out who laid a finger on Bart's
Butterfinger, and _who_ will collect the $50,000.
Chief Wiggum: Wheel 'im out, boys.
Homer is wheeled out, tied to a luggage carrier by ropes wrapped around
his chest and legs. Homer and Bart exchange nervous looks.
Bart: [shocked] Homer?
Just then, Maggie crawls up Homer's body (which is on a slant because of
the luggage carrier) to his face, and pulls a mask off, revealing that
it isn't actually Homer at all: it's Krusty the Clown!
Everyone: [gasps]
Bart: [gasp] Krusty!
Krusty: [laughs goofily] [groans]
Krusty tries to hop away while still tied up, but he tumbles down the
steps outside town hall. As he lands at the bottom, he groans and Scott
Christian resumes his report from next to the staircase.
Scott: That's whodunnit. Here's who won the $50,000 award.
A Springfield Shopper headline spins to the foreground with the name of
the winner.
Bart: [from offscreen] Naaaancy Fredholm from Hudson, New Hampshire.
Krusty, now wrapped in bandages, is being carted away to his prison cell
by Chief Wiggum. Bart appears wearing a detectives' trenchcoat, and
takes a bite out of his Butterfinger bar.
Bart: You're one exceptional detective, man.
[End of Commercial. Time: 00:30]
This capsule is ©1999 by Jordan Eisenberg. The Simpsons and Butterfinger
remain the propeties of FOX and Butterfinger, respectively. Any meaningful
contributions to society at large by my work here was stricty unintentional.
Thanks to Brian Petersen for supplying tapes of the commercials, without which
there could be no capsule.