[MG30] Shut Up Simpsons

Shut Up Simpsons                                       Written by Matt Groening
[$Id: mg30 1.1 92/04/05 12:41:41 raymond Exp Locker: raymond $]
> Didja notice...
    Voice credits:
        NANCY CARTWRIGHT as Bart
        YEARDLEY SMITH as Lisa

    Animation producer was Margot Pipkin.
    Animators were Wesley Archer and David Silverman.

> Freeze Frame Fun

> Assorted comments and observations
Brian Howard {bh} gives the timing for this short as 1:11, whereas the
syndication package contains only 1:02 of animation.

Maggie really tears that bunny apart when she squeaks it.

When Lisa says ``Quit squeaking that toy!'', notice that her face does
the characteristic Bart Twitch.  (Her head goes one way and her mouth
goes the other way.)

> Quotes and scene summary
% H = Homer, G = Grampa, B = Bart, L = Lisa
% Text in {curly braces} denote items cut in syndication.
% On the couch (from left to right) are Maggie (playing with a squeak-toy
% rabbit doll), Lisa, Bart, and Homer.  In the comfy chair sits Grampa.
% A black-and-white picture of Marge is mounted over the couch.

L: Just think.  Sitting right here are three generations of Simpsons.
B: What a nightmarish concept.
H: Bart!
G: Homer!
H: What?
G: Leave him be.
L: Yeah, Dad.

% Maggie squeaks her rabbit.

H: Lisa!
G: Homer!
H: What?
G: Leave her be.
B: Yeah, Homer.

% Maggie squeaks her rabbit.

H: Bart!
G: Homer!
H: What?
B: And the beat goes on.

% [End of Act One.  Time: 0:16]
% Maggie squeaks her rabbit.

L: [annoyed] Quit squeaking that toy!

% Lisa gives Maggie a shove.

B: Don't shove Maggie.  She's just a little baby!

% Bart gives Lisa a shove.

H: Don't hit your little sister.  She's a girl.

% Homer hits Bart.

G: Keep your hands off him, Homer!

% Grampa whaps Homer with a rolled-up newspaper.
% {Maggie squeaks her rabbit.  Everyone glares at her.}
% [End of Act Two.  Time: 0:27]

B: We can't bicker like this.  We're the Simpsons!
G: You know, the little scamp's got a point there.
L: Let's all get together and give each other a big hug.

% They do.  (Maggie hugs Homer's leg.)

H: Say, this isn't half bad.
B: Now, let's all forgive each other.  Lisa, I forgive you.
L: Grampa, I forgive you.
G: Homer, I forgive you.
H: And I forgive you, Bart.
B: Apology accepted, Homer.

% Homer smiles.

B: I'd forgive you too, if you'd use a breath mint.
H: Why you little...

% Homer strangles Bart.

G: Homer!

% Grandpa strangles Homer.  Homer strangles Grandpa.
% Maggie resumes squeaking.  Lisa looks disgusted.
% [End of Act Three.  Time: 1:02]
Shorts summaries Copyright 1992 by Raymond Chen.  Not to be redistributed
in a public forum without permission.  (The quotes themselves, of course,
remain the property of The Tracey Ullman Show, and the reproduced articles
remain the property of the original authors.  I'm just taking credit for the

Conversion by Howard Jones (ha.jones@ic.ac.uk)