[MG29] The Art Museum

The Art Museum                                         Written by Matt Groening
[$Id: mg29 1.1 92/04/05 12:41:33 raymond Exp Locker: raymond $]
> Didja notice...
    Voice credits:
        JULIE KAVNER as Mrs. Simpson
        NANCY CARTWRIGHT as Bart
        YEARDLEY SMITH as Lisa

    Animation producer was Margot Pipkin.
    Animators were Wesley Archer and David Silverman.

    ... Maggie falls four times?  Twice in the first act, and twice
        in the second.

> Freeze Frame Fun

> Assorted comments and observations
Brian Howard {bh} gives the timing for this short as 1:06, whereas the
syndication package contains only 1:02 of animation.

Doris Grau appears as herself in the ``Go home!'' segment.
One of the characters in an Ullman sketch is named ``Miss Hibbert''.

> Quotes and scene summary
% H = Homer, M = Marge, B = Bart, L = Lisa
% Marge leads the family through an art gallery.  Homer, hands in his pockets,
% is bored and annoyed.  So is Bart.  Lisa seems interested, though.  Maggie
% just falls.

M: I've always wanted to introduce you kids to the world of art.
   It's so enriching!
B: [raises his hand]  I have an announcement to make:  I'm bored.
H: Well, maybe we're all bored Bart, but we're going to cooperate anyway.
L: Yeah, Bart.
B: Oh, brother.
M: Now, over here...

% Bart turns his head and his eyes pop wide up.

B: Ay, Carumba!
H: Bart!
B: Whoooooooooooooooa, momma!
H: Bart!

% We see what has got Bart's attention:  A painting of a nude.

B: [growls]  Now <that's> what I call the enriching world of ar...

% Homer covers Bart's mouth and eyes, then sees the painting.

H: Not bad, not bad at a...

% Marge angrily covers Homer's mouth and eyes.  Meanwhile, Lisa and
% Maggie admire a male nude statue's butt.
% [End of Act One.  Time: 0:27]
% Marge leads the family through an exhibit of ancient artifacts.

M: Let's try for a little dignified behavior.  This <is> an art museum.
H: She's right, you little slobs.

% Marge indicates an exhibit.  In the background, a large urn totters on its
% pedestal as Lisa's arms reach out towards it.  Homer's eyes bug out.

M: Now here, we have some...
H: Lisa!
L: Aaaagh!
M+H: Gasp!

% Lisa covers her mouth in fright as the urn tips off its pedestal.
% (*whoosh*)  Maggie zips in and catches it.

M+H: Whew!

% Bart's head pops out of the urn.

B: Well, that was close.  When do we go home and watch TV?

% Homer pounds his fist into his hand.

H: Bart...
B: Careful, Dad...

% Bart ducks back into the urn.

B: This thing's priceless!

% [End of Act Two.  Time: 0:44]
% Driving home.

H: [angrily]  This is the <last> time I take you kids to the art museum.
B: Don't have a cow, Dad.
L: Yeah, Dad.
H: Why you little...
M: Now calm down, Homer.
   The kids just aren't mature enough yet to appreciate fine art.
B: Au contraire, Mom.
L: We find the world of art quite enriching.

% Bart holds up a nude.

B: As a matter of fact, I'm thinking of becoming a collector.

% Homer turns around, sees the painting, and shrieks.
% [End of Act Three.  Time: 1:02]
Shorts summaries Copyright 1992 by Raymond Chen.  Not to be redistributed
in a public forum without permission.  (The quotes themselves, of course,
remain the property of The Tracey Ullman Show, and the reproduced articles
remain the property of the original authors.  I'm just taking credit for the

Conversion by Howard Jones (ha.jones@ic.ac.uk)