Trilogy of Error Written by Matt Selman Directed by Mike B. Anderson ============================================================================== Production code: CABF14 Original Airdate on FOX: 29-Apr-2001 Capsule revision Ba (1-May-2004) ============================================================================== > "TV Guide" Synopsis ============================================================================== [From the Simpsons Archive Episode Guide] In a "Run, Lola, Run" [and "Go"] parody, a breakfast accident involving Marge's kitchen knife and Homer's thumb is seen through the eyes of individual family members. While Homer & Marge make a mad dash for the hospital, Lisa takes her linguistic robot to the Springfield science fair, and Bart runs afoul of Fat Tony's illegal fireworks ring. Guest starring Joe Mantegna as Fat Tony. ============================================================================== > Title sequence ============================================================================== Blackboard: FIRE IS NOT THE CLEANSER FIRE IS NOT THE at cutoff Couch: The family skateboards to the couch, jumping off a conveniently placed ramp and doing some nifty aerial stunts before landing. Or at least most of the family does. Homer falls off the edge of the ramp, landing on his bottom. Adding both insult and injury, his skateboard bounces off the top of his head. [Recycled from CABF04] ============================================================================== > Did You Notice... ============================================================================== Don Del Grande: ... the Springfield Shopper has a date on it (March 21)? ... Homer belongs to an HMO now? ... they bother to explain why West Springfield Elementary looks exactly like Springfield Elementary? ... nobody noticed that Lisa's friend was missing from class for hours? ... we can add Miss Hoover to the characters that sound different when Marcia Mitzman-Gaven voices them than when Maggie Roswell did? Joe Green: ... Linguo's arms are made of Tinkertoy (TM) wheels and horseshoe magnets? ... Marge calls Ranier Wolfcastle "McBain"? Darrel Jones: ... Homer hitch-hikes right-handed? ... Lisa apparently does aerobics to the Macintosh start-up sound? Joe Klemm: ... Shelbyville is at least 20 miles from Springfield? ... the French bread, French toast, and French fries on the poster in the French classroom? ... Ms. Hoover speaks for the first time since Maggie Roswell left the show? Jared Rasmussen: ... the Flanders have a mailbox and The Simpsons don't? ... the Simpsons' garbage can was in the street rather than on the lawn by the curb (like the Flanders')? ... the "Wanted" posted of Fat Tony in the police office? ... Thelonious snorts when he laughs? Benjamin Robinson: ... as Homer and Lisa bolt from the table, Maggie is trapped in her juicelix? ... Linguo has a Mickey Mouse left hand? ... the number 478071 flashes on Linguo's chest when he reports an error? ... Lisa and Thelonious can spin "for hours" without getting dizzy? Elson Trinidad: ... Homer's severed thumb has a thumbnail (cos according to Dr. Hibbert, a thumb is not a finger, right? :)) and thumb joint markings -- both of which are almost always absent in the hands of all Simpsons characters? ... Homer put his severed thumb in his right front pocket as he went to retrieve Linguo's head? ... the detached thumb is darker in color when it's shriveled up in liquid, but it is lighter in color after it is re-attached during the Science Fair? ... Chief Wiggum is left-handed? ============================================================================== > Voice Credits ============================================================================== - Starring - Dan Castellaneta (Homer, Barney, Krusty, Teacher, Itchy) - Julie Kavner (Marge) - Nancy Cartwright (Bart, Todd) - Yeardley Smith (Lisa) - Hank Azaria (Linguo, Wiggum, Moe, Cletus, Dr. Nick, Legs, Lou) - Harry Shearer (Ned, Ranier, Hibbert, Louie, Scratchy, Cap'n) - Special Guest Voice - Joe Mantegna (Fat Tony) - Frankie Muniz (Thelonious) - Also Starring - Marcia Mitzman-Gaven (Ms. Hoover) - Pamela Hayden (Rod, Milhouse) - Tress MacNeille (Agnes Skinner) - Russi Taylor (Martin) - Karl Wiedergott (Spooked Soldier) ============================================================================== > Movie (and other) references ============================================================================== + "Trilogy of Terror" (movie) {jk} - episode title a spoof + "Go" (movie) - movie's plot structure was similar to that of this episode + "Gattaca" (movie) - Homer thinks thumb re-attachment is only done in movies like this medical science fiction tale - "Futurama" (TV series) {jc} - Homer thinking Linguo is a beer-drinking "party" robot like Bender ~ Lorena and John Wayne Bobbitt (unhappily married couple) {hl} - dismemberment of husband's penis for infidelity + "Harry Potter" (novel) - Ned reads Fundamentalist-friendly version [See "Comments" section for more -- Ed.] + "what the dilleo? [sic]" (slang term) {bjr} - Ned asks, "What the diddly-o?" when Homer runs through his house + Jack Nicholson (actor) - after a minor traffic accident with some ordinary schmo, Nicholson flew into a rage and broke the man's windshield with a golf club, like Wolfcastle did + Blue Man Group (performance artists) {jc} - Homer rants about this performance group while drunk + Yakov Smirnoff (comedian) {jc} - Dr. Nick uses his signature line "What a country!" + The Itty-Bitty Book Light (brand of portable book light) {bjr} - Lisa has an Itty-Bitty Acetylene Torch + "Run, Lola, Run" (movie) - music accompanying Lisa running is taken from the film - similar camera angles -- Run Lola Run had several wide angle shots of Lola running through crowded traffic {vy} - Lola is almost run down by an ambulance, which gives her a ride (cf. Lisa and the limousine) {vy} - a taxi driver takes Lola to the wrong Gruenwald street, like Lisa going to the wrong Springfield Elementary {vy} - "Cannonball Run II" (movie) {ik} - orangutan driving a limo + Fort Bragg (military installation) {bjr} - Springfield's Fort Fragg a parody + "frag" (slang term) {ak} - Fort Fragg parodies this military (and later, gamer) term - the Grucci family {boc} - when he sees the fireworks, Chief Wiggum exclaims, "Great Grucci's ghost" -- the Grucci name is a prominent one in fireworks manufacturing + "crack house" (police term) {bjr} - the Springfield police call Bart's hideout a "cracker house," referring of course to the fire crackers (If you've lived a sheltered life, you might not know a "crack house" is an abandoned house where drug users (especially crack cocaine users) go to get high) + "Nash Bridges" (TV series) {jc} - Chief Wiggum got his wire-wearing idea from this CBS cop show - Dr. Stubbs {hl} - Toronto doctor who specializes in lengthening (but not widening) men's' penises ============================================================================== > Previous episode references ============================================================================== - [7G08] Smurfs are mentioned {dj} - [8F17] Ned (cf. Homer) throws a book onto a fireplace {jg2} - [1F08] Homer knows how to weld {bjr} - [1F18] Tick sucking on the back of Bart's head {hl} - [1F22] So does Marge. It must run in the family {bjr} - [2F15] Homer does the pull-my-finger gag {hl} - [4F01] Bart (cf. Nelson) gets in trouble with the police for vandalizing Skinner's house {jg2} - [5F02] French class laughing like French cabinet in THOHVIII? {hl} - [AABF22] Fort Fragg is seen {dj} - [BABF22] Fort Fragg seen {bjr} ============================================================================== > Freeze frame fun ============================================================================== - "Springfield Shopper" front page {bjr} Springfield Shopper ----------------------------------------- Daily March 21 50� ----------------------------------------- FIRST DAY OF SPRING ANTS, PICNICKERS REACH LAST-MINUTE ACCORD [man] [ant] - Dr. Nick's clinic signs {bjr} DR. NICK'S "IF YOU CAN PUT IT IN, WE CAN TAKE IT OUT" DR. NICK'S ENTRANCE IN BACK <--------- - Highway sign {bjr} SHELBYVILLE 20 miles - Lisa's torch {bjr} THE ITTY-BITTY ACETYLENE TORCH - "Stupid" Italian gas gauge {bjr} NOTSOBADDA MAMMAMIA ABBONDANZA - Highway sign for Dr. Nick's clinic {bjr} DR. NICK'S CLINIC NEXT 7 EXITS - Blackboard at Lisa's science fair presentation {bjr} SEVERED DIGIT RE-ATTACHMENT ============================================================================== > Animation, continuity, and other goofs ============================================================================== = When Homer bled after his thumb was severed, there was no blood on the kitchen floor. {ddg} - A white cloth on Lisa's lap disappears while she shows Linguo to Homer. {bjr} = Linguo's head appears to get bigger after he explodes. {jg2} * Maggie was at the breakfast table when they were eating that gooey cereal. Later, when Marge accidentally severs Homer's thumb, and they drive off, Maggie is nowhere to be seen. ["They originally wrote a 'Maggie's Day' section, but unfortunately it got cut," jokes Elson Trinidad -- Ed.] {dc} c Audio: "I had to do awful things to pay for her." Captioning: "I did bad things to pay for this." {tpl} = Cletus' fingers re-appear after he tells Homer a hog bit them off. {bjr} c Audio: "What the hell?" Captioning: "What in the hell was that?" {tpl} + Milhouse is on the school bus in "Lisa's Day." {ja} c Audio: "My bike's been stolen!" Captioning: "Who would steal a little girls bike?" {tpl} c Audio: "Hey, we have the same hat!" Captioning: "See you at the Elk's Club." {tpl} + Lisa claims she has no friends. What are Janey and Allison, chopped liver? {bjr} = Thelonious's watch disappears between shots. {jr} = When spinning in a circle with Lisa, Thelonious's watch switches from his left arm to his right. {jr} c Ticking of his inventory of keys, Bart says, "Front door, back door, Skinner's, Flanders', your house ... ah, Lisa's bike." The captioning read, "Front door, back door, gun lock, gun lock, trigger lock ... ah, Lisa's bike." = The key Bart identifies as being the one for Milhouse's home is also the one he uses to unlock Lisa's bike. {bjr} = As the boys approach the cave, Milhouse appears to be riding a boys' bike. When they stop, the crossbar magically goes to the bottom again. It's so smooth it almost looks intentional. {gm} * The chase through the caves didn't appear to last that long, but if you work out the timeline, it would have to have taken around three hours. {mg} = When Bart comes out of the sewer during "Bart's Day", the animation of the truck Marge is driving is jerky. {ddg} * Martin proclaimed that first place in the science fair would be his, but in the end, the fair seemed limited to Lisa's class. {ddg} * Miss Hoover's voice was off key? (well, d'uh!) {hl} ============================================================================== > Reviews ============================================================================== Don Del Grande: It's this century's "22 Short Films About Springfield", except that it just seemed funnier -- maybe because the stories weren't quite as disjointed. (Fewer stories mean fewer chances to blow it, I suppose.) (A-) Joe Green: This episode not only featured some extremely funny moments, but actually figured out a way to make an OFF episode with multiple plotlines work, as opposed to the barrage of "we've-run-out-of-ideas-and-we're-proud-of-it" mishmashes we've gotten recently. Thanks to shows like this and "Brothers Little Helper", I'd *really* like to see George Meyer get back to writing more often. [All right, but Matt Selman was the lead writer for this episode -- Ed.] (A+) Darrel C. Jones: Totally excellent episode! (I'll "sentence fragment" you, stupid grammar robot!) All the parts link together flawlessly, and the lose ends are tied up like so many displaced thumbs. Frankie Muniz's appearance was much smaller than I thought it would be which, in this Malcolm in the Middle hater's mind, is a plus. A true classic. 10/10 (A+) Andrew J. Milner: I've been down on OFF for the past season, so in the interest of fairness I have to say that tonite's episode was excellent. Good laughs, good payoffs, excellent quotes -- an episode you obviously had to watch closely to appreciate. (A-) Michael Nusair: Any episode like this is bound to be a risk: If done well, it could be really good, however, if executed poorly, it could be *really* bad. Fortunately, "Trilogy of Error" was very well done. All three stories were really good, with lots of laughs throughout. I especially liked the scene with the mobsters overloading the grammar-robot (whose name eludes me at the moment). As well, it was neat to see the three stories intermingle. Add to this a non-gratuitous celebrity guest-voice, and you've got a pretty damn good episode. Here's hoping that they write more creative episodes like this (but not like "Behind the Laughter." I *hated* that). (A) Mike Nuss: This episode was definitely weird, but one of the most memorable of the season. I didn't think the current writers had it in them to make a story that fit together so well from three separate angles, but they did a fairly good job, and I was pleasantly surprised that they actually managed to wrap up all three storylines at once. The parallels to "Run Lola Run" were obvious, and I appreciated Lisa's running sequences with the techno background as an obvious homage to the film. There were some nice jokes in there too, like Wiggum ratting out his own informant, and good old-fashioned Bart playing a prank on Seymour Skinner. Nicely done! The only question is: where's Maggie? (A-) Mike Reed: Whoa! Never thought I'd say this again, but that was one of the best episodes ever! Easily makes my top 20 list. It must have taken them all year to write this one, as almost every scene was later brought up in the episode ... which will make it really tough to syndicate. (A+) Javier Vera: I loved this episode, it was one of the very best I've seen in a long time. The main idea for the episode was excellent, as was the story itself. Frankie Muniz's cameo was outstanding, as short as it was. Probably one of the best written episodes in the history of the series, and without a doubt the best in the last four seasons (along with the hailed "E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)"). They should really give Matt Selman an award for this. The only sad thing is that I don't think there will ever be a better episode than this one. (A) Vince Yim: Taking a cue from popular cinema, The Simpsons borrows from such films utilizing alternative structure, such as "Pulp Fiction," "Go," "Lola rennt" (a.k.a. "Run, Lola, Run") and Groundhog Day. This is a special treat especially for movie buffs. While not perfect (but then, characters act out of character from time to time to keep the show fresh, I suppose), it's one of the funniest episodes to boot. It's been a long time coming. (A-) Yours Truly: The most remarkable thing about "Trilogy" is the efficient way its three stories -- each focusing on how different members of the Simpson family spend one day -- interlock. Events that are unexplained, or just seem insignificant, in one act take on new meaning and are resolved in the next so that, in the end, nothing is wasted. This episode has other charms, too. It was nice to see Homer's thumb injury treated in a semi-plausible, yet funny, way. Frankie Muniz's character is a good match for Lisa; I'd enjoy seeing him again in a future episode. This episode was obviously an exercise in nonlinear storytelling, but if its notions of story-telling economy and plot resolution rub off on the regular episodes, well, then so much the better. (A) AVERAGE GRADE: A (3.97) Std Dev.: 0.3147 (13 reviews computed) ============================================================================== > Comments and other observations ============================================================================== >> Writer Watch Javier Vera: Matt Selman joined in the ninth season and has written some memorable episodes of the show. He started with "Natural Born Kissers", one of Matt Groening's favorites. He also wrote "They Saved Lisa's Brain", "Eight Misbehaivin'" and "Lisa The Treehugger". I believe that Matt [Selman] has a personal talent for writing episodes where the whole family is the star, as "Trilogy of Error" proves that fact [indisputably]. >> Musical References I. Might identifies the song playing in Cletus's truck: "Keep Lookin' For Tumbleweeds, Danny," [by NRBQ]. I thought I heard the distinctive "we'll hop, hop, hop" of the song. Joe Green: "Happy Together" by the Turtles (song) is played while Lisa, Thelonious and Linguo swing around. Vince Yim, about the "Run, Lola, Run" music: The track in question is entitled "Running One", by Tom Tykwer, Johnny Klimek, and Reinhold Heil. >> Springfield DayRunner Matt Garvey does some painstaking research, and has this to present: Here's a chronological listing of how the three stories match up. It's pretty easy to follow; there are only a few times when events had to happen some time but not immediately before others. (Also, I only supplied times that were given; others can be surmised, like 12:02 for when Homer enters the bar, and 3:00 for the end.) +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HOMER | LISA | BART | |-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------| |7:03 Applies deodorant === Does exercises === Smashes alarm clock | |-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------| | Breakfast! / Mueslix / Milhouse rings bell | |-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------| | Homer/Lisa excuse themselves from table, | | | Lisa introduces him to Linguo, he breaks it, | Bart answers door | | Lisa runs upstairs as he sniffs brownies | | |-----------------------+-----------------------| He and Milhouse | |Homer tries to get one | Lisa fixes Linguo | steal Lisa's bike | |-----------------------+-----------------------| | | Thumb chopped off ==="...trying to weld!" | before | |-----------------------+-----------------------| / | |Marge calls 911, tells |She argues with Linguo,| / | | Wiggum 123 Fake St; | misses the bus |/ | | Homer recovers thumb |-----------------------L They find and | | from Flanders house | Discovers bike stolen | blow up fireworks, | |-----------------------+-----------------------| including bike wheel | | "We have to get to the hospital, Homer!" | which skips down road | |-----------------------+-----------------------| and sets Dr. Nick's | | | Lisa runs to get to | on fire | | | school, Krusty almost | | | |hits her and agrees to | | | | give her a ride | | | On the way to the | | | | hospital, their car | Wiggum asks Teeny for | Hearing sirens and | |hits Wolfcastle's; they| directions to Fake St | fearing the worst, | | steal his instead | | they try to hide | | | before | and enter an | | | \ | abandoned house | | | \ | | | | \| | | | J-----------------------| | They argue with Dr. |Lisa's derision at WSE,| They are found at | | Hibbert about thumbs |meets Thelonious, spins| 123 Fake Street, | | |-----------------------| | |11:15- - - - - - - - ->|Lisa realizes the time,| | | |runs by Moe's on way to| wired by Wiggum, | | | school, and enters at | | |12:00- - - - - - - - ->| noon | | | | |and go to meet Fat Tony| | On the way to Nick's, |Chats with chief Wiggum| | | they pass Moe's and |-----------------------+-----------------------| |decide Homer should put|"Fat Tony, is that you?" and other conversation| | his thumb on ice |-----------------------+-----------------------| | |Lisa runs out the back | | |-----------------------+-----------------------| | | Homer enters Moe's through the front door | | |-----------------------+-----------------------| | | Homer gets drunk |She sees Marge in front| | |-----------------------+-----------------------| Bart and | | "Did you ever see that Blue Man Group?..." | Milhouse | |-----------------------+-----------------------| get chased | | Barney revives Homer | Marge/Lisa drive off | by Fat Tony | |-----------------------+-----------------------| and pals | |Homer has to hitchhike;| On the way to school, | | | Cletus picks him up | they run out of gas | | |-----------------------+-----------------------| | | Cletus passes Marge/Lisa, who hop in the back | ... | | | for a very | | Cletus' truck arrives at Dr. Nick's, now on | long time | |fire; Homer resolves to go to Shelbyville, but | | | Marge and Lisa have "borrowed" his truck | | | 2:50 | | |-----------------------+-----------------------| | | | Marge and Lisa hurry | | | Homer walks toward | to get to school | | | Shelbyville |-----------------------+-----------------------| | | They come within inches of Bart's life | | His thumb shriveled, |-----------------------+-----------------------| |Homer laments his loss | (end of "Lisa's Day") | Chase leads to alley; | | |-----------------------|ballistic Linguo yelled| | |-----------------------| at, explodes in error | |-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------| | Linguo's head lands near Homer; it dies in his hands | |-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------| |(end of "Homer's Day") |-----------------------|Homer arrives at alley;| |-----------------------|-----------------------|Wiggum cuffs mobsters; | |-----------------------|-----------------------| Tony offers solution; | |-----------------------|-----------------------|end at Springfield E.S.| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Three inconsistencies manifest themselves upon examination of the chart. Homer gets drunk in the time it takes Lisa to run around the outside of Moe's, find Marge, and explain her situation; but with his "massive blood loss" I'm willing to buy that. (And who's to say he only mentioned the Blue Man Group once?) Homer seems to arrive at the alley rather quickly, but it could just be that it looks far away, and Linguo was able to make it that far ... so that's ok. The third one is very odd indeed: The length of the chase (from when they discover the wire to when Marge almost kills Bart) is about THREE HOURS! I suppose it's possible that they ran through caves for that long, or possibly it included such events as hiding/being discovered and getting lost underground ... oh well. BTW, I can believe that Lisa ran 3/4 of an hour to Moe's -- considering she's 8 she probably has a top speed of 5 or 6 mph at a full out sprint, and she _was_ coming from West Springfield. >> Harry Potter and the Religious Right Jeff Cross writes: JK Rowling's hyper-popular "Harry Potter" book series follows a young British boy's adventures at a school that trains children to use magic. It has drawn a fair amount of flak from more religious parents because they believe it could lead children on a path towards the King of Lawyers: the school claims it teaches "witchcraft," which they believe leads to the occult and devil worship and the end of morality as we know it. Joe Klemm adds: In reality, these tales are just stories that encourages children to read the adventures of Harry and his buds, Ron and Hermione. Benjamin Robinson: I notice that after Ned finishes reading the book, he immediately burns it. This is probably not coincidental. >> What the hell? A C&D order from the Smurfs? Benjamin Robinson: A performing-arts trio best known for Intel's quirky commercials promoting the Pentium III (and now IV) processors. They actually got their start many, many years before, gaining popularity as an off- Broadway act. I've seen them perform some of the bits from their show on TV, and, judging from this, what they do for Intel's ads is similar -- wacky stunts with splattering paint, gymnastics, and other daring- do. People either like it, or, like Homer, think it's weird. Or maybe both. >> Kiss first place goodbye, Martin "Ramblin' Ramba" M. C. Grant writes: Commonly regarded as goof: Martin and Lisa are in different classes and thus cannot compete. Maybe the winners from each class get together and have a school-wide competition. Lisa, as Martin's only true rival in Springfield, not competing due to missing the bus, would guarantee Martin first place. Just a thought, eh? Tim O'Darr: This is no goof. Remember when Lisa experimented on her brother after Bart tossed her giant tomato at Skinner's butt? He then beat HER (and we know they aren't in the same grade) with his hamster who could fly. The entire school was judged collectively. Jeff Robertson: My school only had one school-wide competition. There was no competing with just the people in your own class. Andrew Krupowicz: Same here. The kids who had no idea what they were doing were on equal footing with the older kids who had no idea what they were doing. Kerry Dem: At first I was thinking that Allison would also give Martin a run for his money, but she's probably not the true scientific type. She's more an English & literature type, wouldn't you say? So yes, if Lisa hadn't competed, Martin probably would've been guaranteed first place. >> "Well, you're the birthday boy" Joe Green notes: The scene where Lou asks Chief Wiggum if he can hold his gun sideways refers to a relatively recent action-film cliche, most likely inspired by the films of Hong Kong-born director John Woo. Ironically, I've been told by some firearms experts that trying to shoot people while holding a gun sideways isn't quite as effective as Hollywood seems to think. Haynes Lee adds: Hollywood cops' way of shooting handguns which in practice will screw up your wrist. "That Guy" (seriously, that's how he identified himself) disputes this: Why would holding a gun sideways screw up your wrist? The recoil on the gun exists on matter which way it is pointed. The direction of the recoil in the opposite of the direction of the projectile. Either way, it's a thump on the heel of your hand and the base of your thumb. I don't see what difference it would make to your wrist whether you are holding the gun vertically or horizontally. The sites on a gun are adjusted for vertical drop. Holding your pistol sideways would throw off your aim and would be useless for any but very close-range shooting. Scott Weaver: The gun reference wasn't to Hollywood police officers, it was a spook on every movie about the hood, or most rap videos. If you watch a rap video or a movie like "Boyz in the Hood," you see the Gangstas hold their gun at an angle rather than hold it normally. That is why Lou said it looks so cool. >> Car Watch's Day Joe Green: One of the cars that passes Homer when he hitchhikes is a late- 1980s Corvette. Benjamin Robinson: The car McBain drives is an actual late-model Ferrari, but I don't recall which one it was. (It's not a Testarossa. A 288GTO, maybe?) [Internet King says it's an F40 -- Ed.] His car has a back seat, which is technically an error. Of recent Ferraris, only the 465 and the Mondial had rear seating, and McBain's car definitely wasn't either of those. Cletus drives a late 40s or early 50s Chevrolet pickup truck. >> Fun with Promotions Haynes Lee: The tick on the back of Cletus' head shown in the commercial was not in the episode. One Monk describes the scene: The tick scene in the commercial was from where Homer is in Cletus' truck. Homer says to Cletus "There's something behind your ear." Cletus turns his head and Homer goes "It's a tick!" And it shows a tick run from behind Cletus' ear and onto his forehead. Mike Reed transcribes another promo: Voice-Over: It's a special 90 minute Simpsons marathon! (Homer reaches for a brownie, then screams.) Marge: I'm sorry! Homer: Sorry doesn't put thumbs on the hand, Marge! (Homer tries to get his severed thumb away from SLH over the timeslot.) Benjamin Robinson: Perhaps I'm imagining things, but I think the dialog between Bart and Milhouse as they rode their bikes to the fireworks cave changed a little. In a commercial airing shortly before the show's premiere, Bart asks Milhouse, "How's that girls' bike treating you?" In the show proper, the line is, "What's it like riding a girls' bike?" >> Miscellaneous, Etc. The Haynes Lee alterna-title for this episode is: Homer Got Fingered Joe Green suggests: Choose Your Own Misadventure Jeremy Gallen suggests: "Run Lisa Run" or "Lisa rennt" In a similar vein, Joe Klemm suggests: "Run, Homer, Run" ============================================================================== > Quotes and Scene Summary {bjr} ============================================================================== % Springfield awakens to a beautiful new day of blue skies and warm % sunshine. A garbage truck makes its rounds, its mechanical can- % lifting arm uprooting Ned's mailbox. ("Son of a diddly," Ned % mutters.) The paperboy delivers news of a truce between picnickers % and ants. Homer applies deodorant to *all* his bodily hair. And % Marge decides to try something new for breakfast. It is the start % of ... % % Homer's Day % % Homer has just stepped out of the shower when Marge calls % "breakfast," that he loses his towel in the rush downstairs. Lucky % for rest of the family, he's fully dressed by the time he's seated % at the table. But the family's not so lucky when it comes to the % breakfast menu. Homer: Aw, cereal? You know I like my breakfast fried, or chicken-fried. Marge: It's that healthy cereal from Europe. Meuslix. [spoons some from the bowl; it's viscous beige glop] [the children shudder simultaneously] They also make juicelix. [Maggie takes a drink from her cup. The same gooey cereal forms a messy strand between her face and the bottle] [the doorbell rings] Bart: It's Milhouse. [the doorbell rings several more times] And it sounds like he has big news! [runs out of the room] Homer: [spooning his cereal] Yugh. Lisa: Yuch. [aside to Homer] I'll get us out of this. [louder] Say Dad, wanna go see my project for the school science fair. Homer: [winks] No, Lisa. But I sure don't want to eat this crappy breakfast. [Lisa and Homer run out of the room, leaving Maggie trapped in juicelix like a tar baby] -- Master of subtlety, "Trilogy of Error" % Lisa shows her father her science-fair project, a little homemade % robot. Lisa: Meet Linguo, the grammar robot. I built him all by myself. If you misuse language, he'll correct you. Homer: Well, let's put him to the test. [slowly] Me love beer. Linguo: *I* love beer. Homer: Aw, he loves beer. Here, little fellow. [pours a handy can of beer in Linguo's mouth] Lisa: Dad, no! Linguo: [shorting out] Error. Homer: I'm sorry. I thought he was a party robot. Lisa: Ugh. This is why I can't have nice things. [growls, takes Linguo and goes upstairs] -- "Trilogy of Error" % Homer catches a whiff of something good and follows the scent to the % kitchen. Marge is making brownies for after dinner. Homer wants % one now, and playfully makes several grabs at them while Marge tries % to cut them into smaller squares. % % You know how they say you shouldn't fool around with sharp knives? % Homer discovers there's a good reason for that: Marge accidentally % severs his right thumb. Homer: Oh God, Oh God, Oh God! Marge: I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Homer: Sorry doesn't put thumbs on the hand, Marge! -- "Trilogy of Error" % Marge quickly bandages Homer's hand, and tells him that if they can % get to the hospital quickly enough, the doctors can re-attach it. % That may be easier said than done. In the confusion, Santa's Little % Helper has nabbed Homer's thumb. Homer tries tackling the dog, but % he misses, and SLH runs out through the doggie door. Homer gives % chase. % % Meanwhile, Marge calls 911. Wiggum: [answering phone] 9-1-1. This'd better be good. Marge: I cut off my husband's thumb! Wiggum: Attempted murder? You'll burn for this -- burn in jail! Marge: It was an accident. Wiggum: Yeah, yeah. Save it for "Dateline: Tuesday." Uh, what's your address so I can come arrest you? Marge: Arrest me? Um, my address, it's um, 1-2-3 ... Fake Street. -- "Trilogy of Error" % Homer chases the dog around the back yard. Homer: You want people food? I can give you people food. [SLH runs off] Oh, I have nothing he wants. -- Except maybe the other thumb, "Trilogy of Error" % Ned reads a story to Todd. Ned: [reading] Harry Potter, and all his wizard friends, went straight to Hell for practicing witchcraft. Todd: Yay! [Ned tosses the book into the fireplace, and it burns] -- Fundamentalist story-time hour, "Trilogy of Error" % Santa's Little Helper and Homer bound through the Flanders' living % room. "What the diddly-o?" Ned yells. Homer finally grabs the dog, % knocking the thumb into the path of Rod's electric train. Just % before the engine can run over the thumb, Homer stomps on the track, % saving the thumb but ruining Rod's train. % % No time for remorse, though. Homer and Marge rush in their car to % seek medical help. Marge is at the wheel. Marge: We've got to get to the hospital, Homer. Homer: Okay, if the doctor asks why you cut it off, you caught me in bed with four beautiful women. Marge: Let's just say that Bart did it. -- "Trilogy of Error" % Thinking up an alibi distracts Marge from the road, and she rear- % ends another car. Marge: [frustrated] Eh, doodlebugs. Ranier: [gets out of his car] My Ferrari! I had to do awful things to pay for her. -- "Trilogy of Error" % The enraged actor pulls a golf club from his car and exacts revenge % on the Simpsons' windshield. While Wolfcastle focuses on that, % Homer sneaks into the Ferrari, and motions for Marge to come join % him. She does, and they are soon on their way to Springfield % General Hospital. % % At the hospital, they consult with Dr. Hibbert. Hibbert: I'm sorry, Homer. Your HMO doesn't cover this type of injury. Homer: But I have finger insurance. Hibbert: A thumb is not a finger! Marge: Isn't there anything you can do? Hibbert: Well, I could cut off the other thumb for a sense of symmetry. Homer: Symmetry, eh? [cut to Homer and Marge driving in the Ferrari] Marge: Hibbert's really losing it. We're going to Dr. Nick's. -- Now you're talking desperate, "Trilogy of Error" % The thumb is starting to fade, so the Marge and Homer stop at Moe's % for some more ice. Homer goes into the bar while Marge waits in the % car. Homer: Quick, Moe! Marge cut off my thumb. Moe: No problem. Just stick the ol' eye-gouger in the pickle brine. That'll keep your thumb fresh and delicious. Homer: [puts the thumb in the pickled-egg jar, and takes the jar toward the front door] Thanks, Moe. Moe: Hey-ya, hey! Ain't you gonna have a beer? [sets a mug on the bar] Homer: Well, I really shouldn't, what with my massive blood loss and all. Although I do like the occasional beer. [several occasions later] [drunkenly] Did you ever see that Blue Man Group? Total rip-off of the Smurfs. And the Smurfs -- they suck! [passes out] -- "Trilogy of Error" % Moe smells the tell-tale scent of gangrene, and realizes he has to % revive Homer. Barney suggests a pot of coffee, which works. Homer % runs outside -- only to find Marge has gone! % % Homer tries hitchhiking, but his hitching thumb is the one in the % jar. Even so, Cletus the hick stops for him. Homer: Hey, thanks for stopping. Cletus: Tain't nothing. You and me share a common infirmity. If anyone ever tells you a hog won't eat a finger, they's lying. [holds up his left hand, which has two fingers missing] -- Country wisdom, "Trilogy of Error" % Cletus and Homer arrive at Dr. Nick's clinic, but Homer's streak of % bad luck continues. The clinic is on fire. Dr. Nick talks to the % fire chief, saying, "'Inflammable' means 'flammable'? What a % country!" It makes you wonder what led up to that incident. % % Homer doesn't have time to consider that, though. He asks Cletus if % he can take him to Shelbyville Hospital, but a thief makes off with % Cletus's truck. Homer has to walk the twenty miles to Shelbyville. % % He makes it a mile or so out of town before realizing that it's % futile. Homer sadly concedes defeat, sets down the pickled-egg jar, % and cradles his thumb in his hand. "Well, friend, we always knew % this day would come," he says. "Say goodbye to your brother." % There's a "bang" in the distance. Something is launched from the % city, and lands near Homer. It's Linguo's head! Homer: [gasps] Linguo -- dead? Linguo: Linguo *is* dead. [fades out] -- "Trilogy of Error" % Homer manually closes Linguo's eyes. % % [End of Act One. Time: 6:38] % % Springfield awakens to a beautiful new day of blue skies and warm % sunshine. A garbage truck makes its rounds, its mechanical can- % lifting arm uprooting Ned's mailbox. ("Son of a diddly," Ned % mutters.) The paperboy delivers news of a truce between picnickers % and ants. And Marge decides to try something new for breakfast. It % is the start of ... % % Lisa's Day % % Lisa is doing some tai-chi exercises to new-age music when Marge % announces breakfast is ready. [the doorbell rings] Bart: It's Milhouse. [the doorbell rings several more times] And it sounds like he has big news! [runs out of the room] Homer: [spooning his cereal] Yugh. Lisa: Yuch. [aside to Homer] I'll get us out of this. [louder] Say Dad, wanna go see my project for the school science fair. Homer: [winks] No, Lisa. But I sure don't want to eat this crappy breakfast. [Lisa and Homer run out of the room, leaving Maggie trapped in juicelix like a tar baby] -- D�j� vu, "Trilogy of Error" % Lisa shows her father her science-fair project, a little homemade % robot. Homer: Here, little fellow. [pours a handy can of beer in Linguo's mouth] Lisa: Dad, no! Linguo: [shorting out] Error. Homer: I'm sorry. I thought he was a party robot. Lisa: Ugh. This is why I can't have nice things. [growls, takes Linguo and goes upstairs. Homer catches a whiff of something good] -- "Trilogy of Error" % Lisa light's a small acetylene torch. Lisa: Hang on, Linguo. You'll be up and conjugating in no time. Homer: [offscreen] Aaagh! My thumb! Lisa: Quiet, please! Some of us are trying to weld. -- Some people can be so inconsiderate, "Trilogy of Error" % In spite of all the commotion from downstairs, Lisa quickly finishes % the repair job. Lisa: Almost done -- just lay still. Linguo: *Lie* still. Lisa: I knew that. Just testing. Linguo: Sentence fragment. Lisa: "Sentence fragment" is also a sentence fragment. Linguo: [shifts eyes around] Must conserve battery power. [shuts himself down] Lisa: Just come on. [runs downstairs] -- "Trilogy of Error" % Lisa just barely misses the bus, delighting Martin, who figures he % has a lock on first place. Lisa runs to the back yard to get her % bike, but it's missing. She tries to get a ride from her mother, % but by now Homer and Marge are rushing to the hospital. Desperate, % she begins to run to school. Downtown, a limousine almost hits her % as she crosses the street. Krusty leans out the rear passenger's % window. Krusty: [to his chauffeur] Idiot! You almost ran over a viewer! And she's in our key demo. [to Lisa] Sorry about that, kid. Need a ride? Lisa: Can you take me to school, Krusty? Krusty: Hop in. [Lisa gets in the car. Cut to the inside of the limo] [taps on the dividing glass] Hey, moron -- Springfield Elementary, and step on it. [the glass lowers, letting us see that Mr. Teeny, Krusty's chimp, is the chauffeur] [they drive a short distance before Chief Wiggum pulls them over] Wiggum: Hey, Teeny, you know where 123 Fake Street is? Teeny: [subtitled] Wiggum: Ah, it's okay. Hey, we got the same hat. [drives off] -- What's under it is similar, too, "Trilogy of Error" % Mr. Teeny drops Lisa off at school. She goes to her classroom, and % is surprised to discover a French language class in progress. Lisa: Huh? This isn't Miss Hoover's class. Teacher: [heavy French accent] I do not know this mademoiselle Oo-vair of which you speak. Lisa: What's happening? Where am I? Teacher: Sacre bleu! What a foolish question. You are at West Springfield Elementary School. Lisa: *West* Springfield!? I'm at the wrong school! [the class laughs] Teacher: En Francais. [class laughs with a stereotypical French accent] -- "Trilogy of Error" % Lisa runs down the hall and literally bumps into another student, a % boy about her age. Lisa: Sorry. I was rushing because I'm at the wrong school. [giggles] Can you believe that? Thelonious: It's understandable. All the schools in this area were built from identical plans. I guess they didn't have enough money to hire I. M. Pei. Lisa: You know about I. M. Pei? I. M. Impressed. [they share a laugh] Thelonious: My name's Thelonious. Lisa: As in "Monk?" Thelonious: Yes. The esoteric appeal is worth the beatings. Lisa: What do your friends call you? Thelonious: I don't really have any friends. Lisa: [gasps] Just like me! -- Birds of a feather, "Trilogy of Error" % Lisa and Thelonious hold hands and joyfully twirl around on West % Springfield's front lawn. Linguo joins in at some point. % Eventually, Lisa stops. Lisa: Oh, my God! It's 11:15! We've been spinning for hours. I've got to get to my school and hand in Linguo. Oh, but I don't want to leave you. Thelonious: You must. You can't sacrifice grades for romance. That's not the girl I fell for. Lisa: Will I ever see you again. Thelonious: Of course you will. At the magnet high school. Now go! -- If you love someone, set them free, "Trilogy of Error" % Lisa starts running again. Forty-five minutes later, she's in front % of Moe's tavern. She goes in, hoping to find her father there. % Homer hasn't shown up yet, but Chief Wiggum is sitting at one of the % booths, listening intently to a 2-way radio. Lisa jogs up to him. Lisa: Chief Wiggum, can you take me to school? It's an emergency. Wiggum: Uh, no can do, dollface. I've got this informant wearing a wire. Heh -- just like on "Nash Bridges." We're trying to get the goods on some smugglers. Tony: [over the radio] Why, I'd be delighted to sell you some illegally smuggled goods. Lisa: That sounds like Fat Tony. Wiggum: Only one way to be sure. [picks up a microphone] Fat Tony, is that you? Fat Tony! Legs: [over the radio] Hey, where'd that voice come from? Louie: [over the radio] This guy's wearing a wire. Tony: [over the radio] Take him out. [ominous bangs] Wiggum: My bad! Can't work my answering machine, either. Now I need a new informant. Say, Lisa, people trust you. How'd you like to be a snitch? The pay stinks, but ... [notices Lisa heading for the bar's rear door] Oh. -- "Trilogy of Error" % Just then, Homer runs into the tavern. It seems Marge has cut off % his thumb, and he needs to put it on ice ... % % Lisa runs to the front of the bar. Marge spots her, calls her over % to the car, and rather casually relates the day's events. When % Homer gets started on the Blue Man Group, Marge figures she has % plenty of time to get her daughter to school. % % More tough luck for Lisa -- the car runs out of gas. Cletus's truck % pulls up for a light, so Marge and Lisa hitch a ride by hopping in % back with the chickens. % % Meanwhile, up in the cab, Homer entertains Cletus by doing that % "detaching your own thumb" bit. Now, however, he can do it for % real. Homer: Abraca-thumb-bra! Cletus: [laughs] Dang, you could be one of them TV magic queers. -- "Trilogy of Error" % Cletus stops at Dr. Nick's clinic, and he and Homer get out of the % truck. Marge and Lisa are too busy digging themselves out from % under spilled chicken crates to notice them. It's getting late, and % Lisa begs her mother to get her to school. Reasoning that she's % already "borrowed" one car today, Marge takes Cletus's truck. % % Cletus yells after his missing truck. Homer dourly begins the long % walk to Shelbyville. % % Marge and Lisa barrel down the road to school. Suddenly, one of the % manhole covers in the street opens up. Bart climbs up through the % hole and into the path of the truck. Could this be the end for % America's bad boy? % % [It's the end of Act Two, at least. Time: 13:54] % % Springfield awakens to a beautiful new day of blue skies and warm % sunshine. A garbage truck makes its rounds, its mechanical can- % lifting arm uprooting Ned's mailbox. ("Son of a diddly," Ned % mutters.) The paperboy delivers news of a truce between picnickers % and ants. Bart's Krusty the Clown alarm clock goes off. It is the % start of ... % % Bart's Day % % Bart hits the snooze button. In response, mechanical Itchy and % Scratchy figures pop out of Krusty's forehead and strike Bart with a % mallet and an axe. Bart wakes up as his mother announces breakfast % is ready. [the doorbell rings] Bart: It's Milhouse. [the doorbell rings several more times] And it sounds like he has big news! [runs out of the room] -- Bart ducks out on a crappy breakfast, "Trilogy of Error" % Milhouse does have big news. Milhouse: I found something awesome in the woods! Bart: Is it a dead body? Milhouse: It's cooler than a million dead bodies! -- "Trilogy of Error" % Bart and Milhouse gleefully run to the back yard to fetch some % bikes. Bart grabs his bike, and offers Lisa's to Milhouse. Bart % has to flip through a huge ring of keys before finding the one to % Lisa's bike lock, but soon the boys are riding through the woods. % (Milhouse says it's "disturbingly comfortable" to ride a girls' % bike.) Milhouse takes Bart to cave, where his big discovery lies. Bart: Whoa. How'd you find it? Milhouse: This is where I come to cry. Bart: Cool. [Milhouse leads Bart to a chamber within the cave, which holds ten or twenty sacks] Sacks! Burlap sacks! Milhouse: It gets better -- they're full of fireworks! [opens one, revealing a bundle of fireworks] Bart: [surveying the cache] Bottle rockets, frog launchers, wheezing mamas ... [holds up a particularly large firework] Tijuana toilet- crackers! -- Worth their weight in gold, "Trilogy of Error" % The boys go on a firework-lighting spree. They blow up Skinner's % garden gnomes. They launch fireworks into an Army training base, % scaring the daylights out of the soldiers. They attach bottle % rockets to a bicycle wheel, and light them. The fiery wheel spins % rapidly, then launches itself off the bike. % % Meanwhile, in Dr. Nick's clinic, Cap'n McAllister is about to % undergo some light surgery. Dr. Nick: So, what are we doing? A lengthening, or a widening? Cap'n: Yar, er, let's make it both. [the flaming wheel flies into the office through an open window, and lands on a canister of ether as if it were peg in a ring-toss game] Cap'n: Yar! Dr. Nick: Don't worry; it's inflammable. ["inflammable" means "flammable" -- the canister and the office quickly ignite] Let's keep this our little secret. -- Patient-doctor confidentiality, "Trilogy of Error" % Bart and Milhouse are walking down the street when they hear the % sirens closing in on them. Not wanting to do time for illegal % fireworks profession, they duck into an abandoned building with a % funny address: 123 Fake St. % % Chief Wiggum pulls up, having finally found his destination -- the % home of "knifey-wifey." Lou gets permission to hold his cocked % sideways, like actors in the movies, because it's his birthday. % % The cops burst into the room. Wiggum: Okay, drop the knife, Stabitha! [notices Bart and Milhouse trying to stuff a sack of fireworks into a closet] Great Grucci's ghost. We've uncovered a hard-core cracker house. Lou: There's enough Chinese sky candy here to put you boys away for a long time. Milhouse: I can't go to juvey. They use guys like me as currency. Wiggum: Yeah, they'll pass you around like ... [pauses to think] well, like currency, like you said. -- "Trilogy of Error" % "Maybe we can make you boys a deal," Wiggum says. Later, he and the % boys are sitting at one of the booths in Moe's tavern. Wiggum rigs % Bart up with a walkie-talkie and outlines his plan. Wiggum: Your mission is to find the fireworks smugglers, and get them to say something incriminating on this tape. [holds up a cassette tape] Bart: [reading the tape label] "Hootie and the Blowfish"? Wiggum: Yeah. It's cheaper than blank tape. -- I'll just say "ouch" for Hootie, "Trilogy of Error" % Back at the cave, Fat Tony, Legs, and Louie start loading fireworks % from a large box into the sacks. They remark that they like this % new gig much better than running unions, a job that involved too % much paperwork. Bart interrupts them. Bart: Knock, knock. Excuse me. My friend and I were interested in purchasing quality fireworks. Milhouse: [conspicuously into Bart's shirt] Yes, we are. Tony: Why, I'd be delighted to sell you some illegally smuggled goods. [holds up a string of firecrackers] Wiggum: [over the radio] Fat Tony, is that you? Fat Tony! Legs: Hey, where'd that voice come from? Louie: [lifts Bart's shirt] This guy's wearing a wire. Tony: [points to Bart] Take him out. [Bart lights the fireworks Fat Tony's holding, and they go off with a bang. He takes the bag and runs away with Milhouse] Wiggum: [over the radio] My bad! -- "Trilogy of Error" % Tony and his men give chase, using sparkers to light their way. The % mobsters corner Bart and Milhouse at a dead end in the cave. Legs % and Louie draw their guns. Bart looks up, and sees a manhole cover % overhead. The sparklers burn down, singing the men's hands, and % Bart uses the darkness and confusion to climb the ladder to the % manhole. Milhouse follows him. % % Out of the frying pan, into the fire, it seems. Bart emerges in % front of Cletus's truck. Marge brakes hard, but still dinks Bart in % the back of the head. There's not much time to complain. Bart and % Milhouse crawl out of the manhole, with the gangsters close behind. % % Bart and Milhouse climb up some crates and then over a fence into an % alleyway. The mobsters climb the same fence and close in on the % boys, who are trapped. Fat Tony kicks down the crates so no one % else can follow them into the alley. Marge runs up to the fence, % and yells at Fat Tony. Then, she takes Linguo out of Lisa's % backpack and throws him at the gangsters. He hits Louie and comes % to rest sitting on the pavement. Louie: Hey! They's throwing robots! Linguo: They *are* throwing robots. Legs: He's disrespecting us. [to Linguo] Shut up you face! Linguo: Shut up *your* face. Legs: Whassamatta, you? Louie: You ain't so big. Legs: Me and him are going to whack you in the labonzza! Linguo: Bad ... gad grammar overload -- error, error! -- Yeah, what he said, "Trilogy of Error" % Linguo, who could really use a better error-handling mechanism, % throws sparks. Some of them land on Bart's fireworks bag, setting % off an explosion that blasts Linguo to the high heavens. % % Meanwhile, at a trash can just outside of town, Linguo's head lands % near Homer. % % Cut back to the alleyway. There's a big scorch mark on the ground. % Fat Tony and his gang lie unconscious on the pavement. Marge lifts % the lid of the garbage can where Bart and Milhouse are hiding, and % tells them they're safe now. Homer runs up with his severed thumb % and Linguo's head. Homer: Oh, thank goodness everyone's okay. Marge: Except your thumb, and Lisa's science project. Tony: [who has regained consciousness, and is being handcuffed by Wiggum] I couldn't help but notice your respective predicaments. Perhaps I may offer a bipartite solution. -- "Trilogy of Error" % At school, Lisa presents a new, off-the-cuff project on severed % digit re-attachment. Legs demonstrates the principle by sewing % Homer's thumb back on his hand. Legs: There you go. Enjoy your thumb. [Homer wiggles his thumb, and it regains its normal color] Lisa: As the circulation returns, the subject prepares for a long and painful recovery. [the class applauds] It's lucky for me that Legs is an experienced Mob doctor. Tony: He once pulled a slug out of my arm and inserted it into a stoolie's brain. Hoover: That's a first-place science project Lisa. Family: Yay! [class applauds again] Marge: Boy this sure was one crazy day. [Mr. Teeny jumps into her arms] Right Mr. Teeny? [he makes some chimp noises, and the class laughs] Teeny: -- Everyone's a critic, "Trilogy of Error" % [End of Act Three. Time: 20:13] % % Normal closing credits and Gracie Sound. ============================================================================== > Contributors ============================================================================== {ak} Andrew Krupowicz {bjr} Benjamin Robinson {boc} Brian O'Connell {dc} Da Cainster {ddg} Don Del Grande {dj} Darrel Jones {gm} George Mealer {hl} Haynes Lee {ik} Internet King {ja} Jamie Adam {jc} Jeff Cross {jg2} Joe Green {jk} Joe Klemm {jr} Jared Rasmussen {mg} Matt Garvey {tpl} T. P. Liang {vy} Vince Yim ============================================================================== > Legal Mumbo Jumbo ============================================================================== This episode capsule is Copyright 2004 Benjamin Robinson. It is not to be redistributed in a public forum without consent from its author or current maintainer ( All quoted material and episode summaries remain property of The Simpsons, Copyright of Twentieth Century Fox. All other contributions remain the properties of their respective authors. The Quote and Scene Summary itself is Copyright 2003 Benjamin Robinson. This capsule has been brought to you by Fat Tony's Cut-Rate Fireworks. This work is dedicated to Raymond Chen, James A. Cherry, Ricardo Lafaurie, Frederic Briere, and all of those who made episode capsules what they are today.